Abyssal Sovereignty

Vol 2 Chapter 6: The Adventurers Guild And Measuring Device

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Chapter 6: The Adventurers Guild And Measuring Device

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As the door of the Adventurers' Guild swung open, a world unfolded that starkly contrasted with the brutish scenes often depicted in fantasy. This establishment was not only tidy, but the adventurers seated about the room, though some appeared a tad dishevelled and were indulging in drinks even in the light of day, nonetheless displayed a certain camaraderie that suggested they possessed honorable character.

“Ah! Is that… the ‘Eclipse’!”

Suddenly, among the gathering throng, several adventurers spotted Marlyno and her companions, erupting into excited exclamations that rippled through the room, drawing the attention of more and more onlookers.

“The ‘Eclipse’ team has returned!”

“Quick, someone fetch a guild staff member!”

What had begun as casual chatter morphed swiftly into an enthusiastic welcome.

“Hurrah! Bow before us! The grand mage of the Crimson Demon Tribe has returned!”

“How noisy…”

“Oh dear… I knew taking the back entrance would be a wiser choice…”

The members of ‘Eclipse’ bore various expressions, each reflecting their own sentiments about the raucous welcome.

“Hmm? Where are Elyssa and Aris?”

Marlyno turned to glance behind her, only to find that the six companions, along with a curious little creature, had vanished from sight.

“…I had a feeling it would go this way.”

Elyssa surveyed the crowd of adventurers that now encircled the ‘Eclipse’ team, marveling at her astuteness in predicting their popularity.


“They are indeed well-liked…”

“It's hardly surprising," chimed in another, “Their strength is at the fifth rank, making them C-Class adventurers; they are but a step away from the more formidable B-Class. For many in this world, that represents a tier of considerable prowess.”

At that moment, a tall, composed receptionist emerged from the upper hall.

“I received a message from the guards; you must be the ones here to process your credentials, am I correct?”

“Indeed, that would be them. Best of luck, I'm off. You lot, stop loitering and pay attention!” Elyssa remarked, grabbing Diana by the collar and dragging her away.

“……Please, follow me.”

The receptionist maintained her professionalism, leading Marlyno and the others into a private chamber. In the center of the room stood a crystalline orb—a captivating sphere resting on a display device that appeared akin to a magic crystal board.

“This apparatus is designed to assess your strength and check for any criminal records. Simply place your hand on the crystal.”

Upon finishing her explanation, the receptionist turned her attention back to the group.

“…I’ll go first,” declared Farkonia, stepping up confidently to the orb.

As her hand made contact, the crystal erupted with blinding light, illuminating the entire chamber.

“……What!? Seventh rank? An A-Class adventurer!?”

The receptionist stared at the screen beneath the orb, the readings unmistakably revealing Farkonia’s impressive status.

‘…So I’ve not been suppressing it adequately after all…’

The truth was, Farkonia’s capabilities far exceeded the displayed seventh rank. Upon overhearing Elyssa dismissively classify fifth-tier adventurers as merely strong, she had chosen to conceal her true might. Unfortunately, the sheer power she commanded was difficult to suppress, and having misjudged the apparatus's capabilities, she had inadvertently manifested as a seventh-rank.

“Uh, I need to consult with the branch chief… No, let’s wait until you all have completed your evaluations.”

Recovering her composure, the receptionist felt a strong instinct that anyone who travelled with a seventh-rank individual would likely exhibit comparable prowess.

“Next, I’ll go.”

Misako raised her hand eagerly. Due to her petite stature, she had to rise onto her toes just to place her hand upon the orb.

Again, light burst forth from the crystal, though it was somewhat less intense than what had emitted upon Farkonia's touch.

“Hmm… Sixth rank… this is harder than I thought.”

Though Misako appeared to be nothing more than a child, the receptionist’s extensive experience allowed her to maintain her composure. Adventurers come in all shapes and sizes; Misako was simply one among many.

“I wish to go next!”

With a small cloth cap perched upon her head, Veridith scurried forward, clearly younger than Misako, yet she stood tall without the need for elevation.

“Hmm, sixth rank as well. Excellent, just one more to go.”

Taking note, the receptionist glanced at Aris, the only remaining member yet to be assessed.

With a subtle nod, Aris approached the crystal orb, emulating the previous measurements, placing her hand atop it.

“………Is it broken?”

After a considerable wait, the orb remained unresponsive. Puzzled, the receptionist scrutinized the device for any apparent flaws.

“Hmm… it’s functioning. So why the lack of reaction?”

It was as if Aris were not a living entity at all; the apparatus showed no sign of acknowledging her presence.

“What’s the issue?”

“……Ah! The branch chief!”

The sudden announcement caused the receptionist to jolt to attention, snapping a salute to the figure entering the room.

The newcomer sported a mane of white hair, unlike the naturally silver tints of Elyssa and her companions. The signs of maturity etched upon her face did not diminish the air of authority she commanded; it resonated as a testament that her fighting spirit remained undiminished. To underestimate her due to her years would be a grave miscalculation.

“I overheard your concerns about the apparatus not working, is that correct?”


“……Step forward.”

The branch chief gestured for Aris and the others to join her in the corridor.

“That device is relatively new, so while it can generally provide accurate measurements, it struggles with those whose strength deviates too greatly from the norm, or those with special powers. Thus, we’ll have to conduct a practical test.”

She opened a large door that revealed a training ground beyond.

“I have a fair breadth of knowledge—attack the target over there.”

The area she indicated housed a peculiar, concentric, red-and-white target marked upon metal, glowing with an ethereal light.

“……Am I allowed to use any kind of attack?”

Aris queried, eyeing the target cautiously.

“Anything you wish—poison, magic, hand-to-hand combat, or a greatsword—whatever it is that you excel at.”

“Very well…”

Aris approached the metallic target and extended a hand, the chill of the metal seeping through her fingertips triggering a faint recognition from within.

‘It feels oddly familiar…’

Memories sparked back; she recalled her frequent practice against wooden logs and rocky surfaces—a long time ago indeed.

But such thoughts ignited a moment of inspiration.

Lowering her center of gravity slightly, Aris ensured her hand maintained a safe distance from her body as it rested upon the metal.

Moments slipped by, and suddenly—


A resounding explosion reverberated through the chamber. The massive metal target shattered, the shattered remnants flying outwards like cannonballs, creating deep gashes in the surrounding walls.

‘It’s been a while since I tried that. Quite the effective experiment.’

Aris turned to face the branch chief, whose composed visage remained unperturbed—but upon closer scrutiny, droplets of sweat the size of peas rolled down her face.

‘…That was made from holy light steel, a substance second only to the light-forged ore, yet it was reduced to fragments so easily…’

Holy light steel, while not comparable to the formidable light-forged variety, still boasted incredible hardness. Even during her prime, she could not manipulate it without due method. To watch it so casually obliterated now invited contemplation.

“……Hand me the recording device.”

“Ah, of course.”

The receptionist reflexively passed the device containing their results to the branch chief, who inscribed four glaring characters onto the screen:

“Your strength… is at least ninth rank.”

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