Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 295

Chapter 295:

“Ye Su, don’t be nervous, the inferences we are making now are only based on our cognition, and the same is true for the Kabu civilization. Maybe this so-called theory is just our delusion, is it true? I don’t know yet. .”

“Perhaps, this theory is so ridiculous in front of other powerful civilizations, as if a child found a small toy and regarded it as his treasure.”

Creation turned around and poured a glass of water for Ye Su, not knowing whether it was for comfort or rational analysis.

But these words still made Ye Su calm down completely. He sat on the chair, gasping for breath, took a big gulp from the water glass in Creation’s hand, and finally calmed down.

“You are right, human civilization and Kabu civilization, perhaps in the eyes of these civilizations, are like children, their current worries are completely nonsense, the most fundamental thing is to develop their own strength, if the strength of human civilization is Strong enough, you don’t have to think about it at all.”

“But if this information is true, with the Guardian Alliance, human civilization can go to a safe area suitable for development, where there are many other civilizations that can communicate, and even more powerful civilizations to provide protection, for us For such a civilization, it is like heaven.”


It is too difficult for a weak civilization to wander alone in the universe and to survive and develop for a long time. Such a safe zone is simply an irresistible temptation.

Even Ye Su felt a little hesitant in his heart.

“Would you like to import this information into your own supercomputer? After all, if this powerful civilization wants to invade human civilization, it is too simple. This is a gamble. If the gamble is right, then human civilization may be much safer in the future. No more panicking.”


“Do you want to try it?” Chu Chuan immediately guessed Ye Su’s thoughts, and a calm voice came out of his mouth.

“You are now the pioneer of human civilization. I will not object to any of your actions, but please think clearly, this time you represent the entire human civilization. If you lose, then the entire human civilization will become the nourishment of other civilizations. Can you take the risk?”

The meaning of creation is obvious, that is, let Ye Su think about it for himself.

“Calm down, from what we’ve seen so far, the entire universe is extremely dark and bloody, so I have to look at these things from the most malicious angle, and, in China, we have always said that it is better to rely on people than rely on people. It is more likely that this information was sent by the Destroyer Civilization pretending to be the Guardian Alliance. Before I figured out this, I rashly entered this information into my supercomputer and exposed my coordinates. It was too naive. already.” Mr.

Chapter 338 Planetary Super Large Particle Collider

Thinking of this, Ye Su finally no longer hesitated, and directly asked Creation to delete this line of code, and even thoroughly cleaned up the entire central control computer. After confirming that there was no residue inside the central computer, he was relieved.

The reason is very simple, that is, Ye Su believes that what he sees, human civilization is too weak to bear too much risk. He is the pioneer of human civilization and needs to be responsible for the entire human civilization.

“Ye Su, you did a great job.” After finishing all this, Creation said slowly.

He is an intelligent mechanical being, and he is now Ye Su’s friend, but he can’t make a decision about this kind of “one, two, three” civilization of the whole human being. Seeing Ye Su like this now makes him very happy to create. .

Ye Su smiled and looked at the dark and cold universe outside the window, and there was peace in her heart.

“When will human civilization develop to the point where it can completely ignore these threats? It may take hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years of development. Compared to the tens of billions of lifespans of the universe, maybe millions of years. It’s just a snap of a finger.”

After ignoring this line of code, Ye Su’s fleet moved towards the Gliese 518g planet with all its strength. The second batch of human immigrants had begun to adapt to the new base, and various scientific research work had begun to go on track.

The development plan for the planet was also put on the table of the highest meeting of the global federation, which contained the overall plan for the future development of human civilization, including major scientific research projects.

Needless to say, the deployment of these plans must have Ye Su’s intentions.

“Ye Su, when will you arrive? Let me tell you, this planet is so beautiful, just like the earth without any pollution, I can see the stars directly on it at night!”

In the light curtain, Lin Qiao was drowsy in a fresh sling, and said to Ye Su very happily. Beside her, Liu Ziyue was also wearing silk pajamas.

The two beauties were holding a stuffed toy in their hands, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

They haven’t been with Ye Su for more than two months. They miss Ye Su very much. Now that they have just arrived in a new place, they miss Ye Su even more. They can’t wait to fly to Ye Su now. around.

Ye Su smiled, and quickly said comfortably: “Okay, okay, at the current speed, I can arrive in at most half a month, and then you can wait.”

