Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

First Firebending Subskill Part 3


(General P.O.V) (Wayne Mansion)

"Shock and awe has hit the planet following a never before seen phenomenal of the moon attaining 2 shining rings set in a diagonal orbiting position, around the natural satellite. Experts from all around the world are gathering to come up with a scientific explanation to what the cause…"
Dick Grayson switched the channel to another news outlet. This time a man of asian origins appeared on the screen speaking in Japanese.

The language was easy enough for Dick to pick up, having undergone extensive and intense lessons by Bruce to better prepare him for missions around the world. It was Batman's policy that you couldn't be too prepared. Contingencies upon contingencies upon back up plans with follow up schemes and what not. That was more than anything, Batman's legacy.
"… Our sources say The Justice League is planning to send a team as first response to investigate this strange incident. This has met with mixed reactions from multiple governments of the world. Chief of whom being China and Russia due to the on going debate about the United States of America getting precedent over extraterrestrial issues based on the fact that most of the League Members are American citizens…"

Dick made a small sound of disgust at that. He knew that the League was planning to add more international superheroes to their roster. Ironically, the same countries using that excuse to blast America were the same ones who had stringent restrictions on the League efforts, one of them being cooperation into allowing their own vigilantes to work hand in hand with the League. China was especially strict on that.

Back to the other matter, Dick didn't know what to do with the information about the moon. It was currently 6 in the evening. This was usually when he would take the Zeta tube straight to the Watchtower and meet up with the team for a debrief on a previous mission, brief on a planned mission or a training session with Black Canary. Unfortunately, the team had been momentarily suspended for one week as the League ran multiple scans and surveillance to ensure that the Watchtower was not severely compromised.

Dick gnashed his teeth. They should have known it had been too easy. That Aden would never allow himself to be captured like that. Well, hindsight is 20/20. Dick took the elevator down to the hidden section of the Wayne Mansion, the Batcave to meet up with his Adopted Father. Just because Bruce was out of the league didn't mean he was out of the game. If anything, his new found autonomy and freedom allowed him free reign to work more effectively. Dick however knew his adopted Father more than the man knew. The press conference announcing his resignation had been today…it couldn't have been easy on him. No matter how much he tried to hide it.

The only thing he could do was be there for him. Silent up until the moment that Bruce was ready to listen to him talk.

(General P.O.V) (Elemental Dimension)

Gabriel looked at his hand in shock as his form blurred. A massive force was working to push him and the other 5 out of the bounds of the Elemental Dimension. The power increased in magnitudes the longer he tried to hold on. One questioning look at Lucifer and he knew there was no way he was the one responsible. The smug grin of satisfaction he was expecting from his brother was after all nowhere to be seen Which meant.. Gabriel looked at the boy…and felt afraid. All that power, wielded by a mortal.

Saraquael's hands lit up, bright yellow light poured off his left arm and covered his magnificent blade. Rune like inscriptions manifested along the shaft of the sword along with a silent hum that lightly rang across the whole sky. A telepathic link was established among the six of them.
"We have to go on the offense."
Saraquael said seriously. Gabriel was about to agree with him, when Uriel cut in to add his piece, twirling his spear expertly.
"We are past the point of a meaningful and peaceful talk Brother. As one we will move to attack the Deceiver while you stop the boy."
He directed that thought to Gabriel. After agreeing, they pulled from more of the Light. The power of the Presence that all angels had access to. Using that, they managed to stave off the expulsion from the realm. At least long enough to do what had to be done. Gabriel nodded.

A loud sigh was the response they got from Lucifer.
"Wrong choice Gabriel. As your big brother, it falls to me to punish you all appropriately. The child is under. My. Protection."
Lucifer declared, his powerful aura dwarfing everyone present. He raised up his hand slowly and following the move, space fractured and gravity increased.

Saraquael and Gabriel shouted separately as all of them strained and just barely managed to endure the sudden oppression from Lucifer. They all disappeared from their position in blinding speed, flanking Lucifer from all sides. Uriel darted in with a grunt, spear pulled back and his wings flapping once in a mighty wave to increase his already fast speed to almost beyond light speed.

The spear in his hand left afterimages and a trail of motes of light as it descended upon the King of Hell's neck. A ruthless move right from the get go. A clang rang out as a thin rapier appeared in Lucifer's grip, successfully blocking the attack. Uriel's eyes grew focused while he twisted the Spear in envious mastery. This time he swiped out with the shaft, alternating between moves to target blind spots and places that would cause mortal injuries.

A particularly overextended move turned out to be a strategic action, because when Lucifer tried to take advantage, his left side was left open for a dozen white light lances to spear through him from Saraquael. He smiled and spun in place, sending a burst of power that pushed every Archangel at his side away. The energy blast was blocked due to Raphael's effort. A bright wall of light covering the Archangels.

Raguel took that chance to engage Lucifer in a hand to hand close combat altercation. Blocks, parries, side steps and kicks appeared in blinding speeds. Shockwaves rang out through the whole sky, shaking the foundations of Aden's world. Lucifer managed to back hand Raguel away before he increased the power pouring off him in waves. The wave of energy coalesced in a shroud of white light covering his body.
"Okay…you want to play? Let's see what you all got."
Lucifer commented, slicing his sword through the air.

