After Buying Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

Chapter 67

Chapter 67:

The movie starts quickly.

At the front of the movie, the reason for the birth of Batman in the comics was quickly interpreted at a very fast speed.

Then, the real king of Gotham City, Bruce Wayne, appeared.

More than an hour passed quickly, and the first film screening was over.

Everyone’s expressions were gloomy and uncertain, and at the same time they cast doubtful glances at Steve Kevin, who was sleeping soundly beside him.

Compared with Steve’s previous films, this movie is in addition to the extreme artistic picture, as well as the portrayal of Batman and the characterization of the Joker.

As far as the storyline is concerned, it is a very ordinary Batman work.

Make money, you can make money.

But it can only make a small profit, which seems to be a bit incompatible with Kevin’s identity.

At the critical moment, it was Robinov who stopped these criticisms.

Robinoff would never believe a movie that could make Steve Kevin so confident, only to such an extent.

So, the best part of the movie is definitely the second part.

At the end of the first part, the joker’s smile and words are obviously paving the way. He and Batman will have a wonderful and witty battle in the second part.

With everyone agreeing that they wanted to see a good showdown between the Joker and Batman, the second movie also started streaming seamlessly.

The second film, from the beginning, pointed out the nature of Batman and the Joker being one and the same.

If Batman is the emperor on the face of Gotham City, then the Joker is the evil king of Gotham City, the incarnation of chaos.

The movie passed several fast and majestic bridges, and mastered the audience’s G-spot very well.

Keep everyone’s eyes firmly on the screen.

A battle based on outlook on life, values, and world outlook has begun.

Under the persecution of the clown step by step, Batman witnessed the death of his girlfriend and the degeneration of his friend, and gradually transformed Batman into the appearance of the next clown.

All this even made the audience begin to sympathize with Bruce.

People watch Bruce being played by the Joker, and they look forward to Batman’s final lore.

Yes, superhero movies, the protagonist superhero is impossible to fail.

Therefore, everyone present knew.

Batman will eventually be able to win, but this victory is so cruel.

The movie came to an end quickly.

“Clap clap clap!”

The applause that resounded in his ears woke Kevin from his sleep.

Everyone looked into Kevin’s eyes without any doubt.

Kevin’s product must be a high-quality product. Such a concept is firmly imprinted in everyone’s heart.

Kevin stood up as usual, looked around, and then asked leisurely:

“What do you think of this dark knight?”

“God’s work!”

“There is no doubt that this is a masterpiece among masterpieces.”

Among the film managers, a very senior manager stood up and said loudly.

After a few movies, this movie manager has completely become Kevin’s support. Regarding the quality of Kevin’s movies, he has now reached the point of superstition.

Chapter 108 Film Critics Under Capital

“We also believe that this is a masterpiece, a perfect blend of thought, artistry, and business.”

The rest of the film managers expressed their opinions one after another.

Listen to the views of the film managers.

Robinoff shared a smile with several executives.

There are many backgrounds of big companies, and film managers are undoubtedly a crucial part of these big film companies.

It is up to them to check, each from different professional fields, invest in each Warner or invest, or be responsible for the distribution of the film.

Generally speaking, a B-rated movie is a movie that can make money.

As for earning more and earning less, even a professional cannot judge.

But if a movie is rated as a masterpiece, then the upper limit is suddenly high.

According to Warner’s internal settings, it is at least rushing to the top five of the annual North American box office, and this can already ensure that the film company makes a lot of money.

Therefore, after hearing these words, this smile appeared on their faces.

Robinov walked up to Kevin and said with a smile:

“Kevin, congratulations, it seems that Chen Xi and Warner are going to make a lot of money again.”

“Let us leave the publicity in advance. We will arrange the specific schedule and premiere in advance. You can take a good rest for a few days.”

Kevin nodded and did not reject Warner’s kindness.

These are skilful processes that large companies have gone through countless times.

“The promotion fee, or the amount of 20 million US dollars?”

Kevin asked directly.

Kevin has never believed in the fragrance of wine and is not afraid of deep alleys. Now that the Internet age has not come fully, the cost of publicity is unknown.

Only the top $20 million can guarantee the release of Batman The Dark Knight and be seen by all Americans.

Only his Dark Knight can achieve the best results.

On the whole, in fact, the style of Batman Dark Knight is dark, but the IP of Batman saved this dark style.

Let people, through this IP, calm down and carefully appreciate the deep meaning of this.

That’s why the original Batman Dark Knight was so successful.

If it is replaced by a pure crime film, it can be a good work, but it is difficult to be a masterpiece.

Robinov nodded. He had already invested so much money. Now that he saw the harvest time, and the crops were growing well, naturally he would not save this money any more.

