Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 298

Chapter 298:

“According to this plan, we will reduce the revolution speed of Gliese 518g, and then the giant nuclear fusion engine located at the poles and the intersection of day and night will be turned on to push the planet Gliese away from the predetermined orbit. The project will take ten years at the fastest. time!”

Kong Haotian looked at the model in front of him and took a deep breath. He had never presided over such a huge project before. At this time, he felt that there was a starry sky hidden in his heart, and he was like the creator.

When did the technology of human civilization reach this level?

“Professor, do we want to send the model to Lord 123 Ye Su?” At this time, his assistant stepped forward and asked.

“No, it doesn’t mean that Lord Ye Su knows the result of the calculation before us.” Kong Haotian waved his hand and said helplessly.

As smart as he is, he still doesn’t know that everything he owns has been monitored.

Just as he had guessed, Ye Su got the model calculation results right away, and even optimized it under the creative treatment, reducing the entire project to less than nine years.

“Just follow this model, let’s start.” Putting down the light curtain in his hand, Ye Su nodded.

“Yes.” Creation slowly walked out of the room.

The huge machine of human civilization began to run at full capacity, and the giant robot factory built on the Gliese 3 satellite began to run at full capacity. Thousands of mining bases and hundreds of machine manufacturing factories started to operate at full capacity.

A busy scene began to appear in the Gliese galaxy, with countless warships passing through it every day.

Chapter 350 Final Preparations

The long construction has begun, and human civilization has exploded with unprecedented terrifying productivity.

Three years later, a huge building stood on the equator of the planet Gliese 518g. Through the live screen, everyone looked at this behemoth and felt emotional.

This is the result of their three years of hard work. This is a great attempt by human civilization. This is an unprecedented super project. It is also a cross-generational development of technology.

“I didn’t expect that one day I can really build this thing. I have no regrets in this life. I can also contribute to the sake of human civilization when I travel far away!”

“Brother, don’t sigh, this thing is no longer a rare thing. I heard that the 305 Research Institute is already developing a star-class interstellar warship. One of those things is tens of millions of tons, comparable to This thing is a lot, and there is the orbital gun of the Ring Gliese-2 satellite, tsk tsk, amazing!”

“You guys are too far behind. I heard that the genetic engineering project has been officially launched, and the army is recruiting the first batch of volunteers. As long as the injection is successful, they can join the special operations team of the legion, and at least one will be in the future. Officer, it’s different from the rest of us.”

“Regardless of this, anyway, the whole people will evolve at that time, and they can’t inject gene fluid, and they can also join the Starry Sky Project in the future.”


The entire human race began to boil. Tens of millions of people gathered in the live broadcast room. Looking at the super project in front of them, the barrage slanted down like a waterfall.

Ye Su also looked at the building in front of him with a smile on his lips. Lin Qiao, Liu Ziyue and others next to him took out their mobile phones from time to time to take pictures, very excited.

Creation is not by Ye Su’s side. He is the main person in charge of this planetary engine. At this time, various data should be tested in the engineering institute to ensure the final start-up.

This is a behemoth with a height of about 200 meters and an area of 300,000 square meters. The central control system can not only adjust the output power of the planetary engine, but also can tilt the entire planetary engine at a certain angle when necessary to change the forward position of the planet.

Tens of thousands of intelligent robots are busy up and down the planetary engine to ensure that the planetary engine starts up smoothly. At the same time, on this planetary engine, humans have also adopted a lot of new technologies. Some of these new technologies come from their own research. More It is the legacy of scientific and technological achievements directly from the Kabu civilization.

According to Ye Su’s plan, when humans build planetary engines, they can develop their own technology, which is more conducive to absorbing the scientific and technological achievements of the Kabu civilization, and the absorption speed far exceeds Ye Su’s expectations.

It only took three years to fully absorb the scientific and technological achievements that originally took ten years to absorb, and further optimized it. This planetary engine is stronger than the planetary engine of the Kabu civilization, both in size and power. much more.

“Creation, how are your preparations, can you start the machine as expected?” Through the quantum communication system, Ye Su sent an instruction to Chuangyi.

Soon, the sound of creation came from the other side.

“Don’t worry, Ye Su, everything is normal on my side. All the instruments are undergoing the final commissioning work. The commissioning work will be completed soon, and the startup of the planetary engine can proceed as scheduled. This is the current data, and I will send it to you immediately.”

After speaking, a large string of data was transmitted to the micro-photon computer that Ye Su carried with him.

