Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 303

Chapter 303:

Without the slightest hesitation and without the slightest doubt, Ye Su turned around and took away the portable light curtain from Lin Qiao’s hand, and contacted Creation.

His portable light curtain is the highest-level light curtain in the global federation. It can almost be called a sub-photon computer. With the strength of the hackers of the current human civilization, it is absolutely unbreakable, so there is absolutely no possibility of someone playing a prank. He had a hunch that what he had been worrying about had happened.

“Creation, here they come!”

This is a message that Ye Su sent to Creation. He believes Creation must be able to understand the meaning of the message. Before entering the Gliese galaxy, the central computer of Starfleet had received such a message. The other party claimed to be the guardian. The Alliance of Civilizations, and that message also contained an extra-dimensional coordinate.

The other party claimed that as long as the super-dimensional coordinates were input into his central computer, a wormhole star gate could be established, and an envoy from the Guardian Alliance would come to receive him. At that time, Ye Su had just learned about the law of the dark forest, and he did not To determine the authenticity of this information, but chose to ignore it.

In the next ten years, this matter seemed to be stuck in the throat, which made Ye Su worry all the time. The other party kept detecting the coordinates of their civilization. It was like being in the forest. The other party is a hunter with a shotgun and hiding in the dark, and it is possible to attack at any time.

Ten years of calm and peaceful, this day has finally come, and the other party has no intention of letting him go.

Compared with the previous notice, this time the means are much tougher, there is no room for negotiation, promised to join the Guardian Alliance, the other party will give them a planet to survive, it looks beautiful, but there are many meanings behind it, Ye Su’s current brain has also evolved a lot, and dozens of possibilities have emerged in a short period of time.

“Whether a planet survives on this planet, whether human civilization can only operate on this planet under the supervision of the other party, and cannot obtain resources on other planets, is it not similar to prisoners? ?”

140 “Accurately speaking, it is a kind of house arrest, and everything about our civilization will be exposed to the eyes of others, and there is no hiding at all. In this way, there is no possibility for human civilization to develop.”

“Even, this behavior can be called captive breeding. The current human civilization is still too weak in the eyes of the other party, and there is no possibility of plundering. When the level of human civilization is higher, we can start a plundering plan for human beings. It’s very possible…”

In just a few seconds, Ye Su sorted out these possibilities. Ye Su also gave up the idea of searching for the other party’s traces. The other party appeared without warning. There are detectors in it.

Chapter 375 Frog cub, hope for the final comeback

Up to now, there have been no alarms or notifications. In such a short period of time, it is impossible to track the other party.

Moreover, this time the broadcast is not in the form of interstellar broadcast, which means that the other party’s purpose is very clear, that is, human civilization.

Soon, there was a message from Creation, followed by a complete model, which is a confrontation model. Creation integrated all the existing weapons of human civilization in the first time, and simulated the possibility of killing the opponent. sex.

But the final simulation results made Ye Su a little surprised.

“Failure, failure, or failure, we don’t even know what the other party is now, all the simulation results are all failures, creation, are you sure this model is correct?” Ye Su frowned, intuition told him to create All that is said is true. In the face of unknown opponents, the current human beings are lambs to be slaughtered, and there is no possibility of resistance at all.

“No, if we can’t fight, is there any possibility of joining the other party, but we currently have too little information. The only information we know is that the other party is in the form of an alliance of civilizations. According to our previous speculation, the alliance also has There are two kinds, one is an alliance formed by a powerful civilization leading many weak and small civilizations, and the other is a defensive alliance formed spontaneously by many civilizations. Judging from the current situation, it is likely to be the former one ¨ “”.

For a few seconds, Ye Su’s brain was kept running at full capacity at all times. Lin Qiao and Liu Ziyue next to him were also keenly aware that something was wrong with Ye Su. Anyone disturb Ye Su.

“No, it may not be a powerful civilization, it may be a few powerful civilizations, and then join forces with other slightly weaker civilizations to form an alliance, this possibility is very high, it should be about 70%, in this case , among the major civilizations, there will be uneven development, and weak civilizations need to obey powerful civilizations!”

