Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 292

Chapter 292:

But now, their home planet exploded without warning.

You must know that after a young planet is formed, it will take billions of years at the shortest to collapse and disintegrate. It needs to wait until the core of the planet cools and can no longer provide internal gravity, which will lead to collapse.

The most important thing is that the disaster of the parent star mentioned by the Kabu civilization is so similar to the situation in which the earth is now (ahch)!

“The first disaster happened a few years ago, with mutated plagues, zombies rampant, then the Ice Age, then the earthquake, and now the invasion of alien civilizations…”

Ye Su glanced back at the direction of the earth. At this time, the earth’s ecosystem had completely collapsed, leaving only the last place. The surface of the earth was no longer suitable for the survival of living things, and the remaining humans could only survive in the underground base.

All kinds of disasters turned the earth into a death star.

And these disasters come without warning, as if they were done by God.

It’s not that Ye Su never wanted to investigate the reasons for these disasters on the earth, but in the face of various existential crises, he couldn’t do anything at all. Now it seems that the disasters on the earth are not accidental or accidental, but probably deliberate. for it!

“If there is really some kind of mysterious power controlling it, it would be terrifying. In the silence, it has manipulated a civilization, and even countless civilizations, with such strength!”

Ye Su shook his head and did not continue to think about it. This is unimaginable by the current Earth civilization.

This is the information that was cracked, and it was also deliberately left by the Kabu civilization. The subsequent content has been encrypted, and it is still being deciphered intensely.

“Creation, what do you think?” In the research room, only Ye Su and Chuang were left. For this intelligent mechanical civilization, Ye Su had 100% trust.

Encountering this kind of thing, even Ye Su felt deeply powerless, and he urgently needed another person to share the burden for him.

The created pair of mechanical eyes kept flashing, as if recalling something, and finally said: “My previous civilization also suffered a devastating disaster, but our civilization is not so lucky, only a very small number of intelligent life are left. down…”

“Our numbers are no longer enough to form a wandering civilization. We have become orphans of civilization. A large part of this very few intelligent life died in loneliness, and the rest were scattered among various civilizations.”.

Chapter 327 The Second Immigrant Fleet Arrives

“Ye Su, I have witnessed the death of a civilization with my own eyes. Human civilization is a great civilization. I have seen emotions in you. This is an incredible force. Your civilization will definitely continue to exist and develop.”

The creation is extremely rare and said a lot of words, these words shocked Ye Su again.

He has never asked the source of creation, but just thought that the power of fire created creation. Now it seems that things are not that simple.

“How long does it take to decipher the follow-up data? If we can decipher these data, it should be very useful for the development of human civilization.~”

Ye Su can’t wait a bit now, but there is no way.

The good news is that with these materials for comparison, the subsequent cracking work will be very fast, and Ye Su can only wait while digesting the resources left by the Kabu civilization.

The second batch of immigrant fleets, An Guoqiang and others stood in front of the light curtain, the virtual image was projected, the huge office was discussing tensely, and everyone had a smile on their face.

After two months of uninterrupted flight and the transmission channel of the energy column, they finally reached the outer space of the planet Gliese.

The huge fleet carries more than two million humans, most of whom are the elites of human civilization. With the participation of these people, the development of Gliese will take a big step forward.

Yang Duo also breathed a sigh of relief. As an advance force, after landing on Planet Gliese 518g, she was under tremendous pressure every day. From the initial beast invasion to the unknown human attack later, her nerves were all tense. .

Fortunately all is over.

“The frontier base now has a total of more than 500,000 people, with a base area of 100 square kilometers and an actual control area of more than 18,000 square kilometers. There are a total of three sub-bases, namely the mineral smelting base, the robot manufacturing base, and the doomsday technology base. ecosystem and industrial base, we already have the ability to initially produce Starships…”

In the huge conference room, Yang Duo was doing a work report, narrating the success of these time frontier bases in detail, saying these things, even Yang Duo himself felt a little incredible, in such a short period of time, they Did so many things.

“Clap clap clap…”

After Yang Duo’s report was over, there was warm applause in the conference room. It was incredible, and all the senior management felt shocked.

It can be said that the establishment of the frontier base has completely laid a good foundation for subsequent immigration. After these scientists or others arrive on the planet, they can start work immediately.

Due to the persecution of various disasters, the current human civilization has not only not regressed, but has experienced explosive growth in technology. Coupled with the existence of Ye Su’s various black technologies, the technology of human civilization has been pushed to an unprecedented height.

“Yang Duo, you did a great job!” An Guoqiang smiled. He knew that Yang Duo belonged to Ye Su. The entire frontier base could be built by Ye Su, and they were only guests now.

But zooming in to the entire human civilization, even guests are nothing, as long as human civilization can continue to exist and develop, everything is worth it.

“We plan to build two interstellar docks in the outer space of the Gliese planet. Based on this, we will build a permanent outer orbit starship base, deploy combat starships, and an observatory to respond to foreign attacks at any time. Tomorrow At three o’clock in the afternoon, we will officially start the landing process.”


People from the human think tank also stood up and spoke.

