Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 294

Chapter 294:

Photonic computers are the foundation of science. According to preliminary calculations, the computing speed of photonic computers is more than 1,000 times that of current supercomputers.

The level of supercomputers is also the technological crystallization of a civilization, representing the technological level of a civilization.

“We have made breakthroughs in these three aspects, especially in nano-insects, which can basically be used in actual combat. The latest batch of nano-insects has been researched. Ye Su, you can take a look.”

Created and called out a demo screen, which is the latest achievement of a scientific research team located at the Gliese Frontier Base.

“They haven’t been able to replicate 100 percent of nano-insects, but they have already completed 85 percent of replication. These nano-insects are extremely small in size and have strong regeneration capabilities. They can be used in many ways. This is in battleships. Appearance!”

In the demonstration screen, a warship carries a large number of nano-insects. These nano-insects are usually stored in the exterior of the battleship. Once the exterior of the battleship is damaged, these nano-insects will pour out and repair the exterior of the battleship very quickly. 2.7

In just a few seconds, the nano-insects were assembled and reconstructed, and the new battleship shell appeared in front of Ye Su’s eyes.

“Isn’t this memory metal?” Ye Su subconsciously thought of the very sci-fi appearance of the Terminators back then, and the extremely fast repair speed.

“However, there are drawbacks, that is, the loss of nano-insects is so large that a warship needs to carry at least hundreds of billions of nano-insects to be effective in actual combat, and even a special manufacturing nano-insect must be installed. Insect Factory.”.

Chapter 334 The sudden broadcast

“Is it possible to attach these nano-insects to the surface of the warship and let them carry some energy, and combine countless nano-insects that carry energy together. Isn’t that an energy barrier?”

The more Ye Su said, the more reasonable it seemed. This is an energy barrier. In sci-fi movies, it is basically standard for interstellar battleships, and there are other force field generators and so on.

Moreover, carrying energy is not a difficult technology. Wireless charging technology has long been realized. These nano-insects are scattered, and each of them is a charging point.

“This idea is very good. I have recorded it and uploaded it to the scientific research team on the planet Gliese. However, the energy loss and electromagnetic field construction in wireless energy transmission are also technical difficulties.”

Create it quickly to record.

If it can really be developed, then the subsequent interstellar war, the loss of human civilization’s battleship 07 will be much reduced.

Under the pressure of the crisis of civilization, the scientific research team of human civilization has exploded with strong scientific research strength. Every day, countless scientific theories are proposed and certain progress has been made.

The nano-insect project, the photonic computer project and the primary energy weapon project have all made great progress, and the speed of digesting the scientific and technological achievements of the Kabu civilization is far faster than Ye Su’s calculation.

The scientific and technological achievements that originally took at least a hundred years to be fully digested have been cracked by almost one thousandth in just over ten days.

This was unimaginable before.

Ye Su also thought of the theory put forward by Kabu Civilization again in his heart. It seems that it has been verified again, and his worries are even more.

“Okay, rest early, our new teleportation channel has been constructed, and the fleet is about to make a teleportation transition. You rest early and remember to take care of yourself.”

On the light curtain, Ye Su smiled and said good night to Lin Qiao.

The revolution speed and rotation speed of the Gliese planet are similar to those of the earth, and it also revolves around a star for almost 24 hours, so it does not change much for humans.

After arriving at Planet Gliese, Lin Qiao and Liu Ziyue couldn’t wait to call Ye Su. After a few months of absence, Lin Qiao also missed Ye Su very much.

“Okay, come over earlier too. Sister Liu Ziyue misses you too. We haven’t slept together for a long time.” Lin Qiao stuck out her tongue and said helplessly.

Closing the light curtain, Ye Su is also preparing to rest.

The cosmic starry sky outside became the background plate, and the distant stars radiated faint rainbow light.

A huge teleportation light gate appeared in the cosmos starry sky, and several thousand-meter-high teleportation energy beams stood around. More than 30 secondary battleships have disappeared, the huge civilization flagship Hope and two ecological flagships. is ranked last.

