Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Breaking the news

After my announcement, Rimuru asked if he could speak to me in private afterwards. I said sure. So I teleported into his office in tempest. His office is pretty plain. It’s pretty long, but not really wide. His chair is a little decorated, but not much. He has two green couches, which are okay when it comes to comfort. Lots of wood and an awful white wallpaper….


First things first, I turn every bit of furniture in the room into ash and fly the ash out the window. I then make some black paint and plaster it all over the walls. I rip up the bright wooden floors and replace them with a slightly darker color wood, mahogany. I put a nice black, red, and grey rug on the floor. I replace the green couches with two red ones that seem to swallow you when you sit on them. So comfy!

I replace that awful desk with a nice and intricately designed one. I make it out of mahogany as well, and put carvings on the wood. I use the carvings to depict various situations, including the resurrection of his people.

Alright! It’s all pretty now! I plop down on one of the new couches and close my eyes, waiting for the little slime to get here. It doesn’t take long, as a few minutes later, he teleports in. He blinks a couple times as he sees his new office and says,

“I could’ve sworn I was going into my office…”

I speak up,

“Oh, this is your office! I redecorated it for you! Also, I made the couches comfy!”

Rimuru squints and shows a slight bit of anger before just sighing in defeat,

“Haaaaah… alright… thanks… Anyways, onto my question.”

Rimuru walks over and plops down on the couch. The second his ass hits the seat his entire body seems to relax. His brain melts for a second before he continues on,

“Ah! Ahem, anyways. I wanted to ask you if the eastern empire was actually planning on cutting through my territory.”

I nod my head and say,

“Yep! Though, any proof I may have had was lost with the capital. I could undo the barrier and let you sift through the ball to try and find some! Though, not sure your little city would survive that.”

Rimuru shakes his head and says,

“No, your word is good enough. But why though?”

I tilt my head in confusion and say,

“It’s obvious right? They wanted to treat you like Normandy so to speak. Use you to establish a sort of beach head into the rest of the continent. You’re in the center of the map, and the woods provide a good amount of protection from the rest of the world. Not to mention, I’m sure they’d rather go through you than Milim or Dwargon. After all, Dwargon is one of the few countries that survives the tenma wars and Milim is Milim.”

Rimuru nods along as I speak, taking in all the information. When I finish, he speaks up again,

“So one last thing. Why’d you have to destroy the capital? A lot of people died there.”

I tilt my head in confusion again and speak,

“Well, because I was bored, obviously? True, none of the people of the capital needed to die, I just felt like destroying a city. I am a kaiju after all!”

Rimuru sighs and shakes his head, and is about to speak before I interrupt him,

“Well, in total I believe I killed about 1.3 million with that attack. So, not that many compared to what I’ve killed before!”

Rimuru jolts and says,

“Wait, really?”

I nod my head and say,

“Yeah, have you ever heard of Pacific Rim?”

He nods his head and I continue,

“I went to the Pacific Rim universe and wiped the aliens who sent the Kaiju off their planet. I created a category 10 hurricane across the entire planet and basically vaporized their entire race. I think I killed a couple billion when I did that. I left one of my daughters there to bring the planet back to life.”

Rimuru gets confused for a second and says,

“Wait, daughter?”

I nod my head and say,

“Yeah! Daughter-za! Plural! I’ve got four. Remy, Ares, Gaia, and Undine! They’re absolutely precious! Remy and Ares live on Mars in the Godzilla universe, Gaia lives in the Pacific Rim universe, and Undine lives here!”

Rimuru scratches his head in confusion and says,

“Then… why haven’t I seen her?”

I answer,

“Well she does live on a different planet after all. I’d be more confused if you did see her.”

Rimuru nods his head and then jolts,


I nod my head and say,

“Yep! I was reborn in the monsterverse. So the American version of Godzilla, not Gojira. I have the ability to travel through dimensions with ease! So every single book you’ve read, every movie you’ve watched, and every TV show is real. Just somewhere else! For example, for me, your universe is a book! It’s called that time I got reincarnated as a slime, or tensura for short because fuck mangaka’s and their obnoxious titles.”

Rimuru blinks wildly as he hears all of this,

“So yeah! I know your name, Satoru Mikami, I know you died by getting stabbed, and I know that some of your last words were asking your friend to destroy your PC.”

Rimuru blinks again and says,

“S-So… My entire life… Was decided by someone else?”

I think for a second and speak,

“Well, not necessarily. It could be that someone has been given knowledge of your life and is instead created more of a biography. Personally, I think my own life is currently being written down as well. I don’t feel like my life is under their control, or that my fate is up to them. More like my life dictates what they write. Maybe they influence me, maybe they don’t. But hey, that just means that people from entirely different dimensions know about me! Hell, they may even love me! I know I fell in love with Milim when I read the book and when I watched the anime.”

Rimuru nods his head and says,

“Wow… this is a lot to take in…”

I nod my head and speak up,

“Well, I’ll leave you to think on this a little. Ah, before I go, here’s a little fun fact: in the original web novel, Milim was supposed to look like a ten year old and was supposed to wear a Lolita style dress. Then, when the light novel was made, they aged her up and sexed her up like they do. But they kept her personality the same pretty much. You know how mangaka’s are!”

And with that, I teleport out of his room. I think I’m gonna kill Michael now.

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