Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Full Circle Part 1.


(Aden's P.O.V)

"Soooo…this wasn't how I thought everything would go down." I addressed the gathered heroes, holding up the cuffs.
"This is the part y'all start asking questions. You got me right where you need me. In cuffs."

Wonder Woman and Superman shared a look.
"The cuffs are meant to act as a deterrent in case you get violent, son. We don't want to hurt you and neither do we want you hurting others."
Superman said. I looked at the faces of the gathered heroes. Although they looked wary and ready for a fight, they didn't seem eager to provoke our interaction into one. It seemed I wasn't the only one who had cooled off somewhat. Nice.

"Fair enough." I finally said, lowering my hands.
"I am also open to having a peaceful conversation. I don't want to hurt anyone. Only those that deserve it."
Wally scoffed, only to get lightly hit on the side by Robin's elbow.
"Dude, what the hell?"
He whisper shouted but I didn't pay attention to Robin's response. My focus was on the League. Particularly Batman whose gaze seemed even more piercing at my statement.

"Hurting people is never the answer, no matter if they're wrong or not. We let the law handle them for a good reason."
Superman was quick to say. I nodded,
"Right and the cycle continues, meanwhile more innocent lives are lost in pursuit of safeguarding one monster's life. To try and rehabilitate them when the only thing they seem hellbent on is causing destruction and pain to people who can't handle it like we can. What can a baseline human hope to do against someone like Black Adam?" I laughed a little.

"Look, maybe I am being too harsh on you. This is not my world." As I said that, the lack of surprise or shock from the Junior Team told me that they already knew that bit of news. I saw the look of sadness and understanding on Aqualad's face. Maybe Batman had briefed them on my origins. Must be why there is a distinct lack of that senseless jealousy from Kid Flash.
"I haven't lived here long enough to understand why you do what you do. Why you try and save every life even if it means that that same person will be the death of others down the line. But the thing I can't accept…is that you haven't come up with an alternative."

I ran my eyes over everyone gathered.
"You have some of the most powerful and smartest people in the world." I pointedly looked at Bruce.
"Batman, your resources alone are enough to build a friggin space station to watch over the earth." Man, the Watchtower was fucking hax. At that, a few murmurs broke out among the team. Atom and The Flash looked to be in thought. I didn't kid myself to think that I was telling them something they hadn't thought of before. But I was giving voice to that thought.

Asking them to change the rules because clearly, while it was working…things could be better. Maybe I found it hard to reconcile with the fact that someone like Professor Pyg existed here because back in my world, the worst thing we had was terrorist cells, corruption, gang violence and Toxic Feminists. Not mass murdering costume wearing freaks that could induce the worst nightmares you can think off throughout an entire city.

"With help from the rest of the League and league associates, it would be a simple matter to create an impenetrable prison for anyone too dangerous to let out."
I shrugged,
"But hey, that's just me. Maybe you guys just like wearing costumes and going out every night to fight more people with the same fetish."
I finished to the sound of John Stewart's snicker.

The rest looked at him and he shrugged.
"He's not completely wrong. In fact, he's got some valid points."
"Dude you're wearing a costume too."
The Flash pointed out accurately.
"An official Green Lantern uniform, commissioned by the Guardians of The Universe."
Stewart shot back defensively. A few chuckles broke the tense mood in the air.

Wonder Woman, Superman and Manhunter huddled together to discuss something. Most probably what to do with me. Batman was busy with his Holographic wrist computer while also keeping a watchful eye on me. The three leaguers having a discussion threw a few glances over at my position while I took the opportunity to talk to Miss Martian.

Her mind shone like the sun compared to baseline humans like Robin. I say baseline but even Robin's mind was like a lighthouse in comparison to actual baseline humans like the warriors of the village. The less said about Batman the better. Did that mean that there was a chance they could also develop Telepathic abilities? I didn't think so but maybe the exposure to Miss Martian's powers had made their minds more flexible? It was possible.

I felt the link establish between us. Luckily, she was smart enough to understand that I wanted to talk to her alone, otherwise this would probably turn into a shouting match between Wally and I.
"M'gann, Did Batman tell you guys about…"
I trailed off, suddenly unsure of how to bridge that subject. It was still a sensitive topic to me although, I'd already made peace with it.
"No…but Robin sorta told us. Though it wasn't intentional at all…I'm really sorry. I can't imagine how it must have felt like getting taken away from your family and life like that."

I closed my eyes a little.
"Yeah…it wasn't easy. What do you mean it wasn't intentional?"
I wondered, choosing to focus on that particular tidbit instead of my past.
"It happened when we were knocked out...hello Megan! Why don't I just show you what happened from our perspective and maybe you can...also share?"

I thought it over for a few seconds and nodded while smiling.

"Fine. But not now. Not here."

