Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 286

Chapter 286:

Ye Su estimated a little, and the spaceship shell made of nano-insect alloy is probably strong enough to allow him to approach a million kilometers on the surface of the sun without suffering any damage.

Terrifying, powerful!

“Notify Yang Duo and the others to try their best to collect the corpses of this nano-insect, and don’t let go of all the corpses. This thing is simply a gift from the planet Gliese to us humans.”

Ye Su laughed loudly, thinking about how to mass-produce this nano-insect.

Chapter 307 New Alien Civilization

When the radiation outside was almost dispersed, the people in the underground air raid shelter of the forward base began to gradually return to the ground and began to work normally.

A large number of intelligent robots were sent out, like industrious little bees, and began to collect a large number of nano-insect corpses scattered on the ground.

Some of the damaged precision instruments in the frontier base have also begun to be counted and repaired. If there is a lack of accessories, they can only wait until the second immigration base passes.

As for where these nano-insects came from and why they attacked the base, these questions are still under investigation. Lin Fei, Wang Dali and others were also sent out secretly, carrying a lot of preparations, and began to explore the depths of the jungle. There shouldn’t be anything inside.

Without the threat of nano-insects, the reconstruction plan of the forward base continued to start, and the outermost defensive wall continued to be built. Fortunately, the iron ore industrial base was far away, and there was not much damage.

The iron ore base was also temporarily transformed into a steel production workshop and an intelligent robot production workshop, which continuously provided steel alloys and intelligent robots to the frontier base.

Everything started to get back on track.

In front of the light curtain, Yang Duo was reporting work to Ye Su.

“The relocation address of the Doomsday Technology Base has been selected, and the foundation construction has been completed, and the transfer can be carried out at any time!”

“The construction of the living area of the second batch of immigrant fleets has also begun. It is expected that the construction will be completed in ten days. There are still 23 days before the arrival of the second immigrant fleet. The micro-navigation satellites in the outer space of the Gliese planet have been launched, and navigation work can be carried out at any time. !”

At the end, Yang Duo raised her head and asked nervously and expectantly, “Ye Su, when will you come over? The preliminary work here is almost done, so I will wait for you to come.”

“Me?” Ye Su said casually while looking at the scientific research materials in his hand: “When the third batch of immigrants starts, I will come with the third batch of immigration fleet.”

“The interstellar carrier of the third batch of human immigration fleet has begun to be rebuilt. I intend to use this interstellar carrier as the flagship of our human civilization. The overall use of nano-insect alloys can accommodate up to one million people’s lives. Ecosystem.”

The third batch of human immigrants will also be the last batch of immigrants on Earth to go to Planet Gliese, and the number is also full of millions. Ye Su will also leave with him.

“Master An is ready, and it is expected that within a month, the third batch of immigrants will be launched.” Finally, Ye Su added.

“Is there any movement on the alien side?” Hearing that Ye Su was about to come, Yang Duo suddenly became excited, and then became a little worried.

These aliens in the outer space of the earth are always a threat. Since Ye Su sent the second batch of human immigrants away, these aliens have completely blocked the outer space of the earth.

Sudley took the position successfully, made new optimizations for the extinction plan of human civilization, and even applied for support. The alien mothership also responded quickly and would come in person.

The number of the third batch of immigrant fleets is huge, and they cannot use the transmission channel. They can only carry it out from outer space of the earth. At that time, human civilization and the alien fleet will definitely break out.

The level of technology of alien civilizations is much higher than that of the earth, and it is very difficult for the third batch of immigrant fleets to break through, especially when the aliens are prepared.


Among the supercomputers created now, there are special models to simulate the human fleet breaking through the blockade of aliens. There are tens of thousands of simulations every day, but they basically end in failure in the end.

Even the starships that have successfully broken through are only a very small part, and the third batch of immigrant fleets suffered heavy losses!

Yang Duo didn’t continue to ask, her face became more and more worried, but she couldn’t do anything.

On the second immigration fleet, Lin Qiao and Liu Ziyue also initiated a connection application, chatted with Ye Su for a while, talked about what happened recently, and also asked Ye Su when to leave.


“Ye Su, found it again.”

At this moment, the creation side suddenly walked in, holding a document in his hand, and his voice was cold.

Hearing the strangeness in Creation’s voice, Ye Su immediately paid attention.

“Just now, our electromagnetic array antenna detected this set of fluctuations, which are encrypted radio waves that seem to be deliberately launched towards the earth.”

Ye Su frowned. The encrypted radio waves were obviously technological creations. If it weren’t for the human civilization on Earth, it was probably emitted by another civilization.

“Did it come from those things outside?”

Creation shook his head.

“It’s not like, it was detected at a distance of two light-years from the earth. It is likely to be a new civilization, but it is not certain. After all, these things outside are very cunning, and it is not ruled out that they are the ghosts.”