“The propaganda standard is still based on 20 million.”

Speaking of this, Kevin briefly discussed the promotion plan of the movie with him.

Compared with the family carnival of Pirates of the Caribbean, the audience of The Dark Knight is actually much smaller, but on the other hand, the Dark Knight also has the IP blessing of Batman, the largest IP in the United States.

This is doomed, the Dark Knight’s attention is much higher than that of Pirates of the Caribbean.

So what The Dark Knight needs is a lot of positive reviews from critics, and positive reviews from fans.

To establish an absolutely good reputation in public opinion, otherwise.

Even with bipolar reviews, it’s hard to say whether The Dark Knight’s box office will suffer.

After listening to Kevin’s opinion, Robinov nodded confidently and responded:

“Don’t worry, leave it to us. We are Warner Bros. Pictures, a big company that existed when Hollywood appeared. Warner has done this many times.”

“You can’t go wrong, just let it go and deal with other things. We will invite you when the movie premieres.”

Kevin nodded.

Batman and Pirates of the Caribbean have different audiences, so the roadshow propaganda similar to Pirates of the Caribbean cannot be directly applied to Batman.

To be honest, in the non-Internet era, the propaganda method that Kevin knew about recruiting navy soldiers in the Internet era could not make waves for the time being.

At present, when it comes to publicity methods, in fact, Kevin is far from being able to compare with the experience that Warner has summarized over the years.

Maybe some people are almighty after being reborn, but Kevin knows very well that he is not.

Professional things are left to professional people. He only needs to do his best as a director.

The next time schedule is very simple, Kevin goes to his own business.

On the Warners side, the promotion of Batman began.

Word of mouth is built from film critics, so a large-scale screening is essential.


A few days later, within Warner, more than 20 well-known film critics in the industry, as well as many less well-known film critics, added up to a total of hundreds of film critics, came to a movie theater under Warner.

A Warner executive stood up with a warm smile on his face:

“Welcome all film critics to the preview of The Dark Knight of Batman. We have also prepared some gifts for all film critics. You can take them away after the viewing is over.”

“Now, please watch the Dark Knight two films carefully, and then make a proper review of the movie.”

Obviously, there is no mention of money between the lines, but the film critics below all smiled knowingly.

Generally speaking, film companies hold trial screenings for two purposes. One is to create a good reputation for bad films when they are released, thereby deceiving audiences into entering the cinema.

Although this is the case, generally speaking, the subsequent drop in the box office will be very exaggerated.

But anyway, it’s much more than the money paid to the film critics.

It’s a lucrative deal.

The other is a really good movie, it just needs them to build a good reputation for the movie in advance to make the premiere box office more beautiful.

These two purposes are actually quite distinguishable.

You can see if you have invited some of the most famous film critics in the industry by watching the preview.

Generally speaking, these famous film critics earn a lot of money and cherish their reputation, and they will not advocate for bad film platforms.

Otherwise, the reputation will be rotten and the loss will be even greater.

Unless…the film company is willing to pay a huge price for it and add money crazy, it is possible to make an exception to preach that once or twice, and this can be barely explained.

After all, the quality of film is sometimes a very subjective thing.

Of course, people in the industry know that in this case, most of them are due to receiving money.

Just like in the previous life, the famous movie, the **** case caused by a steamed bun, was madly praised by many film critics as a good movie when it was just released at that time.

I don’t know how much the producer behind the movie has contributed to that movie.

Unfortunately, the audience’s eyes are sharp, and a bad movie is not good.

As soon as the executive’s voice fell, film critics took their seats and began to watch the movies that Warner spent so much public relations expenses, what kind of high-quality movies.

Chapter 109 Batman Screening

Before the movie started to play, hundreds of film critics chatted with film critics they knew well.

Among them, a film critic with gray hair who looks like a stubborn old white man, ranted about Batman Dark Knight before he saw the movie:

“I think, at most, this is a commercial blockbuster, with deep artistry. Thinking about it, I know it’s impossible.”

“Look at the movies made by Steve Kevin, the Chainsaw, the blood plasma horror movies, there is no artistic connotation at all.”

“Mission Impossible, agent action movies, and no art at all.”

“And last year’s Pirates of the Caribbean, which was equally unartistic.”

“I also escaped from Breakthrough and discussed the discrimination faced by black people in the United States, but in essence, it is just a commercial film.”

“I admit, he’s obviously very good at making commercial films, but unfortunately, to be honest, these movies are a pile of garbage in my opinion.”


The words of the old white man have obviously attracted the approval of those well-known film critics.

A director who focuses on commercial blockbusters is a treasure in the eyes of Hollywood studios, but in their eyes, it is garbage.

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