Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Just Some Casual Genocide

As I step out the portal, I can feel several battles taking place. A dozen portals opened across the world. I could easily erase the control Michael has over them, but I’d rather just kill them. I’m not some kind of benevolent gandhi who wishes peace and love to the world around themselves. Nah, I’m a killer! I’m a pioneer! There’s chemicals in the water turning the fucking birds GAY!

Sorry, I channeled the soul of some pathetic man-child.

Anywho, I think it's time to make a show of things. I can sense Guy getting his ass beat by some insectar. Well, he’s getting pushed back slightly, so for Guy that’s basically getting his ass beat. Milim’s fine, and Rimuru and his people are getting destroyed. This attack is a whole 4 years in advance after all, and I can already sense that several of his people have been killed. That little goblin girl is still alive however, so I guess I should protect Tempest.

I teleport over the capital of Tempest in a kilometer tall borb form and let my energy bathe the forest, causing every creature to pause and look up in fear. My wings blot out the sun above the city. I conjure several small bullets of Abyssal mana and shoot them into the skills of every creature attacking the city. Within seconds, I’ve completely wiped out the attacking force. I create a little black bird to fly over to the goblin girl. I should make her an apostle now… Meh, why not. I name her an apostle.

[Apostle gained: Gobluna]

Haaaah. Rimuru is fine and all, but man does his naming sense sucks. Let’s change that name to just Luna.

[Apostle renamed: Luna]

Much better!  Much cuter too! I guess naming like thousands of monsters would get repetitive. Well, now that she’s safe, it’s time to close the portal. But first, I gotta make sure they never attack again. I send an attack through the portal powered by some soul energy from the staff. It’s an explosion spell that’ll be strong enough to even destroy tensura’s world, so I’m sure whatever’s on the other side is dead.

Now, to close it, I just channel some magicules into the portal and collapse it in on itself. Easy.

There’s a total of 11 portals remaining, most of which leading to pretty weak worlds. Some of them are even getting pushed back by regular armies. I don’t feel like teleporting over and over again. Let’s just get rid of them in one fell swoop. I decide to use the same attack I had used on the orcs in solo leveling, creating homing bullets that’ll chase down the invaders. This’ll be enough to deal with all the weaklings, but some of the insectars and phantoms will take more power to kill. The cryptids however fall under the weakling category so they’re wiped out. The next set of attacks I send out are similar planet wiping spells, ones a mist attack, one will spawn water and drown the planet, and other will cause the planet to shake itself till everything dies. The rest are pretty basic, those are just a bit more interesting. Now for the final two. The insectars portal opened up at Guy's palace, and the phantoms opened near my kingdom. Heh. Good luck phantoms!

I teleport to Guy’s castle and can see him fighting against a group of about twenty insectars. They may be the counter to demons, but that by no means makes them his equal. Several hundred insectars lay dead at his feet. It seems the weaker ones were taking out first. As I’m floating above him, now in my human form, I call out,

“Hey, Guy, need some help?”

Guy chuckles and says,

“Nah! If you can take care of the portal, I can take them out.”

I nod my head and teleport down to the portal. I take a step in and feel myself being pulled through. I look around and see a rather dead world with several holes punched into the mountains, indicative of the creatures who live here. I turn into big borb and teleport into space, growing big enough to completely block the sun for the entire world. I open my beak as an iconic blue ball of energy begins to form in my throat. My tail feathers begin glowing blue as this energy continues flowing up my spine, eventually reaching my neck. As it completes itself, I release the attack. A gigantic blue beam of energy comes roaring from my mouth.


An insectars child runs around his hive cheerily with a small stuffed beetle, happy to tell his mom that the attack is finally starting and that they’ll be free soon… suddenly, the sky turns dark. The boy looks around in confusion, his brown, chitinous skin no longer reflecting any light. He looks to where the sun is in confusion. Or rather, where it was. For a split second, he sees a gigantic black bird before a blinding blue light comes from its head.

The stuffed beetle slips from his hands as he stares at this light in shock and awe. He looks at the ground around him, it’s cold, dead, and dark flesh dyed blue by this light. His heart speeds up as he thinks to himself,

‘What a pretty color.’

As the beam of blue energy grows near him, he finds his insides cooking through his exoskeleton. His blood begins to boil, and his eyes pop out of his skull. He tries to scream, but can find no breath due to the unbearable heat. He falls to a knee and feels himself growing faint with shock, until finally…

The beam hits his hive directly, vaporizing everything including the ground. It drills into the planet, continuing on as though this boys entire existence was never real in the first place. His entire life, wiped away. Never to be remembered by another soul.


As the beam cuts through the core and out the other side, I begin slowly moving it up, turning the planet into pac-man. Well, that should be enough to kill it, but just in case…

I grow to my full size and grasp the planet with my talons, completely ripping it to shreds.

Well then… the portals gone huh? Well, I can already teleport between dimensions so that’s no issue.

I teleport to the phantom homeworld and decide to get creative with this.

First things first, I’m the realest.

Turnin’ a planet's dirt into nitroglycerin makes me feel it.

So yeah I turned the planet's dirt into nitroglycerin because why not. Of course, there were fires on the planet so it immediately went up in flames, wiping the entire planet out in one massive red firework.

Well then. I guess I’ll be leaving soon, huh?

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