Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 297

Chapter 297:

Ye Su could see clearly here. The expressions of everyone at the scene fell into his eyes. Seeing Kong Haotian’s current expression, he still didn’t know that this guy had something to say. To be honest, he was still very much about Kong Haotian. Appreciate that, according to the regulations of this meeting, Kong Haotian did not reach the level of participation.

It was also because Ye Su spoke that Kong Haotian would sit here. In Ye Su’s opinion, Kong Haotian’s potential has not been fully realized, or Kong Haotian himself underestimated his own potential. Among human civilization, Kong Haotian’s Talent is definitely one of the best, and it is destined to become the backbone of human scientific research in the future.

“Kong Haotian, if you have an opinion, come out and say it. It just so happens that you are also one of the candidates for the person in charge of this particle accelerator in the future. You should be more familiar with this thing than we are. “” Ye Su said softly.

As soon as these words fell, Kong Haotian immediately relaxed, and the whole person seemed to be relieved. Finally, he didn’t need to hold back and said directly: “Lord Ye Su, I don’t have an opinion on this thing. To be honest, the construction of large particle accelerators is very important for human civilization. The future scientific development is of great significance, but it is too difficult to create this thing.”

“The materials and funds required are too much. With these materials and funds, we might as well put them on other scientific research projects, saying that there will not necessarily be greater breakthroughs. Particle accelerators want to produce scientific results. According to our current development speed, it will take at least fifty years, or even more than a hundred years!”

“‘”Not only that, building a planetary-scale particle accelerator also requires the participation of a lot of scientific researchers. Now the number of human beings has dropped sharply to an extremely dangerous level. Everyone is a precious resource. In terms of the output projects, to be honest, it’s a bit unwise…”

The old professor next to him desperately gave Angel Kong Hao a wink to tell him not to say anything. It would be extremely unwise to offend Lord Ye Su at such a meeting.

But Kong Haotian didn’t mean to stop at all, instead he said more and more vigorously.

“All in all, my (good) opinion is that we don’t need to waste so much energy building this thing at this time!”

After speaking in one breath, Kong Haotian also held his head up, with a look of death as if he had seen the fate of being a laboratory assistant again.

The other researchers also looked like they hated iron but not steel. You said it was not good to offend anyone, but you came to offend Lord Ye Su. At this time, this is not what it means to seek death.

Since Lord Ye Su has decided to build such a huge particle accelerator, it will be beneficial to the scientific research and development of the entire human race, so why stop it? .

Chapter 346 Intense Debate

“Well said!” After a short silence, there was a burst of applause, and everyone turned back suddenly, but saw Ye Su smiling at Kong Haotian, and there seemed to be a hint of admiration in his eyes.

“Dare to raise your own doubts, this is one of the most valuable qualities in our scientific research work. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. Come on, create and tell him why we insist on building this planetary particle accelerator. This thing is very important to us. What does it really mean?”

Stopping the movement in his hand, Ye Su winked at Creation.

Creation nodded, and the light curtain in the conference room changed again, this time it was an animation simulation.

In the dark space, a light purple laser cannon was launched from the Gliese 2 satellite. Everyone had doubts in their eyes. They knew that this thing was just developed by humans and has not been put into actual combat. energy weapon.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the lavender laser beam landed on a giant meteorite 123 in the Gliese galaxy.


Without the slightest sound, the huge meteorite with a diameter of thousands of meters exploded with a bang. The matter after the explosion was restrained by a special engineering warship, and then dragged these meteorite fragments to the outer space of the planet Gliese. There are about a million of these special engineering warships here.

At a glance, the entire space has become a huge construction base, and a particle collider with a length of tens of millions of kilometers is rapidly forming.

“We have already detected that the entire Gliese galaxy is an extremely resource-rich galaxy. On these meteorites or asteroids, we have also explored rich rare metal elements, and we can use these meteorite fragments or The materials mined on the asteroid support the consumption of the entire project!”

“A madman, just a madman, this is a giant particle collider at the planetary level. Do you know how many tons of materials will be used? Do you know how much money it will cost?”

Speaking of this, Kong Haotian was already a little excited. He still felt that the entire project was too resource-intensive. The most important thing is that, according to what Ye Su said now, if human civilization is really facing a more powerful threat from alien civilization, it is completely possible Use these invested funds and materials to fight warships or space artillery, instead of wasting it on a particle collider that has not produced scientific and technological achievements for a hundred years.

Creation is rational. As an intelligent mechanical life, all his actions or language are completed by the central computer. Facing Kong Haotian’s doubts, he did not get angry at all, but said very calmly.

