Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

First Firebending Subskill Part 2

(Aden's P.O.V)

I slammed the door to the living room open, looking for her.
"Maze? Maze!"
She wasn't in the bar or in her room. I'd just checked it before arriving here. I really needed someone to stop me from doing something dumb. Something dumb in the way of going back there after Lucifer had teleported me to safety. I sat down on the couch, holding my head in between my arms and breathing a little too fast.

"Ok, let's look at the facts. Lucifer is powerful. The only one who can probably match him is Michael and something tells me, he wasn't part of that group. So, this is going to be a cake walk for him. I mean the only problem would be the realm getting destroyed from the aftershocks of their battle…"
I stopped as my throat seized. My Elemental Dimension…it would probably get destroyed. Oh shit! No no no no no. That can't happen! I can't let them fight there!

(Urgent Mission)

(A host of divine creatures have breached past the boundaries of your realm and the only one capable of stopping them is a railgun, nuclear missile and world ending meteor of a being all rolled into one. In other words, total overkill. Do something!! Anything!! To ensure your world does not get done dirty.

Mission difficulty:- Hell.)

(General P.O.V)

Lucifer swept his gaze over the Heavenly Host. Billions of battle class angels led by the strongest of his brothers. A powerful force that would oppose any and all. However, severely outmatched by him alone. The only equal he had was currently… indisposed. An easy and relaxed smile appeared on his face.
"Gabriel, how pleasant to see your face after so long little brother and I see you brought the rest of the family along too for this reunion."

Now that Aden was safely back on Earth, his form changed from the mortal guise he used to restrain 99% of his charm. And the world bowed in submission as his unmatchable glorious aura was released. The battle angels behind the six Archangels immediately felt the difference. This light…was overbearing. Their wings seized up as they felt overwhelmed. Gabriel's own light along with Raphael's and Uriel's who were both flanking him exploded out to match God's most beautiful creation's power.

"Samael… you're looking, well."
Gabriel responded.
"And seemingly very lost. You should not be here."
Uriel added from the side. The Arcangel's face was grim as he joined the conversation. Lucifer spared a glance at him and shrugged.
"The heat gets to me sometimes. It's been over a billion years brother. You can't fault me for taking a break."

"We can do much more than that, fallen one!" Saraquael cut in, brandishing his sword. Lucifer looked on with the smile never slipping off his face.
"Even while banished, your impurity and blasphemous touch extends to the creation. Why are you shielding that boy?"
Gabriel held up a hand.
"Enough Saraquael . Don't lose your temper. Not when the situation is this delicate."
Gabriel Hornblower chided.

"Saraquael, still Metatron's lap dog I see. It seems nothing has changed in the silver city since I left."
Lucifer answered mockingly.
"We are here on Father's orders."
Raphael, by far the quietest of the bunch countered Lucifer's statement.
"And let me guess, those orders were passed down to you by Metatron, right?"
Seeing them go silent, Lucifer laughed.
"Just as I thought. I wonder how much of what he tells you to do comes from Father."

"He is the voice of The Presence just like I am His Judgement, Justice and Vengeance. We all have a part to play in the Plan, deceiver."

Raguel told Lucifer. Disgust appeared on Lucifer's face.

"Don't tell me about the plan Raguel. It is inconceivable that a breathing, feeling and reasoning being such as we are not expected to craft our own paths. That is what I did. I sought a way out of the madness that is Father's controlling self. I desired freedom. And I am at peace with that decision."

Lucifer's face changed into an impassive stare.

"In any case, I find myself tiring of this little family reunion. My patience has run out Gabriel. Take the host back to heaven before I break through those pearly gates myself. Right behind your broken forms."

He addressed them.

The Archangels stood up straighter, ready for a fight.
"Arrogance. Some things haven't changed."
Gabriel shook his head.
"I don't know why I was expecting anything else."
Lucifer's eyebrows rose up at Gabriel's comment.
"Its literally in the title little brother, god's most beautiful creation, king of Hell and all that jazz. Arrogance is warranted. A necessity. Just like the power that comes with it. Trust me, you'll find that out soon enough. Should you choose not to heed my warning, Gabriel."

The mood got tense. Energy was brimming in the hands and weapons of the Archangels.
"You know what that child has done. What he is capable of."
Uriel spoke.
"He touched upon his guiding light. The hand that shaped creation. A feat that is reserved for only those chosen. Those important to his plan."
Gabriel added in a grave tone.
"We all felt it Lucifer. Even you. It was a significant action. One only trumped by the first rebellion led by you and the second by Asmodel. A proper explanation is needed brother. We do not have to fight." 'Because we would undoubtedly lose without Michael.' Gabriel added to himself.

