Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Space Wars – Session 2

The hoomans have begun kidnapping and enslaving beaumans. It's not legal, but the government does nothing to stop it. This has enraged the beauman public to no ends, resulting in even further banning of all things hooman. They even threatened to start a war if nothing is done. The hoomans don't think that such a beautiful and peaceful race would ever do that for "something so small" but lo-and-behold, the beaumans are building an armada.

The golem's relationships with the hoomans has been strained by this as well. They've stopped allowing tourists to visit hooman planets for fear of kidnapping. This has resulted in major tourist destinations become much poorer, and has brought to light the severe mismanagement these planets have.

The golems have instead begun touring beauman cities. They were astonished at how every inch of their cities looks like a painting. Artwork is around every corner. Walls are painted with full murals. Even the government buildings and military bases are painted.

This surge in tourism has given the beaumans the needed capital to create their armada. Ships carved from a marble composite known as armarble are created every day. Armarble is stronger than steel, and as strong as plasteel. The ships are carved to be floral, beaumanoid, a giant dick, you name it they carved it.

The beauman capital ships are kilometers long. They are carved to be copies of the city that funded them the most. Marble statues of children playing in a park, the beaches of the cities coast, even the people walking down the street. It's as if an entire city was turned to stone and put on a ship.

Practical? No, but beautiful? Yes.

The Venus have chosen to stay out of this conflict. They have chosen not to interact with either the hoomans or the golems. They kept themselves away from hoomans as the first time a delegate stepped out onto their world, they could sense how the hoomans saw themselves as better. The golems themselves were for a much lesser reason. They just tend to have a certain stench to them that only the Venus can smell. Honestly, I don't know how that happened. I created the golems to get along with the venus. The golems live in the ground and fertilize it while the venus reap the benefits.

Maybe it's the energy that keeps the golems actually alive? I dunno, I should test this later.

Now, onto everyone's least favorite beings, the malformed. The cockroach dude has already united three of the five warring countries. His strength is probably around C-rank, about as strong as godzilla. Crazy considering I gave them no access to magic, so this is pure genetics and experimentation.

He seems to have a deep seated hatred for all life. He'd make a great demon, too bad I'm disgusted by him.

Oh, it seems the beaumans have built their armada. 200k ships each manned by no less than 1000 beaumans, golems, and venus. It seems some golem scientists have joined them, as some of the ships have needlers and crystal shields. Of course, the venus already helped with creating the coral bomb. It seems they also helped with the construction some in the end. They created natural life support systems with vines growing out of the ships. The vines bring in dark matter and breathe out a perfect atmosphere. Of course, the golem don't need it, but everyone else does.

The hoomans have had it hard. Protests around the country are growing more and more violent over the kidnappings, and the tourism industry has all but died. The xenophobic faction grew in power over the recent years, but so has the xenophilic faction. Several hoomans were in relationships with beaumans after all. The current leader is part of the xenophobe faction. He himself owns quite a few beauman slaves.

He had just barely survived an assassination attempt a few days prior, and now, he's just received word that the beaumans have declared war.

He chuckled to himself, believing those pretty boys wouldn't even scratch the armor of his ships.

A few days later, he's received word that 200k ships are headed straight for the capital world, and any ships in their wake have been turned into coral reefs with the people inside reduced to fertilizer. The beaumans strength isn't portrayed by their beauty.

Across the galaxy, a certain roach has just finished slaughtering the last city to oppose him. In his hands he holds the broken neck of a mantis child. He turns towards his army and raises his arm, releasing a war cry that echoes throughout the ruins.


The army of different insects follows suit,


Now, the roach warlord can start his conquest.


AN: short chap cuz I plan on the next one being long.

i was thinking after this the MC could go to a different world for a while. not an actual arc, but like a trip to a different world as a sort of intermission.

Don't forget, starting tomorrow I plan on taking a break till the 1st. So, the next chapter will be the last for a week. I'm going on a trip in february so I'm trying to build up some stockpiles and I just need a break from looking at the numbers lol.

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