“At that time, please prepare all parties!” An Guoqiang stood up, his back was straight, his expression was enthusiastic, and he said loudly.

“Everyone, welcome to the new era of mankind, this will also be our second home planet, let us thank Ms. Yang Duo and all the staff of the frontier base for their contributions, we will issue you the badge of honor and the title of the Global Federation , we would also like to thank Ye Su for his outstanding contributions to mankind, and we will present Ye Su with the Global Federation Lifetime Achievement Award!”


In the conference room, everyone’s face was full of smiles. They have been wandering in space for a long time, the earth is dying, and the planet Gliese is full of infinite possibilities.

Countless scientists are now a little eager to try, and want to show their strength in the new era of human civilization.

At the meeting, the proposal of the Supreme Council was unanimously adopted, and the time for the landing of the second batch of human immigrants was regarded as the beginning of a new era.

A new era of mankind is officially established!

At this time, Ye Su did not need to worry too much about the preparations for the landing. At this meeting, he did not disclose the information of the Kabu civilization, but only announced the scientific and technological achievements.

Now only he and Creation know that terrible guess, and this guess will always be buried in Ye Su’s heart.

“As for the remaining humans on earth, we currently have two solutions. The first plan is to thoroughly develop the planet Gliese, use a lot of resources to further expand the fleet, and take over all the remaining humans.” Shi.

Chapter 328 80 Million Human Immigrants

“The second plan is to keep these human beings on the earth. We use the resources of the planet Gliese to rapidly develop human civilization. When we have enough strength, we can return to the earth and use technology to transform the entire earth and turn the earth into a new one. A planet fit for human habitation!”

There are still more than 80 million human beings on the earth, which is a very large number. Now that there is no threat of the Kabu civilization, how to deal with the remaining human beings has become the most urgent problem.

Looking at these two plans, Ye Su also fell into contemplation. He sat on the chair in the room, and the light hit his face a little dim.

If the conclusion really exists, “one, two, three”, then the earth will not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed in the end, and all the human beings on it will die.

Various discussions are continuing, and most people’s idea is to temporarily leave humans on the earth, wait until the planet Gliese develops technology to a certain extent, and then return to completely transform the earth and eliminate the disaster.

“I propose to bring back all the humans. I will build a transit base on Mars, and the newly built interstellar spacecraft will pick up human civilization here.”

After thinking for a long time, Ye Su stood up and said slowly, his eyes were as deep as stars.

The meeting room, which was still very lively, suddenly quieted down, and everyone turned their attention to Ye Su.

The current Ye Su has the absolute right to speak in the Global Federation. After all, to a certain extent, without Ye Su, there would be no human civilization today.

Ye Su did not say the specific reason, and everyone did not ask. They knew that Ye Su could never go wrong. Since Ye Su said so, there was a solution to this problem.

“I agree! We can’t give up any of our compatriots, can’t we enjoy the planet with perfect environment, and abandon most of the human beings to continue living in the underground base.”

Yang Duo was the first to raise her hand in approval. She once lived in an underground base, and she never wanted to experience that kind of life a second time in her life.

“I agree too!”

An Guoqiang stood up, John and Jehovah looked at each other and got up one after another.

At this time, it is not for them to decide.

“Okay, since everyone agrees, let’s do this first. Then you are ready to land, and our third batch of immigrants is about to pass.”

After that, Ye Su withdrew from the meeting and continued to stay, which was nothing more than a waste of time. He has now concentrated all his attention on the information left by Kabu Civilization.

Ye Su asked the third batch of immigrant fleets to take two ecological ships to Planet Gliese, while he stayed behind Jupiter with more than fifty second-level warships.

During this period of time, Creation has established an interstellar dock in the outer space of the asteroids of the Kabu civilization, constantly exploring the spaceships entering and leaving the asteroids, and fully excavating the scientific and technological achievements of the Kabu civilization.

With the scientific and technological achievements of the Kabu civilization, human technology has once again improved a lot, including material enhancement and energy weapons.

For material strengthening, Kabu Civilization seems to have mastered a new molecular arrangement technology, which can greatly increase the strength of the material. Coupled with the existence of nano-insect alloys, Ye Su is confident that the strength of the construction material of the interstellar spacecraft will be improved again.

As for energy weapons, Ye Su had already seen the special weapons in Su Deli’s hands. This was not a simple laser gun, but a real energy weapon.

“Ye Su, you see, this is a new element, we name it entropy element, this entropy element can fission in a magnetic field environment with a high temperature of 30 million degrees Celsius, thereby releasing a huge amount of energy, and This release is 0 without the slightest radiation…”

In the research room, a luminous object like a blue crystal is bound in the coil, and the huge magnetic field generated by the coil firmly binds this element.

Creation demonstrated the power of this entropy element to Ye Su. A few milligrams of entropy element were accelerated to tens of thousands of kilometers per second under the acceleration of a huge energy magnetic field, which is equivalent to one-tenth of the speed of light, and then was launched.

After these few milligrams of entropy elements collide with the object, a huge explosion occurs, and the energy generated in an instant is no less than that of a large-yield hydrogen bomb.

This is a small unit area, and the amount of entropy elements can be adjusted according to the actual situation. In other words, individual nuclear bombs are not a dream!

