Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Michael? More Like… Deadael! Ha! Gottem…

I teleport back to my throne room, grab the staff of death and head out. The staff has a power level of around X-rank now. It was a good idea to speed up time inside the staff, as billions have already died. As I peer into the orb I can see that several hundred thousand species have reached the space age. Each one of them are incredibly xenophobic and wish to purge every other race, similarly to Warhammer 40k… hmm… I wonder if I’m as strong as a chaos god yet? Probably. I could probably become a chaos god in that universe… I’ll do that one day!

I could also revive the emperor as well. I’d also like to get that insane power the orks have. I mean, the universe bending to my will? I mean I can create something similar with magic, but their power defies logic! Imagine if the orks had a leader smart enough to manipulate their fellow orks into believing that the imperium doesn’t exist? Or even that the chaos gods don’t? That sounds like a good idea for a fanfic!

Anyways, the creatures of this miniature universe are stuck in a never ending war that will never go anywhere. I’m basically making them grind themselves against each other to grow my strength. Like I’m playing hoi4 and letting the AI attack me constantly to farm up some army xp.

The staff of life is at around S-rank. It’s growing relatively fast, but it’s not meant to kill so it can grow slowly. So far, the planet inside it is about the size of Jupiter.

Ah, I’ve arrived! I’m currently flying above the entire remaining bit of the empire. I plan on reducing its land to a barren desert. And then… you know what? I’ll leave it a surprise!

As I begin channeling a spell through the staff, I realize something…

“Holy shit, isn’t this too powerful?”

I planned on releasing a wave of abyssal mist throughout their land, but the amount being conjured in the staff is enough to coat the entire planet and then some… what the hell?

[Note: the staff of death you’ve created does not contain magicules, it instead is powered by pure soul energy, a much higher form of power. As such, any spell cast with this staff shall be upwards of 10x as powerful up to the rank of the staff. For example: a regular fireball cast without the staff would cover about a 5m area. One cast with the staff would cover 50m.]

Holy shit that explains it. I’m already a master craftsman!

[Negative. A master craftsman would laugh at the staff you’ve created, however, it is a good start. Much better than average even. As you grow in skill, you can also improve your staff. For example, the method the staff uses to harvest souls is incredibly inefficient, only gathering a tenth of their full power.]

Well… thanks for being blunt I guess. I’ll steal the knowledge of a dwarf then. When I go to the MCU, I’ll steal the knowledge of the dude that made Mjolnir.

I take away most of the magic I put into the staff, and find that it creates a more reasonable cloud about the size of the empire, maybe just a little more. But, that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make! I point the staff down at the ground and push the energy out from the orb. A long line of black mist, similar to the spray of a pressure washer, pushes from the orb, slamming into the ground with a thud. The entire planet seems to shake in trepidation as this black mist spreads across its surface, wilting its precious life force away. I feel the being at the center of the galaxy stir for a second, only to go right back to their stillness. The mist hits its first city. The people look at it for a few seconds with confusion, finally running as they see the stone wall begin to crumble. As they run, they get swallowed by this mist, and turn to ash within a split second. While I don’t care about their deaths, I don’t wanna make them suffer unjustly. I’m evil, but I’m not evil, you know?

The cities disappear from the face of the planet as the mist fills the air, leaving behind rubble and dust. The grass and trees around the empire turn to a barren desert. No sign of life can be felt anywhere, except one place.

The floating island that houses the altar to Veldanava. I can sense that the island is too strong for me to fully destroy. Mainly due to the portal to heaven. I suppose I won’t be able to completely collapse heaven then. I can still kill everything in it though! Heaven will keep producing angels, but the angels will lack leadership. I suppose I’ll give control of them to Rimuru.

As I fly towards the portal, I can feel Guy’s eyes on me. Probably a bit angry at me for unnecessarily slaughtering the people of the Empire. Well excuse me for wanting to have fun! As I stand in front of the portal, I feel a wave of magicules wash over my body, as well as a small amount of soul energy. I suppose you’d have to use something more than magicules to create something like this, huh? I step through the golden portal, and am immediately met by an attack. The attack glances off my feathers and slams into a wall beside me. I hear a calm voice speak,

“I thought so. Even my strongest attack merely glances off you, huh?”

As I look up, I see a blond haired man, as well as a blue haired true dragon wearing a Chinese dress. Probably Velgrynd. I look into the eyes of the blonde man and size him up. I use a spell to steal away his control over the angels, as well as his ability to open the portal. As I do that, sweat drips from his brow. I close the portal behind me and speak,

“Well, Rudra… Or should I say Michael?”

Michael smiles, and says,

“Michael will suffice.”

I nod my head and look out over the crowd of people surrounding him. Using a spell, I cause a miniature explosion in each of their heads, turning their brains to mush. Except Velgrynd. Mainly cuz I like her. Poor girl’s forced to follow him.

I look back at him as the bodies hit the floor with a slap,

“Well, I don’t suppose I can convince you to give back control peacefully, huh?”

Michael laughs,

“Hahaha, I suppose not. I will achieve my goal. The almighty Veldanava shall be resurrected, even if it costs myself and all of creation!”

I shake my head,

“Do you really think Veldanava would want that? He created life because of his own loneliness, and even birthed a daughter who he gave his own life for. Do you really think he’d be happy being revived using his daughter's own life?”

Michael’s smile widens as he speaks with a tinge of madness,

“And? Why should I care? If he’s brought back to life, he can simply create life again!”

I shake my head,

“Well, I wasn’t exactly going to give you a second chance anyway. I’m not as friendly as Rimuru.”

I shoot forward and slap Rudra on the forehead, bringing two souls out of the body. I dunno why, I just always found this move cool. Anyways, one is the soul of Rudra, shaped like his body, and the other is a sphere. Michael. I grab both of them and slam Rudra back in his body, but keep Michael out. The orb squirms and tries to free itself from my grasp, but I hold it tight. I bring it in front of my face and say,

“Hey there little Micky!”

Eventually, it stops its struggle as its voice comes out once again,

“Hahaha! You’ll burn for this, heretic! You and all life! WREAK HAVOC!”

The soul fizzles out, using its own existence to power one last spell. Hehehe. It opened a portal to all the other universes and controlled the creatures from them to attack. This’ll be fun! I’ve never tried to destroy a universe before! Hell, even a galaxy!

I smile wildly at the remnants of the soul, yet to die out. A weak voice speaks,

“W-why are you smiling?”

I chuckle,

“Hahaha… This is gonna be fun!”

The soul finally fizzles out completely as it hears me. Velgrynd is holding a weakened Rudra up. He coughs and speaks with a tired voice,

“Thank you…”

I shut him up and say,

“Don’t bother. I killed every last subject of your empire. You have no reason to thank me.”

Rudra freezes as he hears this and looks down at his hands. Sorry, bub, but I have plans for your land. I turn around and open the portal back up, tossing the two out. I command every angel and seraph to appear before me, and do some good ol’ Soviet purging!

Eventually, heaven will create more angels. But for now, it’s barren. I’ll give control to Rimuru. This place is boring.

I leave the portal and stretch. Time to go wild!

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