“No matter which kind, I want to resist, the possibility of success is too small, even if I can succeed this time, it is only a very small strength of the other party, next time, will it be stronger? The power of , or directly a fleet, how can human civilization resist?”

Ye Su began to feel a little desperate. The strength of the other party is so powerful that there is no possibility of confrontation at all. It is not like a civilization war between human civilization and Kabu civilization. The level of technology between the two may only be Decades away.


The countdown continues, and twelve seconds have passed.

“If you can’t resist, you can only obey. After you obey, you will go to the Guardian Star Territory and develop under the supervision of the other party. It is difficult to say whether there are enough resources for development. In this case, human civilization will no longer have the possibility of escaping from the other party. Sex, directly become a slave civilization!”

Ye Su frowned, her cheeks turned pale, but her forehead was covered in cold sweat. This was a sign of the high-speed operation of her brain. At this time, Ye Su had the urge to scold her. What is human civilization? Who provokes who, this finally came to a relatively safe galaxy, but it has just been calm for ten years, but it has ushered in a greater crisis.

“‘”41…” The cold mechanical countdown sound, like the whisper of the **** of death, rang in Ye Su’s ears.

“By the way, frog cub, the other party must judge the development of human civilization in accordance with the development of general civilization, but he must not have thought that I still have frog cubs, and human civilization still has frog cubs. This is absolutely It is beyond the existence of scientific and technological civilization, which means that the other party did not expect it 100%, and I still have the existence of frog cubs.”

“If I can grasp this point and say that there may not be any hope of a comeback, the other party seems to be in a hurry. When I received the information last time, I discussed it, but this time it is directly mandatory, and the promise becomes Slave civilization, resistance is destruction, it seems that something happened to the other party…”.

Chapter 376 Decided to go to war

Human civilization is undoubtedly weak among the countless civilizations in the universe. It is like a child who has just learned to walk. He has left the solar system from human civilization and has the ability to navigate the galaxy. It is only a short ten years. Ten years is enough for a civilization to come. Say, it’s too short.

Ye Su did not expect that the current cosmic space is so dark, this Guardian Alliance is very strange, and it seems that something has happened. It was still negotiating before, but this time it has become mandatory.

He was thinking fast, the evolved body was no less than a supercomputer, and countless possibilities and models flashed in his mind. There is a chance to survive.

“Frog cubs, frog cubs, it is impossible for the other side to know the existence of frog cubs, so it can be said that the things that frog cubs brought back, these 153 things do not know, after all, it is beyond the product of the natural development of a civilization, in this case , then it is more feasible, the other party does not know what the frog cub brought back, he does not know the source of fire, creation, or even particle accelerators, but the other party may have already observed my civilization, and I know him. Too few, can only guess…”



Time passed by minute by minute, and every second was so long and so short. In the end, it was a surrender to the guardian civilization, and the end might be to be imprisoned as a slave civilization, which could barely survive, and the possibility of breaking through the blockade in the future. Infinitely close to zero, the other side is to let it go and resist it with all its strength. The price is that it may perish immediately.

Ye Su stood in front of the garden, with countless flowers blooming in front of him, and even insects unique to the planet Gliese flying in it. Behind him were Lin Qiao and Liu Ziyue, their beautiful faces were full of worry , they dare not come forward to disturb.

Ye Su looked up at the starry sky. From his position, he could directly see countless huge warships passing through the sky. The thriving human civilization was developing with hope. Human civilization on earth is undoubtedly very miserable. In the face of the collapsed ecosystem and the threat of the Kabu civilization at any time, after arriving on the planet Gliese, this place is like a paradise.

Perhaps no one would have thought that on a sunny afternoon, Ye Su once again held the key to the survival of human civilization. Whether human civilization could continue, in this short thirty seconds (ahch) .