Meanwhile, Gabriel's mighty form appeared above The Avatar, the action followed by screaming sonic winds that was a testament to a unique skill Gabriel possessed, an instinctual control over sound. The angel merely spread his hands apart and a field of silence occupied their immediate surroundings. Gabriel's sword was not as huge as Saraquael or Uriel's expertly made Spear but it had theirs beat in one area, support. It could turn into anything he wished. And true to his moniker, the Sword shifted into it's true form, A long horn.
"Give up, child. There is still time for you to make it out of this alive and unharmed."
He addressed the Avatar, who was still standing on the Dragon Patriarch. His voice traveling through the silent space, clear and causing distortions.

A sharp eyed look along with an anger filled grimace was the only answer he got.
"I see. So be it."
Gabriel brought the horn to his mouth and blew upon it. Instantly the whole space changed. Millions of silent weapons, spears, axes, swords, hammers and arrows manifested with that simple action and shot off at supersonic speeds towards Aden's form. A true and silent death.

The Avatar jumped off the Dragon and immediately, Gabriel felt the difference. The air grew heavy and uncooperative despite the silent field he had set up. The Avatar pulled back his hands to the the sides and then clapped them together. A gale more destructive than a tsunami and a cyclone put together, was born. Pushing most of the weapons about to land on Aden away. The Archangel was blown back, having to use his wings to shield his face from the sharp and slicing winds.

20% of Gabriel's attack managed to make it through the attack and in response to that, The Avatar snapped his finger. A keening wail burst through the sky, taking Gabriel by surprise as a sonic attack was released in such an unexpected way that it left him shocked. The frequency of the shockwave was enough to offset and neutralize Gabriel's last attack. And the Archangel understood why Lucifer didn't look worried in the least about him attacking the boy. The Boy was truly powerful. And he also understood what the sonic attack was, a testament. Telling Gabriel that he could take anything that the Archangel could throw at him. Gabriel wasn't your typical battle class angel. His abilities laid primarily elsewhere. Which is why he recognized he couldn't take the boy down alone.

"Raphael, I might need your help brother, cover me while I attack."
He sent the telepathic message through their link and a brief nod from the most peaceful of the Archangels was all the answer he needed. Gabriel decided to change tactics. So far, the boy had demonstrated a knack for blocking and neutralizing Gabriel's meta skills, but what Gabriel knew was that in the end, the boy was still essentially a human and that meant, human level physical parameters. The angel's horn changed to two twin swords.

One mighty flap of his wings and he beared down on the Avatar with the full force granted to him by his angelic physique. The Avatar in response created a force bubble made of harsh and gyrating air shields. The force shield was blasted out of the air by a punch, slamming onto the surface of Sanctuary, carving a groove through the trees and then skimming along the water for a short distance before The Avatar managed to arrest it's momentum.

Aden's face grew focused. Curious, studying and attentive. Gabriel exploded towards him again. Slashes and thrusts from the twin swords fell upon the Force bubble like a never ending downpour of rain and hail storm. The forcefield barely held on when matched up against the onslaught of attacks. But it did. The Avatar did not attack again. Content to study and learn. To dissect the core of the kind of being an angel was, having never met a typical one before. And it did. One instance the force shield was sent spinning away from a harsh kick. The Dragon Patriarch seizing the chance, flew to help it's master, sending a plume of violet flames at Gabriel.

The Hornblower did not cower however due to the white shield of light that appeared to cover his form, extending out to dozens of meters. The light died down to reveal Raphael, long brown hair, a beautiful face and calm disposition standing before the Dragon and Gabriel.
"Thank you Raphael."
Gabriel said.
"Keep the creatures busy, I will handle the…"
His eyes widened minutely as a feeling of danger cut through the space in a span of pico seconds.

Raphael's light surged strongly, seeking to block the attack. The shield was torn apart like wet tissue paper and Gabriel lost…a wing. The whole battlefield stopped. Saraquael, Uriel, Raguel and Raphael could not believe it. Blood exploded out of the wound as the wing detached, due to a precise sword slash. During that brief moment of shock, The Avatar eyes glowing menacingly darted in once again, his speed aided by the slowed temporal field surrounding his body. The weapon in his hand was black with red energy pouring off it in waves. Not evil but a perfect anti-thesis to the Make of the Angels weapons. He had dissected what kind of being an angel was...and he finally had the answer in form of a sword that actively worked to cut them away from the light.

The sword swept through the air, aiming this time for Gabriel's neck. Death inevitably beared down on the Hornblower.


A brief word. But that word, stopped the newly made weapon from reaping the life of an Archangel. The last and final Archangel, one who no one gathered, except for a certain king of Hell had paid attention to, revealed himself. Holy heavenly light appeared between the Avatar and Gabriel, who was now just feeling the pain from the lost appendage.

"Finally you choose to end this farce and reveal yourself...Father."

Lucifer commented, teleporting next to Aden.

The light died down to reveal a portly old man, standing in mid air with an umbrella in his hands. No indication was given but one minute Gabriel was grunting in pain and the next the wound was gone as if he was never injured in the first place. Immediately, the Archangels, knelt in subservience to his sovereignty.


Gabriel started out in a humble tone.

The presence smiled gently at the five Archangels.

"Everything is has it should be now Gabriel. I am here." The words were soft and filled with care. Lucifer made a sound of disgust and scoffed. Saraquael taking offense to that almost attacked him, only for Uriel's hand to stop him. The presence merely smiled, as if he was watching children playing harmless games in a park.

"Gabriel, take your brothers and the rest of the host home. Their presence is already causing quite the stir on the creation."

Gabriel acquiesced and a bright light covered them. Like that, the Five Archangels disappeared instantly, leaving behind Lucifer, Aden and The Presence, creator of DC.

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