Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 290

Chapter 290:

“It is impossible to determine how many probes and how many hydrogen bombs these lunatics have scattered in the solar system. Once a mistake falls into the nuclear bomb trap, it will definitely cause a lot of damage to our fleet, and it will also expose the location of our fleet. If you want to run out at that time, it will be difficult!”

In the command room of the Hope, Ye Su’s face was very solemn, and countless models appeared on the screen.

This is a dead end. He originally wanted to bomb the flagship of the alien fleet. When the alien civilization is in chaos, the human fleet can take the opportunity to leave, but now it seems that his thoughts are too simple.

“Lord Ye Su, the scheduled explosion time is almost here.” A ship commander stepped forward to report.

“Okay, I’ll be there soon!”

Hearing this, Ye Su finally smiled and hurriedly walked to the main control room.

Time is passing minute by minute, and everyone in human civilization is anxiously waiting for the result. At this time, more than a hundred ships of human civilization are all unfolded in a line, and the large optical detection equipment above has all been aimed at the outside world. The direction of star civilization.

“It must be successful, it must be successful ¨”!”

Fifty seconds later, an inexplicable light spot appeared on the optical detector, followed by the second and third. Strong light, heat, and various strong radiation were detected.

The hydrogen bomb exploded!

At least three asteroids around the huge alien fleet were swallowed up by the huge light and heat.

The moment they saw this spot of light, the entire command room instantly boiled, and countless people cried with joy.

“Successful, Lord Ye Su, we succeeded, you are a genius!” Everyone in the command room surrounded Ye Su and threw him into the air.

“I said how could our human civilization be stumped by this small difficulty. With Lord Ye Su, no matter how big the difficulty is, we can overcome it!”

Ye Su was also smiling, and he was extremely excited. This was the first time he had played against an alien civilization, and he still had the upper hand. The powerful excitement also made his adrenaline soar.

The explosion is not over yet, you must know that in order to ensure that the ecology of the entire planet is completely destroyed, he has prepared hundreds of high-yield nuclear weapons, mainly hydrogen bombs and cobalt bombs, each with the lowest equivalent. More than 300 million tons.

If placed on Earth, a 300-million-ton cobalt bomb would be enough to destroy the global atmosphere and turn the Earth into an uninhabitable death star.

In two minutes, the fleet observed more than fifty explosions in total, like a flower blooming in the dark universe, but behind it represents genocide.

Creation stood next to Ye Su and analyzed it very calmly.

“The flagship of an alien civilization should be an asteroid, but the civilization did not transform it into a planetary fortress, but adopted a method that could push the entire planet to move, taking the entire planet to wander in the universe, and As your own flagship of civilization!”

“The total yield of the nuclear weapons we have launched has exceeded 20 billion tons, which is enough to destroy the atmosphere of the entire planet, but it is not ruled out that they have emergency measures to prevent radiation.”

“We can already detect the coordinates of this alien fleet, and their losses are huge.”

Under the explosion of so many hydrogen bombs, the light, heat and super radiation produced can be accurately detected by them from tens of millions of kilometers away. Now the entire alien fleet seems to be naked. Standing in front of Ye Su.

This is extremely dangerous in the universe.

The alien fleet also reacted very quickly. From the fleet observation on Ye Su’s side, it can be seen that in just a moment, countless super-power similar to radar stations were turned on on the planet and carried out the entire space. scanning.

Immediately afterwards, a series of laser weapons appeared from the planet, trying to intercept the remaining hydrogen and cobalt bombs.

Unfortunately, the other party found it too late. Most of the hydrogen bombs and cobalt bombs had already exploded, and the rest could not change the fact (to Zhao).

“‘”The other party panicked.” Through the nano-strength glass in the command room, Ye Su could observe the fireworks of the hydrogen bomb explosion with the naked eye, and his black eyes were full of icy coldness.

This is the war between civilizations, there is never any mercy, some are just extermination and cruelty.

This alien civilization is equally ruthless when it comes to Earth civilization.

“Yes, they can no longer hide themselves. When such high-power detection equipment is turned on, it is like a light that lights up in the dark night, telling the enemy that I am here.”

Creation nodded, agreeing with Ye Su’s idea very much, this war has hit here, and human civilization has basically established an advantage in the beginning.

Chapter 321 Escape with the Planet

However, Ye Su did not let the fleet move at this time. An alien civilization that can wander around the universe with a planet. He does not believe that it has only such a little ability, not to mention, the level of technology of this alien fleet, Even more advanced than human civilization.

Another five minutes passed, and all the remaining nuclear bombs reached the predetermined position. At this time, there were very few nuclear bombs that exploded, most of them were intercepted, and only four or five exploded.

The final data came out soon. Ye Su fired a total of nearly 200 special bombs of various types. Among them, 30 super-high-yield hydrogen bombs exploded, 47 cobalt bombs exploded, and 6 bacterial virus bombs exploded.

