Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Recipe For a Nice Desert

As I teleport back to Tensura, I decide to go ahead and enact my plan for the barren lands of the eastern empire. My nation pretty much encompasses all of the barren lands in the west, so expansion will be an issue soon. Thus, I want to give my kingdom more land! I teleport above the eastern barrens and use my biggest teleport spell yet! I teleport every bit of land previously owned by the empire over towards my own kingdom, making it meld perfectly to avoid any tsunami's. Of course, the place I took it from doesn't get that luxury, so they'll be getting some godzilla surfing waves.

Now that the land is there, it's still dead and barren. It looks like the sahara from earth, but even more dead. I teleport the staff of life into my hands and begin channeling some magicules into it. I create a blanket of life magic, a mixture of water, air, earth, and even fire.

For those of you at home, the recipe is as follows:

1. 50% water

2. 25% earth

3. 15% air

4. 10% fire

5. Random seeds you use your godly powers to create

The fire burns some of the earth to create carbon and also turns some of the water into humidity, the air aerates the soil and spreads the seeds, and the rest of the earth and water creates fertile soil. Easy, right? Now you too can revive a desert all on your own!

Trees and grass shoot up from the ground all around the barrens, creating vast forests all throughout the land. I remodel the land, creating a gigantic mountain in the center of it. I feel like moving my temple. Making it a little more difficult to get up there without wings. It could be an interesting way to create more apostles.

Hmm… I feel like a discussion just took place and gave me an idea… Strange…

I teleport into my realm and find a lonely star. I then create a gigantic planet-sized mountain and let it orbit around this star. I give it an atmosphere and strengthen it to where it won't be pulled apart by its own weight and the star. I also create some life on it, making the creatures get stronger and stronger as you go up, with the ones at the tip being X-rank. The flesh of these creatures allows others to grow stronger, but not the creatures themselves. They're stuck at their strength and will never go up or down.

So, the test for this mountain is a test of strength. You've gotta hunt the creatures at the bottom and work your way up, eating them to gain more strength. It'll take a long time, possibly years for someone to clear it, but if they manage to successfully do so, they'll be brought to the apostle naming area I'm about to create.

So, I create a relatively big planet, about ten times the size of the sun. This planet will have a portal that connects to the tip of the mountain. This portal will be put inside of a temple where the apostle will be greeted by an angel who will take them to an apartment. Every now and then, I'll come to the temple and name the apostles-in-waiting, making them official apostles ready to go out on missions for me. It'll be interesting seeing how this world develops with the apostles.

Anyways, now that that's out of the way, I teleport back to Tensura. I guess it's about time to announce my departure, huh? I hold the ring up to my mouth and say,

"I'd like to call a walpurgis. It's a pretty serious matter."

Hearing the seriousness in my voice, everyone agrees to meet. Soon after, we all sit together around the table. One distinct feature I notice missing is the sleepy lord, Dino. I speak up, breaking the silence around the table,

"Where's the angel?"

Ramiris lets out a 'hmph' and says,

"That little punk tried to attack me! Milim gave him a hard punch and erased that ungrateful whelp before I could get my hands on him!-"

I stop her before she goes on a tangent,

"Alright, anyways. Onto the important stuff."

They all nod and even Ramiris calms down and sits on the table,

"So, I killed Michael and wiped the entire eastern empire off the map. I also took that land and moved it over to the west, giving my kingdom more room to expand. Rudra and Velgrynd are still alive though. I've locked off heaven to the world, so there'll be no more attacks from angels. The insectars, phantoms, and every other invader's home worlds have all been destroyed so they'll also never attack us again."

Guy nods along, not freaking out over what I said, but Rimuru speaks up,

"Wait, so you destroyed the Eastern Empire?"

I nod my head,

"Yep. I killed every last creature within their borders, wiping the slate clean."

Rimuru shudders slightly and stops talking.

"Anyways, that's still not the most important reason for me calling this meeting. I need to tell you guys about me. Specifically, where I come from."


AN: yes. desert. not dessert.

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