Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Divine Mist

Since Milim left, a few years have passed by. Humans and monsters alike have been pouring into my city after hearing about it. At first, humans were attacking the monsters, but a quick round of executions were enough to quell their hatred,or at least make them live with it for now. Any attempted murder is an immediate execution, as the judges are able to see through any lies thanks to the truthseer ability they got. I don't know how they got them, but I'm not gonna question it.

I've started being worshiped as a god now. Churches have been built all over the city to give people a place to learn my teachings. Every now and then, I'll heal someone who prays for healing.

It's a little boring just sitting still, but due to my nature, I don't mind it. It's rather peaceful in my city due to the near-demon lord levels of my creations. Lucy has been bringing me the corpses of several slightly strong monsters, leading me to have gained about 100k magicules.

[Magicules gained: 112759 (870374)]

I've noticed that after becoming a demon lord, I've stopped incorporating other creatures' DNA into my own. I can feel why… My body may have gained a temporary boost from the other DNA, but now it's trying to purify itself… My body yearns to be free of its draconic side. To be a true phoenix. A being unobstructed by death, forged by abyssal flames. The creature even immortals fear. An abyssal phoenix. This blood is keeping me from my true strength. The filthy lizard blood…

I think for a few hours on what I can do to become a pure phoenix. For now, I have no known methods. And I'm not some medieval doctor who believes you can bleed someone's heritage from them. I realize that I may get an answer as I grow, because I've still got a long way to go before demon lords reach their peak strength.

I can feel another group of people coming to my city, in a caravan of sorts. As they are welcomed into the city, I feel something change within me. I feel warmth wash over my body. I feel a connection spread from me to every individual under my influence. As this connection forms, I feel every individual in the city look towards the temple and bow to pray. A golden light erupts from my body, as I feel a halo start forming above my head and my skin starts to turn brighter. This warmth feels… Wrong.

Suddenly, the golden glow from before is infected by a dark inky black. It makes my skin go back to its usual black color, and even turns it a smidge darker. My wings erupt into black flames as a dark mist forms around my body. The halo from before becomes dark like a black hole, but still gives off a warm glow.

This mist continues on. It expands from my body to the corners of the temple, then escapes from the openings and quickly consumes the entire temple district. It passes through the gates into the noble district and covers everything in black. It covers the common district and even begins going beyond the walls.

At first, everyone felt fear well up in their hearts. But this fear is gone as the mist nears them. It fills them with a calm and warm feeling. Crying children fall silent, screaming men and women instead freeze in place. The priests all around the capital begin their prayers.

"O' abyssal one. Bathe us in your presence. Let us be free of illness, and unfearful of death. Protect us, for we are thy kin. Tho' our presence is meager, our belief in you shall shake the world. O' abyssal one."

The mist grows to cover all territory controlled by the city state of Abyssia. Every individual touched by this mist feels themselves calmed to the point of true and utter peace. Their injuries are healed. Sickness is banished. They feel themselves grow more lively. The elderly feel several years younger. Any criminal feels themselves grow remorseful for their actions, no matter how petty. People feel all hatred, anger, sadness, or envy fade from their bodies. Everyone looks towards the temple, just in time to see her.

Seraph flies above her temple, in a billow of smoke. Her wings bathed in a black flame that seems to swallow any light that comes near. She looks out over her city and lets out a cry,


Her black halo burns brightly as she calls out, bathing the entire country in a dark glow. The clouds that were covering the sky that day seem to have vanished, leaving a bright blue sky.

I go back to my throne and sit. Immediately, I'm greeted by a screen.

[You have successfully evolved into a Divine Titan]



[Name: Seraph, Mama, Mommy, +6]

[Sex: VOID]

[Race: Divine Abyssal Draenix]

[Class: Divine Titan*, True Dragon, Demon Lord]

[Titles: Divine Titan of the Abyss*, Demon Lord of the Abyssal Plane]

[Wingspan: 2476m - 2746m]

[Height: 582m - 684m]

[Magicules: 757,615 - 984632]

[Assimilated DNA: 9]

[New Abilities:]

[Divine Realm: Your Abyssal dimension has been upgraded into a divine realm. Your divine realm can be whatever you imagine it to be, and the souls of your believers shall be there for eternity after passing away.]

[Divine presence: Individuals much weaker than you cannot stand in your presence while this is active, and shall fall to their knees.]

[New Mutations:]

[Divine aura: Your aura fills people with warmth and has a calming effect.]

[*Divine Titan: Due to you gaining a significant amount of worshippers, you have taken your first steps towards becoming a god. Age and disease shall never affect you.]

[*Divine Titan of the Abyss: Attacks from enemies under 700k magicules shall no longer affect you.]




[You have taken your first step into godhood.]


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