This is an astonishing achievement, enough to bring a devastating catastrophe to the ecology of a planet.

“Now the other party must also realize that their coordinates have been exposed and will take action. 107 is likely to be a large-scale counterattack. We must be ready for battle at any time.”

“All ships keep radio silence, turn down the power of optical detection equipment, and cancel all laser kinetic energy weapons!”

Seeing that the alien fleet tens of millions of kilometers away was plunged into darkness again, Ye Su didn’t panic at all, he just needed an optical detection device to lock the alien fleet during the period.

After all, the flagship of the alien fleet is too huge, it is a planet, and it is basically impossible for a planet to hide itself.

Just when Ye Su guessed what kind of hiding measures the alien fleet would take, hundreds of powerful beams suddenly erupted from the flagship of the alien fleet. These beams were so huge that Ye Su could observe them with the naked eye.

And the data of the various detection equipment on the Hope has exploded at this time, and soon, the data results have come out. These super-large beams are particle beams generated by giant nuclear fusion.

“What do they want to do, what did they do to their planet, and why can such a powerful nuclear fusion beam burst out!” Ye Su was also a little surprised.

He didn’t understand what the alien fleet wanted to do. Shouldn’t he be doing his best to hide himself at this time?

The fleet’s supercomputer quickly began to calculate, and the think tank of human civilization also began to speculate immediately. Hundreds of conclusions were immediately sent to Ye Su’s desk.

Looking at the various materials in front of him, Ye Su frowned, until at the end, a guess made by a novelist made Ye Su fall into silence.

“The planet escapes, the alien fleet wants to change the orbit of its own planet, and uses the huge amount of radiation generated when these super-large nuclear fusion engines are turned on to interfere with the exploration of our human fleet, thereby hiding itself!”

The short few lines of words revealed a terrifying imagination, which also gave Ye Su a great shock.

He found that he still restricted his thinking, and he thought that the current alien fleet was just trying to defend, but he did not expect that the alien fleet would be so bold.

Ye Su quickly connected to the creation.

“Creation, give me the detection data of the current fleet, can you still observe that alien fleet?”

“Ye Su, I just wanted to tell you this, just now, our fleet encountered a huge amount of radiation interference, all the detection equipment failed, and the other side’s fleet coordinates have been lost!”

Before Ye Su could finish speaking, the creation directly told him the bad news, just as the human literary and wise group novelists had speculated before.

Alien fleet, escaped with the planet!

The activation of the super-giant nuclear fusion launching device caused countless infrared, ultraviolet and various huge amounts of radiation to burst out, like a strong light bomb, which interfered with the detection of Ye Su’s fleet, thereby hiding himself.

“It’s a cunning thing. You really can’t underestimate any civilization. No one knows what kind of existence exists in this civilization.” Ye Su sighed. This is his inexperience. After all, this is the first time with It is normal for the alien fleet to make mistakes in such a large-scale frontal battle.

An Guoqiang, Yang Duo and others also learned the news of the disappearance of the alien fleet at the first time, and could not help but worry about Ye Su, while Lin Qiao and Liu Ziyue were also very worried in their hearts, but they still refrained from giving them. Ye Su made the call, not wanting to affect Ye Su’s judgment at this time.

A few hours later, the universe fell into darkness again, all the strong radiation waves have passed, and the detection equipment of the human fleet can be used again, but it is too late, and there is no trace of the alien fleet on the detection equipment.

“You can’t fall into the dead end of your own thinking, you must let go of your thinking and gather the strength of the entire civilization.”

Ye Su is not in a hurry at this time. After the opponent has been bombed by his own special bomb, the entire planet will definitely be in big trouble. It can be said that the opponent’s living strength has been greatly weakened. Ye Su just needs to wait for the opportunity and find a way. Just find the other party again.

Chapter 322 The Great Theory of Astrophysics

It’s just too difficult to find a civilization that intentionally hides itself in this vast universe.

All the ships of human civilization were arranged in a strange formation by Ye Su, and all the high-power detection equipment was turned on. Through the strange formation of the fleet, the detection distance and range were further increased.

“Where are you?”

The all-weather, all-round detection has lasted for a full twenty-four hours, and the radio silence of the entire human civilization fleet has also lasted for twenty-four hours.

Almost all human beings are paying attention to this war that determines the future destiny of human civilization, and they cannot bear the consequences of failure.

Ye Su has already detected almost the entire solar system, but because of the complexity of the universe and the limitations of human scientific and technological civilization, he still cannot detect many places.

“Lord Ye Su, don’t worry. According to the model we have established, these aliens must now be like mice, living in the radiation-proof underground base, and the ecological environment has been completely destroyed.”

A captain wearing gold-rimmed glasses said with a smile.

