Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

First Firebending Subskill Part 5

(General P.O.V)

"Nothing on this front. It's like whatever the rings were, disappeared into thin air."
Hal Jordan telepathically informed the floating League members, Superman, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. Hal had just finished a general scan on the final section of the moon and his ring readings proved that whatever visual anomaly that had been witnessed by practically half of the human population was now gone. Gone without a trace. Hal frowned while staring at his ring in concern.
"And for a minute there, I thought I had something then…I don't know. The ring…lost it, I think."

Before any of them could move to ask what he meant, a streak of silver energy and another of green, streaked from the other side of the natural satellite.
Guy Gardner stopped upon arriving close to the Leaguers, the bright emerald shroud covering his body decreasing in intensity. The other figure turned out be Captain Atom. Hal swallowed a sigh and turned to the others.
"I'm huh… I'm going to do another scan. You know, just to be sure."
He said that and escaped, not wanting to deal with Guy's nonsense. Superman and Wonder Woman shared a look. Their faces were hidden by the re-breathers yet they understood each other perfectly.

Manhunter on the other hand, nodded at Captain Atom.
"I am hoping you had better luck than the rest of us, Captain."
He pushed the statement through the link. In response Captain Atom shook his head. His face impassive as always.
"Nothing on the darker side. Just a lot of Catenas, but Lantern Gardner hasn't picked up on any residue energy signatures."
Guy, crossed his hands and frowned.
"Its weird. The ring was briefly about to decipher something. An energy sample I've never seen before and then…poof it just vanished. I'll try to search the database but without something to refer from…it's probably not going to turn up anything."
Guy finished explaining.

Another look was shared between Superman and Wonder woman.
"Hal said the same thing. Something about his ring acting strange."
Superman informed Guy and Captain Atom. The former looked pensive and serious.
"Mmmmh, I might need to go to OA for a quick check. Luckily Stewart is not off world so the sector will be protected. Oh and Hal… you're coming with. Road Trip!!!"
Gardner said, adding that last part with a small upturn of his lips. He knew that Jordan absolutely disliked his antics and Guy would be the first to admit that he mostly acted immature and childish to annoy the crap out of his two colleagues.

(Aden's P.O.V)

I grabbed an early lunch after The Presence had dropped me right at the entrance of Club Lux. I hadn't seen any sign of Maze or Lucifer, which was kinda strange… because I'd thought he'd want to talk to me about how things went down with dear old dad. You know, nothing like daddy issues to humanize a force of nature like Lucifer. And of course I would never ever ever ever ever ever say that out loud. Reviewing the memories of our fight with the Archangels showed just how powerful and skilled Luci was while playing around.

He'd had a smile while fighting 4 Archangels!! Dude.

Anyway, after my lunch, it was back to the grind. But this time I was wise. This time, I learned the valuable lesson of taking things slow and as the Presence put it, 'not biting off more than I could chew'. That said, it didn't mean I'd given up on more Firebending Sub-skills. It just meant, holy flames were out. Luckily, the Dragon Patriarch had shown me something. He could bend Violet flames! And that shit was hot as heck. I could still remember the heat on my skin from standing at close proximity with the flame. The only reason I hadn't been harmed being the thin film of energy that had miraculously sprang up above my skin…it was strange and unexpected. A different utilization of bending that I had never accessed before. Man, The Avatar State was fucking broken. And back to the point of The Dragon Patriarch, in Canon, Dragons were shown to be able to bend uniquely colored flames. And I had Dragons in my Realm... Cool multicolored flames? Sign me the fudge up.

A boom tube appeared before me, after a quick shower and change of clothes. I stepped right through it and appeared on Sanctuary. The anger came back. Sanctuary was…not destroyed but many sections of it like The Gazebo were in shambles. There was a groove running right through the center of the Island where my body had impacted from Gabriel's kick. One day, I'm paying him back for showing me up in my own house.

So I increased the time to the point where 3 hours on the inside was an hour on the outside and got to work, cleaning up. First, I got rid of all the broken trees. I gathered the branches and trunks on the beach to dry. I could later use them for firewood. Then, I covered the groove as much as I could, hiding the hard shell of the Turtle Lion behind the layer of soil once more. Lastly came The Gazebo. I took a snack break where, I gorged myself on Grangos and then went to deal with the last thing on my list.

