After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 21

Chapter 20: Sense Of Belonging

There are no outsiders in the dedicated elevator.

It was supposed to be a spacious and empty space, but Gu Junwan had a feeling of being crowded.

The alha beside him is standing too close to him!

The crisp scent of cedar vaguely permeated the space, wafting around the Empress Omega like a cloud.

It felt like being gently embraced by the other party.

Heartwarming and reassuring.

The elevator soon climbed to the tarmac on the top of the apartment building.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator door, Shen Han was stunned.

In the roof area of Nuoda, there is only one floating car parked.

Even if Shen Han has no research on the floating car in this world, he can judge from the appearance of the car in front of him that its value is extremely valuable.

Maybe because he was afraid that he would be wrong.

Shen Han suddenly looked away from the floating car and looked around the roof.

She inexplicably remembered that she had watched an idol drama before crossing the road.

In the play, the boss takes the heroine to a luxury car. After the heroine was excited for a long time, he pushed out a bicycle from the trunk and gave it to the other party.

Of course, Shen Han knew that Gu Junwan wouldn’t play such a prank.

But it is better to be cautious than to make an oolong.

The alha beside her looked around, making Gu Junwan a little unsure whether the other party liked the gift she chose.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to take a look inside the car?”

As Gu Junwan’s voice fell, the flying dragon Myron, not far ahead, suddenly turned on the headlights.

The crescent-shaped lamp eyebrows and the slightly downward-sloping lamp group lit up at first glance, like a sleeping beast suddenly opening its eyes.

The sound of the engine is low and sweet, like the sound of a cello.

The smooth body lines are elegant and full of a sense of power ready to go.

The moment Gu Junwan saw this model, she felt that it matched Shen Han’s temperament very well.

“This is for me?”

Shen Han’s voice was full of excitement, she turned her head to look at the people around her, and wanted to pick up the arrogant empress and turn around three times.

But when he thought that Xu Zhao was still watching, he was embarrassed to do so.

She took the next step, seemingly inadvertently, but in fact, she held Gu Junwan’s hand very accurately, and walked quickly towards the side hatch of the floating car.

Empress Omega’s palm is delicate and slender, and Shen Han is reluctant to let it go.

In order to distract the other party’s attention, she also quickly found a topic: “Student Gu, you are amazing! This floating car is just my dream type, but it’s too expensive!”

Gu Junwan was held tightly by her, and the heat from the other’s palm penetrated through her skin and directly reached her heart.

Every beat of the heart seems to be filled with the warmth of a cedar scent.

Naturally, she would not tell Shen Han about the questionnaire test.

He just avoided the important and said lightly: “You like it. Listen to Instructor Liu, the next training will be more relaxed. When you are free, you can drive out for a walk, and you don’t have to be bored at the station all the time.”

Xu Zhao followed, intending to be a silent little transparent.

But I heard that my daughter-in-law’s words were too shallow, so I couldn’t help but say: “Your Majesty has even applied for the authorization of the passage of the waterway for you.”

“You can drive all public routes within the Free Federation territory for a full time limit. Of course, based on the current situation, you’d better not go to the three northern jurisdictions at will.”

Realizing that his own words might be a little too much, Xu special assistant hurriedly lowered his eyes as soon as he finished speaking.

He successfully avoided the glance of Her Majesty’s majesty.

Gu Junwan didn’t want to mention this in front of Shen Han.

She was afraid that she would put too much pressure on the other party.

After all, most of the alhas have a strong desire to win and conquer.

Not to mention that Shen Han is an S-level alha who is excellent in all aspects.

Thinking of this, Gu Junwan secretly looked at the faces of the people beside her.

But seeing the alha holding him, the corners of his brows and eyes were filled with joy.

There was no trace of discomfort in his expression.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

The two quickly came to the side hatch.

After Shen Han completed the identity verification, Gu Junwan handed the activation key that she had just used to the assistant, so that the other party could directly delete the program code in the key.

This means that in this world, only Shen Han can start the Flying Dragon Myron.

Of course, if she sets the sharing rights to others, that’s another matter.

Seeing that alha pulled his mistress directly into the car.

Special assistant Xu struggled for a while, and finally got into the floating car.

The interior is spacious and the occupants can stand up straight and move around.

In addition to the two cockpits of the main driver and the co-pilot, there are six positions at the back.

Xu Zhao was very conscious. After getting in the car, he sat down silently in the back seat and fastened his seat belt.

I also know that, after getting such a new gift, the test flight is definitely a test flight.

She has even set special access permissions in advance. This time, the floating car will not be routinely checked when she flies out of the station area.

I just hope that I won’t fly too far with the lady, so as not to be unsafe.

The engine hummed low, and the dragon was entrenched in the sky as its name suggests.

The night of the whole city turns into a beautiful light strip, inlaid in the mountains and rivers that symbolize freedom.

After driving the floating car into a remote channel, Shen Han switched to the autopilot mode.

She turned her face to the side, looking at the Omega in the co-cockpit.

Today’s Gu Junwan is wearing a long black dress, which makes her already soft and white skin more moist like jade.

