Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

After finishing his conversation with Eve, Yoon Si-woo left the school gates alongside Scarlett, matching her slow pace as she appeared deep in thought.

Though there were no noteworthy exchanges, he had this peculiar feeling that she wanted to talk to him.

…No, to be honest, that reason was just an excuse.

In reality, it might be he who truly wanted to have a conversation with her.

Thinking about how he might have significantly less time to see her in the future, he was filled with a desire to spend as much time as he could with her.

However, whether Scarlett knew of his feelings or not, she merely continued moving with a face full of worries.

After walking for a while, she stopped at a nearby park.

Upon arriving there and silently taking a seat on a nearby bench, she subtly glanced at him, as if to say: “Sit next to me.”

There had been a time when they had come here after bumping into each other at the market, chatting with a shopping bag between them.

This time, with no such bag by their side, he hesitated for a moment, prompting her to gaze at him intently, almost urging him to quickly join her.

He sat so close that he worried their shoulders might touch if he moved even slightly, but fortunately, she seemed not to mind those kinds of things.

While his heart raced and he felt like his face might explode from embarrassment, he soon heard Scarlett’s voice beside him.

“Just yesterday, everyone was walking around smiling…”

She said, watching the people on the street with sad eyes.

The pedestrians cast glances in their direction.

Once, those who saw them in their academy uniforms had sent warm looks their way, but now, he could occasionally sense hatred and anger mixed in.

The world had changed so drastically within a single day.

With a tone that lamented the state of things, a deeply melancholic voice escaped her lips.

“…It seems, no one is smiling.”

Her voice reflected the expressions of the faces passing by.

After staring at them for a while, Scarlett quietly murmured.

“I had this plan, hoping people could again smile like before… but it seems a bit odd…”

After saying this, she stretched her left arm up towards the sky.

She stared pensively at her left hand, extended high above.

After a brief moment of silence, she murmured with a hint of frustration on her face.

“If only I were a bit stronger, I could have simply told them to make me a hero…”

As her gaze slowly shifted from the sky to the side, she placed her outstretched hand onto her knees and looked at him with troubled eyes before lowering her head.

“…I’m sorry. You must have had things you wanted to do while attending school, but becoming a hero means giving all that up, doesn’t it? Ideally, it should be my responsibility since I conceived this plan, but I feel like I’m making you carry too much… I’m really sorry…”

She kept apologizing, almost as if feeling guilty for making him make that choice.

He often thought that she was caring, yet that very care made her truly foolish.

After a moment of hesitation, Yoon Si-woo steadied himself and gently placed his hand over hers, which rested on her knees.

He had things he wanted to say to her, who kept feeling sorry.

When her head lifted, and their eyes met, Yoon Si-woo opened his mouth.

“You don’t need to feel so sorry for me. I chose this because I wanted to.”

Yoon Si-woo recalled her words about her sadness.

She had seemed so composed while speaking, yet he couldn’t even begin to understand the magnitude of sadness she must have endured to express it so.

But he thought about her words that having someone to lean on might allow her to forget her sorrow.

He wanted to be that person she could depend on, even just a little.

Of course, there were indeed things that would leave him feeling wistful.

It was clear that he would miss seeing her at school.

However, more than anything, he genuinely wished to see her joyful and laughing at school, so he could say it without hesitation.

“I want people to be able to smile like before, too.”

Because then, perhaps she, who cares more about others than anyone else, could smile.

“…Still, I feel sorry.”

Even after that, she still wore a look of regret.

While pondering what he might say to relieve her, he felt something rustling in his pocket.

At that moment, Yoon Si-woo recalled what he had tucked away and asked her.

“Hey, Scarlett, we’re friends, right?”

She hesitated a moment at his question but then slowly nodded her head.

Watching her, he quietly pulled something out of his pocket.

It was the macaron she had given him the day before.

It seemed like something she only gave to close friends, and he had long wished to receive one someday.

Despite his running around all night, thankfully, the macaron still retained its shape.

He unwrapped the macaron and popped it into his mouth.

A sweet macaron.

While he wasn’t particularly fond of sweets, it was such a delightful flavor that he couldn’t help but enjoy it.

