Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Full Circle Final Part

3500+ words.

(Aden's P.O.V)

Wonder Woman lowered her sword slowly but the hard look on her face didn't change.

It was easy to see that they didn't believe me. Which wasn't a bad thing actually. I mean from where they stood, I was clearly still the enemy. Barring that, atleast a suspicious party.
"You're right to be cautious." I stated, pointing towards the vortex of yellow energy.
"The portal doesn't actually take you straight into the Watchtower, it crosses a dimension, only I have access to and from there, I can create another portal into the Watchtower."

I could see them soaking in the information. Robin was probably filing that away for future reference and countermeasures incase we fought again. One might wonder why I was so free with that information. And to prove my point, Aqualad called attention to himself by clearing his throat.
"Why would you trust us with that information when you know we might use it to our advantage?"
He asked.

Wonder Woman narrowed her eyes.
"Answer Aqualad's question truthfully."
The Lasso of Truth glowed a golden light and I felt a compulsion like earlier to tell the truth to the best of my knowledge.
"Because I have nothing to hide on the subject and I want your trust in return. Lying or giving half truths about my portals would only get in the way of that. I am willing to take the chance that you might use that information to beat me."
I finished and my mouth immediately closed with an almost audible snap.

I took a few calming breaths and looked at Wonder Woman in annoyance.
"That was not in any way, pleasant."
The Themysciran Princess snorted.
"You know what they say, the truth sets you free."
I held up my bound hands.
"They must have been drunk off their senses when they said that, seeing as I'm still in cuffs."
I replied, a little more than miffed.
"You'll…get there. Eventually."
Superman said and patted me on the shoulder with a brief smile.

"Or not."
Wally added, only for Artemis to hit him on the side with her elbow, taking over from Robin.
They started arguing a little in good natured fun. Meanwhile, I smiled inwardly…the Lasso of Truth compelled you to tell the truth but it didn't compel you to reveal more than the scope of the question. Wonder Woman was clearly smart enough to ask a loaded question to get as much information as she could about a subject but what she didn't account for…was how effective the artifact was, on an individual like me.

Despite the fact that the Avatar State was out of commission, along with the Avatar System's stance not to make anything easy on me, there was a security measure put in place to ensure any and all information, I had on the system was not made accessible to Telepaths or outside parties without the express permission of the ones who placed me here. As a by product of that, I could draw a little on that influence by thinking of the answers the Lasso compelled out of me, and then placing tidbits of information about the system in the actual sentences containing the truth. That way, those sentences would be completely cut away, leaving only the words I wanted to say and the truth I wanted them to hear to flow out of my lips. It's complicated, I know. But also really simple.

It wasn't a lie that I wanted their trust. Getting it would make things a whole lot easier in gaining access to the Watchtower the right way, without the damn place going all, 'Intruder' on me. The Greek demi-god, Kryptonian and Martian turned to face me fully after another brief discussion, I'd missed. Manhunter's eyes glowed green and I felt a mental sweep on my surface thoughts. The baa baa black sheep nursery rhyme started playing on full blast inside my head, as I smiled. Manhunter furrowed his eyebrow.

"I cannot read his surface thoughts."
He informed the other two.
"I knew it… he's hiding something!"
Wally shouted in excitement. As if he'd won a million dollars through a lottery ticket. Everyone looked at him in mixed reactions. The team didn't seem to believe him but had to after everything that had happened and the Leaguers seemed to believe him without a shred of doubt. I shrugged.

"You've already violated my right to privacy and personal opinion by shackling me with power dampening cuffs and not to mention, Wonder woman's Lasso of Truth. Can you blame me for trying to keep my thoughts to myself? The last vestige of respect I have?"
I asked. Wally stalked towards me angrily,not buying into my act at all.
"You're lying. The power dampeners are clearly not working if you can open a portal while they are active."
He came within head butting distance but I chose to be the bigger man and not break his nose.
"That's because it's not a meta ability, you ass. And that's all I'm saying on that."

"You fu…"
"Ok that's enough. We're wasting time here, Diana."
John Stewart came to my rescue, a green construct pulling back Wally and covering his mouth. No one wanted to hear the insults coming out of his mouth. I chuckled to needle him due to the anger in his eyes, when I found a construct muffling my mouth too. I spared John a look that said, 'really dude?'

The black green lantern shrugged.
"No playing favorites. I fuck everybody up equally."
I nodded sagely. Good man. Superman and everyone else looked at the Lantern in shock.
"What? I have a life and a personality outside the green and black uniform. Now let's get gone, if he tries anything, trust me, I'll have him down before anyone can say Jack Robinson." I looked at the man in interest. The same interest being shared by everyone present as well. Ok, never knew Stewart was this cool.

