After Buying Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

Chapter 68

Chapter 68:

Only those directors who focus on art films and literary films are good directors in their mouths.

The reason is very simple, the **** determines the head.

The box office of literary films is generally not high. The box office height that film critics can decide is the difference between life and death for literary films.

To put it simply, Wen Qing is so foolish.

Most of the literary youths who watch literary films are easily led into the ditch by the words of film critics.

In contrast, commercial blockbusters are completely different.

As far as a real big production is concerned, the box office of hundreds of millions is not something that ordinary film critics can control. Even if the film critics unanimously criticize it, it will cause a loss of tens of millions of dollars at most.

Not to decide life and death.

Of course, few film critics do this. You know, rashly commenting on a big production by a big company has serious consequences.

This will lead to strong counterattacks from big companies. As far as the media forces behind these big Hollywood companies are concerned, if you are serious, it should not be too simple to block an ordinary film critic.

You must know that most film critics rely on one, or perhaps several, newspapers to exist.

If these big companies say a word, the newspaper may simply not receive the manuscript.

No matter how good a film review is, it is meaningless without any newspapers asking for it.

After all, the core income of film critics now is actually the red envelopes earned by helping film companies to promote films.

Those big film critics, with a film review worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, make more money, and all this money is given by the film company.

When you take other people’s money, you need to recognize your own identity.

When these film critics denounced Steve Kevin one after another, the famous film critic Roger Ebert looked at the other people who were harassing him with a look of disdain on his face.

“A bunch of idiots who can’t see the situation clearly.”

Yes, that’s what he said about this group of film critics.

In essence, film critics are parasites sucking the blood of film companies, and they rely on film companies to exist.

Use your influence over the audience, or threaten, or accept bribes to earn the PR dollars paid by the film companies.

This means that film critics are absolutely vulnerable in front of film companies.

And Steve Kevin, is no longer an ordinary director, but a major shareholder of MGM, and a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of millions.

Do you really think others are easy to deal with?

Annoying Steve Kevin, the consequences are not so simple.

Roger Ebert has long made up his mind to tout Steve Kevin more in the media and make a good relationship in advance.

He had a hunch, Steve Kevin, the future is definitely a great big man in Hollywood, it is absolutely right to make a relationship in advance.

Under the hustle and bustle, the movie soon began to play.

In order to unleash the charm of the Dark Knight to the greatest extent, Warner Bros. will play the two episodes of the Dark Knight at one time in this screening.

At the same time, in order to prevent the leakage of the plot, Warner also signed extremely strict contracts with these film critics to prevent them from revealing the plot in advance.

Of course, these are all inevitable.

Film critics also know this kind of rule, and no one dares to offend it, otherwise, let’s not say whether the film critic can do it or not.

It is enough for the light film company to claim against them with a contract that they will live the worst of their lives for the rest of their lives.

This was done once by MGM, who took the film critic who revealed the plot to court and successfully won the lawsuit.

And that well-known film critic, after paying all his wealth to MGM, chose to go bankrupt directly.

Become a homeless man on the street.

From then on, all film critics, on the day they became film critics, took this point firmly in their hearts.

The projectionists turned off the lights in the theater, and the film critics quickly quieted down. These people still have basic professionalism.

The movie screen lights up, and after the intro to Warner’s classic WB, the movie begins.

“Bruce, we love you.”

The title shows Batman’s childhood nightmares to these people in a quick flashback.

Everyone was expressionless and continued to watch the movie.

The birth of Batman is almost a well-known thing. In the past Batman, this scene will not be focused on shooting.

What was Steve Kevin’s purpose in portraying this scene?

The next moment, the noble Batman played by Christian Bale woke up from his manor.

Butler Ah Fu came over and said with a worried look:

“Bruce, have another nightmare?”

A flash of memory flashed in Bruce’s eyes.

“Is this Bruce? I can’t take it!”

The movie has just started, and someone immediately expressed their dissatisfaction.

Kevin made a huge adjustment to the image of Batman, making Batman more like a noble boy when he was not wearing a Batman suit.

The daily and combat image of Batman is completely pulled apart.

This is obviously different from Bruce in the comics, and there are naturally DC comics fans among film critics.

Seeing this scene, I immediately questioned it.

However, more film critics remained silent and watched the film silently.


On the other side, Kevin here, while Warners side prepares the movie promotion, Kevin is busy with how to revitalize the Marvel universe.

Although it is not so urgent, it is definitely necessary to arrange in advance.

You must know that in the past life, it took Marvel a full twelve years to build on the Marvel Universe.

