After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 22

Chapter 21: Bar

The floating car galloped all the way, passed through the envious gazes, and came to the meeting place agreed with Ning Xi.

When I saw that Flying Dragon Myron slowly landed.

Ning Xi quickly took out her mobile phone, took a small video, and sent it to a small group of three.

【my God! Look, a world-limited flying dragon stopped beside me! 】

The group responded quickly.

Ma Haoyu took a picture of the inside of the car and threw it into the group.

[What a coincidence, I saw the flying dragon with my own eyes today, and I’m still sitting in the cabin now. 】

Ning Xi lowered her head and stared at the scene on the screen where Shen Han was parked, her eyes almost popping out.

The Flying Dragon is her dream car.

But even if Ning’s family is well-off, this kind of global limited edition model is not something she can buy if she wants to.

Because that’s not just a matter of high costs.

Purchasing qualifications, waterway access, and vehicle costs can all be daunting for a mid-sized family.

Until I saw Shen Han and Ma Haoyu getting off the floating car.

Ning Xi still couldn’t believe what she saw was true.

Seeing Ning Xi’s jaw-dropping appearance, Ma Haoyu immediately felt a lot of psychological balance.

Ning Xi circled the floating car three times, and a series of questions made Shen Han’s eardrums hurt.

She scratched her face shyly, and there was a hint of secret pride in her smile: “It was given by someone else, but her identity is not yet revealed.”

Hearing this, Ning Xi hooked her shoulders and asked, “Which big chaebol Omega is that? Tell me.”

Shen Han smiled without saying a word.

Seeing that the other party was really unwilling to reveal it, Ning Xi stopped asking.

Pulling away from the excitement of seeing the dream car, she then paid attention to the clothes of the two people in front of her.

Ma Haoyu had a baby face, a white shirt and sweatpants, and he looked like a student who had just skipped class.

And Shen Han is no better than a small one.

Denim shirt, black slacks, canvas shoes.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like the person who drives the Flying Dragon Myron!

Realizing that she still hadn’t read the article about the floating car, Ning Xi felt a little embarrassed.

Lien urged the two of them to get into the car quickly, and also shouted that he would let himself get over the addiction of driving first, and then go to the bar.

In fact, although Shen Han wears simple clothes, the domineering arrogance that the top alha brings out of her genes makes her attractive enough without any decoration.

Because of Ning Xi’s love for the dream car, the three of them flew on the channel for more than four hours.

When we arrived at the blue bar, it was close to 12 o’clock in the night.

And Shen Han’s original plan was to go home only after 12 o’clock.

This time, close to the early morning, is when the major bars really get up.

Ning Xi was a frequent visitor here, and took Shen Han and the two directly through the VIP passage to the first floor area of Azure.

The deafening rhythm of electronic music and the smell of various ambiguous pheromones rushed to the face, causing Shen Han to frown slightly.

“This is the dance floor area. It’s quite chaotic. Many Omegas who want to be the winners of the list will release pheromones at strangers.”

“Let’s go directly to the box to play. It’s much quieter there, and Omega is very disciplined.”

Most of Ning Xi’s voice was drowned out by the loud electronic sound.

So much so that Shen Han didn’t hear what the other party was saying, and was pushed into a luxurious box.

As soon as he sat down, he was stuffed into a tablet in his hand.

On the warm-colored screen, messages from one Omega are lined up one after another.

Appearance, figure, specialty, price, taste of pheromone, and the level of service that can be accepted are all marked in detail.

Shen Han looked a little dumbfounded.

The situation at this moment made her feel like she was in a special clubhouse on the water blue planet.

The difference is that she went to the clubhouse to perform tasks before crossing.

But now, it is really in the selection of service personnel.

Looking at the remarks under some Omega messages that “temporary marks can be accepted”, Shen Han felt an inexplicable chill on his back.

Nima, isn’t this the equivalent of ‘whoring’!

If classmate Gu knew that he had come to such a place, would he misunderstand him?

Ning Xi sat next to Shen Han, seeing that the other party was staring at the screen and hadn’t clicked, thinking that the other party was embarrassed.

So he took out the tablet in the opponent’s hand and started to quickly press the check button on it.

“I’ll treat you to this event. Neither of you are allowed to rob me.”

“Just lively, don’t be nervous.”

When the words fell, she had already selected six Omegas.

They are all chatting with the guests in a proper manner and do not accept any marked service staff.

Although Ning Xi herself is a big radish, she can’t count the Omegas she has dated with her hands, but she can still handle things at the level of principle.

Six Omegas soon arrived in the box.

There are males and females, and they all have barrier stickers on the back of their necks.

The two most beautiful were directly arranged to sit next to Shen Han.

Seeing that the guest was very kind, Omega chatted with the other party warmly and generously, and hoped that the other party could order more drinks.

“Boss, do you want to play a game?”

“Yeah boss, let’s play the game, the loser will be punished for drinking.”

The two Omegas sang and drank.

Since they do not accept guest tags, their commissions are mainly derived from alcohol sales.

