Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 302

Chapter 302:

“It’s really amazing, but this is just the beginning. We humans have a long, long road ahead.” Ye Su nodded.

Chapter 369 The end of the first phase of the project

There was no emotional fluctuation in his deep pupils. He was not too excited about the successful construction of the particle collider. Instead, the crisis in his heart became more and more serious.

It seems that the successful construction of the particle collider has changed the current technological progress of mankind, and because of the construction of such a huge technological creation, the coordinates of human civilization are being exposed. This vague sense of being peeped makes him extremely uneasy.

“Humanity still has a long way to go. There is not much time left for us. In the entire universe, human beings are still very weak.”

He said something inexplicably. Before waiting for An Guoqiang to ask, Ye Su walked over to the interface. Now the construction distance between the two sections is getting closer and closer. The construction of the intelligent robots has basically stopped, and the more advanced 07 robots are still being built, and these robots are all controlled by the creation.

The error between the two sections is also controlled at the millimeter level, and basically no error can be seen. Even at this time, he is still constantly adjusting. Ye Su said that the control is at the millimeter level, and the creation is more perverted. What he wants is absolute. Accuracy, which means he wants zero error.

Thousands of scientists from the Academy of Engineering have arrived at the predetermined location, and various measurement data have been quickly counted and handed over to Nu Wa for preliminary calculations.

“The initial data is normal, the supermagnetic field equipment is running normally, the entropy element special alloy has no varicose, the measurement is normal, and it can be closed…”

“The observation at station 007 is normal…”

“The observation data of station 587 is normal…”

“Start closing!”

The first two sections were officially docked, and the parts at the interface began to be assembled. Under the control of the robotic arm, various large parts accurately landed at the predetermined position, and a large pipe with a width of about one kilometer slowly formed. This is just a base. , the rest of the paving will be done on the base.

The whole process went very smoothly, and there were no accidents. In this galaxy, it seems that there is only one civilization left, human civilization. Without the intervention of external threats, all the projects of human civilization are proceeding smoothly, which further confirms the card. Speculation of the cloth civilization.

On the orbit of 30 million kilometers away from the planet Gliese, a large-scale structure with a length of more than 200 million kilometers is slowly being formed. For such a huge project, the final error is only at the level of millimeters. What a remarkable achievement. , this difficulty is like trying to find a specific atom that is undergoing fusion inside a star.

This also further verifies the accuracy of the previous star positioning system. Positioning according to the visible light reflected from the surface of the star can be accurate to a terrifying level. Now this technology has also begun to be applied to interstellar warships, and even affects humans. progress of civilization.

The main purpose of the exploration project of the Zhoutian Star Map is this. Ye Su wants to explore a wider universe. The Zhoutian Star Map records more stars, which can provide positioning for human civilization to go further afield. As for being blind and deaf.

The smooth progress of the super-large-scale project of the particle collider is also constantly verifying the current top 140 technology of human civilization, and it is also very good for absorbing the Kabu civilization. It can be said that most of the large-scale projects currently underway in human civilization, All have the shadow of Kabu civilization technology.

“Ten years of struggle, from the planetary engine to the construction of the particle collider, before you know it, humans have been in the Gliese galaxy for a full ten years. How long will we be here?”

Kong Haotian couldn’t help but said, this sentence immediately resonated with many scientists, the Gliese galaxy is really good, the galaxy is already in its prime, all kinds of celestial bodies have become stable, and there will be no large galaxies. Disaster, and the materials in the Gliese galaxy are also extremely rich, all materials can be found here, and there are even many materials unknown to human beings waiting to be discovered.

Chapter 370 Exploring the Rules of the Universe

Coupled with the support of the scientific and technological system of the Kabu civilization, the current human civilization has attracted a period of technological explosion. For scientists, there is no better era than this.

“Treasure the time now, and work hard to develop yourself.” Ye Su said with a smile, and the creation next to him handed him a document and winked at Ye Su.

Ye Su instantly understood and followed Creation to a corner.

“Is there anything to explain? I think it should be smooth now.”

Creation seldom finds him actively, but once he finds him, it is a more important matter. In the critical period when the particle collider is about to be completed, Ye Su is also very cautious, and immediately opened the document in his hand. Looking at what was recorded above, Ye Su’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“Are you still working on this theory?”

The things recorded in this document are nothing else, but the various things that happened after the human civilization defeated the Kabu civilization, all of which were major events, and the fields also spanned from technology to culture, politics, etc., basically including the present. In all fields of human civilization, it can be said that this is a history of the development of human civilization.

