Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Renaming and Heists

I teleport into the manor and come upon a scene I never imagined possible… Remy, Ares, Gaia, and Undine are all asleep and cuddling each other! Oh my gah! So cute! Using creation magic, I create a polaroid camera and start taking pictures. I take a few hundred pictures and decide to just let the girls sleep.

I walk over to Remy and say,


Instantly, an egg grows around her. I guess she's evolving. I walk over to Ares and say,


An egg grows around her as well. I walk over to Gaia.


Then, I get to Undine.


With the three babies evolving, I move onto the flying whale and fox.

"Kale, Jeff."

The two small creatures who were cuddling each other get put into eggs as well.

These evolutions may take some time, so I leave my dimension. I return and tell Lucy to come back. She's been a loyal little devil, so I need to make her stronger as well.

Her portal to hell opens in front of my throne and little Lucy walks out,

"Yes, Lady Sera?"

I teleport in front of her and take her into my dimension. I then say,

"I'm renewing your name. I want you to be as strong as possible. Lucifer."

As I say her name, something grows and hatches inside her, causing her to become a demon lord. Her magicule count swells to well over 40b, causing her to become the second strongest demon lord behind me alone. She looks at me with stars in her eyes and says,


She's about to portal out before I yank her back and yell,

"WAIT! I don't need you to hunt for me anymore! Nothing in that world will be enough to make me much stronger. Now, I need you to take care of hell for me. You're the only person for the job. I know you'll do perfectly as the queen of hell."

[Note: Lucifer has acquired title: Queen of hell.]

Heh. Now I'm making titles. I'm getting more and more godly with each day! I look at Lucy, who is currently shaking with excitement. I hear what sounds like a car engine revving up slowly,


She goes back to hell and, presumably, announces to everything there that she's the new ruler.

Heh. She's pretty adorable. Scary too. But still adorable.

I look around Paradise, and feel that the city has grown too large. I'll have to do something about it soon. I have some ideas for what to do. Let's just say I've always been a fan of sci-fi.

I go back out of my dimension into my throne room and look over towards tempest. Seems Rimuru is fighting the ogres now. I teleport over there and watch the fight. I always felt that Rimuru was a bit too arrogant during this fight. I mean, if he had actually tried to kill him, I guarantee you Hakurou could have. Rimuru is one of the people who are the very definition of plot armor, but whatevs. The fight ends the same as in canon, and I feel bad as I look at Kurobe. The friendly giant was always forgotten. They literally made a side story about him being lonely, dude.

I feel like the author could have done a lot more with him. I mean, he has all the trademarks of the kind quiet character who just happens to be a berserker when they fight. Honestly, while they may not be too attractive as ogres, I still want Shion to step on me. Too bad she's a major simp. Benimaru is as chuuni as ever, same with Souei. And there's the other unfortunate simp, the cute as fuck Shuna. Haaaah… Why do the cute ones always simp for the femboys… I could be a femboy if I wanted you know? Ah! I'm getting sidetracked again.

I look over and see Hakurou staring at me after their fight ends, heh. I look back at him, and we have a staring contest before he finally shrugs and looks away. Heh, gotcha bitch. You looked away first, so therefore I'm the alpha. Wait, no I'm a sigma.

I feel like my chin just grew, the world turned black and white, and some awesome music started playing. Weird.

Anyways, I fly back towards tempest and sit in wait. I wanna try the food. Of course, I'm gonna steal it from Rimuru. Who else would I steal from? The adorable gobby kids? Hell nah!

I lay down in a branch and wait, and what do you know, that same goblin girl finds me again. She looks up at me and gets a big smile on her face before tugging her mom's arm. She points at me and says,


I fly down and land on the girl's shoulder. This time, her mom doesn't try to stop me. The girl smiles and puts her hand in a small bag on her waist, pulling out a few seeds. Awe. She must have heard birds like eating seeds, so she's been keeping these with her. As I eat the seeds, I notice how she's already grown a little. It's only been a few weeks, yet she already looks a year older. Damn, gobby's grow fast. She was like 4 before, but now she looks 5 or even 6.

She watches me eat the seeds with a big smile, before someone shouts,


Her mother takes her hand and starts leading her to greet him. I fly off onto the room of a nearby hut, and the girl looks at me while walking away, waving at me.

I sit in wait on the hut. Hakurou looks at me again, once again challenging my sigma nature. This time I squint at him slightly, intimidating him. He chuckles and looks away. I win again bitch.

I see a few hobby gobbys setting up a chair for Rimuru to sit in. It's almost time for the great theft. I'm gonna steal the skewer before he can even bite. It'll be glorious. People will remember this as the day they almost caught, Demon. Lord. Sera.

Well, they would, if someone hadn't brought out a small chunk of magisteel and got me distracted. As I look at the glowing stone, I hear Rimuru's mating call…



DAMMIT! I fly over and yoink the remaining skewer off the plate, much to the chagrin of the surrounding hobby gobbys. Rimuru watches as I fly off onto a nearby room and begin eating the meat.

HOLY SHIT! THIS IS MEDIOCRE! Honestly. The chefs in my kingdom make better stuff than this on the daily. HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAH! DAMMIT! I guess tempest hasn't really developed really good food yet. I fly over to Rimuru again and drop the skewers back onto his plate. Man, I was looking forward to that too.


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