“According to preliminary calculations, the total length of the planetary-scale particle collider exceeds 200 million kilometers, and the required material consumption exceeds 800 billion tons…”

Creation gave specific numbers, and when they heard these numbers, some senior officials of the Global Federation who did not understand were also a little bit tongue-tied. This is already the largest project in the history of human civilization, with a total mass of more than 800 billion tons, which has exceeded some The total mass of the asteroid.

“Even if these can be solved (ahch), there is another point that you have calculated, that is, whether such a huge celestial body is built on the outer orbit of Gliese 518g, will it be affected by the gravitational force of the planet, or even It will not have any specific impact on the planet, this is already a large celestial body!”

Kong Haotian is a leader in basic physics, which does not mean that he does not understand other scientific fields. On the contrary, gravity is one of the four major forces of physics. Has a certain gravitational influence on the planet Gliese.

The older astronomy professor next to him is also around Wei Wei at this time. The moon is a satellite of the earth, and the gravitational force of the moon has an inextricable influence on the earth. Now such a large man-made building is on the periphery of the planet Gliese. , the resulting gravitational force is small, but just a little gravitational force is enough to have a huge butterfly effect on the planet.

Ye Su’s eyes lit up, and he admired the Kong Haotian in front of him even more. He didn’t expect that Kong Haotian could think of this.

“Of course, we have gone through preliminary simulation experiments, which are experimental data. The construction of the particle collider will indeed have a certain gravitational impact on the planet Gliese 518g, and even change some of the planet’s ecosystems to a certain extent. It will bring a certain ecological disaster!”

As soon as the word “creation” came out, the meeting room suddenly became a bit lively, and everyone was talking about it. Human beings are too sensitive to the word ecological disaster.

Why do human beings still have to give up their mother planet Earth and come to the planet Gliese after tens of light-years? That is because the current earth’s ecosystem has basically collapsed and is completely unsuitable for normal human habitation. Human beings can only be broken and abandoned. own home planet.

Even if the Kabu civilization could be defeated by human beings, it was also Ye Su’s dangerous move, using super-yield nuclear weapons and virus bombs to attack, directly destroying the ecology of the planet where the Kabu civilization is located, and carrying out a devastating blow to the Kabu civilization.

Chapter 347 Building a Planetary Engine

“Since Lord Ye Su said so, then Lord Ye Su must have figured out a solution.”

Yang Duo gritted her teeth and believed, she looked at the man sitting at the front, his whole body was hidden in the light, and the expression on his face could not be seen clearly, just like a sculpture, the respect for Ye Su in her heart suddenly rose to an extreme height .

“Building a planetary engine to solve the problem of distance between planets.”

Ye Su did not hide that such a huge project requires the gathering of the power of the entire human civilization, and it is simply not something he can achieve alone~.

“Build a planetary engine!”

Old astronomer professor, basic physicist Kong Haotian and other scientists all widened their eyes, looking at the young man in front of them, and couldn’t help smacking their tongues.

An Guoqiang and others haven’t reacted yet. They don’t know much about this kind of professional stuff. They don’t know what it means to build a planetary engine for a planet.

“Lord Ye Su, I don’t think it’s too reckless to build a planetary engine. What we need to do now is to develop. We really don’t have that much energy. We can spend a certain amount of time and energy first. After the scientific and technological achievements of the cloth civilization have been completely absorbed, these plans will not be made until we gain a firm foothold on the planet Gliese and develop basic science step by step.”

This time, not only Kong Haotian, but other scientists also stood up together. Building a planetary-level particle collider is a huge project, which will consume almost 80% of the resources of the entire human civilization. Now we are building planets again. The engine is just too impractical.

“Yes, Lord Ye Su, although the technology of our human civilization has developed by leaps and bounds, it is still at the level of a first-level civilization. We really don’t have that many human resources to mobilize.”

“After preliminary estimates, it is only the super-large particle collider project that will delay the development of our human civilization for hundreds of years, and the construction of planetary engines will take decades.”

Scientists no longer care about offending Ye Su at this time, they all stepped forward and said, their expressions full of anxiety.

An Guoqiang and the others were silent. Now they have probably heard what happened and are thinking about how to deal with it.

“Creation, continue talking. After you have listened to the follow-up plan, if you still have such an idea, we can discuss it again.”

Ye Su didn’t answer directly, but waved his hand and let Creation continue. His deep eyes slowly closed. He had been tense all these days, and he was already a little tired.

On his shoulders, he carried the entire human civilization.