With a sly smile, Yoon Si-woo said to her,

“Friends say thank you instead of sorry.”

She responded in a small voice.

“…Yeah, thank you.”

The faint smile gracing her lips filled him with immense joy.


Days passed since the major incident that shook the city.

Today, a joint funeral service was being held in the city to commemorate those lost that day.

The central square was filled with numerous people attending the ceremony.

The square echoed with the cries of those saying goodbye in their own ways to their loved ones when someone’s voice resonated through the air.

[Days ago, we lost countless precious lives.]

The voice originated from the podium at the center of the square.

On the podium stood members of the city’s elite and well-known heroes, all dressed in black.

Silvia Astra, heir of the Astra family, and Eve, known as the greatest illusionist, among others.

The speaker whose voice echoed throughout the square was Lucas Aegis, the head of Aegis Academy.

He addressed the many citizens gathered in the square.

[As announced in the media, this incident has been revealed to be the work of a witch.]

Upon hearing the word “witch,” the citizens expressed their hatred.

Towards the one who had taken their families, friends, and acquaintances.

But the flames of anger born from sorrow did not solely point in one direction.

For the people of an era who knew witches only through books, the existence of a witch was comparable to a natural disaster.

Just as people wouldn’t direct their anger at an earthquake for causing numerous deaths, some turned their angry arrows toward the leaders and heroes who hadn’t adequately prepared for this.

As the voices of blame rose from various parts, the people on the podium lowered their heads.

When Eve received the microphone from Lucas, she too bowed her head and began to speak.

[Though this was an unexpected attack occurring after several hundred years, we will not turn our eyes from our responsibilities because of that. The duty of a hero is to protect people, and the failure to perform that duty properly is certainly ours as well. We sincerely apologize for that.]

There’s a saying that if you apologize for something that’s not an issue, it becomes an issue.

Just as the anger of the many searching for someone to blame was about to shift toward the podium, Eve raised her bowed head and spoke again.

[However, even while the heroes weren’t fulfilling their duties, there was one who steadfastly did. Yoon Si-woo, first-year student of Aegis Academy. Please step forward.]

At Eve’s words, a boy dressed in a heroic white uniform advanced from among the black-clad audience mourning.

The boy took out a sword shining with golden light from the air.

His presence resembled a ray of light shining alone in the darkness, pulling the attention of even those who had raised their voices in grief.

In the now-silent square, Eve’s voice rang out.

[He discovered and eliminated the cause of the incident early, preventing what could have been even greater harm, saving countless lives. In recognition of his contributions, we hereby appoint him as a hero.]

With those words, the boy addressed the world.

[I solemnly swear here.]

What emerged from the boy’s mouth was an oath announcing that he had become a hero.

It was an unprecedented event in history.

It was the first time a first-year student from the academy had officially been appointed a hero.

But the boy proved he deserved it, radiating brilliant light from the sword he held.

[I will act for others before myself.]

Among the gathered crowd, there were undoubtedly those who recalled that light.

The light that had dispelled the darkness that filled the sky when they were in despair.

The light that began from the boy’s hand stretched towards the sky.

Those who had witnessed the scene, either through broadcasts or in person, held their breath in awe at the magnificent sight.

What did people see in that light?

Some would call it a blessing,

others a miracle,

and some would see hope within that light.

[I will never abandon my comrades, no matter the situation.]

The boy gazed at the eyes that had gathered around him.

The expectations contained within those gazes weighed heavily upon him, yet he bore them as if it was nothing.

He had long since made that determination.

[I will never stop, even when everyone else has given up.]

To ensure the girl would no longer be hurt while protecting others,

to become stronger than anyone else for the sake of protecting everyone,

to ensure the girl would no longer be sad,

to create a world where she could spend her remaining time happily.

Compared to that resolve, the added expectations of the people felt insignificant to him.

[With my honor and name at stake, until this life fades away.]

The girl had spoken.

To become a hero for everyone.

To become their hope.

[I swear to fight solely for the peace and safety of humanity.]

The boy thought.

If it could allow everyone to be happy.

If it could make you happy.

[I solemnly swear here.]

Ah, I will willingly walk this thorny path.

Thus, amidst the radiant light and the hopes of the people,

a hero of a new era was born.

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