We entered the boom tube to find ourselves on one of the islands furthest away from Sanctuary. Instantly, their presence registered in my awareness and I got the sense I could choose what to do with them. For all of his power, even Superman would be nothing infront of the authority I wielded in this dimension. That said, I didn't have a grudge with the heroes. I didn't hate them, what I hated was the way they carried out their duties.
"What is this place? It's so…quiet."
M'gann said, probably not sensing a lot of minds in her range. I also spared a look at the other hero with a different set of super senses, Superman and I could tell from his face he was similarly surprised by my dimension. Everybody else looked entranced by the beautiful environment. Even one of my basic islands looked like a paradise when compared to the best garden on earth and I felt uncomfortable allowing anyone to see a piece of my Utopia. 'Its all necessary.' I told myself.

A boom tube appeared before us and I walked in without answering. This time, we stepped foot out in the Watchtower. I dismissed the Boom tube a few seconds later after making sure that the last of the heroes had crossed through.
"Multiple Intruders detected."
The alarm blared through the P.A system.
"Watchtower Override Superman 01."
The Alarm went silent, just as the door to the meeting hall where we had portaled in burst open. Green Arrow and Black Canary walked through in combat readiness.

"Oh…it's you guys."
Green Arrow said, lowering his bow. Black Canary widened her eyes upon us seeing each other and practically ran towards me, wrapping her arms around my body in a massive hug, surprising everybody. But no one was as surprised as I was. The look of shock and betrayal on Green Arrow's face was almost worth it but I was stumped. What the fuck was happening? I mean Canary was cool. She was a mentor to me. Someone that had helped perfect my fighting skills and polish my Sound sub skill. We had spent so many evenings together as she tried to push me to the next level in my close quarter combat. Her hugging me like that, brought about the realization that I had missed her. A lot.
"Aden… you're alright."
She pulled back and said.
"You've even grown taller."

"Yeah." I smiled a little, still out of it. "I guess I have…"
She grew conscious of our surroundings and stepped back with a sigh.
"A lot needs to be said and if the situation allows it, it will. For now you need to take responsibility for your actions before we hear your side of the story."
She said in that professional yet caring tone she used in therapy.
"Fair enough."

"Let's move kid."
Stewart told me while lightly shoving me.
"You know, I think there is a law somewhere about how you should handle minors. You can't interrogate me without a parental figure present."
The lantern chuckled, nodding at Green Arrow who was sending glares my way. Seriously, dude probably thinks I'm going to steal his girlfriend? Fiance? Wife? On second thought, maybe he's right to worry, Canary is effing gorgeous and those legs…
"Are you honestly drooling after someone who's been like a big sister to you?"
Stewart's voice cut through my thoughts like a hot knife on butter.

We'd moved past the door to the hall of justice and were now heading towards what I was sure was an interrogation room. This wasn't John...not really. It was too out of character. Did it work? Sweat ran down my back as John and I walked on. I tried to keep my nervousness in check, keenly aware that it was only the two of us in the hallway.
"Come on, Stewart, you're acting as if the Green Lantern ring on your finger is a chastity ring. I thought you were a man of culture John?"

"Hey, trust me, I'm a freak freak. Canary's just too close to a sister. Now if it's Maze we're talking about or Starfire…"he whistled, "that's a while different thing. It's like Pops used to say, we dogs…"

I stopped in the middle of the hallway,
"…And dogs gotta eat. Man, never thought I'd hear that whack saying ever again."
I said, closing my eyes a little. A few seconds later and I was lightly pushed to keep on walking.
"Yeah well, nothing is ever set in stone now. It's a consequence of finding yourself in a world with thousands of powered individuals and crazies throwing around cosmic power like it's a joke. It's even worse for me."

I looked over the shoulder at the man.
"Gee, and here I thought you seemed…whelmed."
I joked, only to get a slap on the back of my head.
"If I wasn't wary of breaking more rules than I already have… I'd go and make sure Robin never came up with this bullshit."
I laughed getting the last confirmation I needed that things had happened the way I had wanted them to. We stopped before a door that scanned John for authorization and opened.

"Recognized Green Lantern 014."
The voice of the Computer followed us inside to a room with a one way mirror. A door next to the mirror led to another room, a classic interrogation room with one chair and a table bolted to the floor.
"Lemme guess, Batman's design choice."
I asked.
"Can't really say…its been long since I…you know what? no spoilers. Get inside, we need to talk."
His voice suddenly went through on a drastic change, taking on a hard tone. I looked at him strangely and walked in.