Through as many as dozens of Marvel movies and TV comics, Marvel Earth-

[Wind’s Extreme “Cloud の本” chat group 709972818]

[Wind’s Extreme “Cloud の本” chat group 709972818]

– Universe 616.

And such an IP has brought tens of billions of dollars in revenue to Marvel.

Chapter 110 Recruiting Stan Lee

The benefits are staggering.

And through the IP of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, people realize that behind the big IP of Marvel, there is a hidden value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

This has created Disney’s status as the only Hollywood supergiant.

Among them, the role of Kevin Feige, the original president of Marvel, can be replaced by Kevin himself.

Of course, he will not let go of the talent of Kevin Feige.

On the other hand, there is one person who plays a vital role in building the Marvel Universe.

That is the core character of Marvel Comics, the author of the important popular characters of Marvel, such as X-Men, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Hulk and so on.

Stan Lee!

This name, but anyone who knows a little about Marvel knows it.

Only by designing the Marvel Cinematic Universe can he be able to create a flawless cinematic universe more perfectly.

In the Marvel Universe of the previous life, there are too many flaws in Kevin’s view, and there are many places that cannot be justified.

In Kevin’s view, the biggest reason is that from the beginning, Marvel didn’t think about this plan clearly.

The plan of the Marvel Universe is slowly formed and then perfected step by step.

In this way, many bugs will naturally be left behind.

What if all this was planned in advance?

With this idea in mind, Kevin learned where Stan Lee lives from the mouths of several old Marvel employees in these days.

Came to Stan Lee’s residence in Los Angeles with the bodyguard.

Looking at the single-family villa in front of him, Kevin stepped forward.

Ringing the doorbell, Kevin said politely to the walkie-talkie at the door:

“Hello, I’m the president of Marvel. I’m looking for Mr. Stan Lee. Is he there?”

After a while, a mean-looking nanny came out and looked at Kevin and the two bodyguards standing behind him with sharp eyes.

Yes, Kevin hired another bodyguard.

As Kevin’s status in Hollywood is getting higher and higher, and he is getting richer and richer, in order to prevent being targeted by some people, there will be a robbery or kidnapping.

Kevin asked Chen Zhiwen to find a fellow to be a bodyguard.

For safety, Kevin even paid them a gun license, and both of them were carrying at least two guns at this time.

In this case, if it can still happen.

Then Kevin’s defense is useless. After all, he can’t carry a special team with him.

It seems that he observed that Kevin’s identity is not bad, coupled with the deterrence of two strong bodyguards, the nanny’s original mean expression eased, and his tone was flat:

“Please wait a moment, I’ll talk to Mr. Stan Lee and see if he wants to see you.”

Kevin took out a thousand dollars from his arms and handed it over with a smile, adding:

“Please tell the old man that I came to him with something very important related to Marvel.”

“The money···”

The mean nanny’s face, under the temptation of a thousand dollars, was like a chrysanthemum blooming, smoothing the mean face.

“Leave it to me, the old man will meet you. Of course, I don’t know if the specific things you want to talk about will be successful or not.”

While speaking, the nanny made no secret of her greed and snatched between a thousand dollars.

Then he closed the door and went in to report.


“Mr. Stan Lee, a man who claims to be the president of Marvel, has come to you, saying that he has a very important matter related to Marvel.”

Seventy-three-year-old Stan Lee, who is still in good health, is sitting in a rocking chair reading a newspaper.

Hearing the nanny’s words, his face showed disgust.

Ronald Perelman, the boss and president of Marvel, has implemented a series of measures since he took office, not only failed to bring Marvel back to life.

On the contrary, it made Marvel’s various situations worse and worse.

And he, one of the main creators of Marvel, is not taken seriously in front of him.

The disheartened Stan Lee had long since stepped into retirement time. When he heard Ronald Perelman coming to him, he immediately turned down and refused.

The nanny did not expect that Stan Lee would refuse so quickly, and when she thought of the thousand dollars in her hand, she quickly said:

“Sir, I think it’s best for you to see him. From his expression, it seems really important.”

“Haven’t you been following the development of Marvel?”

Ten thousand thoughts flashed through Stan Lee’s heart, but in the end he couldn’t let go of the Marvel that he brought up with one hand, he sighed, and then said slowly:

“You let them in.”

The nanny looked happy, as if she was afraid that Stan Lee would change his mind, and quickly responded with a yes, and hurried to the door to open the door.

After coming in, she could have peace of mind for this thousand dollars.

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