Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 440

Long dong dong dong dong dong dong dong——

There were so many isolation and protection facilities on this road that Chen Ze secretly sighed, and couldn't help but compare it with the warehouse of his own cultivation seminar.

What a waste of luxury!
There is no comparison at all.

It's a pity that Chen Ze focused on one direction, and all his defenses were in vain.

Pa la la la
Another lampshade was smashed to pieces with his hands. Chen Ze let out a sigh and simply gathered the pieces into his hand, then stuffed them into his mouth and chewed them up before swallowing them.

【Experience value +1000】

【Experience value +3000】.
The key part of the self-locking explosion-proof door in front of him is actually embedded with a strange magic weapon that takes effect on its own. Such a combination of metaphysics and science is quite eye-opening for Chen Ze.

It's broken anyway, so it's better to eat it and absorb it and refine it.

After a while, when all the broken pieces of the light bulb entered his abdomen, Chen Ze was about to reach out and open the explosion-proof door, but his movement suddenly stopped.

There seemed to be something special and elusive in the dark depths ahead, like invisible tentacles trying to pull Chen Ze.

It smelled of danger, and in more than one place.


When Chen Ze was just suppressing those rampant magic weapons, he noticed some information documents exposed at the scene. Combined with the information he had received from the prisoners of the Yinxian Society, he immediately understood where this place was.

At the same time, it was also clear that the pile of treasure mountains was the "evil"-level relics. For some reason, all the measures to deal with and store them failed, and a collective riot broke out.

But right now, there are actually several auras that are even more dangerous and can even make one feel life-threatening.
Could it be the "big evil" level relic that is regarded as an absolute taboo?
Chen Ze reached out and touched the empty space in front of him, as if he was saying goodbye to his lover, and then he clenched his fist fiercely.

A little golden light suddenly appeared, illuminating the surrounding area.

Along with the light, there was also overwhelming fighting spirit.

How long had it been? Chen Ze couldn't remember how long it had been since he had met a decent opponent.

While sighing, his pupils suddenly became extremely bright, like a supernova compression explosion, from which two extremely destructive beams of light shot out, colliding and integrating in front of him.

This intersection melted and boiled violently, eliminating the invisible, and then, like a singularity, "something" emerged from "nothing", exploding with unimaginable energy.

Rumble rumble rumble!

A beam of light as blazing as the sun, as thick as the sun, blasted out parallel to Chen Ze's face, swelling to the point of almost deforming, turning everything he saw into pure brightness.

All obstacles along the way, as well as the building itself, turned into nothingness like tofu.

It may be difficult to understand, but it doesn’t feel like destruction, but rather like creation, blessing everything around you to turn into light.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom !
Chen Ze's eyes widened, and he controlled the beam of light to sweep across. He was excitedly preparing to wipe out the entire warehouse with one blow, but suddenly he noticed a trace of resistance.

This resistance is getting bigger and bigger, until it can compete with the light beam.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Directly opposite Chen Ze, deep in the warehouse, a similar beam of light struck him from the front with a fierce and destructive aura!

What is it!
Remains? But these are obviously traces of Taoism. Could it be that
Chen Ze's blood was almost boiling, Yuan Qi was overflowing, like a pot of boiling water boiling to the extreme, with full firepower!

Rumble, rumble, rumble!
The two distinct and terrifying light pillars became more and more violent, colliding with each other until they were completely annihilated!
boom! ! !
The impact like a meteorite falling to the ground immediately exploded from the annihilation point, sweeping away everything around it and messing up the hair on Chen Ze's head.

Just as the light beam dissipated, he flew up and rushed out at top speed!
Show me who you are!
The warehouse that had experienced this destruction was already half-collapsed, and the ceiling was riddled with holes. Wisps of sunlight leaked through, revealing the ground that looked like ruins.

This was the mountain of treasures that Chen Ze had worked so hard to collect and suppress by gathering his strength to prevent it from spreading behind him.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Ze had already arrived, but he paused in mid-air, staring down into the shadows in front of him.

He sensed a powerful energy reaction that he had never encountered before, a powerful energy reaction that was truly different from ordinary people or other inferior people.

And it is slowly approaching.

Chen Ze was not lacking in patience. Perhaps it was his first time meeting such a strong person, and he even had a small sense of ritual in his heart, waiting for the moment when the other person showed up.

The opponent's powerful Qi field has formed its own domain, making it impossible for Chen Ze to grasp the opponent's situation through spiritual locking.