With the energy transmission beam, and Ye Su’s previous acquisition of superluminal flight technology, human civilization can conduct interstellar voyages.

At this moment, a message quietly appeared on the main control computer of Nozomi, and without any cracking, it was automatically translated into the common language of human civilization.

“Interstellar cloud cluster 5487243 times.

“Please pay attention to all primary civilizations, please pay attention to all primary civilizations, if you receive this message, it proves that you have the qualifications to initially build the flagship of civilization, go to the universe, and participate in the cosmic war. Please don’t panic when you receive this message. , please read the following information carefully, it may keep your civilization alive longer…”

“The destroyer civilization has begun to destroy the 2545th nebula, and traces of dark energy civilization have been found inside the nebula. Your current civilization may be destroyed at any time. In this information, a certain civilization extra-dimensional coordinate production method is stored, After receiving the information, you can send this information to your own civilization supercomputer, and the information will automatically generate extra-dimensional coordinates.”

“The establishment of the extra-dimensional coordinates is completed, and the Guardian Alliance will send civilization messengers to guide 123 you into the Guardian Star Domain to protect the safety of your civilization.”

“Warning, warning, the destroyer civilization has launched the destruction plan again, and you are in a very dangerous situation now!”

“Guardian Alliance, the 897th Civilization Squad!”

This message appeared in the main control computer of Nozomi without warning, and Creation, which had been connected to the supercomputer, discovered this message at the first time.

Without any hesitation, the first-level alarm was turned on. Ye Su, who had just fallen asleep, heard the alarm sound and immediately jumped up.

The first-level alarm is only sounded when there is an accident that threatens the safety of the entire fleet, such as the previous war with the Kabu civilization.

Now it suddenly sounded again, indicating that their fleet was encountering a huge crisis.

He quickly got dressed and went straight to the main control room. Commander Zhou Yang and other high-level executives were all in place, creating Chuang at the front of the crowd.

“what happened?”

Ye Su frowned, and there was a hint of unease in her heart.

Chapter 335 Extremely Developed Civilization

“Lord Ye Su, something happened. Come and see this.” Commander Zhou Yang gave up his seat with a solemn expression.

Creation didn’t speak, but stayed in front of the main control computer, constantly operating something, very focused, even Ye Su didn’t notice it.

Walking in front of the main control computer, Ye Su saw the inexplicable line of information on the computer screen at first glance. This line of information was obviously not written in the words of human civilization, but when Ye Su looked at it, he thought about it. It was automatically translated into words that he could understand.

“Why does this kind of thing appear in our main control computer? No investigation, is it the ghost of the Kabu civilization?” Hope is the flagship of civilization and the most powerful interstellar battleship that human civilization can produce. The main control computer is connected to the core supercomputer, and any abnormality can be quickly detected.

Under normal circumstances, it will never be so easily invaded. With creation, the most powerful hacker in the world needs tens of thousands of years to break through the defense of supercomputers.

Countless torrents of data flashed in front of Creation’s eyes. Creation had already looked through all the data before this message appeared, but there was still no discovery at all.

“This thing seems to appear on our main control computer out of thin air. Our defense wall is ineffective in front of this information!”

Hearing that, Ye Su also understands the seriousness of the matter. This piece of information can appear on the main control computer without warning. Does that mean that the other party has the ability to control the entire Nozomi without even noticing it!

After experiencing the Kabu civilization, Ye Su now understands the cruel and **** environment in the universe, and is very cautious about his own coordinates. This feeling of being completely unable to know what the other party is, makes him very uncomfortable.

No one gave up. Thousands of scientists were mobilized to conduct an investigation on the Hope and all the fleets of the entire human civilization. The final result was still no clues.

By this time, Ye Su was basically certain that he must have received a message from a higher civilization whose civilization level far surpassed his own.

As for the purpose of the other party’s actions, he still does not know, and there is no way to judge whether the civilization is benign or malicious.