After speaking, Ye Su’s mouth suddenly showed a sinister smile, needless to say, he knew what Ye Su meant by waiting.

Lin Qiao and Liu Ziyue’s perfect and pure faces suddenly showed a blush, and Lin Qiao spat: “You are now a big man in the Global Federation, and you still think about these things all day long.”

“Haha, aren’t you too tempting?” Ye Su is also cheeky now, not afraid at all.

Afterwards, I explained something to Lin Qiao. Now Lin Qiao and the two are also national treasures of the Global Federation. They are protected 24 hours a day. They must not have any accidents. They go out with special mercenaries. bodyguard.

The three chatted for a full hour before hanging up the phone. Then Ye Su established a call with Yang Duo, An Guoqiang and others, and had a general understanding of the whole frontier base.

Basically, the development of the frontier base is not much different from his plan. Now, the entire planet Gliese has basically been probed, especially the distribution of mineral resources, etc., and has a detailed understanding of it.

During the exploration, it is true that its own primitive civilization was born on the planet Gliese, but this civilization is still in the Neolithic Age and cannot communicate at all. Regarding the arrival of human civilization, the primitive civilization even regards it as a god. ……

“How is the deployment of the space satellites? The exploration mission of the Gliese galaxy is about to begin. I need to establish a space combat force with external defense.”

Ye Su said categorically that the biggest threat facing human civilization now is the alien civilization that will never be known, and the detection of the interior of Planet Gliese is basically not a big challenge.

If you want to go out and develop rapidly, human civilization must go out of the planet and focus on the entire galaxy. The original space battleship force is now expanding rapidly.

An Guoqiang, Yahweh, and John quickly made a summary report.

“At present, the satellite system in outer space has been carried, and 578 satellites have been successfully launched. The space dock is under construction. At present, it can accommodate one million-ton flagship, 1,000 second-class warships of 100,000 tons, and the rest are still under construction. There are three space docks 2.7 under construction…”

Behind these data all represent a series of achievements, which makes Ye Su very gratified. What he wants is such a development speed.

In just over half a year, the current planet of Gliese has completely changed, and human civilization has officially become the new master on the planet of Gliese.

Another few days passed, and Ye Su was still sleeping when an electronic prompt sounded in his mind.

“Cuckoo, your frog is afraid that you will die in the future interstellar war, so he went to the world of science and technology and brought you the manufacturing technology of planetary super-large particle collider.”

“Cuckoo, cuckoo…”.

Chapter 339 Finally Arrive

Hearing this voice, Ye Su immediately woke up, no drowsiness in his mind, and stared blankly at the extremely complex light curtain that appeared in front of him. This was a construction drawing, extremely complicated. Can barely understand some of them.

The manufacturing drawings of the Interplanetary Very Large-Scale Particle Collider are, to put it bluntly, a super-large particle collider orbiting the entire planet.

Ye Su is not very unfamiliar with particle colliders. After all, you can often see relevant reports on particle colliders on the earth. The physical world of human civilization basically relies on particle colliders to discover new particles. The largest particle The collider was in the former state of Great Britain.

Huaxia also wanted to build a large particle collider, but it was unsuccessful in the end. There are multiple interests behind this, which Ye Su could not know.

“My dear, how much material and money will it take to build a particle collider that orbits a planet? Are you sure we can build this thing now?”

Ye Su swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then carefully glanced at the particle collider manufacturing drawings in front of him again, and asked in disbelief when he was sure that this thing was real.

The little frog next to him seemed to be a little tired, lying on the ground, gave Ye Su a blank look, and did not speak, he fell into a deep sleep, as if he had worked so hard to bring back the baby to Ye Su, and now Ye Su is still not there. Believe it is the same.

“Okay, okay, I believe in you, go back to sleep.” Ye Su was also helpless, so she could only hold Xiaoqing and go back to her own nest to sleep.

Up to now, Ye Su doesn’t know where the frog cub came from. The current human technology is not enough to explain all this. It is precisely because of the frog cub that Ye Su can grow up to this point. Human civilization still remains is constantly developing.

Basically, Ye Su has now regarded the frog cub as a treasure of his own, and it is also something that must not be said to the outside world. It is too subversive.

Every time the frog cub travels to other worlds, it will bring him back something very useful. Since this particle collider has said that it is something that he will bring back for fear of his death in the future interstellar war, it proves that this super-large particle is very important to the The collider was very useful to him.

