Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 287

Chapter 287:

The original iron ore industrial base has now been fully rolled out. There are more than a dozen robot production lines, and hundreds of intelligent robots are produced every day. These robots are devoted to the expansion and construction of the base, building houses for the subsequent human immigrants and so on.

The control area of the frontier base on the planet Gliese has also reached about 10,000 square kilometers. Within this range, there are countless intelligent robots, and all potential dangers have been completely eliminated.

“All the preparations have been made, and now I’m waiting for you to come.” “There is no danger in these days, and even Yang Duo’s life has become much more nourished, and her face is full of relief.

“Yeah, Ye Su, when are you coming over, can the doomsday technology base be teleported?” Lin Fei was fiddling with a disc sharp blade, which was a new weapon that Ye Su had previously researched.

“Soon, the production of the third batch of immigrant fleets is about to end. The delivery time will be set for tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, I will start the boarding of the third batch of immigrants.”

Ye Su’s eyes seemed to hide the sun, moon and stars, and they were extremely bright. Standing there quietly, it gave people a feeling of mountains and rivers.

Hearing that the time had been set, Lin Fei suddenly became excited.

“Master An, have they been confirmed? Great, when the last batch of immigrants arrives, our human civilization can develop steadily. I believe that it will not be long before we can return to the way we were before!”

Population is also the basis for the development of a civilization. Only when the population is sufficient can a civilization develop rapidly. After several disasters, the number of human beings has dropped sharply by more than 95%.

These human beings are the hope for the future of human civilization.

“Master An has already discussed it. When we officially set off the fire, it is also when their fleet arrives at Planet Gliese. You should do the navigation and **** work.”

This decision was made by Ye Su based on the overall situation, and An Guoqiang also discussed it and passed the decision of the Supreme Council of the Human Federation.

In the past few days, a huge breakthrough has been made in the creation of the deciphering work of the original radio wave.

Because, just five days ago, the Doomsday Technology Base once again received a radio wave from the universe. This radio wave was longer than the previous one, contained more information, and showed a peculiar Regularity seems to be hiding some kind of information.

With the second radio wave as a reference, it finally allowed Creation to find an opportunity to roughly locate the source of the signal.

The location of the second emission source is not far from the earth, it is only about 3 million kilometers away, which can be said to be quite close, and it is already located in the solar system.

And this fleet is still moving at a speed of two kilometers per minute. According to speculation, it will take two and a half days at most to reach the outer space of the earth.

“‘”I can’t wait any longer. I have to leave immediately. If I don’t leave now, I won’t have a chance!” Ye Su was also very anxious. Civilizations have little chance of confrontation head-on.

There were two pieces of information for comparison, and the deciphering work that was created started rapidly. It only took about three hours to decipher the contents of the two pieces of information.

“Spaceship No. 8 is about to run out of fuel, hit by an asteroid, and leaves the flagship…”

“Spaceship No. 8 has successfully left the flagship, and spaceship No. 36 is about to run out of fuel, please add it as soon as possible…”

Looking at these two messages, Ye Su fell into deep thought.

Obviously, the current situation of the alien fleet is also quite bad. From the literal meaning, it can be understood that the external fleet seems to have encountered an energy crisis, and the fuel of many spaceships has been exhausted.

Chapter 311 Building a Stellar Fleet

The two brief messages gave Ye Su a huge help, not only allowing Creation to successfully analyze the approximate location of the alien fleet, but also analyzing a very useful piece of information.

That is this alien fleet is experiencing some kind of energy crisis.

During interstellar voyages, various problems will be encountered, the most common of which is that ships will be damaged by various reasons.

In the beginning, it was just a small part, and it was enough to repair it. In the end, the whole ship was irreparable and could only be abandoned in the universe. At this time, the fleet would often recycle all the useful parts of the ship. Other ships to be tinkered with.

But now, the spaceship number eight has been completely abandoned and separated from the fleet, which means that the energy crisis of this alien fleet has reached the most serious time, and even recycling is useless.

“It’s like a bunch of hungry wild dogs. Now as long as they see food, they’re like crazy!” Ye Su frowned, knowing that something was wrong this time.

The purpose of the alien fleet’s 107 **** is to find a planet that can survive. Now the entire alien fleet has reached a situation where the fuel is exhausted, and it will definitely use all its strength to occupy the earth.

As for the fate of Ye Su and others, one can imagine it.

Creation comforts by the side.

“Ye Su, maybe things haven’t gone so badly. Their energy problem is very serious, which means that the combat effectiveness of this alien fleet will drop significantly. At least many energy-consuming weapons are likely to be unusable.”

“Get ready to fight, this time it seems that we are going to do our best.” Ye Su sighed, and then told An Guoqiang and others about this.

On the second batch of immigrant fleets, tens of thousands of scientific researchers all began to get nervous, and the excitement of arriving on the planet Gliese disappeared without a trace, and fully cooperated with the creation to further optimize and improve the warships on Earth. .