“Being a slave civilization, trying to be brave? Staying in the mountains is not afraid of running out of firewood. When this law is enlarged to a civilization, I am afraid it will not be so useful. If you give up resistance, human civilization can survive even if human beings die. The rate is still as high as 90%, or even more, and the rest may also be reduced to the same existence as experimental objects!”

Thinking that an entire civilization will be imprisoned on a small planet, and that eternal life will not escape the fate of becoming a slave or even a test subject, Ye Su’s eyes flashed, he knew what his choice was. .

“Humans are dead eggs, and they will not die for ten thousand years. Damn, I should have died on the earth long ago. It is because of the frog cub that I am alive until now. Even if I die, I will die vigorously. Who are you, the rabbit is so anxious that it bites you!”

At this moment, Ye Su gave up all the models and conjectures, and tried his best to calculate the victory rate of the unknown Guardian Alliance.

“Creation, turn on the civilized first-level combat readiness state, all military members are on standby, except for the Hope, all the star-level warships are all launched, and the 100,000 second-level warships are divided into four fleets, Gliese II All the space batteries on the satellite are fully charged, the planetary orbit starts to be charged, the war fortress is ready for battle at any time, and all the protection systems on the Gliese 3 satellite are all in combat readiness.

Chapter 377 First-level combat readiness

“The protection status of the frontier base of Gliese planet is on!”

After making up his mind, Ye Su quickly issued an order to launch all the warships in this short period of time. Judging, he used his photon network to invade the control core of the battleships and directly control the launch of these battleships.

That is to say, the creation after the upgrade can control these tens of thousands of warships at the same time. If it is the previous supercomputer, before he can control it, I am afraid that it has reached the limit of computing power and will crash directly.

Even after the upgrade, with a photon computer loaded and controlling so many warships and weapons at the same time, the computing power created has soared from 50% of the original to 90% at once, creating the pair of golden eyes at this time. It has turned slightly red. At a critical moment, Nu Wa took over and gave up most of the scientific research projects to fully support the creation~.


The rapid red alarm sounded over the entire human civilization. The three Gliese planets and tens of millions of people, before they could react, saw countless intelligent robots responsible for maintaining order – taking to the streets.

“This is the highest order of the global federation. From now on, human civilization will start the first-level combat readiness state, everyone will go to the underground fortress to take refuge, all fighters will go to the combat post to stand by, and all projects will serve the needs of combat-…”

“This is the highest order of the global federation, from now on…”

The rapid alarm sound shocked everyone. They all looked up to the sky, and then their faces were shocked. I saw countless black and gold warships soaring into the sky, and those suspended in low-Earth orbit or in space The battery began to charge, The space mines and two interstellar war castles hidden in the starry sky also began to enter a fighting state, and there were countless weapons on the ground protruding from the hidden underground.

“What happened, is there an alien civilization invasion? Why did it suddenly start the first-level combat readiness state? This is the highest level of combat readiness of our human civilization. It will only be turned on when it encounters a powerful enemy!”

Some people haven’t reacted yet, and subconsciously opened the portable light curtain to find the answer on the Internet. There are many people who think like him. There are also many search terms on the Internet in an instant. In various social spaces, all of them are It was information about the sudden first-level combat readiness, but no one knew the answer.

“I don’t know, all the news seems to be blocked. My brother is in the military, and I don’t know what happened!”

“It doesn’t matter, obey the order anyway, we little people should hurry to take shelter in the underground fortress. If we don’t leave at this time, I’m afraid that we won’t be able to leave by then.”


“What the upstairs said makes sense. I’m going out right now. Then again, it must not be a war. It has been stable for so many years, and it’s not even ten years. Why is this all of a sudden? Time for people to react, I am very satisfied with my life now.”


“Everyone should not guess at random, but have confidence in our pioneers of civilization. The current human civilization is not the human civilization on the earth before. Now we are too much stronger. This is an indisputable fact, even if it is We can easily defeat a civilization as powerful as the previous Kabu civilization…”

As soon as these words came out, the Internet quickly calmed down, and everyone felt a lot more stable in their hearts. Yes, the current human civilization is not the human civilization on the earth before. In these short decades, Human civilization has become countless times stronger, and scenes that used to appear in science fiction movies have long been realized.