She nodded imperceptibly, our brief conversation going unnoticed except for him. Yes, you guessed it right. Batman. He stepped forward, deading the discussion going on between the other three prime leaguers. The Flash along with Atom, after making sure I had no intention to flee continued their patrol around their village. Turns out many things didn't add up about the whole incident. For starters, there weren't any remains left of the zombies from our fight with both Mnemoth or Mammon. Suspicious...but I also knew the one responsible. Swamp Thing, no doubt. It just made sense. How did I find all this out? Air sense baby. I'll let you on in a little air bending was far above needing conscious control to be suppressed through compulsion.

"You seem awfully quiet today. Bat got your tongue?"

I asked Batman with a small upturn of my lips. The joke was terrible and I actually heard Robin and Artemis groan. I spared the pair a glance

"Hey, cut me some slack, my skills are rusty."

I said defensively.


Artemis boo'd and showed me a thumbs down. Tough crowd.

"Who are you working for?"

Batman's voice rang out. Straight to the heart of the matter. I waited to feel the compulsion from the Lasso of Truth but surprisingly the magical artifact didn't light up. We all looked at the only demi-god around in question.

"Wonder Woman?"

Batman said, probably wondering why she wasn't activating the Lasso of Truth. Wait...did she actually even need to activate it? I thought that one touch and despite what happened, you would be compelled to tell the truth?

Wonder Woman stepped up in between us.

"Batman you are no longer part of the Justice League. Due to your resignation, your clearance level has changed for security reasons. That means you are not authorized to question any of the League's suspects or potential suspects. Your authority level extends to the capacity of a League associate."

Silence dominated the grounds. I couldn't believe it. Batman had resigned? What in the fucking hell? Could this be because of how everything went down? I looked at Manhunter for answers, his face remained impassive, showing me I wasn't going to get any. I straightened up and sighed, still in shock. Batman and Wonder Woman held eye contact for a few more seconds before the Dark Knight turned on his heel and left.


Superman called out softly. Bruce stopped and looked at the other man over his shoulder.

"Save it. This is what I wanted and it doesn't change anything. The mission goes on."

And then the Gothamite left. Robin looked like he wanted to do nothing more than follow after his mentor but relented. Probably because one of his teammates was catatonic back at the Watchtower.

"You will answer all the questions we ask you, is that clear?"

Wonder Woman pulled me out of my thoughts and ordered. The Lasso of Truth glowed golden and I felt compelled to answer. This time the Compulsion was like the weight of the whole earth as compared to the compulsion on the cuffs to use my abilities to fight. The latter felt like the weight of a small mountain.

"Yes. I understand."

My mouth said without any conscious control. The words just flowed out.

"Good. Wonder Woman to Watchtower."

She placed her finger on the ear piece and called the big Space Station. Soon...

"How fast can you arrange transport?" The answer she received wasn't satisfactory and she ended up cursing. "By Hera."

I raised an eyebrow as the rest looked at each other.

"Miss Martian, is the Bio-ship..."

Superman begun, trying to look for a different alternative.

"She is in no shape to fly." She answered and Wally snickered,

"Ah! Nice one M'gann."

Miss Martian looked unsure,

"Uuhmm, thanks? So she got the worst of the Telepathic attack from earlier when she tried to shield us. I'm sorry."

Miss Martian refused.

"We will have to wait for a few minutes for the Watchtower to arrange extraction."

I heard Wonder Woman mutter to Superman. They were of course wary to leave me unattended with less than everyone present. If I went ballistic...they feared a repeat of the Mount Justice incident. And I was also getting tired of standing in one place like a fool. I had a plan to carry out...Oh wait, did I forget to mention that?

Only a fool would allow himself to be captured by his enemies like I had. I would never put my freedom at risk just about my feelings or reconcile my differences with crazy people. Because that is what The League and hell, even I was. A normal person would have broken had they stayed a month with the League. I had. And I knew I wasn't the same Aden Strong that slept in his room and woke up to the sound of gunshots. That dude was dead.

And after my talk with Lucifer, along with him telling me that I was alone the second I completed the missions he had for me...things fell into perspective real quick. This world was crazy. Insane. And to combat that craziness...I had to use my own craziness.

The most underrated gift I had that trumped my powers and my meta knowledge was the fact I knew, I was crazy. The League, the Junior Team and all the other Superheros... even the people of this world, everybody was crazy compared to where I came from. They'd grown too desensitized to Cape violence too fast. That is why I said everybody was mad. But things could be better. And I would show them. But for my plan to work...I needed access to the Watchtower... God I hope this works.

A boom tube appeared between the heroes and I. I held up my hands to placate Diana who had a sword out of its sheath and pointed towards me.

"Hey, I'm not trying to attack you...this is just a way to get to the Watchtower quicker."


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