The third batch of immigrant fleets, also the one with the largest number of survivors, has now exceeded 8 million people, but unlike the second batch of immigrant fleets, most of them are civilians, and a few are base staff. Scientific researchers and professionals in other fields are on the second batch of immigrant fleets.

Ye Su’s plan is to build a truly combat-ready interstellar fleet, including a star-class interstellar carrier with a total tonnage of 100 million tons, and ten interplanetary warships, each with a tonnage of no less than 1,000 tons. 10,000 tons.

There are also three ecological ships, each of which is about 50 million tons, and has a complete ecological circle inside, which is enough to accommodate 8 million immigrants.

The rest are hundreds of millions of tons of combat ships. These ships are basically controlled by the supercomputers created. The whole uses nano-insect alloys. The weapon systems are also mainly laser kinetic energy weapons and nuclear weapons.

If this ship can be completely built, Ye Su feels that the alien fleet is not invincible.

Just to do this, the entire doomsday technology base needs to be overloaded, and tens of thousands of intelligent robots are produced every day and added to the ship manufacturing center.

Even Ye Su hollowed out a mountain range to hide the battleship.

The main body of the battleship has basically been built, and in the final stage of weapon installation, Ye Su is ready to set off in three days.

It would be even better if the blockade could be successfully broken through before the arrival of the main alien fleet.

“Creation, can you estimate the degree of civilization of this alien fleet, whether it has reached the third-level civilization?” Ye Su lay on the chair, holding a piece of Taishan stone unique to Earth China.

Now the environment of the whole earth has been deteriorating rapidly, most of the areas have become no-man’s land, and this Taishan stone has become an extremely rare item. Ye Su plans to keep it by his side, just as a tribute to the former China a thought.

In response to this alien fleet, countless models have also been built on the creation side. The computing power of supercomputers has been developed to the extreme. Among them, there is a model specially designed to calculate the overall strength of the alien fleet.

Creation had just returned from outside and was preparing to develop a new weapon. Hearing Ye Su asking him, he tapped his fingers on the virtual keyboard a few times, and a virtual image appeared in the center of the room.

“The third-level civilization is also known as the river system civilization. It has reached the speed of light. Basically, it has mastered all the resources of the entire river system. Even when it starts to navigate the universe, even the energy of black holes can be used.”

“The third-level civilization is not a weak civilization in the entire universe. The civilization of this alien fleet is much higher than that of the earth’s civilization, but it certainly has not reached the third-level civilization. It can only be a 1.7-level civilization.”

“First of all, it can be confirmed that this alien fleet has not mastered Dyson sphere technology. Otherwise, they can directly build a Dyson sphere structure on the periphery of the sun and directly obtain stellar energy. There is no such thing as a fleet energy crisis. The alien fleet in the outer space of the earth understands that they are still nuclear fusion energy.”.

Chapter 312 Successful detection

Ye Su nodded. He also thought so in his heart. The third-level civilization is too powerful. Even the second-level civilization can establish a Dyson sphere, develop the entire star system, and completely control a planet.

But this alien fleet does not seem to be so advanced.

Then a new question appeared in Ye Su’s mind. Since this alien civilization has reached a level 1.7 civilization, how could they give up their home planet and be willing to become a wandering civilization in the universe?

“Could it be that they were attacked by a more powerful civilization?” Ye Su thought of another terrifying situation.

That is, the mother planet of this alien fleet has encountered a more powerful civilization, or even been plundered, and the degree of civilization of this alien civilization is not high enough to support too distant space navigation.

In other words, this civilization was originally not far from the earth, and the more powerful civilization was not far from the earth!

As soon as this idea appeared in Ye Su’s mind, it was like a sprouting seed began to grow, and Ye Su felt that his heart began to beat wildly.

This alien civilization, which is far higher than human civilization, has been forced into this way, so how does human civilization really encounter it?

“Ignore this for now, consider the problem at hand first.” Ye Su took a deep breath and finally calmed down~.

“Creation, you said can we launch a small probe to study this abandoned spacecraft, and if it can be captured, that would be even better.”

This idea has been in Ye Su’s mind for a long time. Ever since he knew that the spaceship was abandoned, Ye Su-has been thinking about it.

Anyway, there is no way to avoid it now, it is better to fight with vigor and vigor. The alien fleet is now at the end of the battle, and his fleet has just been upgraded. It is not certain who will lose and who will win!

Wen Yan Chuang was obviously taken aback, a red light spread in his pupils, and in an instant, countless data appeared from his central processing unit, and then were calculated.

“Ye Su, we can try to capture it, but in this case, it means that our location will be exposed, and even some of our information will be known to the group of guys outside.”

If you want to capture spacecraft or detect spacecraft, you need more powerful radio telescopes or direct launch of astronomical telescopes, small spacecraft.

The alien fleet outside has formed a blockade on the earth, and these actions will definitely be detected.

“Anyway, it’s going to be a fight, so don’t be afraid of this.” Ye Su gritted his teeth, and his heart was filled with pride.

“Even if you die, you have to die more vigorously!”

Now that it was decided, Creation didn’t say anything, and even Ye Su didn’t tell An Guoqiang or Lin Qiao about the plan, but just went ahead silently.

