Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 439 Counterattack

This level is not enough.
The tiger frowned and took a hard bite of the braised pig's trotter he picked up from somewhere. He did not approach immediately, but waited to see what happened.

Sure enough, after a while, Pan Bowen, who had lost weight again, staggered out of the dust haze.

Sure enough, he didn't die.

Hui didn't have too many surprises. After witnessing Pan Bowen's various inhuman behaviors, she knew that this guy probably had a lot of background and would not be easy to deal with.

But it's okay.

Prey, no matter how stubborn it is, is still prey.
After a brief observation, Hui quickly cleaned up the traces with his hands and feet, turned around and disappeared into the shadows again, disappearing deep into the vast ruins.

within the warehouse.


Chen Ze spoke sternly, and a pale gold character floated out of his mouth, swelling and deforming against the direction of the wind, like a net tightly binding the mountain of treasures in front of him.

He has collected all the extraordinary items in this place and piled them up into a mountain. Maybe some are missing, but he doesn't want to think too much about them.

bang bang bang
Even so, these extraordinary objects are clearly distinct from each other and are incompatible with each other. At this time, they are forced to squeeze into a group, constantly rubbing and colliding with each other, and they are extremely restless.

Chen Ze had originally planned to put everything in the storage bag.

But after arriving, I realized that these magic weapons were more difficult to deal with than I imagined, and most of them had strange shapes and unpredictable abilities, so I didn't feel comfortable keeping them around me.

While he was thinking about it, a burst of energy suddenly came from his waist, and the feather fan he had just subdued was shaking slightly, and he took the initiative to take a tassel.

For some reason, Chen Ze suddenly felt a subtle feeling of "selling out his friends for glory".

But the feather fan had no such self-consciousness at all. It shined brightly in Chen Ze's hand, and with a single wave, a flame of fangs and claws engulfed the entire treasure mountain.

With the abundant infusion of Yuan Qi, Lu Fan jumped for joy, as if a desert traveler who had been thirsty for many years drank clear and sweet spring water for the first time.

The treasure has a spirit that cannot be covered with dust, so choose your own bright master to be congenial to you!
Whirring whirring--

The feathers on the fan body are clearly defined, and upon closer inspection, there are countless mysterious and flowing textures imprinted on the surrounding air, which seem to complete the feather fan between the tangible and the intangible.

Chen Ze gathered some momentum, and a luxurious flame shadow like a phoenix rushed forward and plunged into the treasure mountain, stopping all tremors.

With one blow, the feather fan twitched its tail handle, as if flicking its tail to claim credit, doubling its demands on Yuan Qi.

But for Chen Ze, this demand was still just a drop in the bucket. He quickly took advantage of this opportunity and went to Baoshan Mountain to write with his hand, directly engraving the lines and sealing them on the spot.

The huge warehouse isolation area was now silent, as if the scene of "the sea of ​​fire, the black earth, the collapse of ice, etc." were all illusions.

Only the figure standing in the sky became the only focus.

Warehouse entrance.

Xu Guifeng gradually walked out of the shadows inside the door, carrying a large backpack on his shoulders, and a small bag on his left and right sides, which were fully packed.

Under such inconvenient attire, he still walked steadily, holding a pistol and looking out for a while. After making sure it was safe, he returned to the door and pushed out a severely overloaded trolley.

The trolley has obviously been violently modified to look like a supermarket shopping basket, with every corner where something can be stuffed has been spared.

Jade pots, tooth ornaments, lacquer carvings, legal rings, jade, hammers, locks, shields, bells, statues
With so many treasures piled up together, it doesn't look like a dazzling array, but it really looks like a roadside waste collector.

If a large speaker is installed and a loop of "recycling, old mobile phones, bad mobile phones, scrapped mobile phones, refrigerators, color TVs, and air conditioners" is played continuously, there will be no sense of disobedience.

Compared with the pile of colorful and ferocious creatures in front of Chen Ze, it was definitely a Mi Tai that could be seen with the naked eye.

But Xu Guifeng knew very well that these were all "auspicious" and "half-auspicious" level relics.

This also shows that the Hidden Immortal Society has a grading system for retained objects. The focus is on whether it is controllable or not.

Even though it seems that these relics in front of you cannot be put on the table, most of them can be said to be self-deprecating and hidden.

After all, being sharp in today's era of law-ending is not a good thing in many cases.