“Tell Anguoqiang them, all the warships are launched, parked in the interstellar dock, ready for battle at any time, our fleet temporarily stops transmission, reduces all radio power, achieves a brief radio silence, and all warships turn on stealth mode ¨ “! ”

Before investigating this matter, Ye Su still ordered the fleet to start hiding himself, and then began to analyze the content of this message with all his strength.

Where did this information come from, and what methods were used, Ye Su did not know, this was beyond the cognition of human civilization, and the source of the transmission could not be traced at all. This thing seems to have been launched from an organization called the Guardian League.

And this so-called Guardian Alliance has a very high level of organization and civilization, and must have mastered some kind of ultra-distance information transmission method. You must know that transmitting a certain information in the universe is not so simple.

Because there are a large number of cosmic rays and various interference waves in the universe, it is precisely because of the existence of these interferences that wireless telecommunication transmission has always been a problem. Human civilization is now using the quantum communication developed in the doomsday technology base. .

The line-of-sight radio signal is propagated through quantum entanglement, and this information is not in this way. The most terrifying thing is that this information seems to have some kind of intelligence, which can freely enter the master computer of a civilization, and can also translate into the language used by this civilization.

This is very surprising. Ye Su also captured the two signal waves emitted by the Kabu civilization before, and it took a lot of effort to decipher them without any information. These are just two signal waves.

But now this mere broadcast message can enter another civilization’s central control computer without hindrance, and can easily decipher the text messages used by this civilization.

“‘”A piece of information…with such a strong (good) intelligence, it is simply unheard of, unseen!” Ye Su fell silent.

To put it bluntly, the signal is a beam of waves, which can be electromagnetic waves or other waves. It has no actual form and cannot carry other substantial objects at all. How can there be intelligence.

But if there is no intelligence, why this information can be directly translated into words that other civilizations can understand, which makes Ye Su very puzzled.

“Only from the content of this piece of information, this civilization is probably not malicious, which is not in line with our previous inference.” Creation stopped the work in hand and turned the angle of the problem to another aspect.

Chapter 336 The Guardian Alliance

This is very important to judge whether this civilization is malicious or benign. If the theory speculated by the Kabu civilization is correct, then in the universe, all civilizations are both hunters and prey, and there is no such thing as a benign civilization at all. Say.

After all, no civilization can resist such a big temptation. The higher the civilization, the more difficult it is to make progress, and it will not miss the slightest opportunity.

“Everyone is silent about the matter here, and it is absolutely not allowed to speak out about the matter here without being notified by the Supreme Council of the Global Federation. Do you understand?”

Ye Su had his hands on his back, his expression was indifferent, his black eyes were incomparably deep, and he had been in a high position for a long time, so that he was no longer the young man he used to be, but a person in power who spoke with absolute majesty.

Everyone present was shocked and said in unison.

“Understood, Lord Ye Su!”

“Okay, let’s go. All development 123 is subject to the Supreme Council.” Ye Su waved his hand, and many people present left, leaving only a few high-level executives.

The commander of the Hope, and the top brass of the Global Federation.

Ignoring these people, Ye Su also shooed them away. These people are neither scientists nor members of a think tank, so they are of no help in the investigation of this information.

“Creation, are you saying that the content of this message is true? If it is true, do we need to do what it says?”

After everyone left, a very difficult problem was put in front of Ye Su again, that is, making decisions and inferring the content of the information.

Although this piece of information is not long, the information revealed in it is undoubtedly very amazing, and even reveals more information about the many civilizations in this universe. Human civilization is just leaving the home planet and embarking on interstellar voyages, just like It was a toddler who had just left its mother.

There is too little and too little understanding of this universe, and everything needs to be judged by oneself. If you choose the wrong one, then the only thing that will welcome human civilization is the extinction.

It can be said that the fate of human civilization is now in the hands of Ye Su. He is the pioneer of human civilization and must make every choice very carefully.

“There is no comparative information, and there is no more data to support it. It is impossible to infer the authenticity of this information. You can only choose to believe the hypothetical principle.” Creation gave a very rational suggestion.

Hypothetical principle, in the case of not knowing the truth or falsehood of the matter, one can only make assumptions, through one assumption, and then continuously infer the subsequent content, until the end can not make assumptions, can not make inferences.