The ecological environment of the entire planet has been destroyed, and the living force has been weakened to 10% of the original in a short period of time, almost losing the possibility of development~.

If this alien civilization cannot find a solution to the predicament in a short period of time, then the extinction of the distance is also a matter of time.

“If we can’t find them, we won’t be able to leave the solar system, or even return to Earth.” Ye Su was still a little worried.

The detection of alien fleets is still ongoing.

Another two hours later, Ye Su had not rested for 30 consecutive hours, and his whole body had been strained to the extreme.

“found it!”

A vicissitudes of life sounded in the think tank of the second immigrant fleet, and an old man with gray hair raised the coordinates in his hand and said loudly.

“Through gravitational lensing, you can see that there is a faint gravitational curved wave on the back of Mars. This is a gravitational wave that can only be caused by the passage of a large celestial body. I can be sure that the fleet of alien civilizations must be in this position, tell me quickly. Lord Ye Su, I found it!”

Immediately, the entire spaceship shook, and the coordinates were immediately sent to Hope. Ye Su’s eyes lit up when he saw the coordinates.

“Quick, create, verify the coordinates!”

Gravitational lensing is the astrophysics proposed by the great physicist Einstein, which roughly means that the massive celestial bodies in the universe all have their own gravitational existence.

When another massive celestial body passes around this celestial body, it will cause gravitational fluctuations. For example, there are gravitational fluctuations between the earth and the moon.

A common gravitational phenomenon observed on Earth is tides.

As a planet in the solar system, Mars is naturally a massive celestial body, and the other’s flagship is also a planet. The proximity of the two will inevitably lead to gravitational fluctuations.

The verification is also very simple. Creation first turned on the fleet’s high-power optical detection equipment, and then copied the previous method of Ye Su, and dropped several large-yield hydrogen bombs at the location of the alien fleet.


Mars is not very far from Jupiter. After only a few minutes, several huge flames appeared, and this time the observation was clearer.

“Why did it explode inside the planet instead of being intercepted outside?”

Ye Su looked at the flagship of the alien civilization exposed by the flames. Before he could get excited, he just started to ponder.


Because it is so abnormal, the scene of a hydrogen bomb exploding in space is completely different from the scene of exploding inside a planet.

The current scene is that the hydrogen bomb explodes inside the alien fleet planet.

This time the action was just to verify the coordinates, so Ye Su didn’t hide the nuclear bomb too much, it was impossible for him to intercept it with the opponent’s ability.

You know, if you let these high-yield hydrogen bombs explode inside your own planet, it will not only be as simple as a mass extinction, but may also lead to strong secondary disasters such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Under these disasters, even Staying in an underground radiation protection base may not necessarily survive.


It can be said that no civilization would do this unless it was a last resort.

“Could it be that the other party really has no power to resist, and the entire planet has suffered a mass extinction?” Ye Su couldn’t help but guess.

In the current situation, only this kind of speculation makes sense. Ye Su thought to himself, instead of rushing the fleet to approach, he let Creation control an unmanned second-level warship.

“Master Ye Su, what are you doing? Are you going to get close to the fleet of alien civilizations? Isn’t it too risky!”

Someone in the human think tank said.

“Don’t worry, Lord Ye Su won’t be so rash, this battleship is an unmanned battleship.” An Guoqiang said in a deep voice.

The speed of the second-level warships is not slow, and after just over half an hour, they approached the fleet of alien civilizations.

The distance has also been narrowed to one million kilometers.

The situation of the entire alien civilization is clearly displayed in the eyes of everyone. Seeing the current appearance of this alien civilization, everyone fell into silence, and their hearts were full of sadness and coldness.

Chapter 323 Login

An asteroid with a diameter of about 1,000 kilometers is quietly suspended behind Mars, hiding itself with the help of a huge Martian celestial body.

The entire asteroid is red when viewed from space, and there are things like rivers on it. Under the astronomical telescope, above the equator of the asteroid, there are tens of thousands of technological creations with a height of 10,000 meters, like pyramids. generally.

“This is a super-giant nuclear fusion engine. With this, the alien civilization transformed the entire planet into a wandering planet, and it can also change orbits.”

When the human think tank saw this thing, they all exclaimed, this thing “one, two, three” wants to build, it needs to spend countless resources, and the difficulty is no less than building a fleet.

But now, these huge super-giant nuclear fusion reaction engines are all extinguished, and there is no energy reaction at all, just like an icy steel forest.

“Creation, be careful!” Ye Su reminded.

Now the distance between the second-level warship and the asteroid has been reduced to 200,000 kilometers, which is enough to launch a surprise attack.

But the entire asteroid is still silent, without the slightest vitality, nor the slightest energy response, not only those towering super-giant engines, but also the spaceports built around the asteroid, orbital energy cannons, and so on.

“Boom, boom!”

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