Two light-years away from the earth is a long distance, but for some civilizations with star-level interstellar navigation, this distance is not too far.

Chapter 308 Alien Main Fleet

“Is it the arrival of reinforcements from the alien fleet outside the earth?”

Ye Su’s first reaction was this. From the very beginning, Ye Su knew that the fleet of appearances that had been wandering in outer space was just a vanguard. After several attacks by him, the fleet of aliens could not wait. .

“The frequency band is different, the launch time is too short to accurately detect the emission source, and it is temporarily impossible to judge whether it is an alien fleet outside.”

Countless data appeared on the screen, and Creation also conducted an urgent analysis of it, but the existence of this radio wave was too short to carry out an accurate analysis of “107”.

But what is certain is that this radio wave has obvious traces of civilization, and it is not emitted by the cosmic celestial body itself. In the analysis of creation, the radio wave appeared three times in total, and the duration of each time was very short. Ye Su was also unable to know the content.

In different civilizations, the direction of scientific and technological development is different, and some of the most basic theories are common, such as theories of gravitation, etc. However, because of the difference in basic science, the later development branches are also different.

In order to analyze the content contained in these radio waves, there must be a most basic frequency band code, just like a codebook.

If you want to analyze, you must spend a lot of time to calculate and simulate.

Ye Su’s heart suddenly became nervous. He knew the combat effectiveness of these guys in outer space. The technological strength was much higher than that of the earth’s civilization. The reason why he was able to attack several times was entirely because he had frog cubs to bring back. Black technology.

The alien fleet outside did not expect this at all, so Ye Su succeeded many times, but after the second batch of immigrant fleets broke through the blockade, this group of alien fleets took it seriously.

It not only strengthened the blockade of the outer space of the earth, but also carried out countless detections on the doomsday science and technology base where Ye Su was located.

“We now assume that this radio wave was launched by the main force of the alien fleet. What should we do next to break through the blockade of the alien fleet and send the third batch of immigrant fleets out?”

A huge problem appeared in front of Ye Su, and this was also a problem they had to face.

Now only an advance team of an alien fleet has completely blocked the outer space of the earth, and the earth civilization cannot confront it head-on. How can it confront the more powerful main fleet of alien warships?

Creation was silent, and his hands quickly tapped on the keyboard. A huge starry sky model appeared in front of the two of them. The center of the earth was the earth, and outside the earth, there were dozens of alien warships.

Simulations began again and again, but in the end, without exception, the spacecraft of the third batch of human immigration fleets became the most dazzling fireworks in the universe.

“Fail, fail, fail!”

The created pair of eyes glowed red, until after the 6504th test, a spaceship of an immigrant fleet broke through the blockade and disappeared into the cosmic starry sky.


Ye Su was also closely watching the simulation results. When he saw a spaceship breaking through the blockade of the alien fleet, his eyes lit up. As long as he could break through the blockade, it would be the greatest success.

But before he was happy, the sentence he created was like pouring a basin of cold water on him, making Ye Su’s heart cool.

“This is not to break the blockade, because I haven’t added the variable of the alien main fleet, and the outermost one is the current fleet 0……”

Sure enough, Ye Su sighed helplessly, but then he thought of something, and immediately said: “Yes, the main alien fleet has not come yet, why should we wait for them to come before leaving, now all our spaceships are all over the place. All have been built to 90%, the third batch of human immigrants is also fully prepared, we can prepare to leave immediately!”

“How far is the launch source from us, what is their speed, and how long will it take to reach outer space?” Ye Su asked quickly.

As long as they know these data, they can take the absolute initiative. What Ye Su wants is to break through the blockade before the alien fleet arrives.

At that time, even if the alien main fleet came, there was no threat to Ye Su.

“do not know.”

After a long silence, Creation gave such a sentence.

They don’t know anything, and even they don’t even know what the content of this radio wave is. It is impossible to infer the location and speed of this fleet by just relying on a radio wave that they don’t know the content of.

Ye Su also knew that this seemed to be thinking too much, and immediately arranged.

“We will do our best to analyze the content of this radio wave, mobilize all the radio telescope arrays on our planet that are still in our hands, and do our best to search for the location of this alien fleet. It would be better if we can infer their speed and number.”

With the arrival of the doomsday, many of the various telescope observatories on the earth have been destroyed, and the space telescopes and satellites in outer space have been destroyed by alien fleets.

Chapter 309 A New Generation of Starships

What Ye Su can still use now, and the only radio telescope arrays left on Earth that can detect outer space.

“I understand, you can rest assured, I will do my best to detect.” Creation also understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately began to detect, and countless data were again imported into the supercomputer at the center of the Doomsday Technology Base.

Ye Su was not idle either, and quickly notified all the survivors in the base, making them ready to leave at any time.