The objects themselves may not be intelligent, but the fact that they still exist today is not a result of natural selection.

Of course, everything has exceptions. If you are strong enough, you naturally don't need to abide by such rules.

For example, "great misfortune", and "great luck".
However, Xu Guifeng didn't think that far. He only knew that as soon as he stepped outside the warehouse and was exposed to the blue sky and white clouds, he felt an extremely uncoordinated strange feeling intruding on him.

For example, it is like being in a dirty and smelly sewer. The surrounding environment challenges the human body's nerves all the time.

But another force that comes from many sources is like a guardian spirit, surrounding Xu Guifeng and protecting him from manipulation.

Xu Guifeng closed his eyes and slowed down his breathing, as if he had developed a sixth sense. He could feel the light smoke floating out from the treasures on his front and back, protecting him.

First, there is a problem with the external environment.

Two, these treasures can combat this problem.

Xu Guifeng immediately deduced these two points.

He found that he had presided over that mysterious formation. To be precise, after close contact with Fang Xuan's jade seal, his body seemed to have undergone some changes.

This change helped him wake up from his coma early, and seemed to allow him to keenly sense extraordinary movements.

Whether the changes in the body are good or bad is left aside for now.

After confirming that there were no attackers outside, Xu Guifeng did not leave the warehouse immediately, but picked up the binoculars and continued to observe.

From what I could see, there was no firepower attack as expected, but there were quite a few busy employees running around, creating an orderly scene.

There are quite a few ruins with thick smoke, but they don't look like they were caused by enemy attacks, but rather like various spontaneous accidents.

And at this moment, there are no new accidents, and everything seems to be calming down.

Xu Guifeng frowned.

These people act too normal, and this is the biggest abnormality.

He already noticed something was wrong when he was still in the warehouse.

Not to mention that the doctor had mentioned that the emergency combat readiness instructions had already been conveyed. The enemy attack alarm that had just sounded throughout the base and the sound of the strange man fighting fiercely should have everyone taking action to find the enemy and respond.

Rather than what Guifeng saw in front of him, he was slowly carrying out emergency rescue and disaster relief.

It is true to extinguish accidents and reduce losses, but in the case of invasion by foreign enemies, it is definitely not the top priority.

After observing for a while, Xu Guifeng felt more and more strange, and even the hair on his body stood on end.

So far, he has not seen a "normal person", as if he is the one with the problem.

If he ruled out that what he just saw and heard was an illusion, Xu Guifeng raised two possibilities in his mind.

[-]. Senior officials from the Yinxian Society have taken over the situation. The crisis has been eliminated and everyone is dealing with the aftermath.

[-]. Everyone fell into a state of manipulation similar to hypnosis, controlled by the enemy, and acted like puppets.

After some thought, although Xu Guifeng didn't want to believe it, he had to admit that the second possibility was probably closest to the truth.The first possibility is very slim. If we talk about the top leaders of the Yinxian Society, who can be higher than Xu Guifeng and Dr. Xu Guifeng?

Moreover, less than half an hour has passed since the siren sounded. Even if the enemy attack really disappears, we must still remain vigilant according to the emergency response procedures.

Assuming that the second possibility is true, based on various considerations, the manipulator is most likely the man who is still in the warehouse to collect the "ferocious" level relics at this time, the man who looks like a god and demon.

Xu Guifeng has not forgotten the powerful enemy that his family inexplicably made due to the "Huang Zhi Ancient Sword".

So he could only prepare for the worst.

That terrifyingly powerful man belonged to the force that took away the Ancient Sword of Yellow. He launched an attack, controlled everyone under hypnosis to rescue and provide disaster relief, and went deep into the relic warehouse himself.

and many more!

Xu Guifeng's eyes suddenly widened because he realized an obvious contradiction!

If that man could control everyone under hypnosis, then why did he bother to create so many serial accidents and then have people go to rescue and provide disaster relief afterwards?
Isn't this the same as taking off your pants and farting?
Unless those accidents were not caused by him!

Xu Guifeng is worthy of being one of the top leaders of the Hidden Immortal Society. In such a tight time and with limited information, he was able to deduce the truth of the matter.

Yes, Xu Guifeng gradually became convinced.

There is a third party force!
One force launched a surprise attack on the base first and broke it from the inside. It was obviously the work of a traitor.

Then the other force, that terrible man, came on stage and controlled everyone in the base. While taking over the situation, he kept everyone away from the warehouse to facilitate his actions.

