Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

First Firebending Subskill Part 4

(General P.O.V)

Upon the angels departure, the god of all turned his attention to his son and the boy the former sought to protect.
"Samael, it's good to see you."
The presence said amiably. The rapier in Lucifer's hand disappeared into motes of light as he prepared to leave.
"You have things to say, but I don't need to listen."
Lucifer placed a hand on Aden's shoulder seeking to teleport them away.

"You are still bitter about how things turned out." The Presence relented. The statement stopped Lucifer in his tracks. "My son, I do not begrudge you your hate but I need your understanding. For once."
Lucifer's fingers tightened before he turned around and faced The Presence once more.
"My understanding? Don't make me laugh Father. That would require you to also understand me. And no way in all of your creation is that ever going to happen."
He said heatedly.

The Presence nodded, his face grim and sad.
"Fair enough. However, you abhor me for a situation I had no control of, whatsoever. I might be eternal and all powerful but no one is exempt from their existence. Whether planned or not, false or true, the core of your past is unchangeable, unalterable and important. You are my SON, Samael and I am your Maker. That is a fact."
Lucifer gnashed his teeth.
"Yes, I was right. I didn't need to listen."

With that, he teleported away, leaving behind The Avatar and The Presence in Aden's dimension. The presence sighed and took a step. Instantly, space warped and he along with The Avatar found themselves sitting on a bench in a public park. The Avatar tensed before a calming feeling forcefully invaded Aden's body and relaxed it.
"Calm yourself. I will not harm you, you need not be afraid, young one."
The Presence said.

The Avatar State listened, watched and judged, trying to decipher what this…being was. It came to one conclusion… nothing, yet everything. The Mortal form this being was inhabiting was unassuming and harmless-looking with no discernible aura to indicate his real power. That said, a deeper scan showed the old man was made up of everything that the world was. All the elements that The Avatar State had access to, they all had an imprint of some sort. And the owner of that imprint was standing right next to him. Conclusion, there was no fighting this. Changing tactics…
"Yet, I would be wise to."
A soft voice escaped Aden's mouth. The tone was set in a fearful yet sincere way. The Avatar State had chosen to speak. Words were the only way to get out of this.

The Presence chuckled. One of his hands went to his inner pocket and out with it came a packet filled with seeds.
"Smart of you."
Came the reply. He put his hand in the packet, grabbing a handful of the contents and then scattering them along the open grounds.
"Sunflower seeds. Very nutritious."
He explained as a flock of pigeons dove down and started pecking at the seeds.

"I have an idea as to who or rather what sent you here. But I admit, I do not know who you really are. Care to enlighten me."

The Presence spoke up again.

Feeling no hostility from him, The Avatar State considered the request before finally accepting. It would be easy to access Aden's memories, because they were essentially the same being, just different perspectives and motives. somehow felt that the real Aden, the emotional driven one would better be suited for this. The Avatar State let go...the glow suffusing his body in an aura of power died away, leaving behind a normal looking boy.

Aden blinked his eyes and found himself sitting on a bench while the waning light of the sun cast deep and long shadows of his form and the old man sitting next to him. He stared at him in surprise and shock before he felt calm wash over him. The Avatar State's memories gently poured into him and he understood. Clearing his throat to gather himself, fully aware of who he was sitting with, Aden acquiesced to the request and begun to talk.

"My Aden Strong and I was lost..."

And so The Avatar begun his tale. He talked pretty much about everything. His life back on his earth, his dreams and aspirations, his family and friends and anything else that he deemed important. He then told The Presence about his arrival here and how everything had gone for him.

At the end of it all, the hours had gone by, the night sailed in and the sun was now peeking over the horizon, sending the first waves of sunlight shining through the park. Aden's Shoulders looked...relaxed and were not set in the same tense position as before. Pouring out everything except the truly private and sensitive topics like The Avatar System had had a positive therapeutic effect on Aden.

"I see." The Presence smiled at the young boy sitting right next to him.

"Thank you for sharing."

He added, still feeding the Flock of Pigeons that for whatever reason had never left even through the night.

"Thank you for listening."

Was the response from Aden.

"What now?"

He asked a bit warily. He was still essentially a stranger here on The Presence's house.

"I have more to thank you for. You kept my wayward son company, even if the relationship was based on mutual benefits. Even now, I can feel his gaze stuck on us, waiting to spring in and try to save you if anything happens. I believe he sees himself in you. That feeling of being lost with no one around to help you, the drive to achieve your goals despite how difficult the task might be and the amazing power to do anything you set your mind to. Mmmmh, it's true, he considers you as a friend."

Aden's mind went blank. He could hardly believe the words coming out of the Presence's mouth. Lucifer considered him a friend? Then again, judging from The Avatar State's memories, Luci had stood up for him against billions of angels, 5 Archangels and The Presence.

"I am curious about one thing. The way you introduced yourself, you said you were lost. Yet here you are, still very far from home but you seem content. What changed?"

The Presence questioned in interest, scattering a few more grains and seeds to the birds.

"I 1 month ago I would have been clamoring and begging for a chance that you could take me home. It shouldn't be hard for you, I mean... you're The Presence." Aden chuckled nervously.

"And then the whole demon hunting thing happened and for whatever reason, there doesn't seem to be any demonology experts around to take care of something like that and I realized...all this power would be wasted on someone selfish if I chose to leave with it." He paused, trying to gather his thoughts and better explain because, being this close to the literal God of all DC continuities...was more nerve-wracking than any fight he'd ever been in.

"It's my power, but its also a responsibility. My earth is relatively safe and free of all things Meta, so I wouldn't be living up to my full potential while there and finally, there's also this fear that things might escalate due to my... presence. New threats that my world is frankly not ready for might appear because fate works like that so...yeah. I was lost. But not anymore."

The Presence stared at Aden expressionlessly. Aden clenched his jaw and forced himself to stare back before he wisely broke eye contact first.

"Good. You have learned much, but you still have a long way to go. It won't be easy. What you seek to change is something many before you have tried. The only thing I can promise you, is that I will not interfere. Besides, you are outside the Plan...I would love to see the ramifications of your actions down the line. One final warning though young one." The air didn't grow any colder but Aden could feel something change.

"Don't bite off more than you can chew. There is an order to things that should never be broken lest you harm the same thing you seek to protect."

Translation, don't try to access the Light again, Aden interpreted for himself. A chuckle broke him out of his thoughts.

"However, what Father doesn't reward someone for protecting his children? Your actions have not gone unnoticed, Aden. Both from above and below. Ask me for anything you wish for."

Aden thought about the offer. He could ask for power but that didn't seem like the right thing to do. He could ask for a way back home but he had already decided that he was sticking around. It's crazy how a few months could change someone. Then again, it wasn't the time that had changed his perspective on things but rather the experiences. Aden truly believed he could make a difference. He had verified to himself that he was probably insane but his heart and mind wouldn't rest until he knew he had done everything in his power to make this world a safer place.

To aid in that endeavor... there was only one thing that was appropriate for him to ask.

"Could you help me hide the Elemental Dimension from all spying and intrusion? Even from cosmic beings?"

The Presence hummed.

"Mmmh, that is a well thought out request. I approve of it. No one, barring myself, you and anyone you choose to exempt shall know the location of your Elemental Dimension, through any means, mystical, scientific or cosmical."

Aden felt a sudden change run through his spine. Like an electric tingle.

"Thank you."

He told The Presence.

"You're welcome."

The Presence replied and they sat there, watching the sun rise from the east, in peace.

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