Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Effects of the Harvest Festival

Earth had changed quite a bit since Seraph's evolution into a demon lord. First off, its size had increased quite a bit, growing to be about a quarter bigger. Another separate continent has formed that is shrouded by a black fog. Any creature going near it has died. No titan even attempts to approach the island, feeling that they will certainly die should they approach. This island was created by Earth for Seraph and her kin. The island itself is gorgeous, shaped like a raven. It's about the size of Australia, but is instead a temperate evergreen forest waiting to be carved out by any inhabitants.

The creatures of the island seem to live in harmony, with every one of them being an herbivore. They help each other survive, with the taller goat-like creatures knocking leaves out of the trees they eat fruits from, and the mouse-like creatures eating the leaves dropped by them. There is however one thing that sets these creatures different from the rest of the Earth.

Each and every one of them has black fur, skin, feathers, or scales. The scariest part about them is the fact that each one of them starts off with about 50k titan energy.


Ares and Remy just woke up from the harvest festival. They look at each other and notice something… Their hair has black strands through it now and they feel some… Connection to another dimension.

Ares decides to see the new dimension she feels attached to. She creates a portal to the dimension and walks through. She is greeted by an all black cube with a mound of grass as the ground. A large log cabin sits in the center with a welcome mat at the front. Ares walks inside as Remy finally builds up enough courage to walk into the portal,


Remy starts running around the grass, feeling it rubbing against her feet. It feels just like the grass on Mars, except even softer. Ares walks into the cabin and immediately feels warmth. She smells her mom's scent in the cabin. Tears start flowing from her eyes as she takes in the scent.

"I guess I missed you more than I thought…"


Gaia wakes up on her throne and finds black grass growing underneath her feet. She also has black streaks in her hair. She stands up and feels the world around her asking her if she's alright. She kneels down and pets the grass underneath her,

"I'm okay, Atlas. My mom did something that made us all stronger. I suppose it's about time I fix you fully huh?"

Titan energy shoots from Gaia's arm, coating the entire planet. Life starts to pop up all across the planet, starting with a black grass. Trees with black leaves start to form. Water becomes a clear blue all across the planet.

Gaia feels Atlas' happiness wash through her like a whiskey. She smiles warmly at her planet and runs her finger through the glass.

"I love you too, girl."

Her planet basically functions like a child for her.

'You know, at first I hated mom for leaving me here by myself. But Atlas has made this so much better. I wanted to be a god, which I still do, but now I feel like I've calmed down. I just wanna live a happy life with Atlas now.'

She feels the same connection with the dimension that Ares and Remy are currently in. She opens a portal and lets Atlas know she'll be gone for a little while before walking in.

The second she walks in, she sees Remy playing around in a field around a log cabin. Remy senses her entry, and feels a connection form between the two. A smile grows on Remy's face as she sees her and she yells out while running to her,


She jumps up into the air for a hug, but Gaia side steps her and makes her faceplant on the soft grass. Gaia yells out in confusion,


Remy pulls her face up with grass sticking to her face. The grass falls off and turns into a black misty ink. Her smile still plasters her face as she speaks up in her usual cheery voice,

"Yup! Mama had me, Ares, and you!"

Gaia nods her head and speaks again,

"And what's your name?"


"I'm Gaia. I guess you're my older sister or something? Well… It's nice to meet you."

Remy nods her head and smiles before asking,

"Do you wanna play with me?"

Gaia shakes her head and says,

"No thanks, I'm more of a sit still and relax type."

Remy frowns as she starts complaining to herself aloud,

"Ugh, why can't mama have a kid that likes playing like me! Ares plays with me but she also wants to be alone sometimes! Nobody likes playing with me!"

Remy runs away crying as Gaia starts to feel guilty. She has no idea how to deal with people, thanks to her not having another person to talk to. Her eyes waver as she sees Remy run around the cabin, but she decides against chasing her. She walks into the cabin and finds Ares on the couch reading a book.

Ares speaks up as she enters,

"I thought mommy would have more kids soon. I'm Ares, who are you?"

Ares looks up at her and smiles. Gaia is a little off-put by Ares' aloof nature. She speaks up,

"Uh. I'm Gaia."

Ares nods her head and speaks while reading,

"What planet did she have you take care of?"

Gaia sits down on another chair in the living room.

"It's called Atlas. It was completely dead before I got there."

Ares nods her head and continues,

"She put Remy and I on Mars. We just recently started to get more titans appearing on it. Before you ask, no I'm pretty sure we aren't from the same Mars as your dimension. Ours is completely green and blue now."

Gaia nods her head,

"That's weird. My planet's grass is black…"

Ares nods her head and chimes in with some information that might help,

"It's probably due to our mothers evolution she just went through. It probably awoke your abyssal attributes more and affected your planet as well. We terraformed ours before she ever left the dimension."

Gaia nods her head and decides to leave, having introduced herself to the two.

"I'll be going now. Atlas is a bit of a clingy type."

Ares nods her head and goes back to reading her book.

Gaia leaves the dimension and immediately is asked a bunch of questions by Atlas.

"Don't worry girl I'll tell you."

She went about the rest of the day talking to Atlas about the dimension she just went to and talking about her sisters.


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