Slightly curly hair draped lazily on her shoulders, revealing a graceful swan-like neck curve.

At the same time of gentleness and atmosphere, it also reveals a sense of mystery, which has the charm of ancient songs of oriental beauties.

At this moment, Shen Han suddenly felt an indescribable sense of stability and belonging in his heart.

This is the first time she has felt this way since crossing into this strange world.

Even if I can’t go back, it doesn’t seem to matter.

Because, there is Gu Junwan here.

Perhaps the alha in the main cockpit looked a little hot.

Or maybe it was the cedar scent that was entangled towards him getting stronger.

Gu Junwan couldn’t continue to pretend that she didn’t know that the other party had been staring at her.

“What’s wrong?” She raised her hand and tucked a strand of hair on the side of her face behind her ear, and asked softly with her head turned sideways.

Shen Han was not in the embarrassment of being suddenly caught.

She unfastened her seat belt, stood up, and looked very natural: “There are several function keys over there, I don’t think I have seen them.”

After switching to automatic driving mode, the steering wheel and some devices are retracted into the console.

Without the restraint of the equipment, Shen Han went straight to the co-cockpit.

At this time, Gu Junwan also unbuckled the seat belt and stood up from the seat.

Following alha’s gaze, he began to look for uncommon function keys on the control panel.

“Which one are you talking about?”

As soon as the simple question was spoken, Empress Omega’s slender back tightened.

Because Shen Han stood quietly behind her, his arm rubbed against the snow muscle of her forearm that was not covered by her skirt sleeve, pointed to a button in front of her, and said seriously, “That.”

The gentle cedar gently wrapped Gu Junwan from behind.

The two were so close together that Omega felt like he was being hugged by each other.

But in fact, it is not quite accurate to say that it is hugging, because Shen Han did not withdraw his arms to embrace the other party in his arms.

She just, secretly circled the other party in the small area between herself and the console.

The faint fragrance of the cold plum lingered in the nose, making every inch of alha’s flesh and blood rejoice.

Her other palm rested lightly on the edge of the console, with obvious blue veins crawling on the back of her hand.

Gu Junwan suppressed her gradually accelerating heartbeat and tried her best to keep her voice steady: “That’s the warning button.”

After she finished speaking, she wanted to escape from the confinement of Cedar.

But before she could move to the side, she had already noticed that there was a slender white palm on the side of the console on her waist.

Cedar and Lengmei comforted each other in a small space, dispelling the exhaustion of the female emperor Omega from her high-intensity work.

It also expelled the loneliness that Shen Han had hidden deep in his heart after traveling through another world.

The two of them stood close to each other in front of the console, asking and answering questions from time to time, talking about the sparse and common function keys in the car.

The holographic projection advertisement over the city is gorgeous and dreamy, like a picture scroll slowly unfolding in the night sky.

Shen Han’s floating car passed through the light and shadow of the picture, like a whale that came out of an isolated island and shuttled in the free ocean.

Special assistant Xu shrunk silently in the cockpit chair, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

She regretted that she had followed suit.

I want to get off now, it’s too late

The next training time for the guards, as Gu Junwan said, was a little bit more relaxed.

That evening, after the special training, Ning Xi directly grabbed Shen Han and the latter’s little follower, Ma Haoyu.

“Have a rest tomorrow, and have a good time tonight, no matter what! Boss, you can’t refuse me any more, or I’ll be angry!”

Ningxi proposed to go to a bar.

Shen Han figured that Gu should not come to the apartment to look for him tonight, so he nodded and agreed.

To be honest, she was also a little curious.

Will the entertainment place in this world be different from the water blue planet before you crossed?

The three discussed where to meet, and then went back to their residences to clean up.

Ma Haoyu was the quickest. His dormitory was also in the station. After changing a shirt, he ran to Shen Han’s apartment.

He has long known that the other party lives in this high-end apartment, but today is the first time he has come back.

I don’t know if it’s because people here don’t move around very much or for some other reason.

As Ma Haoyu walked along the way, he did not meet many people.

Through the security and access control system, Ma Haoyu took the elevator up and easily found the room where Shen Han lived.

After entering the house.

He looked around the house, which looked simple but actually were all the latest appliances, and said in surprise, “Boss, I didn’t expect you to have such high demands on the quality of life!”

“Does it cost a lot of money?”

Shen Han walked towards the living room while holding his hair.

Hearing Ma Haoyu’s question, she was also a little surprised: “No money, isn’t this the dormitory that the resident arranged for us?”

After speaking, I saw the little man in front of him with a stunned expression.

Shen Han handed him a bottle of water and added: “Isn’t the dormitory you live in like this?”

Ma Haoyu shook his head a little sourly.

If he hears that he can’t guess that all this is the work of the female gentleman, the special agent training he has received before is considered blind.

He raised his head and took a sip of ice to keep himself calm.

But I couldn’t help muttering in my heart: Do you think anyone can have a girlfriend like a female gentleman like you?

The two went out and took the elevator to the top of the building.

When Ma Haoyu saw the only flying dragon on the tarmac, Myron was started by Shen Han.

The whole person turned sour into a lemon.

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