The society has become a lot more stable, and the senior officials of the Global Federation, such as An Guoqiang, Yang Duo, and John, are not so optimistic, because they have not yet been invaded by any informants.

Chapter 378 Countless Model Speculations

They don’t even know who the enemy is. They are the absolute top of the Global Federation, but they don’t know anything now. What does this mean? Either the decision bypasses them, or it happens so suddenly that they don’t have time to react at all.

Compared with the former, they still prefer the latter, because Yang Duo and the others know Ye Su’s character. If something happens, they will definitely discuss it with them. He “one five three” to discuss.

“Creation, how is the situation now? Have you released the specific analysis report on your side? Once the war begins, what fighting methods can we have to deal with the opponent, and what the opponent is and what the opponent’s means of attack are, we understand these. ?”

Ye Su quickly sent a message to Creation.

The blood-colored countdown on the portable light curtain continued, and the ever-decreasing number was like Ye Su’s current heartbeat. He felt that his heartbeat was accelerating. Although he wasn’t panicking, Ye Su knew that the adrenal glands in his body. Su was secreting uncontrollably, and his spirit reached an unprecedented state of clarity in an instant.

Soon, the creative side sent the optimized response plan to Ye Su, about what the enemy was, but when Ye Su opened the file, he fell into a state of confusion again.

“I don’t know, I don’t know, I still don’t know, can’t we even detect each other? All the information is blank!” Ye Su was a little shocked. He didn’t expect the enemy to be so powerful. They even detected each other. It can’t be done. The current human civilization is covered with various detectors within 20 billion kilometers of the Gliese galaxy, not to mention a large battleship, even a small meteorite can be easily found.

The other party didn’t want them to find out that human civilization couldn’t even find the other party. Ye Su once again had a clear understanding of the strength of this unknown Guardian Alliance. The strength of the other party far surpassed human civilization!

Ye Su is still very clear about the other party’s existence, and also does not know the other party’s means of attack. However, it can be expected that once the other party launches an attack, the means of attack must be unprecedented and violent, beyond the current human beings. The level of scientific and technological understanding of civilization, everything he is doing now is likely to be useless.

“It doesn’t matter, everything I do now is doing my best, even if it is really irresistible, I am worthy of human civilization. To be a slave civilization, unless all human beings are dead, when will it be our turn to give Other people’s slave civilization!” A ruthless energy rose in Ye Su’s heart, and he is now fearless, anyway, everything he can do now has been done, as for the final outcome, it is not something he can control got 0……

“Ye Su, I have a new analysis data here, which was passed to me by Nuwa. Take a look at it. It is about the existence of the enemy and some predictions about the means of attack. This is very beneficial for us to prevent the opponent’s attack.” Creation Again/Send a top-secret document to Ye Su.

Nuwa is the highest-level photonic computer developed by human beings. The computing power has reached an unprecedented height. Even after installing a new photonic structure, Nuwa initially has artificial intelligence, which is different from human-made artificial intelligence. This kind of artificial intelligence is more inclined to a kind of mechanical life, which is the same intelligent mechanical life as creation, but 2.7 is far less than creation in emotional expression.

But when it comes to computing data, creation is incomparable. It can even be said that in photon computing, Nu Wa can directly kill creation in seconds. This is a fact that creation has to admit!

“The current form of the other party’s existence is unknown. According to calculations, it is very likely that he used some kind of stealth ability to escape the detection of our optical detector. This stealth ability is very powerful.”.

Chapter 379 Can’t defend, can’t defend!

“You can even avoid naked eye observation and achieve true stealth. The other party has mastered the super-light speed navigation capability and super-distance quantum communication technology. In terms of technology, it is far beyond human civilization.”

Ye Su quickly checked the document, but his frown deepened. Based on the analysis data Nuwa gave him, human civilization is almost extremely weak, and it is likely that there is no resistance in the opponent’s hands.