In just a few hours, an invisible spacecraft made entirely of nano-insect alloys appeared in the base.

The mass of the entire spacecraft is only 30 tons, and a large amount of detection equipment is loaded on it.

Nano-insect alloy has a variety of advantages, can resist radiation to a great extent, and of course can isolate all kinds of radiation, which makes nano-insect alloy a material with the strongest stealth ability in the history of human civilization.

Ye Su did not use a rocket engine to launch, but carried out a cold power launch, built an electromagnetic catapult platform with super power, and directly catapulted this small spacecraft into space.


At the same time, all the high-power optical detection equipment on the earth was also fully powered. Finally, with the help of the previous two short radio waves, Ye Su successfully found the location of the abandoned spacecraft.

That small spaceship was like a ghost, approaching silently in space. From beginning to end, the alien civilization in outer space did not respond at all.

This further verifies Ye Su’s idea that the interstellar spacecraft made of nano-insect alloy is very stealthy.


In the research room of the base, a picture of a spaceship has already appeared on the big screen.

This is a spaceship with a length of about 100 meters. The whole body is in the shape of a silver-white water droplet, and there is a structure similar to a missile silo on it.

At this time, the spacecraft has completely lost its power, floating aimlessly in space like space junk, and there is no alien ship around.

Maybe this alien fleet feels that human civilization has been settled, and the outer space of the earth has been completely blocked, so this spaceship is still abandoned here, and it will be captured after the vitality is restored in the future.

Looking at the spaceship in front of him, Ye Su was also a little excited. This was the first time he had observed an alien spaceship so clearly.

Creation manipulated the small unmanned spacecraft to approach slowly, the power of the engine was reduced to the extreme, and it was only after careful detection of the surrounding tens of thousands of kilometers that it was determined to be safe.

After approaching, a small robotic arm appeared on the spacecraft and successfully brought it close to the abandoned alien spaceship.

Chapter 313 A New Journey

“Ye Su, it was a success!”

Creation said with some excitement, the spacecraft on the screen has used laser kinetic energy weapons to cut a small crack in the outer shell of the alien spacecraft, and a large number of mini robots swarmed out to invade the interior of the spacecraft.

Unexpectedly, the plan really succeeded, and Ye Su was also very excited. As long as he could analyze the alien spaceship in detail, then Ye Su would have a general understanding of the alien fleet.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

It’s just that with the continuous deepening of the small robot, Ye Su and Chuang’s faces became solemn again. They did not expect these aliens to be so cautious.

This spaceship is just an empty shell, yes, all the “107” equipment or software in it have been removed, and basically no complete circuit components can be found.

“I said that no matter how generous this alien fleet is, it is impossible to directly abandon a spaceship!”

Fortunately, it was not entirely without gain. With the shell of the spacecraft, Ye Su and Creation were able to analyze the main construction materials of the spacecraft. The construction materials were also an important reflection of the level of civilization of a civilization.

Soon, the detection results came out, which surprised Ye Su. The main material of the spacecraft turned out to be a very common metal, that is, titanium alloy, but this titanium alloy seems to be added with several other metal elements. Greatly increases the strength of the spacecraft shell.

The material properties are not even comparable to the nano-insect alloys in the hands of human civilization.

In Ye Su’s previous speculation, this civilization that can travel interstellar should not use such low-level materials.

“There is only one possibility, and that is that this alien fleet was built in a hurry, and there is not enough time to manufacture materials, so this alloy can only be used.”

Ye Su analyzed.

Another important discovery is the spacecraft’s power system, a very familiar nuclear fusion structure.

“There are also such core computer components and special energy transmission pipelines. Isn’t this the overall structure of my current spacecraft?” The more Ye Su looked at it, the more familiar it became. This alien spacecraft has everything from materials to power systems to electronic components. The production process is basically no different from human civilization.

The only difference may be some minor changes.

“According to the theory of Nopson’s civilization development, the development of civilization is similar, and the development process of civilization on the same branch of science and technology is highly similar!”

After reading the entire power system, Ye Su suddenly couldn’t help laughing and laughing. He also had a general understanding of the strength of this alien fleet. Sure enough, it was the main fleet of the group of guys outside the earth. Its civilization level is higher than the current human civilization, and its overall strength is similar Twenty years ahead.

It’s just that there are materials of nano-insect alloys, which have led to the explosion of science and technology in human civilization in the recent period, and many places even exceed this fleet.

With these conclusions, Ye Su finally calmed down in his heart.

“I just don’t know where this alien fleet is now. I can be sure that it must be in the solar system. I don’t know where it is.”

Ye Su’s eyes became brighter and brighter, like the sun, moon and stars.

“Two days later, the official departure!”

After sorting out the detection results of the spacecraft, Ye Su also sent them to the scientific research team of human civilization. As for Yang Duo, all the preparations for the transmission of the Doomsday Technology Base have been completed.

In the huge underground space, a highly technological base is located. The intelligent robots that can be seen everywhere are like ants, and the towering technology center is like a sword piercing the sky.

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