There was no hesitation in creating, and the finger moved again, and the light curtain in the center of the conference room also changed. This time, it was a picture of the entire Gliese galaxy. At this time, the Gliese galaxy had completely changed. Lize No. 2 and No. 3 satellites are all covered with steel buildings.

Hundreds of thousands of various interstellar ships shuttle between the planets, super-large orbital guns have been built in the outer orbits of the three planets, and a giant interstellar warship is quietly parked in the space dock. The Gliese 2 satellite has been It has completely turned into a space cannon, and countless space cannons are like hedgehogs.

The Gliese No. 3 satellite has completely turned into a robot industrial base. Countless robots were produced on it, and then transported by warships to the other three planets, and quickly put into large-scale construction.


On the periphery of Planet Gliese 518g, there is a huge man-made object with a dark metallic color that is hundreds of millions of kilometers long. This is a particle collider, and on the planet Gliese, there are tens of thousands of dark blues. Light beams of color soared into the sky, mostly concentrated around the equator.

Each of the blue light beams is hundreds of thousands of meters long, and it looks extremely shocking.

“Productivity can be completely replaced by robots. The entire Gliese-3 satellite will become an industrial base that can provide all the materials we build. The construction of planetary engines is also an absorption of the scientific and technological achievements of the Kabu civilization, and will further increase The speed at which big technology absorbs!”


The explanation of the creation made everyone immediately understand that Ye Su had already planned everything, and now he just told them to let everyone cooperate. As for what to do, Ye Su had already thought about it in his heart.

Knowing all this, Kong Haotian also shook his head, helplessly, knowing that he was still thinking too much of himself, and that he was still too small in front of Ye Su.

“Lord Ye Su, I am convinced. Since everything is ready, I have nothing to say. You can rest assured that the Global Alliance 503 Research Institute will fully cooperate with Lord Ye Su’s actions. Just order!”

Hearing Kong Haotian’s words, Ye Su finally had a smile on his face.

“Okay, then the next step is to be the chief in charge of the planetary particle collider, to create but to be the chief engineer, and the initial construction period, we tentatively set a hundred years!” Shi.

Chapter 348 New Humanity Project

The voice fell, and the meeting room suddenly burst into warm applause. Those who have stood at the peak of human civilization all agreed, and the next creation was to show a series of super projects.

Including star-class starship program, genetic engineering program, energy weapons and other projects.

The three views of everyone were also shocked time and time again, especially the genetic engineering project, which was a new project based on the mysterious creatures found on the planet Gliese and the crashed alien technology.

“The new genetic engineering project, you can call it the New Humanity Project, aims to optimize human genes, prolong human lifespan, strengthen human physique and develop human potential with “One Two Three”!”

Ye Su looked solemn. At this time, a micro-animation was displayed on the light curtain. A mercenary was seriously injured and was on the verge of death. A researcher in a white coat handed him a bottle of golden solution.

The mercenary swallowed it in one gulp, and then a distorted look of pain appeared on his face. Under the skin, it was as if some bugs had crawled through it, and the veins burst out. After just ten minutes, the mercenary’s body appeared. An earth-shaking change took place.

The lethal wound on the chest has been stopped at this time, and there are even granulation sprouts that are wriggling. The physical fitness of the mercenary has also undergone great evolution, and the strength, speed, and self-healing ability have been greatly enhanced.

“This is the super soldier plan!” At the end, John and Jehovah subconsciously stood up and said in unison.

“That’s right, it’s the super soldier program you once carried out, but your super serum has not been successfully developed. This time we found extremely developed genetic technology on the crashed alien spaceship, combined with some unique features on the planet Gliese. Animals have successfully developed this super serum and further improved it to minimize side effects.”

After the nano-insect war, Yang Duo and others discovered the crashed alien spaceship, and Ye Su was shocked by what was found on the alien spaceship.

In the laboratory above the Gliese Frontier Base, this super serum was secretly developed. After thousands of trials and hundreds of billions of simulations, the primary version of the super serum was successfully manufactured. There are almost no side effects.

Yang Yong, Lin Fei and others have been injected with this super serum, and the effect is very good. The physical fitness of each has evolved, and it is not an exaggeration to call it superhuman.

According to various data, the cell division rate of Lin Fei and others has also slowed down a lot. According to their current cell division rate, it will take at least 150 years to reach the upper limit. One hundred and fifty years old.

An epoch-making product!

No one wants to die, and no one wants to see their relatives die. Immortality is the eternal pursuit of mankind since ancient times, but no one has ever truly succeeded. In the history of human civilization, only those who have lived to the age of 150 A few, this is the history of the entire human civilization for thousands of years.

