Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 293

Chapter 293:

“Indigenous civilizations survived in the ocean and remained in the most primitive Bronze Age. They were ignorant and ignorant, aggressive and aggressive. For the safety of our civilization, we did not hesitate to slaughter them.”

“If it were me, I would do the same.” Ye Su thought of the beasts on the planet Gliese. Maybe for these beasts, human civilization is an invader.

The level of exploration of human civilization on Planet Gliese is still very low, not even 1%. Perhaps there are other indigenous civilizations on Planet Gliese that have not yet been discovered.

For the safety of human civilization, there is a high probability that humans will adopt a massacre strategy after the discovery.

But seeing the following information, Ye Su stood up all over, all the hair on his body stood on end, and cold sweat fell from his forehead one by one.

“Civilization war, is this the root of civilization war?”

In the data of the Kabu civilization, they adopted a massacre strategy against this indigenous civilization. After the civilization was completely wiped out, they were surprised to find that the technological barrier of controllable nuclear fusion was broken.

There was no vibration at all, just like it was a matter of course, it was easily broken through.

“Not only controllable nuclear fusion technology, but also in energy weapons, photonic computers and even nanotechnology, our technology has made huge breakthroughs, and even the technology of super-giant nuclear fusion devices has also been broken through by us. In the original prediction, It will take at least a hundred years for our civilization to achieve these results ¨”.”

“Our civilization has prospered again, and even the number has begun to increase substantially.”

“In the beginning, we didn’t link the progress of science and technology with this matter, but I don’t know when a legend began to spread in our civilization, that is, because we have wiped out this civilization, our luck seems to be good. Up, this rumor is like a plague, and it begins to break out rapidly.”

“When we reflect it, two-thirds of the scientists in the entire civilization have believed this rumor, which seems to explain why our parent star suddenly exploded, and whether a higher civilization discovered our existence, and The measures to destroy civilization were taken, and the Kabu civilization was used as … nourishment for the development of civilization.”

Ye Su sat slumped on the chair, his body was soaked in cold sweat, and the documents he was holding were scattered all over the place. Only his heavy breathing was left in the whole room.

In any case, he never thought that there is such a terrible law in the universe.

By destroying other civilizations, you can enhance the luck of your own civilization and make your civilization even stronger.

If this is the case, then the entire universe may be more **** and dark than the dark universe, and there is no peaceful coexistence between each civilization at all.

I don’t know how long it took before Ye Su recovered from the shock, bent over to sort out the information that fell on the ground, and continued to read.

“This guess is like a seed, hidden deep in our civilization. We can’t verify the correctness of this guess for the time being. We can only wait until the next civilization is discovered.”

“After 30 years of development, our civilization has completely recovered. On the asteroid, we have built tens of thousands of super-giant nuclear reactors, that is, planetary engines. We regard the entire asteroid as our ecological flagship and start again. Our own interstellar travel, this time, we no longer have to worry about resource exhaustion.”

“‘”The Supreme Council of Civilizations has decided that if other civilizations are discovered during interstellar travel, we will do our best to eliminate them to verify our guesses.”

Seeing this, Ye Su could already understand why the Kabu civilization attacked human civilization without any hesitation after discovering itself.

Perhaps the Kabu civilization also wanted to verify this conclusion.

The rest of the information will not be available until tomorrow. It is already very late. According to the biological clock, Ye Su is already preparing to rest, but at this time, Ye Su is not sleepy at all.

Looking out through the porthole of the ship, looking out at the dark universe, blocked by Jupiter, there is no sunlight (fortunately), only other stars gleaming in the distance.

Soon, Ye Su had a new questioning servant.

That is what the standard of civilization extinction refers to in the data of the Kabu civilization. The Kabu civilization escaped some people before its home planet exploded, and the current human civilization has survived a considerable number of humans, but the current human civilization is lucky Still better.

In this case, it is not true that the planets of human civilization and Kabu civilization died because of higher civilizations, and they want to obtain luck.

After all, for a higher civilization that can control the explosion of a planet, it should be easy to destroy them.

Chapter 331 Logic Blockade

There is basically no chance of two omissions, or more.

So, what is the purpose of this civilization?

“From the perspective of the benefit, the purpose of doing this is first and foremost beneficial to this civilization, but I don’t know the specific benefit for the time being.”

In the end, Ye Su also fell into a deep sleep.

After only three hours, Ye Su woke up from a nightmare and was in a cold sweat again. He opened the door of the room, walked into the research room, and saw the creation sitting in front of the supercomputer at a glance.

Creation is an intelligent mechanical life, it does not need to rest, it works 24 hours a day, and there are other scientists in the laboratory who greeted Ye Su when they saw Ye Su come in.

“Hello, Lord Ye Su.”

“Master Ye Su…”

Ye Su nodded with a smile, and walked to Creation’s side, her expression became a little dignified.

“How’s the situation? Are the others coming out?”

If Ye Su couldn’t read the following content, Ye Su felt as if he had lost his soul, and even sleeping 123 times had become a luxury. He urgently needed to figure out what was behind it all.

