Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 289

Chapter 289:

Being pressed on the ground and beaten by the other side felt too aggrieved, and Ye Su was also preparing to give the other side a big gift.

Hundreds of secondary combat spaceships were all pulled out, laser cannons shot out one after another like raindrops, and countless bright lights exploded in space, all of which were intercepted missiles.

“The main gun is fully charged!”

On the huge hull of the Hope, a huge gun barrel with a diameter of more than ten meters stretched out. In the depths of the dark gun barrel, a deep purple light emerged, and terrifying energy was stored inside.

“Lord Ye Su, the general coordinates of the other party are exposed!”


Without thinking about it, Ye Su gave the order directly.

Silently, a deep purple laser cannon with a thickness of several meters was rapidly launched, over a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and bombarded a huge asteroid.

Chapter 317 Planetary Fortress?

The originally dark cosmic starry sky suddenly erupted with terrifying light and heat. It was an asteroid with a diameter of about one thousand kilometers and a mass of more than 10 billion tons.

When it was bombarded by the main shell of the Hope, it suddenly shattered.

There are no meteorite fragments, but countless metal fragments and bright lights, which are completely inconsistent with the state of a planet.

“As expected, this alien fleet actually disguised its battleship into the shape of an asteroid or meteorite, so we didn’t find it!~”

Countless hydrogen bombs and laser cannons illuminated the universe. With the help of a super-large optical detector, Ye Su and others finally found the main fleet of aliens.

Looking from Ye Su’s position, where is an asteroid belt, or a meteorite belt, hundreds of meteorites and asteroids slowly revolve around a huge asteroid. In the universe, all kinds of astronomical wonders are Yes, at the beginning, Ye-Su didn’t care.

But after the fight, Ye Su finally understood that this was the disguise of the alien main fleet!

“It’s amazing, I just don’t know if they transformed the asteroid into a battleship of their own, or disguised the battleship as an asteroid, no matter which one it is, it’s impossible with their current science and technology. of.”

A question appeared in Ye Su’s mind. The technological means needed to transform the entire asteroid into a battleship were simply too amazing!

If this is the case, then there is no need for this alien fleet to wander in the starry sky, just launch an attack on the earth directly.

On the Second Immigrant Fleet, the Gliese Frontier Base, and the Remnant Base on Earth, countless people are following the war through live broadcasts.

After seeing the appearance of the alien fleet, they all took a deep breath.

“Wandering in the universe with a whole planet? Is that their home planet, or something else?” Someone exclaimed, he was a mercenary on the frontier base of Gliese, and at this moment he suddenly remembered his own home planet Earth.

Because of the invasion of foreign enemies and various disasters, he had to stay away from his home planet, and he didn’t know if he could return to the earth in this life. For the earth, all human beings have common feelings.

“Sooner or later, we will also go back. We are not a wandering civilization, we have our own home planet!”

“I’ve seen a movie before. It’s a civilization wandering in the universe with its own parent star. It’s amazing. Is it the planetary war castle technology?”

“I don’t think it should. It should be just a disguise. Lord Ye Su must win. If it doesn’t work, we can just run. The speed of the cosmic ark is so amazing. If we want to leave, the alien fleet must not leave us!”

Countless people are praying in secret.

Surprised not only by humans, but also by the aliens in the alien fleet, watching Su Deli, who turned into fireworks in the universe, kneeled directly on the ground and buried his head deeply.

“Respected master, this is definitely not the technology of human civilization. They are a group of primitive and backward indigenous people. It is impossible to master such a powerful weapon. There must be other alien civilizations intervening!”

Sudley was really frightened this time. He never imagined why the human civilization, which has become a turtle in a urn, still has such a powerful weapon, and even their civilized and powerful warships can’t stand it.

Huge pressure came from the tall figure in front of him, he knelt on the ground, and kept explaining.


A mysterious language sounded in the command room. Sudley wanted to explain something, but the tall figure in front of him did not respond. A pair of eyes protruding from the head of the battle armor glowed with lavender light.

The tall figure held a scepter in his hand, and an inexplicable note came out of his mouth, and the entire asteroid belt hidden in the dark universe suddenly began to move slowly.

Inside the Hope, Creation is also rapidly analyzing the asteroid belt millions of kilometers away, which is the main situation of the alien fleet.


“Ye Su, this is indeed an asteroid, and it is also an asteroid suitable for biological habitation. It has an atmosphere and a relatively complete ecosystem. These alien civilizations have installed super-large nuclear fusion engines on it to use Manipulate the entire asteroid.”

Create and submit the report of the optical analysis instrument to Ye Su. Asteroids like alien civilizations also exist in the universe. These asteroids are collectively called wandering planets.

Wandering planets vary in size, some are a real planet, such as the earth, or even larger, but some are only the size of asteroids, they all have their own main star before, providing gravity, flying around the main star, but Later, due to various reasons, it escaped the main star and became a wandering planet, moving aimlessly in the universe.