“Superlight navigation technology, which means that the other party’s understanding of space is beyond our imagination. It is likely that they have mastered some kind of space wormhole technology and apply space to their own weapon systems. Then the other party may have black hole bombs, Super-technological weapons such as space shock bombs directly destroy our civilization, even without these, the opponent has almost invincible attack capabilities in the state of super-light speed!”

“This kind of attack ability… 07 can easily tear apart the shell of our battleship, while the opponent is indestructible. This kind of attack method cannot be defended… It cannot be attacked!”

“Of course, the other party is also very likely to have mastered antimatter, and can create antimatter bombs, directly construct a matter that is the opposite of positive matter, to disintegrate all the civilization creations of human civilization now, and block all my means of resistance. How can we escape the opponent’s control!”

“Antimatter bombs… can’t defend!”

“Black Hole Bomb… Undefensible!”

“Fast speed sailing attack… can’t defend!”


The dense data flowed through Ye Su’s eyes like a waterfall. These are all predictions about the Guardian Alliance. According to some of the methods and technologies that the other party is showing, they can make reasonable predictions, but the final result made Ye Su’s predictions. Su was a little desperate.

No defense, no defense, no matter what kind of technology the opponent masters, it is not something that human civilization can defend against now. Compared with the Kabu civilization crisis, the current situation makes Ye Su feel unprecedented despair. It is a kind of The kind of despair that cannot be defended at all.

“I can’t give up, absolutely can’t give up. Behind me is the entire human civilization. Since I choose to start a war, I must be responsible for this war!” Ye Su came back to his senses and began to wait quietly.

So far, he has not been able to discover the existence of the other party, and Ye Su doesn’t even know what the other party is now. This feeling of powerlessness makes him a little frustrated, let alone what attack methods the other party has.

In this case, it is better to wait for the other party to attack first, so that at least some understanding of the other party.


“Forerunners of unfamiliar civilizations, please think carefully. Once the time is over, if you don’t choose to submit, I will forcefully remove your civilization and force you to imprison!”


The scarlet countdown fell on Ye Su’s heart every second, and his breathing was a little heavier. The other party seemed to understand the psychology, which put a lot of pressure on him.

“The interstellar defense system has been turned on, the full-scale combat deployment of Planet Gliese 2, Planet Gliese 3, and Planet Gliese has been turned on, the planetary fortress has entered a first-level combat state, the planetary railgun has been recharged, and the interstellar fleet has entered. 153 into the scheduled attack track, ready for battle at any time!”

After Creation took over the control of the fleet, all preparations were proceeding rapidly, and some fighters had also entered combat positions, but most of them were still in control. This also has an advantage, that is, once the unknown Guardian civilization Going into battle, these ships and so on are definitely the first targets to be destroyed, there won’t be that many combatants by then and losses will be minimized.

Ye Su was sitting on the stone chair in the garden. The cold touch made him clear again. The whole garden has been guarded. Lin Qiao, Liu Ziyue and all unrelated people have all been evacuated. Countless guards have wrapped the garden, hiding all kinds of The weapon has also been fully charged, ready to be put into battle at any time.

Chapter 380 The countdown is over

Ye Su’s eyes were inexplicable, and there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth. The sudden crisis still caught him off guard.

“I know this day will come sooner or later, but I didn’t expect it to come so fast. It’s only less than ten years. If you give me another thousand years, no, five hundred years of development time, then the strength of human civilization will be Entering a new height without even having the strength to resist, this feeling is really embarrassing!”

After the destruction of the Kabu civilization, the scientific and technological development of human civilization has been very fast and smooth, with almost no obstacles. The level of technology has almost risen to a new height in just ten years. The scientific and technological achievements of the cloth civilization have absorbed less than 50%, not even half. Many scientific research projects are still in the experimental stage and have reached the final stage.

For example, energy barrier technology, genetic optimization fluid projects, etc., and even particle colliders have just been built and have not had time to test and run.

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