Da da da.
In the uneven darkness, a human-shaped shadow slowly approached, stepping on the creaking ruins, and stood little by little under the beam of light coming from the hole in the wall.

But the moment he saw the other person's face clearly, Chen Ze's mood, which had been rising steadily, suddenly trembled.

A circle of air explosion suddenly spread from Chen Ze's body.

Chen Ze clenched his fists, and his face showed a look of shock that hadn't appeared in a long time.

Because the other person's face is exactly the same as his own!
Although it was covered with dust and looked quite embarrassed, Chen Ze would never mistake his face.

Another "Chen Ze" came towards Chen Ze!

"Stop it." The other party looked calm.
"It's not too late now. Let's go."

"You" Chen Zezheng was about to speak, but the other party beat him to it.

"Who are you?" The other party's gaze came over, and it was a look that Chen Ze was all too familiar with.
"You want to say this, right?"

The voice is exactly the same, the expression is exactly the same, the tone of voice, pauses, and rhythm are exactly the same.

In a daze, Chen Ze felt that he was looking in the mirror, or watching a video he had recorded.

"I knew it." The other party suddenly smiled, but it was a little awkward.
"You will listen to me."

"Hopefully, it's not too late."

Chen Ze stared at him, and for some reason, he seemed to be able to read a deep sadness hidden in his eyes.

Then Chen Ze raised his hand, made a fist, and punched it forward.

A huge ghostly light fist formed instantly and fell from the sky, only to be caught by another similar giant palm.

"I am you, you are me." The other party caught the blow with ease and said in a calm and unhurried manner,

"You should go back."

"Go, get out of here."

"I don't have the weird habit of being a Riddler." Chen Ze said lightly, but the fists on his hands changed fiercely.
"Get out of my way!"

In an instant, thousands of crescent-shaped sharp points that could hurt both eyes with just one glance were like pouring rain, all slashing at the man.

"That's right." The other party smiled helplessly, and the airflow between his lips and teeth that seemed to be exhaled accidentally expanded and expanded, scattering all the slashes.
"You are still very young at this time, and you haven't had time to make big mistakes yet."

This breath of blowing to drive away evil spirits was actually the Taoist method of the Lushan School that Chen Ze had just studied and mastered a while ago!

"Who are you!" Chen Ze's expression changed slightly and he suddenly looked at the other person.

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!
Invisible pressure suddenly increased on the enemy's body. Even the surrounding air could not bear the heavy pressure and fell to the ground, cracking and shattering it!
Another completely opposite force emerged from the ground, grinding the opponent like a millstone.

Heaven and earth are incompatible!
"I said it!" The opponent, who had half of his body pressed into the ground, gritted his teeth and raised his hands to squeeze out the surrounding restraints, clearing a large pit.
"I am you in the future. Today, you will do something that you will regret for the rest of your life!"

"I'm here to stop you, to stop the younger me!"

"Think about it carefully! Besides you and me, who else has this ability!"

"What do you want?"

"Fart!" Chen Ze finished his words when the evil wind came, and the peak of his fist had already reached the opponent's face.

"I don't have an exhibitionist like you! If you want to fool me, you don't know how to put on some pants first!"

Bang! ! !
The trajectory was completely unclear, but the opponent raised his hand just in time to catch the punch. The violent impact exploded, causing dust and dust to fill the sky around the two of them. "Of course I know you won't believe it." The naked opponent loomed in the smoke, and he struck out with his other hand, which was also firmly caught by Chen Ze.

zi zi zi zi -

Where their fists and palms met, sparks flew out like electric welding.

"Listen, you don't have much time." The other party glared angrily and persuaded as if he hated iron.

"Go back quickly! It's still too late!"

"Where are you going back?" Chen Ze seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He was in a stalemate at close range with his eyes uncompromising.

"You know, where should you go back?" The other party seemed to have made up his mind and only spoke half of the words.
"You can also choose to fight with me for half a day, and then regret it for half your life!"

"Pfft." Chen Ze smiled,
"You mean, you are me?"

"Then let me ask you, how much experience can nine shallow and one deep gain in total?"

The other party was slightly startled, and his face was momentarily covered by a shadow.

"Fake!" Chen Ze broke free instantly and punched him in the head!
This punch seemed slow and had no speed at all, but it made the opponent look horrified.

During the punching process, the entire room, debris, dust, air, and even the light coming through, were all guided and forced towards him, as if the surrounding environment came alive and wanted to trap him in place.