“‘”The nuclear fusion engine fuel tank is normal, the nuclear fusion reactor is normal, the cooling system is normal, the central control computer system is normal, and the injection port debugging is correct…” This planetary engine can be said to be one of the creations with the highest scientific and technological achievements in human civilization. First, it has condensed millions of scientific and technological achievements.

After everything has been debugged, the creator will soon send an instruction to start the machine.

“Okay, don’t look at it, we are going to the protection room now, we will start the power-on soon, and all unrelated personnel will be evacuated!” Ye Su nodded and said to Lin Qiao and others, the on-site commander also told the personnel immediately An emergency evacuation was carried out, leaving only the intelligent robot in the bottom building.

In this way, once the startup fails, it can also avoid relatively large casualties. Seeing the changes on the planetary engine side, everyone knows that the official startup is about to start, and everyone is very excited, waiting for the live broadcast. In the meantime, he silently shouted cheer for Ye Su.

“Is the space agency ready to start?” Then, Ye Su asked again.

The size of the planetary engine is really too large. According to the original calculation model, the tail flame generated by the engine may be as high as hundreds of thousands of meters, which is enough to have a series of effects on the miniature or space dock in low-Earth orbit. From the beginning, Ye Su made arrangements for these.

Chapter 351

“We have adjusted all the spacecraft and the space dock. Their positions can be ensured not to be affected by the engine tail flame. Please rest assured, Lord Ye Su!”

The NASA responded with a smile, they must have prepared everything for such a major event, and it is unlikely that they will make mistakes at a critical time.

“Okay, all departments pay attention to the preparation time at the last minute. One minute later, according to the original plan, create a fire!”

Everything is ready, Ye Su has nothing special to explain, just in the protective room, quietly waiting for the final boot.

Lin Qiao was so excited that she took Ye Su’s hand, her eyes were full of admiration, as expected of the man she liked, still so charming and confident.

“3…2…1, turn it on!”

A cold and rational electronic mechanical sound came out of the creation’s mouth. According to the original plan, 140 minutes did not miss a second. With the issuance of the power-on command, immediately, thousands of super-giant controllable nuclear fusion reactors began to operate, starting from the most Low power warm-up at the beginning, full power operation at the end.

The terrifying energy is transported to various places through special energy pipes, and finally aggregated to the launch chamber. As more and more energy accumulates, the pressure on the launch chamber has reached hundreds of millions of megapascals, and the massive propellant has long been Get ready to be released quickly under such high temperature and pressure.

In an instant, these propellants were ejected by huge energy, and the dark blue tail flame was hundreds of thousands of meters high, from the surface of the planet all the way to low-Earth orbit. A 100,000-meter-high dark blue tail flame.

Many human beings can see a very shocking picture (ahch) when they look from the direction of space. At this time, the location of the planetary engine is in the dark night, but suddenly, a light blue majesty shoots straight into the sky. , like a dazzling lightning, illuminating the tranquility of the night, and illuminating the space within a radius of hundreds of kilometers into a dark blue.

However, compared to the huge Gliese 518g planet, such a tail flame is obviously nothing, and when viewed from a further distance, it is just an extra slender light.

“NASA, what kind of influence does it have on your side? The power of the planetary engine is 3% higher than that calculated in the original model. It should be affected by the planet’s gravity!”

The engineer’s anxious voice came from the creation side. All the conditions were calculated, but there was a slight deviation in the powerful power of the planetary engine. This slight deviation was enough to have a considerable impact.

The most direct impact is the pressure on the crust, and the impact on the NASA side.

At this time, at the NASA observation station, which is a full 400 kilometers from the ground, it was obvious that a miniature solar sail in low-Earth orbit was directly blown by the tail flame, and the extreme high temperature directly caused the military exploration miniature solar sail Melted, disappeared from the satellite network.

Not only this satellite, but in the next minute or less, there will be a full twenty satellites or space probe signals from the NASA side, but no one is on these space probes. Yes, so it doesn’t matter if you lose it.

“Dawn, Dawn, your side is a little too fierce. We don’t lose much here, but we need to modify the orbital data of thousands of space probes, and it will not have much impact for the time being.”

The NASA immediately sent all the observed data to the creation side. The main control room immediately calculated and calibrated the data. The power of the planetary engine was reduced a little, and it was no longer running at full power, but kept at 9%. Ten controllable nuclear fusion reactors are turned on, and the remaining reactors are used as backup facilities.

Ye Su didn’t have time to accompany Lin Qiao and others at this time, but returned to the central control room with some scientists, where hundreds of scientists were already busy.