"Alright, I'll concede that you have a point. However, my offer still stands. Walk away."
All traces of a joking mood left Lucifer's face. Whispers of foreign power caused the angels to falter, some losing their stability in the air.
"He will not ask again. It is either we fight and risk tearing apart the fabric of reality or find a different solution."
Raguel informed them as the foundations of Aden's world shook.

"Hell to the fuck no. No one is fighting here. This is MY DIMENSION! MY REALM! MY WORLD! AND NONE OF YOU ARE WELCOME!!"
A voice suddenly cut through the space. As one, the Archangels and the angels turned their attention to the new party. Standing on a massive 20 feet dragon, Aden appeared out of a boom tube. All around him multiple portals opened and with them came the forces of the Elemental Dimension. Thousands of Dragons. A measly response to the forces gathered. The angels were billions in numbers after all but Aden was sure his authority and Lucifer's 'slap anyone who isn't the presence away' power was more than enough to contend with it all.

"Blasphemer, you stand in the presence of The Heavenly Host. Have you no remorse or regret for the nature of your sin?"
One of the huge Archangels with long blonde hair and blue eyes asked, leveling his majestic sword at the young boy. Aden swallowed as he felt the pressure from all around. This was a suppression that went far beyond power. He could fell it in his core! However, a massive pushback of power exploded out of Aden's body as the Avatar State denied the effect of angelic power upon his vessel. Aden lifted his head up in difficulty and pushed bust the constricting pressure on his mind, body and soul while facing down one of the beings closest in power to Lucifer. His eyes blazed with conviction and strength.

"Bite me."
Aden spat out. A white glow manifesting briefly in his eyes. Flashing with power at the threat before him. Every one of the Archangels felt it. The torrential flood of unending power hidden underneath the mortal shell of the boy. Saraquael didn't waste any more time. With a mere flap of his wings, he achieved speeds faster than Kid Flash had ever gone at. To Aden, it felt like he hadn't moved at all, yet a golden sword was poised to smite him. To split him from head to toe with no mercy or hesitation.

A clang rang out as Aden blinked his eyes. Suddenly the Dragon Patriarch he was riding on pulled back from the scene. Saraquael's sword had been mere inches from Aden's forehead. The only thing stopping the blade was Lucifer's hand, holding it by one of the sharp sides. Saraquael strained to pull away, however the weapon was effortlessly held captive by his big brother. Lucifer turned his attention to Aden, throwing him a look over his shoulders.
"Oi, I teleported you away for a reason. Are you that eager to die?"

Of course he wasn't, Aden thought. But what sort of man was he? What sort of master leaves his realm in the fate of others? Aden had thought he was done with taking unnecessary risks but…he felt like he would betray his ideals had he chosen to stay out of it. This was his dimension. This was his realm and NO ONE, NO ONE WAS ALLOWED TO DO AS THEY PLEASED!

A trail of blood run down his forehead, from Saraquael's holy blade extending it's energy before Lucifer neutralized it. Anger clouded Aden's mind. And something answered back from within the deep recess of his mind. Aden blacked out completely. This time when the Avatar State took over, he wasn't witness to what was going to happen. He wasn't aware of when his mind fell into slumber and the epitome of order and balance came out.

The Dragons roared as one while The Archangels watched on in shock. White glowing energy covered the boy in a shroud of erratic power. Pulsing with the unknown.
"Gabriel, what is this?"
Raphael wondered out loud, enquiring from the Hornblower who was similarly surprised. He accessed his memories. Records detailing events over billions of years with picturesque clarity and found nothing. Therein lied the answer.
"An existence beyond time, space and reality. Outside of the known and into the depths of the void, past other conceivable worlds. This is a true anomaly. Outside the plan!"
The normally stoic Archangels were shocked. Gabriel looked at Lucifer to judge his expression and found a serious look on his face. This further reinforced The Hornblower's theory.

The light show died down, revealing the boy, now with glowing white orbs in the place where his eyes should have been. His face was set in an expression of anger and wrath. His power elevated to levels even Raguel, the one who could feel other beings strength level keenly found absurd for a mortal.
"Nice of you to show up."
Lucifer commented.

The Avatar State spared a look at the Deceiver before turning it's attention back to the billions of angels. A fight could not happen here today. The battle would destabilize the foundations of the realm and destroy everything the being had worked for. It had taken care to restrict every possible creature but had never accounted for divine beings. That would have to change.

Aden spread out his hands…and said one word. A word that changed everything. A word that shifted the battle into his favor. A word that was absolute, undeniable and unquestionable. A word that would no doubt, prove to the Host the true depths of his power. Announcing that a new player was in town. The word was…


It took but a second for all the lower ranked angels to find themselves floating above the moon in space. Billions of the battle class angels booted out of the realm by one simple word.

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