Ye Su didn’t hesitate, and directly brought the drawings to find the details of the distance.

At this time, the fleet is about to reach the planet Gliese, and has entered the galaxy where the planet Gliese is located. This is also the first very vibrant galaxy that the fleet has seen after a long interstellar journey.

This is a large comet with a diameter of almost one kilometer, or an ice comet. It is covered with thick black ice and drags a long tail. Every second, a large amount of material is thrown from the comet. It is estimated that it will not be many years before it will be captured by the gravity of a planet.

“For ordinary comets, most of the materials are dry ice and iron elements. If captured, the iron elements on them can be used to make battleship shells, but not many parts are used.”

Create and analyze.

This is the outermost part of the Gliese galaxy, a huge asteroid belt composed of countless meteorites and comets. It can also be regarded as the outer periphery of the Gliese galaxy. Passing through here, Ye Su will officially enter the interior of the Gliese galaxy.

The Gliese galaxy is older than the solar system. This asteroid belt is different from the Oort cloud of the solar system. It has even more than three times the amount of asteroid material, and the super-large stars from the center are also A full light-year distance, which is already a large range.

After all, in the solar system, the Oort cloud in the outermost part of the solar system is only tens of millions of kilometers away from the sun.

The star of the Gliese Galaxy can be directly observed from the porthole of the fleet. It is a super-large star that is already in the middle age. In another billion years, it will transform into a red giant.

It continued to expand and grow until it finally devoured the entire Gliese galaxy. When Ye Su saw this star, Ye Su’s originally tense nerves finally relaxed, just like a person who had been in the water for a long time, suddenly. It’s like seeing a boat, that kind of joy. At this time, 123 of the millions of humans in the two ecological motherships have also been awakened, and they have slowly woken up from hibernation. The hibernation of more than two months will not have any effect on their bodies.

It only takes a little recovery to completely change to the previous state. They saw the star through the live broadcast in the central hall, and they could even feel the light shining from the star.

“It’s finally here, and I don’t know where our human civilization will go on this planet.”

“Brother, don’t think about it, as soon as you come, you can rest assured. Anyway, our human civilization will definitely become stronger and stronger. In my opinion, as long as Lord Ye Su is there, human civilization will have a future. We are already better than those who have already The dead are way too much better, just don’t know when those people on Earth will come.”

Some people feel that the home planet of human civilization is the earth, and many people have lived on the earth all their lives, and they are unwilling to give up their home planet in the end.

Chapter 340 Super Project

Before immigrating, Ye Su had sent a notice to all humans, but as a result, there were still a large number of humans who were unwilling to immigrate to other planets, preferring to stay on Earth where disasters are frequent.

Ye Su did not insist, after all, the seed plan still needs someone to carry out. These people are the seeds of human civilization. Now that the solar system does not have the threat of Kabu civilization, the living environment for the remaining survivors of human civilization will be much better.

Ye Su also left a fleet on the outskirts of Jupiter. This fleet serves as a transfer station, responsible for the transfer of information between the planet Gliese and the earth, and is also responsible for providing services for subsequent human immigration. When necessary, this fleet also You can immediately jump into battle.

There are also scientists looking at the galaxies in their prime years outside, and their hearts are full of pride.

“This will be a new starting point for human civilization, and also the first step in the battle of Xinghai. Here, it will become my paradise. I will write Li Haoyang’s name into the Hall of Fame in the Physics World and become a new era of human civilization. The greatest physicist who made a huge breakthrough in fundamental physics…”

Hearing the remarks of the second middle school, the people next to him did not show ridicule, but raised their hands.

Ye Su also saw what happened on the ecological mothership. He also raised a smile, looked at the huge galaxy in front of him, and said slowly.

“Gliese Galaxy, here I come!”

As the drawings unfolded, the originally very empty research room suddenly became very crowded. Unlike a scientific researcher like Ye Su, the creation is obviously much more professional.

The complete blueprint was divided into thousands of parts, and they were scattered in the research room. The supercomputer was running at full power, and a very detailed calculation study was carried out on each drawing.

After a full ten minutes, the supercomputer finally finished the calculation, and the central control core he created was a little hot. He touched his head, then nodded and said: “No problem, this blueprint has a certain feasibility, and it is suitable for human beings. The basic science of civilization now is helpful ¨”.”

“Where did you get it from? As far as I know, this thing cannot be researched at the current level of human civilization.”