With the first startup of the planetary engine, the millions of sensors arranged on it have transmitted countless data, which are still increasing continuously. These data are not only about the planetary engine, but also about the impact on the earth’s crust. Thrust size, etc.

The latest type of photonic computer is running at full speed, and Creation has connected itself to the photonic computer to further increase the computing speed.

“The third batch of data has been calculated, and now it has been transmitted to the photon computer. You can adjust the power of the engine at any time. After it is completed, it will be quickly summarized to me, and I will make further adjustments!”

Kong Haotian commanded in an orderly manner. At this time, the ability that belonged to a genius was fully stimulated. Kong Haotian was like a robot that didn’t know how to get tired. He had worked overtime in this command room for a hundred days. In three years, Kong Haotian stayed in this room for at least a thousand days.

Even if Ye Su came in now, he wouldn’t be able to attract his attention, instead he was engrossed in doing his own thing.

Chapter 352 Ten Thousand Planetary Engines

“It’s really good, it’s a talent!”

Seeing this scene, Ye Su didn’t feel unhappy in her heart. Instead, she had a lot of goodwill towards Kong Haotian. Sometimes a civilization needs to be led by such a genius. If it’s just him , that Ye Su was a little too tired. Now that Kong Haotian is here to share a little bit for him, Ye Su is very satisfied.

Not only Kong Haotian, but I don’t know if the Kabu civilization was destroyed by human civilization. The overall luck of human civilization has improved a lot. During these times, some excellent scientists have emerged one after another. The genius that was once in a century is now It’s like springing up like mushrooms.

Thanks to the efforts of these people, the level of science and technology of human civilization is developing rapidly. Almost every day, new theories are proposed and new scientific and technological achievements are applied in practice.

“According to the current data, the No. 1 planetary engine has generated a huge thrust for Gliese 518g, and this part of the thrust can slow down the entire planet by one thousandth of a millimeter. At present, the revolution speed of Gliese planet is every Sixty kilometers per second, that is to say, regardless of other factors, it would take at least two hundred years to stop the entire planet Gliese.”

“However, other factors must be considered. The pressure on this crust is too great. Although we have undergone special treatment and reinforcement, there is still a certain degree of crustal subsidence. The planetary engine has been running for 53 days and must take a day off. , to further strengthen the crust, plus other factors, that is to say, if you want the entire planet to stop in ten years, you need to build another 10,000 planets at the intersection of the equator, the poles, and the ecliptic Just the engine!”

Countless data were aggregated to the creation side. Almost at the same time, the creation side came up with the exact same data as Kong Haotian.

“This is 10,000 planetary engines. If you want to build all of them, I don’t know how much effort and time it will take, how much materials and energy, it’s really a super project!”

Seeing the calculated data, Kong Haotian sighed involuntarily. Such a project is really too huge. If it was a human civilization in the past, it would not even dare to think about it, that is, the technology is now highly developed, and Gurley Ze Planet’s resources are also extremely rich, so that human civilization can turn ideas into reality~.

“Don’t be too pessimistic. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. Now we have the first planetary engine, many technologies have matured, and more and more intelligent robots are added. We only need to build and copy according to the drawings. In less than ten years, it only takes five years to complete it all!”

Not far away, Ye Su walked to Kong Haotian’s side. Seeing the latter’s expression, he immediately knew what this guy was thinking. He patted Kong Haotian on the shoulder and gave him a boost.

“I hope so.” Kong Haotian nodded, no longer struggling with this issue.

He now knows that labor is nothing to Ye Su at all. The huge intelligent robot production factory located on the Gliese-3 satellite can produce hundreds of thousands of intelligent robots every day. These are never tired and make mistakes. Extremely precise robots are here, and it’s only a matter of time before these mega-engineerings are built.

Up to now, the number of intelligent robots participating in the construction of the entire Gliese 518g planet, as well as Gliese 2 and 3 satellites has exceeded 10 million units, and this number is still increasing at an extremely fast rate. .


Of course, this is because it is still in the initial stage. According to Ye Su’s plan, when the robot factory on the Gliese-3 satellite is fully established, the daily production data will reach an astonishing amount.

The space batteries on the Gliese 2 satellite are already under construction. These space batteries will assist the space engineering force and capture some comets or large meteorites and asteroids, which are used to make warships, robots and various other man-made objects. Almost a million tons of material are captured and refined every day.


These meteorite fragments will be sent to the Gliese 3 satellite, and the mineral exploration on the Gliese 518g planet is also fully carried out. So far, all kinds of mineral resources have been discovered one by one. These super projects that can ensure the smooth progress of human civilization.