In the end, there is only one sentence left, which is the verification of the theory of the dark forest law. It turns out that Creation has always been verifying this theory, and is conducting a deeper research on this theory. Some of the mythological books of the country have been found. , About the creation of the word “Qiyun”, we are trying to explain it in a more scientific way.

“Yes, I think this is actually a kind of cosmic rule, it can also be said to be a kind of causal law, what is the rule of the universe, like universal gravitation, or the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, etc., these can be the rules of the universe It reflects that everything in civilization is based on the rules of the universe, including my current technological development, which is essentially an exploration of the rules of the universe. The more exploration, the higher the degree of civilization will be.

Creation did not deny it, and nodded directly. Those golden eyes were no longer calm and rational, but revealed a little bit of red. Obviously, Creation is very unstable now.

“Our weapons are also the application of the rules of the universe, and luck is also a kind of rules of the universe in essence. It is explained by the theory in the Chinese mythology and classics, that is, the materials in the universe are actually limited now, and the birth of civilization is the impact of the universe. A kind of stealing of resources, we are all thieves. When civilization grows to a certain height, it can even control the entire universe. This is a threat to the universe. By destroying other civilizations, you can gain the favor of the universe, and you will Improve the luck of your civilization…”

“Stop, stop, you did all of your own research? Didn’t you read it from those mythological books?” Ye Su heard this for a while, and hurriedly stopped Creation. Why does he feel that Creation is a little bit divine? The original intelligent mechanical life is too different.

“‘”Science is rigorous. All the theories we have now are based on the research on the Kabu civilization. This is just a variable. We need more variables to verify this theory. If we encounter problems in the future To more civilizations, the result is still the case, then basically it can be proved.”

Ye Su slowly picked up a cup of tea, put it to his mouth and took a sip. The unique aroma of bitter tea lingered on the tip of his tongue, which also made Ye Su extraordinarily sober. He found that his creation had really changed a lot. Many times, he ( Got it) can’t see clearly what Creation is thinking.

“Don’t go ahead with the research on the law of the dark forest. Let’s wait until our human civilization encounters the next civilization. Now our main task should be the development of science and technology!”

After speaking, Ye Su took a deep breath, patted Creation’s shoulder, quietly walked to the porthole, and watched the final interface of the particle collider work.

Many scientists are celebrating, and the space dock has been filled with specially-made bunting, which looks very lively.

Chapter 371 Supreme Order

The interface has basically been completed. It can be clearly seen in the photos taken by the space telescope that a huge dragon with a length of more than 200 million kilometers has appeared in space. This dragon has wrapped most of the Gliese planet in Inside, it looks magnificent.

“After the interface work is completed, all that remains is the debugging of various equipment and adjustments. The laying of key lines will also be carried out simultaneously, and some imperfect areas will be adjusted. The time is about half a year. A quarter of the project is almost completed, and at most one year, the particle collider will be completely completed.” Creation explained the next work.

140 He was one of the chief engineers of the particle collider, and no one knew the whole project better than him.

“Very good!” Ye Su was of course very satisfied.

At this time, Creation suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Su, and asked with a somewhat curious tone: “Actually, I have always wanted to ask you a question, that is, how did you get these things? A civilization wants to develop to The current state cannot be achieved in just a few decades. I have calculated how long it will take for human civilization to develop to the current state. It will take at least three hundred years, or even longer. right.”

“Secrets, like you appearing by my side, it is also impossible (ahch), but now, you are by my side.” Ye Su smiled slightly, but did not directly answer the question of creation.

The frog cub is his biggest secret, that is, he doesn’t know what the frog cub encountered in the world of technology this time. He has not recovered yet, and has been sleeping in Ye Su’s room.

He looked at the particle collider in front of him. The visible light scattered by the stars reflected on the surface of the particle collider, reflecting a mysterious black luster, which was very textured.

Ye Su almost couldn’t help but ran to the scene and touched the surface of the particle collider with his hands.

“Beautiful, really beautiful.”

The particle collider is not only the hope of human civilization, but also carries Ye Su’s current hope. He has spent a lot of effort on this particle collider. In order to prevent the particle collider from being damaged by meteorites, he specifically explained in Next to the particle collider, a huge fleet of more than 10,000 second-level warships was deployed.

Each warship is equipped with the latest energy weapons. Once a meteorite is found, it can be destroyed as soon as possible, even if it cannot be destroyed, or the particle collider is deliberately destroyed, and the surface of the particle collider is also stored. A large number of spare parts ensure that repairs can be made in the first place.

