Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

As the situation began to stabilize thanks to the all-night rescue efforts of the students, heroes, and numerous citizens, an order to disperse was given to the students gathered in the gymnasium.

After leading the operations throughout the night and returning to disperse the students, Eve sat down at her desk and took out her cell phone.

Her contact list contained the numbers of many influential people in the city.

Eve scrolled through the screen for a moment before selecting a number saved under [Non-Work-Related] and pressed the call button.

About 1.5 seconds later, just as the call tone cut off, a tired male voice came through the phone.

… I answered the call.

— “Hey, it’s me. Has the emergency meeting ended? How’s the atmosphere on your side? Hope things are getting a bit better.”

We’re not done yet. We were just working until a moment ago and are now taking a short break. The atmosphere… well, it’s a mess. I mean, unless you’ve experienced something like this, you can’t even imagine. When we mentioned that the culprit seems to be a witch, even Astra and Dolos, who are usually calm, looked quite tense.

Eve grimaced at his words.

Even the leaders of the city, who are supposed to handle such matters, weren’t composed enough.

Hearing that those who should be swiftly grasping the current situation and preparing their responses were intimidated by the mention of a witch left a bitter taste in her mouth.

But who could blame them?

It had been nearly 400 years since all the witches had disappeared, with the last being the Gluttonous Witch.

Thinking about it, there hadn’t been a direct threat to the city since the times when witches ran rampant. Expecting a quick and precise reaction from them due to their complacency was almost unreasonable.

Still, it would be problematic if they didn’t play their roles, so Eve asked the man,

— “You did talk about treating the injured and the removal of the monsters in the minds of the controlled people, right? That has to be prioritized above all else.”

People who were controlled had suddenly regained their senses, yet the reason for it remained unknown.

To prevent the mishap of people being controlled again, it was crucial to thoroughly eliminate the lingering monsters in the minds of those who had been commandeered.

Yes, we’ve wrapped that up. All available personnel for treating the injured have already been mobilized, and we’re also setting up purified magical tools in each district to remove the monsters.

— “That’s a relief. It seems like they’re doing what needs to be done even amidst the chaos. I feel a bit more at ease.”

… Is that so?

The man took a moment to respond.

In that brief reply, Eve could read his worries and anxieties.

Knowing what was troubling him, Eve strategically brought up the subject.

— “So, you’re worried about the aftershocks following this incident.”

… It’s driving me crazy. If it were just a few victims, one might forget it, but the entire area has suffered damage, so the public’s distrust in the current system will soar to the heavens. I really wonder how far the social repercussions will extend…

Basically, a society functions on the belief that their lives will be free from problems.

This city was functioning normally under the belief that heroes protected them.

But even those with superhuman abilities were, after all, human.

Mistakes sometimes occurred, and dangers could arise.

That’s why the leaders had to deceive the citizens.

Even when powerful monsters appeared, if heroes were harmed and an unfortunate incident occurred that could affect society negatively, they would downplay the damage reported or sometimes bury the story altogether.

Even while bleeding from a stab in the back, they’d say,

“Don’t worry, everyone. The heroes protecting us are here, so the city is safe.”

And they had to say it with a smile.

However, today’s incident was so colossal that covering it up was simply impossible, and it had caused damages throughout the city.

People would shout about the incompetence of the heroes and begin to distrust them.

If the arrows of wrath from those who lost their families were aimed at the heroes,

it was painfully obvious what would become of this city.

Thus, they had only one choice left to make.

… Most voted in favor of publicly disclosing the existence of the witch.

This was to create a common enemy to divert the arrows of anger aimed at the heroes.

However, the man continued in a troubled voice.

… But honestly, I’m somewhat against that proposal. I worry that if citizens learn that the witch has reemerged, they’ll be thrown into even greater confusion…

Eve, sensing the worry behind his words, smiled slightly and replied,

— “There’s no other way. The fact that most are in favor means they think it’s the best option. Don’t worry too much. It’ll work out.”

… If you say so.

Eve’s smile deepened in response to the man’s somewhat reluctant reply.

Even as he ages, he still has his cute side.

Thinking about that, Eve said playfully,

— “By the way, I already told you, when it’s just the two of us, you don’t have to be so formal. It’s okay to speak casually, really.”

No way! It’s already awkward enough addressing you in a formal setting, so please don’t make it worse. Anyway, since you seem to have nothing else to say, I’m going to hang up.

With the man’s firm reply, the call ended.

Feeling slightly better after the conversation, which had lifted her mood a bit despite the ominous topics, Eve leaned back in her chair and let out a sigh. Just then, she heard someone knock on her office door.

When she invited the person inside, it turned out to be two of her first-year students, Scarlet Evande and Yoon Si-woo, who she was responsible for.

— “What brings you two here? You must have had a tough night; why aren’t you at home resting?”