Otherwise, Ye Su would also worry about materials and energy. After all, it would take tens of millions of tons of metal to build a star-class interstellar warship, and the Ring Gliese Giant Particle Collider would require even more. It consumes more than 800 billion tons of material, which is simply an astronomical figure.

If it is placed on the earth, the construction of such a superstructure is enough to hollow out the metal of the entire earth.

This has not yet taken into account the mass of building a planetary engine to build an interstellar fleet, and the densely packed space batteries on the Gliese 2 satellite, which will be a very challenging project.

Chapter 353 Higgs Faithful

“If all the plans are completed, the human civilization at that time should be able to steadily enter the second-level civilization level, become a preliminary galaxy civilization, and have a certain resistance to alien civilization, but the Gliese galaxy may be We hollow it out, and then human civilization should be looking for galaxies with more abundant materials!”

Ye Su silently calculated that he was full of confidence in the future of human civilization.

The planetary engine built now is only the preliminary preparation work for the construction of the giant particle collider. When the particle collider is built, the technological level of human civilization at that time will surely usher in a great “one forty”. Leaping development, after all, particle colliders belong to the category of fundamental physics.

Such a huge particle collider is enough to accelerate particles to infinitely close to the speed of light, or even reach the speed of light, to form black holes. At this time, countless new protons and electrons will be released. Humans can study how these substances are produced. What will be the result.

Although human beings have super-light-speed navigation technology in their hands, it is like a black box. Humans can use this technology, but they do not know how this technology is implemented.

To give a simple example, everyone will use mobile phones and computers, but they are completely ignorant of the various technologies in mobile phones and computers. Today’s human beings are like this super-light speed navigation technology.

Even, Ye Su was also interested in the transmission channel. If the technology of the transmission channel could be cracked, does that mean that humans can build their own transmission channel at will.

“No, at this time, it should be called a stargate, or a wormhole!” Ye Su began to have infinite fantasies. This is a wormhole. In those science fiction movies, wormhole technology is almost every powerful civilization. have technology.

“I’m thinking about the giant particle collider again, Lord Ye Su, maybe you don’t understand yet. If this thing is built, it will have a bigger impact than you think!”

Kong Haotian had just finished calculating a set of data and finally had time to rest when he saw Ye Su who was in a daze beside him, thinking about it.

“Oh? You are the great god, listen to you.” Ye Su recovered, Kong Haotian is the great physics god, and he is also the chief engineer of the particle collider appointed by him. The effect of this thing is definitely much stronger than that of a layman like him. .

Kong Haotian’s eyes were shining, he took a sip, quickly took out a pen and paper, and wrote down an equation on the notebook.

A very simple equation, Ye Su felt very familiar, but still couldn’t remember what it was.


Ye Su said lightly, he knew that Kong Haotian was going to perform in front of him again, but he was not very disgusted.

“This is a mass equation that explains the proportion and mass of energy released, which is what we now call the mass-energy equation system. With this equation system, we can convert and calculate between the two substances, mass and energy. The origin of all nuclear energy, and with this, we can control nuclear energy.”

“But in the physics world, there is still an unsolved mystery, which is the question of how mass is generated. This is a question that countless physicists have been thinking about until more than a hundred years ago, when a famous theory was proposed, Higgs Boson, a legendary particle, it is said that if you find this thing, you will be able to find the source of all things, the basic physical theory will progress to a new stage, countless theoretical formulas have been proposed, and human civilization will evolve. !”

Kong Haotian said without hesitation, Ye Su also has some understanding of this thing. As long as the Higgs boson is proved to exist, then the standard model can be verified. ……

The ultimate physical question of how mass is generated will be perfectly explained in the Higgs Bose theory, and through the mass-energy conversion equation, as long as the mass is found, it is equivalent to finding the energy. , Ye Su may theoretically find a way to infinite energy.

Unlimited energy!

Such a tempting word, Ye Su swallowed, and asked Kong Haotian in disbelief: “This thing can really be found? Isn’t it confirmed that it doesn’t exist? If this thing can be found, Then the entire human civilization will really undergo a huge evolution!”

“The Higgs Bose word will definitely exist, you believe me, this thing must exist in reality 2.7, and it has not been discovered yet, it can only be said that our science and technology have not yet reached this level, with this giant particle Collider, I’m confident I’ll find it!”

Kong Haotian said almost crazy.

Ye Su pouted, he now understands that this Kong Haotian is a faithful believer of Higgs, and there are many such people in the physics world.

Sometimes, a physicist will grow up under the influence of another physicist, and also have an almost crazy pursuit of a certain physical theory, such a person is called a physics believer.

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