Even on the surface of the particle collider, he is also equipped with more than a thousand nanoworm bases. Hundreds of billions of nanoworms can repair gaps up to one kilometer in a few minutes, but these nanoworms The use of the particle collider needs to be approved when the particle collider is at its most critical.

“Master Ye Su, Master Creation, all the tests have been completed, Master An and Dean Kong are waiting for you to preside over the docking ceremony!”

An assistant wearing a special aviation suit came up, gave Ye Su a salute, and then said very respectfully.

“Let’s go.”

Ye Su smiled slightly. Several people took a small spaceship and came to a wide construction space dock. This space dock is equipped with a gravity generator and a small ecosystem, which can be seen very clearly from here. to the interface.

At this time, a lot of people had already gathered here. The arrival of Ye Su and Creation brought the atmosphere to the highest point. Everyone started to get excited and shouted in unison.

A button was also sent to Ye Su, waiting for his order.

Ye Su first nodded to the people around him, then pressed the button with a solemn expression, and a grand mechanical sound appeared above the space dock.

[The highest order takes effect, the first phase of the Ring Gliese 518g super-large planetary particle collider has ended, and the first test has officially begun! ].

Chapter 372 The Weird Black Sphere

With the pressing of this red button, countless intelligent robots began to descend from above the particle collider, the super-large nuclear fusion engine built every 2,000 kilometers began to start, and countless sensors aggregated the huge data, and started Automatic correction.

This is the first test of the particle collider. Everyone is very nervous. This test is not perfect. It is only a general test for this stage that has been completed to ensure that this section of construction is in line with the expected plan. The entire particle collider will be completed, and an overall test will be carried out. At that time, the real blood boils.

The construction work of the first stage has been completed, and Ye Su and Chuang Chuang have also returned to their rooms.

Time is passing slowly, and the construction of the particle collider is only the final finishing work. Larger warships are also under development. There are only five star-level warships of 10 million tons. Ye Su’s The plan is to build ten ships, all of which will be used as flagships of the fleet.

The flagship of human civilization is the Hope, and it is also the largest and most advanced interstellar warship. The three planets in the Gliese galaxy are all under construction.

But Ye Su found that it seems that the technological development of human civilization has slowed down slightly. This slowdown is not at the level of the entire civilization, but some small research projects have begun to fail. In the past ten years, this This phenomenon is rare, and the number of failures in small studies has tripled over the past three months.

The emergence of this phenomenon has not attracted the attention of scientists. After all, it is extremely common for research experiments to fail. The number of failures in the past is nothing at all.

The only thing that attracts attention is Ye Su and Creation, especially Creation, who has been studying the law of the dark forest, so they are extremely sensitive to these experimental data.

“I can’t explain anything yet, I can only see the follow-up development.~”

Ye Su was sitting in the corner of the room, under the bright light, with his eyes closed slightly, his face very calm, he thought for a while, but still said: “It’s better not to reveal the whole theory, this is a secret that belongs to the two of us, Revealing it will only cause – panic.”

“Have those large research projects and medium-sized research been affected?”

“Not yet.” Creation shook his head.

“The particle collider has reached the final stage, and the remaining two sections have also completed the interface and are undergoing testing and startup. Other large-scale projects are also progressing smoothly. There is one medium-sized research project, and the number of failures has increased by 30%. Others were not affected.”

“According to my calculation model, this phenomenon will show exponential growth in the future, and will quickly spread to major research projects. Before that, we should speed up the research progress and invest more resources!”


The tone of creation is unprecedentedly heavy. Once this phenomenon occurs, it is irreversible and will spread rapidly until the development of the entire civilization, not only the field of scientific and technological research, including education, culture and other fields will be affected.


“I agree, it’s time to speed up development, so let’s do it, a new Global Federation of Scientists Conference will be held in a few days. At the conference, I will announce to further increase resources for research and development.” Ye Su made up his mind, no matter what. Whether this theory is true, just in case, must seize the golden moment of development now.

Just as Ye Su and Chuang Chuang were discussing further, at a distance of 10 billion kilometers from the planet Gliese 518g, a vortex suddenly appeared in the dark cosmic starry sky, and the vortex quickly spread around until it expanded. When it reached 50 square meters, the space was torn apart suddenly, and a pure black spherical structure slowly emerged.

This black sphere seems to have life, and it is still breathing slowly. An invisible electromagnetic wave penetrates a distance of tens of billions of kilometers and is projected on the planet Gliese, quietly observing the development of the entire human civilization. .