“It’s only a little bit, you look at these first, and the rest will come out soon, Ye Su, I think we have touched the essence of this cosmic civilization.” Creation called out a civilization and placed it in front of Ye Su.

“The interstellar voyage has begun. This time, we took a planet with tens of thousands of planetary engines turned on at the same time. The huge blue fireworks were tens of thousands of meters high. The whole planet began to accelerate and escape the original orbit. We are in The outer orbit of the planet has established a huge orbital space base.”

“One thousand years have passed. During this thousand years, everything went well, but our scientific development began to slow down again, and we have not discovered new theories for a hundred years.”

“During this thousand-year interstellar (ahch) journey, our civilization has encountered an extremely serious event that almost changed the course of civilization.”

“That was in the battleship theory class. A man who had just grown up raised his hand and said, why do we need to escape? Isn’t it good for us to stay here and develop our civilization?”

“This was originally a very simple sentence, without the slightest philosophical element, and without the latitude of too deep thinking, but we couldn’t find the answer, we don’t know why this happened, and we don’t know why we escaped. During the years, our civilization wandered in the universe like this, never stopping.”

“Yes, in our entire civilization, tens of millions of people, in the past thousand years, no one has ever raised such a question, why do we flee?”

Ye Su fell into sluggishness, and his heart was even more turbulent, and he could not calm down for a long time.

Yes, Kabu civilization now has a complete planet, and there is no risk of explosion, why are you still thinking about running away, developing your own civilization well, and then starting to explore other planets after you have a certain technological strength? ?

According to the general development trajectory of civilization, it will continue to develop from a parent star. When the civilization level is high enough, it will start to explore other planets, and then step by step to the farther starry sky.

But the current Kabu civilization has no such idea at all, and no one in the entire civilization has had such an idea in the past thousand years.

“Logical Blockade!”

Apart from this, Ye Su couldn’t think of any other explanation.

In the Kabu civilization, the entire civilization was blocked by logic, so he habitually forgot this idea. Ye Su couldn’t help but think of the current human civilization.

The same is true, the solar system has no threat of the Kabu civilization. Relatively speaking, the solar system is more suitable for the survival of human civilization. It can completely transform the moon or other planets to ensure the continued development of human civilization.

But now, his first thought is to go to Planet Gliese!

“Why is this happening? Could it be that he is also blocked by logic?” Ye Su quickly contacted Yang Duo and others.

Without exception, isn’t it better that everyone’s answer is Gliese Planet? No one can think of why they would want to leave Earth and go somewhere else.

“There must be some unknown terrifying force controlling it, calm down, I must calm down, now it is basically certain that behind the crisis of human civilization and the crisis of Kabu civilization, there is another civilization’s manipulation. ”

“But the current human civilization, the first principle is development, and it is possible to control the development of other civilizations without a trace. Such technological strength is not something that the current human civilization can compete with!”

Ye Su felt that the entire universe was like a **** battlefield, and the weak human civilization was like a baby who had just stepped out of the arms of its mother planet, and might face a huge crisis at any time as a toddler.

There is too little information now, and he has no idea what this possible civilization with extremely advanced technology is and what its purpose is.

Chapter 332 Civilization Pioneers

Ye Su sorted out his emotions and began to continue to study the materials left by the Kabu civilization.

“After discovering this conjecture, our civilization almost collapsed, and thus began a three-hundred-year-long discussion. The only certainty is that this conjecture does exist, and there must be some unknown force affecting our civilization. , We don’t know anything about this power, and if we want to resist, we can’t start…”

“Even, we suspect that it has been affected in places we don’t know, but what is this place we don’t know? Maybe we will find it in hundreds or even thousands of years, or we may never find it.”

“When we wandered for thirteen hundred years, we discovered the existence of another civilization. This civilization also seems to be in crisis. According to speculation, this civilization is 20 years behind our civilization. In this galaxy, we Found a better resource…”

Seeing this, combined with the timeline, Ye Su can already confirm that the civilization discovered by the Kabu civilization is the human civilization.

The most dangerous thing for a civilization is to expose its coordinates in the dark universe. Ye Su has now seen it.

“After the discovery of this civilization, our civilization immediately began to detect, and at the same time, our civilization was divided into two factions. The peaceful faction advocated equal exchanges, exchanged information with each other, and lived together in the universe. This is undoubtedly more lively than a civilization. many.”

“But this faction died in the end, and most people are in favor of war, in order to verify whether destroying a civilization can improve the luck of their civilization. If this conclusion is true, then the entire universe will no longer have any peace at all. .”

“We first sent our own vanguard troops. At the beginning, human civilization did not find us. This civilization was also dying. We were waiting quietly. A very outstanding human being, under his leadership, this civilization began to counterattack us, just like the original pioneer, we regard it as the pioneer of this civilization!~”

“The pioneers appeared, and the technology of this civilization began to burst into powerful combat power in a very short period of time. The appearance of the Star Fleet broke through our blockade. Then, the second batch, the third batch…-…”

“Their technology of interstellar warships is no less than ours. Even we are at an absolute disadvantage. Our planet has been completely destroyed. They have sent mechanical troops to land and slaughter us. I can’t stand it anymore-…”

“Death, perish, and finally, I chose to commit suicide. Before I committed suicide, I left this message in the photon computer. I think, you must be able to see a strange civilization.”

