Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Space Wars – Session 1

The second the two species meet, the Malformed begin firing. Their lasers cut through the unshielded Hooman ships, causing the species to launch their own weapons. Several missiles fly out of the hooman ships, traveling through the void at mach 20. They pass through the shields of the malformed, as their shields are meant for lasers. They slam into the armor of the ships and explode in gigantic explosions, shredding their armor. This battle continues on for a few minutes, ending with the final malformed ship being destroyed by the higher number of hooman ships.

Because the hoomans are more unified, they have a larger number of ships. If the malformed had been unified, the hoomans would have been wiped out. Perhaps this encounter with another race will lead to the malformed finally unifying.

The second group to meet is actually the hoomans and golems. At first, hoomans thought that their ships were asteroids and flew closer, however, they received a signal from their comms that came from the rocks. It took them a few months, but they successfully translated the golem’s language and started putting language implants into the captains and a few others on their ships.

They meet and have rather peaceful interactions, even offering tours of each other's homeworlds. News of this meeting reached the homeworld of the hoomans, and two factions were formed. One that wished to treat them with caution due to the malformed’s aggression, and others who wished to treat them peacefully. Due to the hoomans more aggressive nature, they opted for a more cautious approach. The golems however, treated hoomans with lots of curiosity. So far, they were the only living beings they had known. Who would have thought that life could be carbon based as well?

When the golems arrived on the hooman homeworld, they were shocked. They had never thought green planets would be so beautiful. It shocked them. They thought the natural crystal caves of their homeworld were unbeatable, but seeing the beautiful painted landscape of this world changed their views. They had to colonize a living planet.

The next meeting was between the beaumans and the venus.

It started out relatively awkward, as the beaumans stopped in front of the venus ship and started painting it. The venus lacked any form of long range comms, so they had no method other than a direct approach. A pod comes out of the mass of vines and flowers and flies over towards the beaumans sculpted ships.

The beauman’s ships are actually masses of marble carved into art pieces and converted into ships.

The beauman’s opened their cargo scoop, but still erred on the side of caution. The greeting team put on hazmat suits to greet whatever they just allowed on their ship. The venus had long cured any diseases they may have due to their advances in medicine and genetics, so they were far less cautious.

The beaumans and venus meeting sparked a massive exchange in culture, with the beauman’s wishing to visit the venus homeworld for how incredibly beautiful it looked in photographs. The venus showed less interest in the beaumans homeworld as a whole and more on the resorts that the beaumans created in their tropical zone. Also, the beauman’s homeworld had an incredible atmosphere, even better than the venus’ homeworld. The two’s meeting would be heralded as the first entirely peaceful meeting between species.

The golems had an encounter with the malformed, which went about as well as you would think. The golems lasers were unable to penetrate the malformed shields, but the malformed themselves were unable to hit the ships with the crystals defending. The golems and malformed reach a sort of standstill when another golem ship comes out of FTL travel and uses an experimental weapon. It’s called the needler (by me of course) and it shoots out small needle like crystals. These crystals penetrate the shields of the malformed and go through the ship like a hot knife through whatever a youtuber cuts.

The needles do their thing, cutting into the hallways and even the bridge of the ship and exploding into shrapnel. The holes created by them also create disgusting results as well, pulling malformed through the small pinpricks and using their guts to clog the holes. The golems successfully defeat the malformed after hours of combat. If the malformed don’t get their act together, I can see them being the first to be eliminated in my little war game.

Surprisingly, the beaumans and the hoomans had a rather peaceful meeting as well, that is until the human in the hoomans took over. One of the diplomats from the beaumans was raped by a hooman, causing an international incident. The beaumans, despite their nature as hedonists, abhor the act of rape. In beauman culture, a rapist is castrated without anesthesia, publicly displayed in a gibbet, and then after thirty days of the gibbet, they are finally publicly executed. The hoomans being themselves, they refused to give up the rapist to the beaumans, and instead opted to try him in their own court.

The court proceeding was headed by a hooman supremacist, and the ending went as you expect. The rapist got away with it with no jail time or even a fine. This caused an uproar on both the beauman side and the hooman side as well. Even if the supremacists comprise a lot of the people in power, most of the people wish to have peaceful relations with the different species.

This leads to a split in hooman society, with the older generations tending to be more supremacist while the younger is more peaceful.

Diplomacy between the beaumans and the hoomans ends with the beaumans closing off their borders to the hoomans, and ending all trade between the two. A lot of hoomans in power are saddened by this, because even if they are supremacists, they still loved visiting a beauman brothel.

The beaumans begin becoming slightly more militaristic after this as well, creating beautiful weapons in tandem with venus scientists that turn ships into a sort of space coral reef. A rather ingenious creation in all honesty.

We end this session off with news of the malformed. A certain cockroach-type malformed has begun conquering other malformed worlds. It seems the malformed hordes may be coming in the future.

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