Then the door closed and the mood in the room turned very serious. He motioned for me to take a seat and I complied. Stewart's eyes drilled into mine with a scary intensity.
"You're slipping. Coming up with plans on the fly and discarding the long term objectives due to panic."
He cut right into the heart of the matter. But he didn't understand it. He didn't understand the pressure.
"You're wrong. What I'm doing is something I should have done weeks and months ago! Taking advantage of every situation I can, to prepare myself for the insanity of this world! Lucifer is going to cut me off from his protection and I'm normally…"

Stewart looked at me in disgust, successfully cutting me off with a glare and his hands crossed over his chest.
"Do you even hear yourself? Was I always this much of a wimp?"
What right did he have to judge me? My actions led to him being alive in the first place!
"Fuck you Aden!" I rose up and said, losing control of myself.
"You have no idea how much pressure I'm in! I have no one to have my back. And when Lucifer withdraws his protection, my ass is going to be in deep shit because I am not powerful enough to take on whatever eldritch assholes he's been protecting me from. The Avatar State is non-accessible! I am not rejoining the Team which means the League's help is out and I'll be damned if I share the same air as Lex Luthor by joining him and his little band. I. Am. All. Alone!!!"

Silence dominated the interrogation room as I breathed in heavily. I sat back down and ran a hand down my face.
"So? Mmh? Your first thought to fix that, is risking your freedom over something that probably wouldn't have worked?"
Stewart's voice spoke up. I looked up at him, my gaze spearing through his eyes to see the being controlling him. Me. A chair made out of will, was conjured under him and he sat on it.

"I remember when I was you. I wasn't in the right head space at the time. And yes… you're right to think that this world and others are crazy. Which is why you need to take it step by step. Don't throw caution to the wind by reacting to your surroundings…act according to the information you already have. Be in Control. Infact, if it wasn't for the fact that I knew you'd go off the deep end if your stupid plan didn't work, I would have never gone to the trouble of coming back."

He told me and I kept quiet to digest the information. What he said was right. I had been reacting in fear after my talk with Lucifer and maybe seeing hell, something that was traumatic even as a nightmare was enough to completely fuck up my day. Be in control huh?

"How'd you do it?"
I asked him, referring to the crossing over.
"Well it wasn't easy." He sighed. "True time travel would have messed with this universe and caused changes, you. Cannot. Afford. Too many close calls for things to not go your way. And even if they do… you're not the same person afterwards." His fingers clenched and unclenched.
"Anyway, I accessed a parallel universe in a time sync with earth 16 which is basically this" he waved his hand to indicate. "Then I crossed the time stream back to the relative time you came up with his hair brained idea to commit this time in the future so that you could travel back in time to give yourself some cheats and help in protecting yourself once Luci says you're on your own. Once the time ratio was 1:1, I seized control of the Central Power Battery of OA and piggy backed through it's connection to Stewart and gained control of him through _*&'*$^¥™s DddeHhjy*:"4259525530$_'%^]]✓. Oh sorry, you're not ready to hear that just yet. But yeah, I'm controlling Stewart remotely because I can't risk someone finding out I'm around."
He finished and I sighed, understanding just how desperate I'd actually gotten. All in the space of a few hours talk with Lucifer.

"It really was dumb, wasn't it? I mean how could I have known that I would even get to live long enough to find a way to time travel. Plus you'd think with my meta-knowledge on how time travel works, I'd be wary to use it incase I broke the world around me into a mockery of it's original timeline…"
"Yeah well…you weren't thinking. Now," Stewart rose up.
"In two minutes, you will have roughly 5 minutes to complete the rest of your plan. Goodbye and don't expect I'll ever help you out again. This is your life…not mine."

With that, future me left. There wasn't a clock in the room but part of the aesthetic design of the Avatar display box was a status bar where the time and date was shown. I focused on the team just as Stewart regained control over his body. 2 minutes…1 minutes 59 seconds…58 seconds
"What…what just happened…how did I get here? The last thing I remember was…"
"Are you alright?" I cut off his confused muttering and asked in concern. He stared at me in suspicion, the green ring on his finger glowing menacingly.
"Hey…hey!! I didn't do anything. Look I'm tied up…"
I raised up my hands to show I wasn't lying.

"Where are the others?!"
That question actually made me curious why they let John walk me to the interrogation room alone. Say what you will but no one could deny I was powerful and dangerous. Must have been Future me's work. Infact, he must have gained control of Stewart way back in Kenya, just after I'd come up with the reckless plan. I shrugged in response to Stewart's question.
"I don't know. You just brought me here after we made it back to the Watchtower."
I answered honestly.

"Ring, status update on my most recent behavior. I want to know everything."
He said and left, closing the door behind him. Leaving me alone in the room. Unsupervised. Though I was sure there were cameras to read my every move.

The two minutes went by slowly but when they finally ended…time stopped. I could feel it through the air…I was exempt from time. A light shone on the table, as a box wrapped around by a string and a note tied up on top of it appeared before me. I untied the note and read through it.






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