Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

The Ego is Massive when Stroked

I stop peeping at my new apostle, focusing on the construction happening around my body. Black marble blocks are slowly being created by the angels around me. Yeah, I've just decided to call them angels. They look like them anyway. They're creating a massive temple the size of this entire city. It'll essentially function as a city in-and-of itself. People will eat, sleep, and play in it. Several gardens and playgrounds will be constructed on the roof and around the temple as well.

As for my little apostle… I'll give her a dream showing her a good attack ability to use. Of course, it'll be taught by me. As her faith in me grows, so too shall her power. She could very quickly and easily overcome her brother.

Speaking of him, he keeps moving closer and closer to the temple. Probably got a big ego since he's been on a winning streak. Or maybe he's drawn to me.

It seems like the shadow monarch is part of the abyss, just diluted. It seems like it reached into the abyss to get its shadowy nature. Makes sense honestly.

Does that mean I have those necromancer-like powers as well? Well, yes and no. I can do actual necromancy, hell, I can bring back the dead. It just isn't like his spells that bring back shadows. I could probably do that as well, but I fail to see the point in doing so.

Ah, the little dude is in front of the construction. I mentally tell one of the angels to bring him to me. I can sense every single summon he has dancing around in his little shadow.

As he stands before me, I ask him,

"What is it, mortal?"

He scowls slightly and says,

"What's your purpose here?"

I chuckle. Oh yeah, he's got an ego after all that success.

"To destroy the planet and kill every last human present. That's why I'm building a temple and not just destroying things, obviously."

He draws his blades after hearing the first part before saying,

"Heh, wow. Didn't know monsters were capable of humor."

I look down at him. He looks like a literal ant. And not Beru, a regular ant. An ant who got overconfident and believes it can kill an entire planet by itself. I speak up to him,

"You humans always tend to overestimate yourselves and underestimate everything else. If I wanted, I could vaporize you without you ever realizing it the second you drew those toothpicks at your sides."

Jinwoo scoffs and says,

"Sounds like you're overestimating yourself and underestimating humanity!"

Well, I suppose I am lowering the amount of magic I'm releasing so I can't blame him for underestimating me. Not my fault he'd die if I wasn't holding back. I suppose I could at least bring it up a little. My aura, which was around the peak of C-rank, starts growing. Jinwoo feels a pressure begin to leave my body, as I begin to use that one Eldritch nature ability. It seems to have the effect I was hoping for, as Jinwoo seems to get nervous as the mana tugs at his heartstrings. Eventually, I peaked at around A-rank as any more would kill him. I stare down at him from high up, my face devoid of any emotion, before speaking,

"Understand this, human: I am not some monster you're tasked with slaying. I am a being that could destroy your planet with the snap of a finger and then bring it back like nothing had ever happened. I am not subject to your judgement. You're lucky I have a vested interest in someone close to you, or I'd have snapped your neck."

I i look directly at his shadow and speak,

"Even that little army of yours could be squashed in an instant. Now leave. Before I change my mind and you become the first human of this world to feel the wrath of god literally."

I turn back to act as if I'm asleep and sense Jinwoo begin walking backwards slowly. He's probably thinking he should become stronger and come back later, but sorry bruh. Unless you can somehow find a way to become a low ranking Demi-god like me, you won't stand a single chance.

Eventually the little ball of ego wanders off, and construction starts once more. I could build the temple within seconds, but I don't feel like it. Plus, it gives my little angels something to do. Actually, I may as well go ahead and get started. I call a couple thousand angels to me and get started on giving them a task.

"Alright. You guys shall act as priests. Your task is to start converting people. My Eldritch nature has already spread across the planet, so it should be easy to convert them. If you're attacked, let me know. That country will be wiped from the face of the earth."

I fully expect them to be attacked, hence why I only made them D-rank. Or S-rank by this world's standards. I want them to be killed by someone to give me an excuse. I may have preached about "thou shall not kill the innocent," but that's more of a 'do as I say not as I do' thing. People still worship those awful "gods" they thought up who have done far worse. I've never once demanded a sacrifice! Wait… have I? Well, not that I can remember!

As the angels take off to begin proselytizing, I peek back in at my little apostle. Dawww she's so adorable, sneaking out of her moms house to go kill goblins! Well, sorry sweetheart, but I'll have to veto that decision! I've still got that dream to show you!


(Jinah POV:)

As I'm about to leave the house, I get a sinking feeling in my chest. Maybe… I'm not ready just yet. Yeah, I'll train for a while before going into a dungeon. Even an F-rank is still dangerous!


Wow. I guess I was more tired than I thought. I turn back around and trudge over to my room again. Man, I must have been really tired. I reach my bed and plop down into it, passing out almost instantly as my face hits my pillow.

It's funny, I've never fallen asleep so quickly before. Wait, was I drugged?! I hear a voice come from behind me, sounding melodic and smooth but also slightly sultry,

"Hahaha, sort of, child. I used magic to make you tired."

I turn around and face that same woman from my dreams last time. She's so beautiful! Even though her features are hard to make out, I can still tell that she's drop-dead gorgeous! That velvety voice speaks up once again,

"Awh, thank you sweetie. Anyways, sadly I'm not here to play tonight. I'm here to train you before you go into a dungeon, as you still have no idea how to properly utilize your abilities."

The woman snaps her fingers and the previously black surroundings change to a dirt floor with several training dummies dotted around. The woman speaks to me yet again,

"So, I believe I should introduce myself again. I am Seraphim, goddess of death, life, and fertility. At least, that's what the public knows me as. In reality, I am a candidate for the goddess of the Abyss. That is where you and I draw our powers from."

The woman teleports a little further away and speaks,

"So, to start off, I'm going to show you some of the moves that are available to you now. Watch closely, as you need a good image to do this."

I watch as she points her hand out and points her fingers like a gun. A black glow envelopes her arm and moves up to her finger, ending up in a little marble point. Then, all hell breaks loose. The small marble pops and the energy contained within shoots forwards in a straight line, cutting through several dummies with ease. The beam continues on after that off into the distance. I look back to her, but she points back towards the horizon.

A blinding light flashes from far away, which causes me to flinch and cover my eyes. I slowly look up again and see… A mushroom cloud? The cloud is gigantic. Even from where I'm standing, I can feel the heat from that thing. I see some sort of invisible line moving towards me faster than the average eye can see. As the line hits me, I'm rocked as the loudest sound I've ever heard rocks my body,


After the initial bang, the sound turns into a low rumble as the cloud continues to rise. Black lightning arcs throughout it, making the cloud look like an evil storm of pure malice, hell-bent on destroying any life it comes across.

I look back over towards Seraphim, who is smiling at me smugly. She speaks in a calm voice,

"One day, you too shall be able to do that and more. But for now, you can only really utilize the beam part. Let's get started shall we?"

Hah. Haha. I don't know if I'm in front of a goddess or a devil!


AN: aight, i don't usually go back on what i say, but i was a little drunk yesterday so i'm gonna veto it. sorry guys, but this story isn't gonna have any romance. cheng fenfang will however for future reference. (you already know its gonna be yuri, that's all i write lol).

man, i've been writing some long ass chapters recently, huh?

also, book announcement! i'm gonna be writing a fictional WWII-type book set in another world soon. the MC's name is Katerina, and she's isekai'd into the body of herself from another timeline where her father is the emperor. So, be on the lookout for that starting next year! The name of the book will be The Age of Fire and Steel. (subject to change, but i really liked that one lol)

anyways, paypal me your money. or don't... it's not like i wanted it or anything, baka!


(obviously, only send me money if you're financially stable enough to do so.)

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