She questioned them, puzzled that they were still at school when she had thought they had gone home after the dispersal. Scarlet spoke with a serious expression.

— “We need to tell you something.”

— “Something to say?”

While Eve had been smiling, she adopted a serious expression upon hearing Scarlet’s words.

— “We were the ones who stopped the controlled people.”

— “… Can you tell me more about that?”

What followed was nothing short of shocking.

They encountered a girl who revealed herself as the Witch of Sloth while helping people.

They discovered the monster behind controlling people and eventually defeated it.

The witch behind this incident was likely not the Witch of Sloth but another witch altogether.

Each of these revelations was hard to believe, so when Eve asked if it was true, Yoon Si-woo produced a shining golden sword as proof.

It was unmistakably the same light that had shot up into the sky just before the controlled people stopped.

Seeing that, Eve realized that what they had said was true.

Moreover, although she hadn’t known them for long, it was clear that neither of them was the type to lie about something like this.

That meant these kids had essentially saved the city, prompting Eve to bow her head in gratitude.

— “You really did well. If the situation had dragged on longer, who knows how much more damage could have occurred…”

As Eve said that, Scarlet spoke cautiously.

— “If that’s how you feel, can we ask you for one favor?”

— “Of course, if it’s something I can do, I’ll do anything.”

Eve readily accepted her request.

Scarlet then boldly posed a question for clarification.

— “The principal has some say in the city’s management, right? Since you’re the acting principal, you might be able to ask him for something.”

Nodding in agreement, Eve found herself staring as Scarlet made a bold request.

— “Then could you ask the principal if Yoon Si-woo can be granted hero status? Make sure to add that it would be better if more people could see him.”

Eve was taken aback, realizing their underlying intentions behind such a request, and she momentarily found herself speechless.

As silence filled the room, Scarlet, perhaps sensing Eve’s need for an explanation, hastily spoke up.

— “I think it’s necessary. There’s likely to be a lot of discontent directed towards the heroes. It’s possible people might need a new hero to rely on…”

Eve, feeling a throbbing headache, frowned as she replied.

— “… That’s enough of an explanation. I get why you’re making such a request.”

— “Then…”

— “But first, let me ask something. Yoon Si-woo, do you really understand what it means to ask for hero status in this situation?”

Yoon Si-woo, standing quietly, briefly glanced at Scarlet before nodding resolutely.

It seemed that Yoon Si-woo had agreed with Scarlet’s initial idea.

Viewing that scene, Eve sighed quietly within herself.

What does one even say to a student asking to be politically leveraged for the sake of others?

In fact, it would not be strange if she bowed and offered her thanks instead.

The girl who she referred to as Evande had this way of coming up with unexpected requests, just like she had done back in the gymnasium.

The boy and girl, both doing something most wouldn’t even consider, were the perfect embodiment of heroes thinking of others before themselves.

Which left her feeling uneasy.

Because hearing that request, she had found herself unwittingly thinking it was a good idea.

And because as a teacher, she caught herself wanting to shift the burden onto her students.

After contemplating for a moment while looking at the two, Eve said to them,

— “… Come with me for a moment.”


Eve led them to the front of the gymnasium.

She pointed to the gym’s outer wall and said to Yoon Si-woo.

— “Yoon Si-woo, want to try attacking that wall?”

At her words, Yoon Si-woo drew out a pure white sword from thin air and aimed it at the wall of the gym.

Then, in a controlled movement, he swung the sword from top to bottom — neither too fast nor too slow.

A single vertical slash.

Watching that, Eve stood still for a moment before finally speaking.

— “… You can go ahead. I’ll have a word with the principal for you.”

As she watched the boy and girl, who had bowed their heads towards her before turning to leave the school, Eve approached the wall of the gym once they were out of sight.

The wall of the gym had scars and markings from various attacks.

These were the imprints left by students who had eagerly attacked the wall at the promise of early graduation if they succeed in breaking it.

The students, brimming with confidence, would bow their heads the next day as if they were ripe rice ready for harvest, earning the building its nickname, “Hall of Humility.”

As Eve brushed her hand over the visible marks on the wall, she recalled the impact many of those strikes had made.

The deep gashes that looked like puncture wounds were certainly left by Leon, the fastest among them.

The jagged marks were from Eloise, who had perfectly matched up with them and even married due to a speed violation during their student days.

The visible dents came from Martina, a wizard full of confidence and skill.

Gently brushing over this new mark, Eve let out a hollow chuckle.

“To think that he had to control his strength to this extent, and how long has it been since he enrolled? With determination, talent, and a full heart, how can I stop a student eager to leave their teacher’s protection?”

Eve took out her phone and dialed the most recent number again.

“Congratulations on your graduation, Yoon Si-woo.”

Gazing at the straight line of the noble sword’s mark left on the Hall of Humility,

Eve prayed that the path ahead for her new hero would be filled with blessings.

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