“You… have you really succeeded?” John’s voice trembled a little, his eyes slightly reddened. Among the high-level officials of the Global Federation, he was an absolute pyramid-like task. In the former country of Great Britain, he also stood at the pinnacle of power. characters.

John knows more about the Super Serum Project than anyone else, because during World War II, John’s father was the person in charge of the Super Serum Project. The dedication of countless scientists was in vain in the end, and the Super Serum Project became an impossible project. Item 0 of ……

Until now, he heard the word again from Ye Su’s mouth.

The shock of the Lord is no less than that of John. In the darkness of the light, it is impossible to see the expression on his face. He has imagined countless times that if their country could develop a super serum and create a super soldier, maybe a beautiful country. Can become a real world hegemony is not necessarily.

Taking everyone’s expressions into his eyes, Ye Su smiled: “Of course, we are not only studying the super serum, but we are also studying the starry sky project, and even to a certain extent, the starry sky can achieve true immortality, but the starry sky project It has not been completely perfected, and how to do it depends on the subsequent research, so don’t think about it for the time being.”

Before everyone could finish digesting the new human plan, Ye Su once again threw out an explosive news.

He only spoke half of what he said, and didn’t tell the whole story. Everyone felt a little itchy in their hearts. They wished that Ye Su would tell everything about it now, and everyone would feel better now.

This is the highest-level meeting of the Global Federation. Everything is implemented in accordance with the highest confidentiality regulations. There is no possibility of leaking secrets at all. There is creation. Everyone’s every move is recorded, and Ye Su’s side will also be the first. Time will find out.

Immediately afterwards, one scientific research project after another was proposed, everyone discussed it, and a think tank team composed of top scientists provided feasible suggestions.

Chapter 349 Everything is for Humanity

The whole meeting lasted for more than ten hours, and there were three breaks in the middle. An Guoqiang and others were in a tense state. Just when they were almost collapsed and paralyzed, they finally heard the word “break up”.

“Okay, this is the end of our meeting today. This is the first centennial plan of our human civilization. I hope you will do your best, not only for ourselves, but also for the entire human civilization.”

Ye Su stood up and bowed deeply to the crowd: “What we carry is the entire human civilization, and we are still standing here alive for those who will never stand up!”

A faint sentence, but it is shocking.

Everyone in the conference room stood up in unison, with solemn expressions and sonorous voices.

“Everything is for humanity!”

The arrival of Ye Su is like a strong shot in everyone’s heart, and a new round of construction of the Gliese 518g frontier base has begun.

This time, instead of confining their eyes to a single planet in Gliese, everyone turned their attention to the entire galaxy, and even the starry sky farther away. Tens of millions of detectors were launched into the starry sky, all over the The entire Gliese galaxy is 0.5 light-years away.

As long as anything breaks into this range, it will be detected by humans for the first time, and all the data will be aggregated to the central computer created.

Kong Haotian became the general director of the particle collider project. If the particle collider project is to be implemented, the first thing to do is to change the orbital distance of the planet Gliese.

In order to reduce the gravitational influence of the huge celestial body on the planetary particle collider, Ye Su plans to infer it to an orbit 40 million kilometers away from the Gliese-2 satellite. The satellite and the third satellite will join Gliese 518g to form a gravitational equilibrium.

And a large particle collider will be at this gravitational equilibrium point, and the amount of engineering to change the orbit of such a large planet is also extremely astonishing. If this is placed on the level of science and technology of the previous human civilization on earth, it is simply unimaginable. .

However, the current human civilization, through the Kabu civilization, has mastered the technology of giant nuclear fusion engines, the technology of planetary particle colliders, and even has a new understanding of the universe and starry sky, and celestial mechanics has stepped into a brand new field.

Under the support of these theories, it is completely possible to achieve this. As Ye Su said before, the process of completing such a project is equivalent to re-tracing the road that the Kabu civilization has traveled. Going once is very powerful for absorbing the scientific research results of the Kabu civilization.

In the original calculation, it would take at least hundreds of years to fully absorb the scientific and technological achievements of the Kabu civilization, but now if this project can be completed, the time can be shortened to less than a hundred years.

Even human civilization can raise its level of civilization to the second-level civilization stage! That is to say, to build a Dyson sphere, the entire galaxy can be fully exploited and developed, and the energy is almost infinite.

Second-level civilization, also known as galaxy civilization!

As for the first-level civilization, it is the planetary civilization. At that time, human civilization will usher in a new prosperity!

In the laboratory with the highest level of confidentiality, Kong Haotian and others are intensively calculating various data. Countless data are aggregated into the central computer for calculation, and then they verify their conjectures and revise their models according to the calculation results given.

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