Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Play Ball!

As I place the staff into the statue's hands, I put a plaque on the bottom, reading: The Staff of Death.

Simple, yet effective. Hmm… Maybe I should get runes in my next world. I wonder what world would have the right one? I want a rune of instant death… Gotta brainstorm on that. Anyways, onto my next trick.

I create a second staff. This one is made of the wood of a certain golden tree that recycles souls. Yeah, the Erdtree, I teleported a piece of it through dimensions for this. The wood itself, however, has none of the abilities of the actual Erdtree. Which, I don't really care about. I wanted it for its golden color. I shape the wood to have another raven on it, wrapping its wings around a sphere. Now onto the orb.

I create a miniature planet. This planet has ten different continents on its surface and a vast ocean. I create creatures of all shapes and sizes, just with one thing constant between them: they're all pacifists. No creature on this planet will ever have the desire to hunt or kill. Their only goals are to live together in peace and harmony. I create some angels that will be the intelligent species living on this planet. These angels have no desire to kill anything, and only wish to live in peace.

For each new baby born on this planet, even plants, the staff will gain magic power. And, as the power grows, so too shall the planet. The planet will have no limit to its growth, even becoming capable of growing to the size of the universe if it gains enough power. I can already imagine it, a planet with hundreds of millions of continents all surrounded by lightyear deep oceans. Terrifying, honestly.

I create a statue of Remy holding her hands out with a cute little smile. I place the staff in her hands and make a plaque reading: The Staff of Life.

I suppose that's enough of the staff making for now. I'll have to tell Guy that I attacked the capital of the eastern empire and completely demolished it. I bring the rings of demon lords up to my mouth and speak,

"Aight I wanna call a walpurgis."

Milim is the first to answer,


Guy answers after,

"Why not?"

Everyone else agrees soon after. I'm also gonna let them know about my plans for the future and how I'll be leaving for good soon. Milim won't like that. But I sadly can't stay here, as I'll need to gain more strength eventually. Plus, I don't know why but I feel like people are watching my every move and would get bored if I stayed here for a few thousand years after canon…

Anyways, I would wait for Rain and Misery, but I decide to just teleport into the room and wait. Yeah, I know it takes a few days for the walpurgis to actually start, but meh. I'm patient.

And in no time, everyone begins arriving. I just sit tight in my seat and wait. Once everyone arrives, with Rimuru of course being the last, I open my eyes. Misery introduces everyone yet again and blahblahblah.

Anyways, now it's my turn to talk. Guy asks me a question,

"Well, Sera?"

I nod and begin my little speech,

"Well, as some of you may know, I destroyed the capital of the eastern empire."

Rimuru's face goes from calm to HUUUUUUH?! in a split second. I ignore him and continue on,

"The reason for doing so might be a little shocking to some of you. The eastern empire is the reason behind the angels attacking the planet every few centuries. Their leader, Rudra, is the oldest human alive, being older than even I myself. However, he was gifted a skill by Veldanava called Michael. This skill corrupted him, gaining more and more control over the man as time went on."

The people in the group listen with attention, especially Dino,

"The skill was planning on wiping all life off the planet as a sacrifice to attempt resurrecting Veldanava. Even though such a thing wouldn't work. Despite Veldanava's love for the world and the creatures he's created, this skill still wished for such a thing. So, it built an empire. This empire was thousands of years more advanced than the rest of the world. They had the power to slay demon lords. And, they were planning on it. Soon, they were planning on attacking tempest to act as a staging ground of their invasion of the rest of the world."

Rimuru jolts in shock, and speaks,

"Wait, why? Why attack my kingdom?"

I answer,

"Simple. It would act as a staging ground for the rest of the continent. Think of it as a sort of D-day situation if that helps."

Rimuru nods his head and falls into his own thoughts.

"So, to avoid this attack, I laid waste to his capital. Unfortunately, he managed to escape into heaven with several of his military advisors, so I wasn't able to kill him, but I still destroyed his capital."

Luminous looks at me and asks,

"What do you mean destroyed the capital though? Couldn't there be underground military bases or something?"

I shake my head and teleport the ball into my hands before setting it on the table. I point at the ball and continue,

"Nope! I turned it into a crater! The entire capital is right here in front of you! Compressed to all hell, but it's still right here! Every building, vehicle, person, and spec of dust, all melded into a ball!"

Rimuru shudders and says,

"Y-you turned the capital… Into a ball?"

I nod my head and smile triumphantly,

"It was pretty easy in all honesty, I just cast a barrier spell over the capital, solidified it, then shrunk it down. And there you go! Implosion spell!"

The demon lords all look at me with a mix of shock and sighs. I take the ball and toss it in the air a few times before speaking,

"I don't think you could play anything with it though."

I drop it, and with a loud crashing noise, the ball burrows deep into the ground, leaving a giant hole.

"It's a little heavy!"


AN: heads up, you can read chapters in advance on patreon! i think i got like 7 extra chapters or something? the link is patreon.com/sorrestwriting

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