It's actually inviting heaven and earth to help!

There is no way to avoid it!

It wasn't until his face changed that the punch was about to hit.

The fists and faces touched, but no sound was made.

The next moment, the figure in front of Chen Ze suddenly disappeared, and only the sound of impact and explosion could be heard in the distance opposite the fist peak.

Even the flying process is not visible.

However, after the attack was successful, Chen Ze did not relax. Instead, he looked in that direction with his eyebrows furrowed.

After the initial shock, Chen Ze had calmed down and was thinking about various possibilities of the other party's identity.

The other person may be yourself in another timeline, or in a parallel world, or maybe your long-lost twin brother
In any case, these conjectures are too outrageous, and Chen Ze would rather believe that the other party is some kind of imitation of himself.

This conjecture was verified in the short battle and conversation that followed.

Although he looks the same, has the same figure, and has the same voice, the other person always talks about him, acting like a complete magician.

There are more and more flaws, and even the existence of experience points cannot be answered. In other words, the other party does not know the existence of the attribute panel.

There is no doubt that no matter what this is, at least it won't be Chen Ze himself.

So the question is, why does this counterfeit tell himself this set of lies that are full of flaws?

For fun?


Chen Ze was convinced that the other party was most likely delaying time.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Ze will not give him any chance to talk nonsense.

So while thinking rapidly in his mind, Chen Ze didn't stop at all and disappeared from where he was.

boom! ! !
On another similar ruins, Chen Ze punched the empty space, and the huge force that penetrated instantly carved out a bottomless hole.

was dodged.

This place is said to be a warehouse, but in fact it is wider than several stadiums combined. Most of the space is taken up by various storage facilities and machines.

Therefore, after it was reduced to ruins, it was an extremely open battlefield.

After punching the air, Chen Ze glanced at the deep ravine on the ground that was obviously plowed by the human body out of the corner of his eye, and turned to look at the counterfeit standing in the air and reappearing.

This counterfeit seems to be getting stronger as time goes by.

At first, he just received a beam of light and then became disgraced and all his clothes were destroyed.

Later, he couldn't even catch a punch and was rubbed crazily on the ground.

Until now, even Chen Ze had a hard time catching the other party's movements.

"Sure enough, I can't fool you." The impostor didn't even try to act, and said expressionlessly,

"But actually what I said is right. I am you, and my abilities are exactly the same as yours."


The counterfeit man invited him gently, and the air around him quietly condensed into countless transparent flying swords.

"You should be familiar with this trick."

"How about you try it yourself?"

Before he finished speaking, the flying swords all over the sky stabbed out, turning the already riddled ruins into a sieve.

But not including Chen Ze.

He had already ducked behind the impostor and kicked out in the air.

"Oh?" The figure of the counterfeit was dispersed and then regrouped in another direction.
"To fight me hand to hand is——"

The end of his words was stretched infinitely, because a round of crackling sounds, electric arcs flickering on the surface, and the black sun like a dead light had been thrown out by Chen Ze.

As if there was no concept of distance, Black Sun appeared in front of the impostor at the same time.

The Taoist method of Lushan Mountain can solve the evil and ascend the Cloud Tower!

"Sure!" The counterfeit man no longer had a calm look on his face. He stretched out his hand in panic, and the energy around him resonated with the energy of the environment, instantly condensing into a crystal giant of light to take over this round of destructive black sun on his behalf.

Then he himself was slapped down by Chen Ze who was chasing after him, and he was completely smashed into the depths of the ruins.

Chen Ze never talks nonsense when fighting.

Especially when the battle is not over yet.

A ray of light emerged from the depths of the ruins, and then spread out like a simple drawing of the sun's rays.

"You can't." A distant voice came from under the ruins.

Chen Ze raised his eyes and glanced, stretched out his hand to take the black sun that had been blown away, and flicked it into the ground with his fingers.

At the same moment, the tens of thousands of rays of light gushing out from the ground surged, like the rising sun and the black sun coming together, creating a big explosion like annihilation.

Rumble Rumble Rumble!

The roof of the warehouse collapsed completely, covering the explosion site with dust.

Chen Ze floated slowly over the ruins, his eyes never leaving.

Judging from the battle just now, the impostor Yuan Qi's body and Taoism are exactly the same as Chen Ze's.

Therefore, they cancel each other out, and Chen Ze cannot detect the status of the counterfeit from the air like a mortal, and can only rely on direct observation. (End of chapter)

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