“Okay, then let’s assume that the content of this message is true, then several extremely critical pieces of information are mentioned in this message, namely the destroyer civilization, the dark energy civilization, and the guardian alliance, and messengers of civilization.”

“It is not difficult to analyze that this Guardian Alliance should be a spontaneous alliance of a (ahch) civilization. The Guardian Alliance protects civilization and fights against Destroyer civilization, while Dark Energy Civilization is the third form of civilization. Preliminary judgment may be related to dark matter. Relevantly, this messenger of civilization is like a diplomat of the Guardian Alliance.”

All of these inferences were made by Ye Su based on what he knew. Human civilization and Kabu civilization had a certain degree of similarity. From this, it could be inferred that there must be similar civilizations in the universe.

Then these words in this information can be inferred through the existing cognition of human civilization.

After all, this information is automatically translated through the culture of human civilization. The translation requires a certain degree of accuracy. For example, English and Chinese languages, the things translated by both represent the same thing.

“The destroyer civilization is most likely a civilization that believes in destroying other civilizations to improve the luck of its own civilization, thereby promoting the evolution of its own civilization, and the Guardian Alliance is a civilization that opposes it.”

“Alliance, as the name suggests, is an alliance formed by two or more civilizations, but if you can destroy other civilizations to allow your own civilization to develop extremely quickly, why would two civilizations live in peace? If it’s just for justice, it’s obviously a Impossible, there must be interests that I don’t know about!”

Ye Su also knew that this kind of inference was very unreliable, but at present there was no other way except this method.

Ye Su felt that his entire brain was burning right now, and countless ideas and theories emerged in his mind.

At this time, Chuang Chuang analyzed very calmly and rationally: “It is not impossible, that is, when these two civilizations did not know this theory, two civilizations or more civilizations have already met and are developing. At that time, these civilizations continue to integrate and have formed a community of interests.”

Hearing this, Ye Su’s eyes suddenly lit up. This is easy to understand. For example, the predecessor of the Human Global Federation, there are also many countries on the earth, and there are wars and fusions between these countries.

Chapter 337 Unprecedented Worry

In the face of the global crisis, all countries have formed a global federation, which is now human civilization.

“No.” After thinking about it, Ye Su shook his head, denying this inference.

“This possibility is too low. After all, civilization is very large. If two civilizations are still possible, but this information is about the 897th civilization team. This possibility can basically be given up.”

“If it is said that in this alliance, there is an extremely powerful main civilization, and other civilizations are relatively weak civilizations, then this statement makes sense. Under the control of this powerful main civilization, all the No civilization is allowed to destroy other civilizations to improve their own civilization luck.~”

“Just, what is the purpose of this powerful main civilization doing this? Simple morality, in order to protect these weak civilizations from being violated-?”

Thinking of this, Ye Su felt that it was a little unlikely. This kind of moral concept does not apply to all civilizations, and some civilizations do not have a so-called moral-view.

For example, in the previous Kabu civilization, all members of the Kabu civilization were hermaphrodites and reproduced asexually. In this civilization, there was no so-called love, courtesy and honor, and naturally there was no so-called morality.

“Unless it is, this powerful main civilization can provide him with benefits, and this benefit is not weaker than the benefits of destroying other civilizations.”

As soon as this sentence came out, it automatically came to the conclusion that the content of this information was false.

The so-called protection is just another kind of destruction.

“What does this information represent, what is true, what is false, whether the destroyer civilization is related to the disaster on the earth, and what civilization is this dark energy civilization, why is it classified into the third civilization, What form are they in?”

Facing the sudden bombardment of information, Ye Su fell into an unprecedented anxiety. This was not the kind of emotion he had when facing the Kabu Civilization, and he was completely powerless to fight.

Large drops of cold sweat came out from Ye Su’s forehead, and there seemed to be a huge boulder on his chest, which made him a little breathless.

Human civilization is really too weak, and they have too little knowledge of this universe. They are not ready to face this dark universe, and it is still a crisis that is completely invincible.

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