Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Phoenix God of the Abyss

Since I got some time till the orc thing happens, I decide to experiment on something I've been thinking of. I teleport out into the void. I curl into a fetal pose and try something. I take some magicules out of my body. The reactor and my system instantly recover the energy. Then, I force the magicules back into my body. Instantly, I feel a piercing pain in my body.

[WARNING: Circulating magicules without a proper method will result in immense pain, and possibly death.]


I continue forcing the mana into my body and feel myself being ripped apart from the inside out. However, even though I'm dying, I feel so fucking strong!

[Ability gained:]

[Sacrificial Cultivation: A method of cultivating power exclusive to those who are unaffected by death.]

[Magicules gained: 20-50-700-10000…]

As the magicules run rampant in my body, I suddenly feel something in my body snap. My entire body is covered in flames, and I start turning to ash.






Hm. So, it seems my calculations were incorrect.

I adjust a fake pair of glasses as my soul travels at many times the speed of light, back towards tensura. I thought I could take more punishment, but apparently not. Damn, that's more dangerous than I thought. How many did I get?

[Magicules gained: 735,085 (98,864,725,189)]

Damn. That really wasn't worth it. Haaaaaah. I feel like I've been sighing a lot recently. Maybe cuz canon is boring when you're actually strong.

[Abyssal Star Devourer cooldown has reset.]


Houston, we have a poggers.

Remind me never to say that again. Anyways, it seems my death made the cooldown end! Talk about plot armor! I'm not gonna go absorb the first star I see though, I wanna get another O-class absorbed. That's really the only one worth it. Wait. Why would I be limited to stars? Why can't I absorb a black hole? I mean, I have creation magic and everything.

My brain goes into overdrive, coming up with all the different possible methods I could use to absorb the energy from a black hole. My current thought is to somehow take the photon ring of the hold and use it to slowly but surely pull all the energy from it to fuel me. Similar to a penrose sphere, but instead of bouncing the radiation back and forth, I absorb it into my body. I mean, my body is basically a dyson sphere already! Just gotta repurpose some of the ability!

I finally arrive at my destination, a burned down village. Yeah, faith in humanity ruined again. I absorb all of the pure souls and send them to paradise while sending the impure ones to hell. I teleport back into space and look around for a black hole. They're significantly harder to find, you know, cuz they're black in the void of space. But, using the inherent radiation radar I have, I find one after just a few hours of searching. It's pretty small. About the size of pluto. Perfect to test my theory on. I get into orbit around the black hole and start the process.

Using gravity magic, I turn myself into something of a black hole as well. Light starts bending around me as my body grows more and more dense with each second. I eventually overtake the black hole by 10%. I don't wanna go too high in case it starts moving towards me. I start feeling the hawking radiation coming from the black hole as its photon ring starts circling around me. After the photon ring completely circles me, the black hole and I look like the number 8.

Immediately, I feel power welling up inside me once again. Nothing could ever compare to this. This… Feeling of ecstasy. My entire body shudders as I feel the power building. My muscles tense up, and every magicule in my body gets excited. I open my eyes and see the most beautiful array of colors. They pass by my eyes at incredible speed. All the stars that were around me, all the galaxies I could see in the distance, everything. Absolutely everything turns into lines of color, blasting by me at the speed of light. It feels like I'm watching something unfathomable, yet beautiful. Like the creation of a universe.

I feel that lump inside my chest grow and grow, until something cracks. The second this lump breaks, a shell starts to encase my body.


Hmm. This time I wasn't knocked out for my evolution. I can actively feel the changes to my body. My previous 8 wings (8 individual wings. 4 sets. Stop asking) become just two. But… These two wings are made entirely of black holes, and seem to span for all of space and time. The halo above my head becomes an actual black hole, sucking all light around it in. My skin grows even darker, blending in with the void itself. My feathers start to emit black flames constantly.

I feel my understanding of multiple things grow… I know why I was reincarnated. I know why I was unable to cross dimensions. I know why I died when using that cultivation method.

While I may know a lot of things I didn't before, I wouldn't say I'm omniscient. Nowhere near it.

I feel my realm, paradise, start to change. The city grows further and further, until finally, it starts to morph. The previously flat city starts to turn spherical, becoming an ecumenopolis. A star forms at the perfect distance from the planet. Several other planets form around this star, each once being different types of liveable planets.

An ocean planet, a desert planet, a jungle planet, a planet with all different types of biomes. They all orbit around the star at the same distance.

Then, other star systems begin to form. Thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, hundreds of millions. With each system, I feel myself growing stronger. Eventually, an entire galaxy forms inside my dimension. As the galaxy forms, I feel my egg crack.

[Congratulations on reaching 100b magicules]


[Congratulations on becoming a Demi-god]


[Magicules gained: 239,958,613,425 (338,823,338,614)]

[Congratulations on evolving]


[You are now an Abyssal Phoenix God]

[Title gained: Phoenix God of the Abyss]

[You now have the ability to teleport through dimensions.]


AN: she big gorl now. size reveal next chap.

e x p a n d

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