Chapter 373 The Guardian Alliance that Appears Again

The appearance of this black sphere did not attract anyone’s attention, and the tens of millions of various detectors in the Gliese galaxy did not issue any alarms, as if they were originally here, silently , like a ghost.

The development of human civilization continued, and nothing unusual happened. It lasted for six months. After collecting all the information about human civilization, this black sphere sent a message to Nuwa, the central photonic computer of mankind. One forty zero” a message.

“Hello, unknown biological civilization!”

Without any delay, at the moment when the message was sent, it appeared on the core processor of the photon computer, and immediately, the message began to appear in the center of the light screen.

At this time, no one has noticed Nuwa’s abnormality, not even Creation. He is still directing the first start-up test in the command room of the particle collider. The particle collider has been officially completed. All kinds of pipes and basic parts have also been equipped, and only the test work is left, and the completion of the test work basically declares the entire particle collider to be completed.

At that time, human technology will usher in a new revolution.

Ye Su stayed in the official residence of Planet Gliese, enjoying a rare leisure time with Lin Qiao, Liu Ziyue and others. Several people chatted and laughed. Now human civilization is moving in a good direction. According to the current situation If this trend continues, after hundreds of years, human beings will completely enter the high level of the second-level civilization, and even touch the third-level civilization, becoming a powerful river system civilization.

“We are still very small now, and human civilization also needs to work harder. Xiao Qiao, I support you to go to the highest federal college for further studies. When that time comes, you will take the unified exam. Remember, you do not have any privileges.”

Ye Su said with a smile, Lin Qiao didn’t know what was the stimulus these days, and kept calling to go to the Federal University to study, saying that he needed to supplement his knowledge, so as not to keep up with the pace of the times.

“Yes, yes, you finally agreed!” Hearing Ye Su’s words, Lin Qiao collapsed and sat directly on Ye Su’s lap, shaking Ye Su’s neck with both hands.

“I want to be like sister Ziyue and be a tutor at Federal University. My life is too boring now. I feel like I’m useless at all. I can still choose to lie down on earth. If I don’t do something here, I feel You’re a **** yourself.”

At this time, Liu Ziyue was wearing a capable OL dress and a hot figure under the white shirt. It seemed that she had put on makeup today, her cheeks were rosy, and she smiled slightly. Just as she was about to say something, Ye Su received a message. …..

“Wait a minute.” Seeing that it was an urgent message from Creation, Ye Su didn’t dare to neglect, and his expression was a little dignified. He knew Creation was very stable, and under normal circumstances, he would never send him this level of news. , unless something major happened, the last time this kind of news was sent was during the civilization war with the Kabu civilization.

What exactly happened? !

He was just about to open the message that Creation sent him, but the light curtain he carried with him began to change, the various displayed text on it disappeared, and the daily data also disappeared. The date, temperature, heart rate, etc., were replaced by blank space. , and several unreadable symbols,

The moment he saw these inexplicable symbols, Ye Su felt a little scalp tingling. He could be sure that such symbols were words that had never appeared in human civilization, but Ye Su had never seen them before. He felt that these words were very familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere, and the meaning of these words also appeared in his brain subconsciously.

“This is the 36781 Civilization Detector belonging to the Guardian Alliance, the 2545th Division of the Third Cantilever of the Milky Way. You should know my origin. Now your civilization has become a primary galaxy civilization and has enough ability to conduct galaxy navigation.”.

Chapter 374 Countdown to the Destruction of Civilization

“If you have encountered other civilizations, you should know that I am invincible and unstoppable!”

“I fully understand your civilization, perhaps better than you, a pioneer of civilization. In the words of your human civilization, you can call me an omniscient and almighty God!”

“According to the Guardian Alliance’s Third Era Guardian Covenant, you need to go back with me and go to the Guardian Wenxingxing domain, where we will provide you with enough protection to exempt you from the destruction of the destroyer civilization. Invade and we will provide your civilization with a planet to survive.” 07

“Of course, you can also choose to refuse, but the price is, let me destroy your civilization, we are not sure, in a certain period of time in the future, whether you will become a member of the destroyer civilization, in order to ensure the possibility of If it happens, we will destroy your civilization!”

“I’ll give you a minute to think about it. You are a pioneer of civilization. How to choose, you have the right to decide!”

After this sentence was displayed, the light curtain instantly dimmed, and a scarlet countdown appeared in the middle.



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