Abyssal Sovereignty

Vol 2 Chapter 5: Swords And Magic, High Tech

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Chapter 5: Swords And Magic, High Tech

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The forest lay not far from the town, and with the commendable prowess of the group, they soon found themselves nearing the town's gates.

“Ah... I don't want to walk anymore...”

Of course, there was one exception to this sentiment.

A fluffy, sky-blue ball of fur was propped up on a magical staff that towered above her head, her expression heavy with fatigue.

“Are you alright? Do you want me to carry you? I've got plenty of stamina!”

“No thanks, Veridith. She’s simply too lazy to walk. Considering she graduated top of her class from the Empire's prestigious healing academy, a few enhancement spells would have her running circles around me.”

Marlyno thwarted Veridith’s earnest offer with a wave of her hand.

“The Empire's prestigious academy? What’s that?”

“Oh, your youth may make it understandable that you’re unaware,” Marlyno replied, her tone a blend of patience and fondness.

Responding to Veridith’s query, Marlyno began to enlighten the group about the Empire’s esteemed institution.

“The Empire's prestigious academy is the pinnacle of academia within our world. Although it bears the name 'Empire,' this is only because it is hosted by the Cantus Empire; in reality, many races participate, including elves, dragons, and demons, among others.”

“And Mira, she graduated at the very top of the elite healing curriculum at that esteemed academy. It is said she is a prodigy, second only to that legendary ‘Saintess’ after her.”

“Wait, ‘Saintess’?”

Misako’s interest piqued at a key phrase derived from Marlyno’s elaboration. As a priestess of her own kind, she found the existence of another ‘Saintess’ incredibly intriguing.

“Hoo, I see by your attire that you hail from a distant realm, one obscured by forbidden knowledge? Still, this ‘Saintess’ is not to be conflated with your ‘Saintess.’ The aforementioned ‘Saintess’ belongs to the sect known as the ‘White Saintess Church.' There's even a corresponding club at the academy. Rumor has it that this ‘Saintess’ shares a connection with the revered Witch who transformed our understanding of the world, which is why the White Saintess Church maintains a particularly cordial relationship with the Witch’s Academy.”

Though still unwell, Sisi endeavoured to clarify the concept of the ‘Saintess’ comprehensively.

“Hmm... I think I’ve heard of her. It’s said her abilities far surpass those of the Saints from the Holy Light Church.”

The statement came from Aris, who, after rummaging through her recollections, indeed stumbled upon some tidbits concerning that particular ‘Saintess.’ Yet, Aris’s declaration was but a preamble to what she truly desired to convey.

“Indeed, that seems to be a prevalent belief—many hold such a notion. However, after her fame grew widespread, that ‘Saintess’ quickly vanished from public view, while shortly thereafter the previous Saint either succumbed to exhaustion or was purged from her religious order for treason. The current Saint has only held her position for a mere eight years, which could hardly compare.”

“...Wait, eight years?”

Upon hearing Marlyno’s reply, Aris discerned a troubling inconsistency.

The transition of Saints happens promptly; even if delayed by an unforeseen incident, it would never exceed a month. For instance, the former Saint Aris knew had perished from overwork, and she was found and ordained in the position almost instantaneously—within a span of less than a week.

From this perspective, it implied that it had been approximately eight years since the preceding Saint had ‘passed.’ The fate of this former Saint seemed to mirror her own uncanny circumstances.

‘No, although the likelihood is minimal, I cannot dismiss the possibility of mere coincidence.’

At that moment, they arrived at the town gate.

“Ah? It's you lot! How did the assignment go?”

A guard stationed at the entrance addressed them.

“Quite well, thanks to the once-in-a-red-moon encounter with them, we managed to complete it easily,” Marlyno replied, gesturing slightly towards Aris and the others standing beside her.

“Hmm... they seem unfamiliar. Might I see your identification? An adventurer’s card will suffice too.”


Herein lay a predicament: as individuals who had vanished from the world during the Great War, did Misako and the others possess any form of identification or adventurer's card?

Even more so, Aris, as the ‘deceased’ former Saint, could hardly elucidate her identity without irrefutable evidence, especially as that particular documentation had long perished alongside her belongings shortly after her fall into the Abyss.

“No documents? Then I’m afraid you’ll have to pay the entry fee.”


“Could it be... you don’t even have any money?”

Another silence ensued.

While Misako, as the leader of her kin, certainly lacked for coin, the currency in this land differed entirely, making it impossible for them to use.

“I shall cover the cost for you; consider it a reward for the information shared,” Marlyno offered, retrieving several coins and handing them to the guard.

“Very well, you may enter. Also, should you wish to obtain new credentials, you can visit the office over there. However, if you wield a modicum of strength, I would recommend registering for an adventurer’s card at the Adventurer’s Guild.”

With that, the guard stepped aside, allowing the group to pass through the gate.

As they entered, the visage of the town unfurled before their eyes.

“Well? Welcome to Watcher Town. By the way, it got its name because it’s the nearest settlement to the Abyss; there are quite a number of tourists... although, truth be told, most belong to the ‘Witch’s Academy.’”

“Hmm, it truly possesses a unique charm.”

Misako observed this town, noting its medieval ambiance, distinctly different yet reminiscent of her own realm. If one were to compare it, it bore the essence of an ‘RPG’ world, where knights and sorcery intertwined.

Yet, in some locales, there were peculiar sights as well.

“What’s this?”

Misako inquired, pointing towards a translucent crystal panel hanging outside a shop.

“That is a ‘Magic Crystal Board;’ it serves as a conduit for connecting to the ‘Magic Net.’”


A look of confusion began to bloom upon Misako’s face, reminiscent of her initial meeting with Shirone.

“...Aris, do you know anything about this?”

“Don’t ask me. The church forbids many things, and as such, I’m unable to learn a good deal.”

Observing how the group appeared just as bewildered as country folk, Marlyno patiently continued her explanation.

“‘Magic Net’ is a collaborative venture among various races, akin to a grand spell modeled after a ‘system.’ The Magic Crystal Boards connect to it, allowing access to myriad pieces of information that have been uploaded.”

“...Oh! So that’s like the ‘internet!’”

Fortunately, the black demon tribe had absorbed much knowledge from various worlds; Misako, with her familiarity, quickly identified the Magic Net’s similarities to the internet she knew.

“The application of this is exceptionally broad; the Adventurer’s Guild has provisions set up as well, making it even more convenient for us to acquire information. But enough of that; let’s head to get your credentials. Where would you like to go?”

“...To the Adventurer’s Guild, I suppose.”

“Then let’s head this way; follow me.”

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