“It doesn’t matter where I got it from, as long as this thing is real, it’s definitely not difficult to build it, but as long as it’s helpful to the current human civilization, it doesn’t matter.”

The things that the frog cub brought back were basically very reliable. Now, after the supercomputer’s recalculation, Ye Su’s idea was verified.

Since this blueprint is very reliable and very helpful to the current human civilization, Ye Su no longer hesitated, and immediately convened the highest meeting to discuss the construction of a planetary super-large particle collider in the Gliese galaxy. seminar.

Many of the top physicists, astronomers, etc. of human civilization were invited at the meeting, and the discussions were also extremely intense.

The most critical point is whether it is unrealistic to build such a super-large particle collider, and whether it can be achieved.

A super-large particle collider orbiting the entire planet needs to consume hundreds of billions of tons of materials alone. How can this be achieved in space? Moreover, such large-scale instruments also require high precision. It is very difficult to manufacture a particle collider with a length of tens of kilometers. Now it is necessary to build a particle collider with a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers.

There has never been such a feat in the history of human civilization.

“It has never happened, so we have to create it. The current human civilization is the most powerful time in history. So many impossible things have been achieved by us. What else can’t we do?”

At the meeting, Ye Su said loudly, his eyes that were as bright as stars were shining brightly at this time, and his calm and powerful voice made everyone present silent.

Ye Su is now the pioneer of the entire human civilization. He has the most say. What human civilization should do next is all in Ye Su’s plan.

After deciding to build a super-large particle collider, all scientists became busy again. The preparatory work for such an unprecedented super-large project is very complicated. The specific site selection of the particle collider and the construction of related materials, There’s even supercomputer support.

The human civilization at this time has a very detailed understanding of the planet Gliese, and the latest observation data has also come out. The entire Gliese galaxy (good) has a very similar environment to the solar system where the previous human civilization was located. It’s just a little different on celestial planets.

Planet Gliese 518g is now almost 3 billion years old and is in the youth of a planet. Most of the planets here are very rich in matter, which is in line with the characteristics of young star systems, and even humans have discovered these planets. many rare and precious mineral resources.

This is very rare in the solar system, and through high-power radio telescopes and spectrometers mounted on interstellar warships, humans have also discovered two satellites next to the planet Gliese, which is different from the earth. There is only one moon. .

Chapter 341 Scientific research tasks

They are named Gliese 2 and Gliese 3 respectively. In Ye Su’s plan, these two satellites will be used as important bases for space operations. Both bases will be completely refitted, and the above will be built separately. There are warship bases and industrial bases, which can meet all the needs of wartime.

“The Gliese 2 satellite will be the main base of the warship, and it will become a planet-level space warship dock, with the largest warship manufacturing base and maintenance base in the history of human civilization, while Gliese 3 No. satellite is my industrial raw material base and the largest fort base.”

The huge battleship slowly appeared from the transmission channel. The hull of dozens of kilometers long blocked the light of the central star. The black-gold outer shell reflected the visible light of the star, like a bloodthirsty beast, cold and powerful. 123 was quietly driving in space.

It was followed by the second battleship, the third battleship, all the way to the fiftieth battleship, and two huge eco-motherships.

After entering the Gliese galaxy, the hibernation chamber on the ecological mothership has been opened, and millions of humans are watching the shocking scene in front of them.

It has been almost half a year since the first batch of immigrants established the Gliese Frontier Base, and the second batch of human elites has been here for a full two months. The addition of a large number of human elites has also caused the frontier base to explode. style development.

In the outer space of planet Gliese now, two huge metal creations have appeared, and the densely packed black-and-gold warships can be seen parked on them.

This is a human-built space dock. A large number of detectors have been launched within a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers to ensure that once a warship or other celestial body enters, it can be detected by humans as soon as possible. detected.

“The more you know about the universe, the more you feel the insignificance of human civilization today. We still have a long way to go.” Ye Su’s heart was not at all relaxed, but became more and more solemn.

Since that inexplicable message appeared on the central control computer of his battleship, Ye Su felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart, and wanted to urgently develop his own technology and civilization.

Creation seemed to see Ye Su’s anxiety, and calmly said: “You also have to rest, maybe things are not as bad as you imagined, human civilization has done enough, now we just need to do our best, Gliese Galaxy With abundant resources, we will develop steadily here.”

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