This is why, even the roof of the warehouse was overturned and the beating was so shocking that no one even came to take a look.

After coming to this series of conclusions, Xu Guifeng did not feel any joy at finding out the truth, but felt an unbearable headache.

There were two successive waves of enemies of unknown origin, a traitor with unknown infiltration levels, the whereabouts of the doctor unknown, and the stranger who kidnapped the doctor. He was obviously an attacker, but he was helping to reduce the base's losses.

Could it be said that he has regarded the entire Hidden Immortal Society as his own private property?


Xu Guifeng took a deep breath. Even now, he almost couldn't help but shudder at that figure.

It's terrifying to think about it carefully. The more you delve into the meaning of this, the more frightening you become.

As far as the eye could see, not a single enemy soldier could be seen, but the entire base had been completely occupied.

If possible, Xu Guifeng wished he could be hypnotized himself, so as not to worry so much.

But joking aside, Xu Guifeng quickly boosted his morale and prepared to capture a living person to test the situation first.

"One, two, three, up!"

"one two three!".
It happened that a team of people were passing by carrying mobile fire bolts. Xu Guifeng was carrying large and small bags. To be on the safe side, he picked up a handful of messy treasures and put them in his arms to protect himself. He dressed like a returning migrant worker and went to stop them.


"excuse me"


"I need help, uh."

"Stop for Laozi!"

"I am Xu Guifeng, and I order you to stop immediately!"
After changing several completely different tones and questions, Xu Guifeng failed to get any response or attention.

Can only people who are controlled by hypnosis communicate with each other?
The crowd walked away, and Xu Guifeng stood there thinking alone.

Just as he passed by, he could feel the protective power of the thing left on his body colliding with another strange force.

There is no doubt that these people are indeed in a state of being manipulated and have no clear consciousness.

This is not good. Xu Guifeng groaned secretly in his heart.

His original idea was to bring people around first, use the "good luck" and "good luck" relics to try to dispel the influence, and then keep snowballing, gathering a team, and then lead people to occupy the communications department and make follow-up responses.

But now, these people can't communicate at all, so what?
Xu Guifeng's aimless gaze suddenly froze.

Because he suddenly discovered that the landmark in the corner of the base, the green bull that seemed to be eternal, actually stood up? !
Xu Guifeng soon realized that this might be the key to breaking the situation.

within the warehouse.

Isolation area for "evil" level relics.

This place has been shrouded in dazzling glare, and every gap and every corner is filled with specialized light.

At first glance, the colors are colorful, like an oil painting, but if you look closely, you will find that the colors inside are not qualified to be described as ever-changing, and it is even difficult to accurately describe them with quantitative words within cognition.

And these radiances are still changing, refracting, and diffusing. Such changes are then superimposed with almost infinite colors, and the amount of information brought is almost infinite, enough to drive the brain of any ordinary person who dares to pay attention crazy.

It's like trying to force a galaxy into a planet, and even if it explodes, it will be a good outcome.

For an extraordinary force that is so powerful that it can transform, even the act of peeking at it will cause cognitive collapse, and even more unspeakable and terrible consequences.

But Chen Ze did not want to kill mortals, but to trap the restless mountain.

As artifacts without intelligence and possessing a considerable degree of extraordinary power, those "evil" level relics are not ordinary "generations".

With this method, Chen Ze estimated that he would be able to keep them in peace for a while.

But at least for now, he finally has some free time.

Ringing, ringing, ringing ~

The storage bag on the waist flew free on its own, and the ancient sword marks on the bag continued to leak out.

Ever since Chen Ze entered the warehouse, the ancient sword imprint has been restless, as if it had been summoned by some kind.

And just now, the ancient sword mark seemed to have received some strong stimulation and call, and even the seal could not be controlled.

This call clearly points to the deepest part of the warehouse.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh whoosh whoosh—

Chen Ze threw several spells without looking and left them in place to take effect, stabilizing the glare's suppression of Baoshan.

The shape of the glare is very strange, as if it is covered in place like a solid body and will not spill out.

Chen Ze checked for the last time, turned around and walked into the deep darkness.

The lighting system nearby had been completely destroyed. Chen Ze didn't walk long before he saw a thick explosion-proof wall blocking his way.

Without any delay, Chen Ze jumped forward and opened the way with his body. (End of chapter)

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