The asteroid in front of it should have been installed with a large number of giant engines by the alien fleet before it broke away from its main star.

The originally quiet solar system also became extremely lively at this time. Two huge fleets fought each other, separated by millions of kilometers, and a huge amount of energy was tilted out every second. There were laser cannons and super-high-yield hydrogen bombers.

Chapter 318 Blocking the Solar System

Ye Su also took out the space missiles prepared in the battleship and fought against the alien fleet. After all, this thing is a consumable item. As for the energy required for each launch of the main gun, Ye Su was a little reluctant.

“All attention, enter the silent state after ten seconds, readjust the fleet position, and activate the fleet stealth system!” Ye Su ordered.

The entire battle only lasted for less than ten minutes. Several asteroid warships exploded in the area, and Ye Su’s side also made a mistake in intercepting, and two super-high-yield hydrogen bombs exploded near the fleet, causing more than a dozen second-level warships to be destroyed. destroy.

“Received, turn on the stealth system of the “107” team and move at full speed!”

An energy fluctuation appeared on the dark gold nano-insect alloy shell, and the radiation generated by various weapon systems such as engines and laser cannons was isolated.

After a flash, the huge fleet quickly disappeared into the shadow behind Jupiter.

Within ten seconds of Ye Su’s fleet leaving, several large-yield hydrogen bombs exploded on the spot.

“Disappeared? Sly bug.” Seeing the empty starry sky, the tall figure was also a little surprised. He originally thought of annihilating the fleet of human civilization in one fell swoop, but he didn’t expect Ye Su to slip away.

“The entire periphery of the star system is covered with Ambrosian detectors. It is impossible to escape. You should surrender and be a vassal civilization of our Yunka tribe!”

In the universe, a powerful civilization often has a certain number of vassal civilizations. These vassal civilizations depend on the main civilization to survive, and at the same time serve the civilization evolution of the main civilization.

That’s what he thought now.

However, Ye Su didn’t think so, and quickly moved to another coordinate, and created the situation of the battle fleet this time.

In general, human civilization has not taken advantage of it, and the reason is very simple, that is, the opponent’s fleet is too large, each battleship is equivalent to an asteroid, and the mothership is a tens of thousands of kilometers in diameter. asteroid.

Human warships are warships after all, and their energy is limited. Every time the main gun is charged, it takes a lot of energy. The energy of alien fleets can be said to be continuous. If they continue to fight, humans will definitely lose.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are countless nuclear weapons in the universe, Ye Su quickly blocked all signals from the fleet, while maintaining the stealth state of the entire fleet.

Relying on the ultra-high stealth ability of the nano-insect alloy, Ye Su did not believe that the other party could find them.

This time, it became a situation in which the enemy was in the clear and the others were in the dark. As long as the fleet was kept under control, Ye Su would not believe that they would be able to escape.

In the cosmic war, the law of the dark forest is pursued. Every civilization is a hunter in the forest, or it may be a prey, all looking for their prey.

Hide yourself well, and you can take a huge advantage!

In the command room, An Guoqiang, Yang Duo, the commander of the Earth Seed Project, Ye Su and others all gathered together. The atmosphere was a bit dull and no one spoke.

In the end, An Guoqiang was the first to break the peace and said, “Ye Su, how is your current situation? Can you find a way to rush out of the solar system and not get entangled with these alien fleets.”

As soon as these words came out, a lot of eyes immediately turned to Ye Su, because everyone basically thought so, since Ye Su’s fleet’s ability to penetrate the defense is so strong, it would be better to just rush out of the solar system, anyway, that group Alien Fleet Humans also know where 0……

It stands to reason that Ye Su and the others definitely have this ability.

“It’s not that we don’t want to break through, but the situation doesn’t allow it.” Ye Su sighed, and helplessly opened a starry sky detection map.

This picture is an optical detection image of the outermost part of the solar system. At the edge of the otherwise empty solar system, there are countless tiny meteorites floating at the moment. Each of these meteorites is about one meter in diameter, seemingly aimless. floating.

The only difference is that there is a layer of reflection on the surface of these meteorites.

Some of the people present were famous astronomers, and when they saw the reflections on these meteorites, their expressions changed greatly.

“This is not a meteorite, this is a technological creation!”

Ye Su nodded: “Yes, according to our speculation, these meteorites are all probes released by alien civilizations, and some are also triggered hydrogen bombs. This time, they did not block the earth, but gave the entire solar system. blocked.”

An Guoqiang also seemed to understand something, and said 2.7 with a solemn face: “I now understand that these alien civilizations did not block you on the earth, but let you lift off, because they need an ecologically complete planet, and The universe is the best battlefield.”

The energy released by interstellar wars is so amazing that a war can even destroy an entire planet, not to mention the fragile ecosystem on a planet.