Shen Han thought for a while, and said, “Then let’s sing in a competition, and whoever sings well, that Boss Ning will open a bottle of Ace of Spades for whomever.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the six Omegas in the private room suddenly lit up.

You know, the ace of spades is the most expensive champagne in the store.

Getting a commission on a bottle is enough to keep them cashed all week.

Ten minutes later, the private room where the three of Shen Han were located was reduced to the scene of KTV Jingge Hegemony.

The three alhas were sitting on the leather sofa, eating the fruit plate, speechless and speechless.

And the six Omegas stood in line in front of the big screen to order songs, and even almost got into a fight for grabbing the microphone.

Ning Xi silently lit a cigarette for herself.

Xin said: I will never bring Shen Han to this kind of place again. The ambiguous atmosphere is so good, but she turned it into a mass-selling karaoke hall.

And it’s your own money!

Ma Haoyu was very happy, because he found out that there is an Omega who can sing popular songs of Xinliguo.

In order not to burden Ning Xi, he swiped his salary card and opened two more bottles of aces of spades.

In an instant, the entire private room went crazy.

When the K song competition was going on for nearly an hour, the box door was suddenly knocked open.

A newly differentiated Omega stumbled in.


The Omega service staff, who was singing, was taken aback, and the microphone fell to the ground, making a harsh tremolo.

Omega, who suddenly ran into the private room, was wearing a school uniform, and on his tear-stained face, a pair of deer-like eyes looked around in horror.

Before she could regain her senses, a group of alhas in black suits appeared at the door.

“Dear guests, I’m really sorry to disturb your Yaxing.”

After speaking, one of them strode forward, preparing to take the reckless Omega away.

Jiang Shuyi was scared to death.

She just wanted to do some part-time jobs when she was not busy with schoolwork to ease the family’s debt.

After being introduced by my classmate, I realized that what the people here want is their first token rights!

She managed to escape from that little dark room with great difficulty.

Unexpectedly, the place that was easy to pass through when entering, suddenly became as complicated as a labyrinth when going out.

She whimpered and hid in this sensual maze, and finally pushed open the door of the box where Shen Han was.

Right now, seeing those black suits coming to grab her again, she didn’t know where she got the courage to run to the fairest and most beautiful alha.

Leaning on the other’s lap, he pleaded softly, “Please, don’t let them take me away.”

Shen Han calmly retracted his retreat, and then asked her two questions.

“How old are you?”

“How did you get here?”

She remembered that Gu Junwan once said to herself that the original intention of the Free Federation was to establish equal rights.

All groups of people, regardless of their attributes, enjoy equal rights and equal protection.

In this land, it is illegal to force Omega to do some pickling.

Jiang Shuyi hurriedly replied: “I am 16 years old and I am in high school in a public school in my jurisdiction.”

“I just want to work part-time to make up for my family. I didn’t think about selling my right to mark.”

The last sentence is almost inaudible.

But Shen Han still heard it clearly.

“This guest, each line has its own rules, and there are some things, please don’t ask more questions.”

The black suit at the head is an alha with some power.

There was a slight threat in his voice, and he was not afraid of the rich or expensive status of the guests in this box, and he directly reached out to pull Jiang Shuyi.

Seeing this scene, before Shen Han did anything, Ma Haoyu exploded.

He stood up, twisted the wrist of the black suit, and threw him to the door.

“Do you try again? Didn’t you see my boss talking to the little girl?”

Although the alha security guard in the blue bar has also practiced some skills, how can he be the opponent of the special **** team.

The other two men in black suits tried to pull forward, but Ma Haoyu threw them to the ground neatly.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the security guards did not dare to continue rushing.

Seven or eight alhas were standing at the door, and a beta hurriedly called the executives of the night show.

Inside the box.

Shen Han was still asking questions to high school student Omega, and Ning Xi on the side had already started sending text messages to call people.

All the comrades in the quasi-guardian can fight.

The problem tonight wasn’t on his side. Whatever happened, he couldn’t let people suppress his momentum.

Shen Han didn’t stop it.

According to the high school student, there are a dozen or so Omegas who have just split up in a small house in this bar.

Shen Han’s eyes narrowed slightly, staring at a small federal flag on the coffee table, wondering what he was thinking.

The executives of the night show soon came to the box with a group of people.

Wu Yangyang occupied most of Nuoda’s luxury bag.

“Yo, it turned out to be Miss Ning. You see, it’s my own family that caused the trouble. Don’t flood the Dragon King Temple!”

The executive was a middle-aged man surnamed Sun. As soon as he saw Ning Xi, he immediately put a smile on his face, but the latter didn’t like him at all.

“Who are you from your own family? Although my Ning family is also doing business at night, they are not bold enough to detain underage high school students.”

Seeing Ning Xi’s attitude, Manager Sun immediately knew that the other party would not have a good talk.

The originally smiling face suddenly turned gloomy like a conjuration.

He licked his back molars and said, “What does Miss Ning want?”

At this time, Shen Han suddenly stood up from the sofa, said to Ma Haoyu, who was beside him, “You bring your little classmates”, and started to walk out.

She smiled and looked at the leading executive: “It’s too boring here, why don’t we go to a brighter place and talk slowly.”

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