“Before this news, I encrypted the photonic computer hundreds of billions of times, and set up a self-destruction program in the planet. If you can still easily get these data and scientific and technological achievements, then the luck of your civilization must have been improved. , so now please tell me, has the luck of your civilization improved?”

“Kabu civilization, the dust of the universe, forever great!”

Ye Su was frightened into a cold sweat. He didn’t expect that this Kabu civilization would still have a backhand. He even set all the super-giant nuclear fusion engines on the entire planet to self-destruct procedures.


Once civilization perishes, all super-giant nuclear fusion engines will become giant nuclear bombs with a yield of more than one gigaton.

The explosion of tens of thousands of such nuclear bombs will cause huge waves in the entire solar system.

But now, everything is calm.

Nothing happened, and Creation also opened the door and came in. Seeing the expression on Ye Su’s face, he knew what was going on, spread out his hands, and Creation said slowly.

“Have you read it? I have already asked the troops to check. These super-giant nuclear fusion engines are indeed equipped with self-detonation devices. We even found thousands of tons of refined entropy elements in them, but I don’t know why. start up.”


The tone of creation is inexplicably melancholy. If only one engine had an accident, it could be explained, but now all the nuclear fusion engines have no problems, then the problem is big.

Not only the super-giant nuclear fusion engine, but also the hundreds of billions of encryptions left in this photonic computer, which are still created and cracked effortlessly.

The luck of human civilization is also very good!

Standing next to the porthole, looking at the cosmic starry sky outside, Ye Su’s eyes were indistinct.

“I deciphered your information, your scientific and technological achievements have been plundered by us, and everything you left behind has not worked…”

“Your conclusion has been verified for the first time. Destroying other civilizations can indeed improve the luck of civilization.”

Ye Su didn’t plan to inform An Guoqiang and the others of this conclusion, he was waiting for an opportunity, it was just an experiment, it was impossible to verify a result.

Chapter 333 Preliminary Conception of Energy Barrier

Moreover, if this conclusion is told to others, there is nothing he can do except cause panic. What he needs to do now is to be a civilized silencer and a secret keeper, just like the creation.

“If this conclusion is true, then the environment of the universe may be more **** and cruel than we imagined, and no civilization can develop peacefully and peacefully.”

Ye Su’s heart was also full of doubts at this time, but no one could answer him. Human civilization is really too weak. When facing other cosmic civilizations, it is like a toddler who has just walked. The power of resistance.

“Destroy “One Two Three” to destroy the civilization behind the Kabu civilization and the Earth civilization’s parent star, and what is their purpose? Why have no other advanced civilizations destroyed the Earth for so many years?”

“Don’t think too much, what we have to do now is to develop civilization and improve the strength of civilization!”

Seemingly seeing the anxiety in Ye Su’s eyes, Creation comforted him and said that destruction and survival did not really mean much to his intelligent mechanical life.

Shaking his head, Ye Su also calmed down again, just as Kabu Civilization said, he is now like a pioneer of human civilization, leading the entire human civilization forward.

If he has an accident, then the entire human civilization will be lost.

“Human civilization is too weak. According to this conclusion, in the universe, the weaker civilization should be more likely to be targeted by other civilizations. Because it is easy to destroy, the current human civilization must be careful, keep silent, and must not reveal its own coordinate.”

Soon, Ye Su regained his energy and began to plan the next path for human civilization.

The second stage of construction of the base on Gliese 518g has begun. The second batch of human civilization elites where An Guoqiang is located has arrived, and the construction has officially started.

The third batch of the fleet that he is in will also arrive in a month.

“Go all out to exploit the resources on Planet Gliese and digest the civilization achievements left by the Kabu civilization. With so many scientific theories, it will take at least a hundred years for human civilization to completely digest and develop.”

“I have a hunch that if the civilization achievements of the Kabu civilization can be fully digested, human civilization can develop Dyson sphere equipment, and the civilization level will reach the second-level civilization!”

Ye Su was full of confidence in his heart. It was really too much information about the civilization left by this Kabu civilization, which was huge and complicated.

“Creation, what is the main direction of scientific research in human civilization now?” Ye Su asked.

“Three directions, nanorobots, primary energy, and photonic computers.” Creation is almost responsible for the scientific research of the entire human civilization.

Every day, massive amounts of data are aggregated into supercomputers for calculation, so Creation is also very familiar with the progress of various scientific research projects.

Nano-robots are mainly based on the research of nano-insects. This aspect has been extended to other development directions, not limited to the research direction of nano-insects.

Nano-insects are extremely important to the development of human civilization, directly driving the development of two basic science materials science. For example, all the shells of Ye Su’s fleet are basically made of nano-insect alloys.

The primary energy weapon is the main weapon of human civilization in the future!

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