And now, these alien civilizations are in need of a planet with a complete ecosystem, and of course they will not start wars on Earth, but deliberately release Ye Su’s fleet so that they can let go of their hands and feet.

Chapter 319 Civilization Extinction Plan

“This group of aliens is a little too cunning, you can think of it!” Yang Duo exclaimed, the situation of the human fleet is not good, and now she has to face such a cunning opponent, she can only I can choose to trust Ye Su.

“Then what are you going to do next?” An Guoqiang was a little worried. If Ye Su’s fleet could not successfully break through, it would likely be trapped in the solar system.

“Destroy the ecology of the other planet and implement the civilization extinction plan!”

The cold words sounded in the command room, and Ye Su’s expressionless face was reflected in everyone’s eyes, and they felt inexplicably a little scared.

“According to the current model, it is likely that the other party was forced away from the original home planet by a powerful civilization, and when the alien fleet was wandering, it obtained some very powerful technology, which could temporarily transform asteroids and transform It was transformed into a wandering planet.”

“These wandering planets are not only battleships, but also planets where alien civilizations survive, with independent and complete ecosystems.”

“My idea is to make a lot of cheap and high-yield hydrogen bombs, or bacterial bombs, virus bombs, and frantically destroy the ecosystems on these asteroids until the ecology of this alien civilization completely collapses!”

Speaking of which, everyone also vaguely guessed what Ye Su was thinking.

Since the other party lives on an asteroid with a complete ecology, then Ye Su is likely to target this alien civilization next.

“Since the other party has been wandering in the universe for so long, they must have their own defense measures. If we launch these weapons, they can quickly detect and intercept them.”

Someone raised their hand to ask a question.

“Of course we have considered this, so we are using a non-radiation saturation attack, using the resources on our current fleet to create drifting nuclear bombs, which do not use any power, only use inertia to move forward in the universe, the above settings With a trigger fuze, it will automatically explode when it gets close to the opposite planet.”

Even in Ye Su’s plan, this nuclear weapon is a cobalt bomb with greater lethality, a nuclear weapon that carries highly toxic radiation. Cobalt is a deadly poison to all living things. With a click, the creature can die.

Unless all these alien civilizations are not carbon-based life, but silicon-based life, or a kind of intelligent mechanical life.

Of course, if that’s the case, then it’s like Ye Su didn’t say anything.

In the created model, replacing the opponent’s asteroid with the earth, only one hundred high-yield cobalt bombs are required to explode, and the highly toxic cobalt element and various radiation and viruses released are enough to destroy the ecosystem, causing The occurrence of mass extinction.

Turning an entire asteroid into a death star, civilized war has always been cruel. Ye Su has already seen this. If this war is a human defeat, then human civilization may be even worse.

“Their defense system is not strong enough to create a position barrier for the entire planet, so under the saturation attack, even if they activate the interception system, they will cause huge casualties to them!”

Ye Su pointed out of the solar system.

“It’s impossible to eliminate them all, so I didn’t plan to do that. As long as they get into chaos, we have a chance to rush out!”

“It’s a perfect plan. I agree with Ye Su’s plan.” John stood up first. He is now Ye Su’s most loyal fan in the Global Federation.

“I agree too!” The follow-up vote was An Guoqiang. Along the way, Ye Su gave him too many surprises. This time human civilization is facing a crisis again, and all hope will be pinned on Ye Su.

Soon, everyone voted to pass, and after the Supreme Council of the Global Federation ended, Ye Su’s fleet began to get busy.

There were not many resources on the fleet, and of course it will not spend huge resources to re-create cobalt bombs.

When he left the earth, Ye Su had made a lot of speculations. He had made a lot of various weapons, and there were hundreds of cobalt bombs, all of which had a megaton equivalent.

107 In order to launch a saturation attack, Ye Su replaced some elements in nuclear weapons, adding cobalt elements or bacterial viruses.

Ten hours later, thousands of special weapons were quietly lying in the silo of Hope.

“let’s start!”

Without hesitation, Ye Su directly ordered the launch.

Silently, under the electromagnetic ejection system, all these thousands of special weapons were launched. The shell was made of nano-insect alloy, and there was no engine ignition. It was all forward by inertia.

Therefore, the stealth of these special bombs has also reached an unprecedented height. Ye Su has done tests, and these special bombs can also hide themselves well in front of high-power detectors. This is in the vast universe, and visible light is also low. to the point of heinous.

When it can be observed with the naked eye, the special bomb has already reached the explosion range.

According to estimates, this batch of special bombs will reach the enemy fleet in about three hours, and now all Ye Su and the others have to do is wait.

Chapter 320 Civilization War

When this alien civilization blocked the earth, it was doomed to be an immortal situation between the two civilizations.

There is still a week before the second batch of immigrant fleets land on Planet Gliese, while the third batch of immigrant fleets are completely blocked in the solar system by this alien civilization.

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