The Gazebo was constructed from palm leaves and a strong wood that looked like Cypress and was native to one of the closer islands. Inside it, I'd set up a beanbag, a carpet, two expertly made benches by moi, with soft cushions and at the centre was a table with a bowl of fruits from all over the island. Now, fortunately the roof of the whole construction had just caved in, which meant apart from replacing the table, bowl and a few wooden frames, everything else was relatively fine. I flew back and forth from Sanctuary to Cypress island and used Firebending construct creation to cut what I needed down without ruining the wood.

Firebending constructs were a bitch and a half to make. Despite the fact that Firebending was much easier for me than Airbending, I still struggled to form Zuko's familiar knives. The trick I'd found out, was to keep the flame stable by not forcing it into a certain form but instead regulating the heat evenly and then guiding it through a mental pathway to your desired effect. Lastly you had to keep your breath constant and relaxed. Any emotional fluctuations would also lead to the flame growing big or small, destabilizing the effect and making you start from the beginning once more. See, a bitch and a half to make.

I carried the wood back to Sanctuary through Airbending, a pile of 8 long pieces of wooden logs, floating behind me as I cut through the air and finally landed gently. 30 minutes later, I'd completed work that would take 5 men over 2 hours. I love my powers. When all that was done and I'd rewarded myself with a few more Grangos, it was time to check out my rewards from the system. I had completed the mission (kinda) and hopefully the next perk would be something as awesome as the last one, The Spark Of Enlightenment.

(Urgent Mission)

(A host of divine creatures have breached past the boundaries of your realm and the only one capable of stopping them is a railgun, nuclear missile and world ending meteor of a being all rolled into one. In other words, total overkill. Do something!! Anything!! To ensure your world does not get done dirty.

Mission difficulty:- Hell.
Mission status:- Complete.


Congratulations!!! You really didn't do much but whatever… Anyway, your efforts have rewarded you with a new perk. Yaaaayy:-)

Hammerspace:- A space roughly the size of a closet inside. Nothing much, just like your performance. Come on, we both know without The Avatar State, your ass would be toast. We've taken the liberty to add a great surprise inside.)

Training Points:- 385.)

Okaaaay. I feel like the sass was a little too much, seeing as The Avatar State is essentially still me. And speaking of that, this time it activated on its own. Weird. But based on how dire the circumstances were, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I had a billion angels with swords, all wanting to go slasher on me…that's the kind of thing that awakens the beast. Ok, clearly I need to work on my analogies, that sounded way too cheesy.

The training points had increased yet again. This was great. Now it was a sure thing, I would get some really good sparring partners with that amount. I minimized the display box and instantly, I could feel a new...sense. like the feeling you get when you have a hat on. It can get lost in the background but the sensation on your scalp is always there.

I followed that feeling at the back of my head and my mind presented me with a small but spacious slot. Inside the slot, was a sword. A rapier to be exact. I widened my eyes. The rapier that the Avatar had created using different elements and a big dose of bullshit to fight the Archangels with. A weapon powerful enough to sever the link between an angel and The holy light, enabling the user to inflict mortal wounds on an angel when normally that wouldn't be possible.

I immediately willed it to appear on my hand and a picosecond later, it did. I tested the blade's weight, by swinging and twirling it around...I smiled. The blade felt... perfect. As if it was made for me. The craftsman taking into account my arm measurements and body movements. Looking at it closer, the blade glowed red and was very similar in design to Alucard's from Castlevania. Simple adornments and make. Just how I like it. But there was more.

I placed the blade on my lap and delved deep into it's inner components with my energy sense. A few minutes later, I opened my eyes and smiled. I finally had a weapon fit for an Avatar. Apart from its main ability to hurt anyone not just angels, by severing the link they had with their own personal energies, therefore leaving them unprotected, there was one more ability. I could use the sword as a focal point to channel my bending faster and easier. I would have to be careful not to use it as a clutch but...all in all the blade was awesome.

Mmh, I wonder what I should name it?

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