This can completely change the weapon form of human civilization. Once the entropy element is successfully weaponized, all hydrogen bombs and laser weapons can be eliminated.

“It’s just a pity, because the launch of the entropy element requires a huge 2.7 energy, so it also needs to rely on the giant nuclear fusion reactor to provide energy, and now this weapon can only be loaded on the warship.”

Ye Su is very content, even with multiple restrictions, this kind of energy weapon will definitely become the mainstream weapon of human civilization in the future.

Time gradually passed, and two days later, the second batch of immigrant fleets had successfully landed on Planet Gliese, and Ye Su had also cracked part of the content of the photon computer again.

In the empty research room, only Ye Su and Creation were left.

On the light curtain in front of them, the unique symbols of the Kabu civilization flashed.

Chapter 329 Amazing Conjecture

These symbols were successfully deciphered and translated into characters that Ye Su could understand.

“Our fleet began a long wandering, because the disaster came too suddenly, without the planet as a backup resource, any resources in the fleet have become non-renewable energy, which is very precious.”

“In the tenth year of interstellar wandering, our fleet had to abandon the tenth ship, and disassemble it to recover any recyclable materials, because the natural system of the ecological flagship has been damaged due to the long interstellar flight, more than three points The second population died, we once again ushered in the danger of genocide!”

“We can’t die anymore. There are only 300,000 civilized races left, and all these 300,000 people are the elites of civilization.”

For this kind of long-term 07 interstellar voyage, Ye Su is also very aware of the huge risks it represents. A wandering fleet is constantly facing the risks of various radiations, cosmic rays, and even meteorite impacts and asteroid impacts.

Without any energy supplement, the system of the ecological flagship will collapse sooner or later. For example, the two ecological flagships where the Hope fleet is located now, each of which carries millions of people, and the consumption of these millions of people every day It’s an astronomical number.

According to the law of conservation of energy, some non-renewable resources must be replenished through the outside world. Therefore, with the current technological level of human civilization, the time for a million-person ecological flagship interstellar voyage does not exceed half a year!

And this Kabu civilization has passed ten years.

Before he knew it, Ye Su had already put his emotions into this Kabu civilization, and he could fully understand the loneliness and despair of wandering in the endless starry sky.

Creation is also watching silently, his civilization has perished, and human civilization is his current civilized race.

“Just when we were about to despair, we discovered a young planet, the whole civilization started to revel, we immediately detected the planet, and found a complete ecosystem for our species to survive on it.”

“Half a year later, our fleet landed on this planet, that is, on this planet, we witnessed the explosion of our home planet.”

“At this time, countless scientists began to discuss, because our parent star is also a young planet, and there is no risk of explosion in the last billion years, let alone in just a dozen years. will be destroyed within.”

“After discussion, we ruled out the possibility of the planet’s own explosion, and an invisible force destroyed our planet…”

Ye Su sucked in a breath of cold air, even though he had already guessed in his heart, he still felt cold all over when he saw this.

Control the progress of civilization and indirectly detonate young planets!

What an amazing tool this is!

The data cracking in the photonic computer can be said to be very smooth so far. As more and more data are cracked, it seems that Creation has found the law, and has also established a translation program.

With this translation program, the follow-up materials will be continuously translated just like the products on the assembly line. At this time, only Ye Su’s flagship Hope and other fifty second-level warships are left in the solar system.

The two eco-ships and other battleships have already headed towards the planet Gliese, passing through the energy transmission channel along the way, greatly increasing the speed of advance, and it is expected to reach the planet Gliese in one and a half months.

Without telling anyone about Kabu Civilization’s guess, Ye Su and Creation seem to have found the secret between the two, and the secret is between the two.

In the dimly lit research room, Ye Su’s eyes were completely immersed in the darkness. In his hands, there was the information that had just been cracked.

More and more things have been deciphered, and Ye Su has learned more and more about the Kabu civilization. I have to say that this is a very crazy civilization.

“When our civilization was in crisis, he stood up. He was the leader of our Kabu civilization. 123, the most authoritative, he was the first to discover the crisis of our civilization and built a fleet to escape from the mother planet. At this time, the great The leader made a decision that our home planet was destroyed by a civilization with extremely advanced technology!”

“The publication of the new conclusion did not set off an academic crisis, but was unanimously approved by all scientists. It’s just that this civilization is too powerful, and we simply can’t detect its existence, let alone take revenge.”

“After landing on this planet, we started the recovery of civilization. This is a planet a hundred times smaller than our parent star. The resources on it are also extremely poor, and there are not too many minerals at all. Fortunately, the ecosystem on it. It also guarantees the development of our civilization.”

“Under the great crisis of the life and death of civilization, all scientists abandoned the previous contradictions and erupted with terrifying vitality. Our civilization has been advanced by a large amount in a very short period of time. We seem to be stuck at a theoretical barrier on the issue.”.

Chapter 330 A Universe Darker Than the Dark Forest

“We have tried various methods, but we have never been able to break through. That is, at this time, we have made new discoveries on the detection of this planet. It turns out that there is its own indigenous civilization on this planet.”

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