The Earth Seed Project has been launched a few days ago. With the help of countless robots in the base, Ye Su has expanded the current shelter several times, and built a very secret ecosystem inside the base, which can guarantee the remaining ones. Humans can survive deep underground.

This underground base still has an unknown number of escape channels, some of which are directly connected to the underground Dark 07 River, forming a huge network of underground channels.

The industrial base of the Doomsday Science and Technology Base has been working day and night, countless intelligent robots have been manufactured, a huge underground space, and a spaceship is being built. The main bodies of these spaceships are all made of nano-insect alloys, and their weapon systems have also been upgraded.

The newly developed laser weapon system was also installed. The reason why the previous laser weapon system could not be applied on a large scale was not only the issue of lethality, but also the issue of materials and energy.

Now with nano-insect alloys, these problems have been solved, and laser kinetic energy weapons have basically achieved epoch-making progress.

Ye Su stood in the stand above the factory, looking at the huge factory below, a feeling of pride rose from her heart.

“Human civilization has not lost yet. This time, I will bet everything I have and fight with you. Sooner or later, I will come back!”

Regarding the matter of the main fleet of the alien civilization, Ye Su did not tell the civilians, but only communicated with An Guoqiang and other high-level human beings. The decision of the Supreme Council also said that Ye Su should let go of his hands and feet, not to be too scruples, and not to take the battle as the basis. Lord, breaking through the blockade and leaving alive with more people is the goal!

Ye Su also understands this very well, so many of the newly built interstellar battleships are unmanned battleships, all of which are controlled by the creative mastermind.

After the third batch of human immigrants entered the interstellar battleship, most of them will enter the hibernation chamber to hibernate. For these people, it may be just a sleep, and they arrive at Gliese 518g!

The remaining survivors on the earth also seemed to feel the different atmosphere in the base, and began to pack their belongings silently, and some also helped to work in the base.

After walking around the base, and finding nothing unusual, Ye Su got into his own research room again, where the creation has been working continuously for nearly a week, and countless data are collected here for processing every day.

“how is the situation?”

Ye Su walked in and asked.

The latter just sighed, his face full of helplessness.

“The data is too little, and the progress is not great. I can only infer that the speed of the alien fleet is about ten percent of the sailing speed based on the time the radio waves reach the earth. If necessary, it can be accelerated.”

The speed of sailing in the universe is an important indicator to measure the level of technology of a civilization. Fast sailing speed means that the civilization has a high level of technology and can conduct stellar or even intergalactic navigation!

“The sailing speed of 10% of the speed of light is so powerful!” Ye Su was a little shocked. Now the sailing speed of the human civilization fleet is far from reaching this level.

In other words, there is an insurmountable power gap between the two. Human civilization really encounters such an alien fleet. The final end is likely to be massacred, and the human side has no power to fight back.

“Not necessarily, the new interstellar fleet has been upgraded in all aspects. It can be said that it has undergone a transition of civilization. Our strength is not weak. As long as this alien civilization has not entered the level of third-level civilization, I have one The power of battle!”

The third-level civilization 107 is already able to freely shuttle between galaxies. The civilization is so developed that it is unimaginable that the alien fleet should not have reached this level. After all, the current alien fleet can only be called one. Only wandering civilization.

A wandering civilization, that is, without its own parent star, wanders in the universe, finds a planet suitable for it to colonize, waits until this planet is destroyed, and then selects the next planet.

In the universe, Ye Su speculates that such a wandering civilization has the least potential for development, because it cannot develop stably for a long time, and the degree of civilization is destined to not be very high.

“The current human civilization can be regarded as a wandering civilization.” Ye Su felt inexplicably sad.

The word wandering is actually a great sadness for a civilization.

Creation is incomprehensible, but he knows that Ye Su is not in a good mood now, and he doesn’t know how to comfort him, just doing his own work beside him.

Chapter 310 Final Preparations

All the high-tech equipment on the earth has been set to a state of radio silence, and the radio telescope array is turned on to the maximum power, trying its best to search for this alien fleet.

In the boundless universe, this alien fleet is like a ghost that makes people feel uneasy

The environment of the earth will deteriorate completely in the near future, and the original ecosystem will collapse completely, and it will no longer be suitable for human civilization to live in, not to mention that there is an alien civilization out there, which is no longer suitable for human civilization to continue. develop.

Therefore, the departure of the third immigrant fleet was a must, Ye Su could not escape, and could only prepare for the battle.

Time passed slowly, and in a flash, more than ten days passed.

On the planet Gliese, the development of the frontier base has once again moved to a new level. The newly built defensive wall around the base has been completely completed. It is 30 meters high and 5 meters thick. Made, extremely tough.

On the periphery of the defensive wall, more than 30 automatic turrets have also been built. New laser kinetic energy weapons have been installed, as well as missile launchers, high-speed cannons, etc. It can be said that the current base is already solid, even if it encounters The previous unknown biological impact could not pose the slightest threat to the base.

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