After Hitting 200 Million

Chapter 19

Chapter 29: Explore

“Chen Bing, sit down, why don’t you drink something? The things in the refrigerator are too cold. There is also a bottle of mineral water here. Why don’t you drink it, the mineral water is free.” Bai Xiaocheng took the mineral water , unscrewed the cover, and handed it to Chen Bing, “Chen Bing, our task is very arduous, let’s open our minds together, our new life has set sail, today is a very important day for me, I believe For you too, let’s cheer together, and one day in the future, we may be famous all over the world.”

“Xiao Cheng, I won’t call you Bai Dong anymore when there’s no one there, I’ll just call you Xiao Cheng, you can call me Sister Bing, you can call me Bing Bing, who made you the boss, today I I’m really happy, I haven’t been this happy in a long time.

I am a girl, and I also dream of having my own career one day, so I became the monitor, joined the student union, and then became the president, but now my president has retired.

I also thought about one day to stand out. It’s true that I have a beautiful appearance, but I prefer to have a vast sky.

Today you gave me a stage to display my talents, I won’t let you down, well, my testimonials are over, let’s get into the theme. “Chen Bing replied with a smile, “What we have to do now is to buy a house and a car. This is to buy a house. Now is the end of the year. Funds are tight, so it is a good opportunity to buy a house.”

For the sake of it once and for all, if you have sufficient funds, you can buy a better and well-decorated new house at one time. There are many things at this stage. As for the car, I don’t know the car. What is the name of our company, do you have a name? ”

“Chen Bing, there are only two of us now, and my own position is very clear, that is, the chairman.

If you are the general manager, you have a great responsibility. Although our employees are only you and me now, we will soon develop and grow. In the future, we will have to manage many people.

I’m not afraid of you being angry. You still need to grow up. With an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, you are actually an inappropriate candidate, but I still choose you. I am giving you a chance and giving myself a chance. I hope I am not wrong. You, I hope you can pick up the burden of a company,” Bai Xiaocheng said seriously.

“Bai Dong, I’m sorry, I thought it was simple. I treated you as a college student, and you will be the boss in the future. Don’t worry, I won’t let you down.” Chen Bing said through gritted teeth.

“Chen Bing, I will call you President Chen from now on. Let’s take the name of a group first. The first part of our future direction is tourism. This tourism is a popular industry. Now the people are getting richer and richer. What you want to do is to enjoy it. Of course, in addition to food and clothing, the most important thing for this enjoyment is traveling.

There are so many travel agencies now, especially the conditions for opening a travel agency are simple. A small-scale travel agency can be launched with a capital of 300,000 yuan and a deposit of 100,000 yuan. A 20-square-meter office can be established by recruiting a few employees. Can do all business.

What we need to do is to have a high starting point and be our own brand. There are leaders in any industry. Our goal is to be the leading year in the tourism industry!

First of all, we must stand firm, which depends on quality, and the most important thing is to introduce first-class talents.

The competition in this industry is ultimately the competition of talents. I hope your father is really talented. Now I have given him a chance. He also has goals. Our travel agency needs to go out of Jiangbei and Tianhe. Our opponents are not only here. …”

“Bai Dong, I think we have just started our business, our booth can’t be too large, and the investment of this travel agency is not so simple, first find a good business place, then decorate, buy office supplies, and then recruit employees, Then set up relevant departments, this travel online and offline, our website construction, our accounting personnel, every link can not go wrong, and some of us are very busy, let’s get the travel agency up first.” Chen Bing said.

“Mr. Chen, you are right. As long as this travel agency grows, it will definitely make a lot of money. Now there are many travel agencies in listed companies, and there are not a few travel agencies that make more than 100 million yuan a year. This is a big deal. market.

By the way, since we are planning a travel agency, the start-up capital for opening a travel agency will be in place soon. Your father said that 5 million is not enough, and it is estimated that it will reach 10 million. Do you think the office space of this travel agency should be bought or leased? ”

“Bai Dong, regarding the concept of the house, I think the current situation in Beijiang is that Beijiang is the capital city of Tianhe and the center of Tianhe Province.

Now everything is going up in price. If we have money, I think we can buy a house by ourselves. The house we bought belongs to the property of the group. The travel agency can work in the house we bought, and we can use the form of rent collection.

Travel agencies must pay the same rent as the market every year. We use marketization to manage the following enterprises. For example, the rent is signed every two years, and the rent increases by how much each year.

This has no impact on the travel agency, because the travel agency has to pay the rent for renting the office space. For the group, the group’s investment in the industry will of course have a return.

The house purchased will not only have stable income every year, but also the value of the house will continue to increase. To recap, if the group has greater development in the future and needs money, the house can be sold, or Mortgage out, that is the source of revitalizing funds. “Chen Bing analyzed Well, Mr. Chen, you are right, so let’s see what office buildings we can buy in the past two days. If a large travel agency operates normally, the staff The number of people will exceed 100. This is a big project. We have to do a good job of summing it up. You can talk to your dad about buying a house and ask him to take care of him. What name should we name the travel agency, our travel agency must first enter the top 50 travel agencies in Beihe Province, and the name is too weak, do you think so?” Bai Xiaocheng asked.

“Bai Dong, since it is a group club, it must be an international travel agency. Now most of the big travel agencies in Tianhe Province are in Beijiang, and our industry competitors are also the top ten group clubs in Beijiang.

The names of the top ten organizations in Beijiang are very simple, such as Beijiang China Travel Service, Beihe Province China Travel Service, and Beijiang Overseas Travel Service.

I think it’s better for us to choose a simple name. At the same time, it is related to tourism. We have to recruit the employees of this travel agency in two parts, one is a graduate of the school, and the other is from the society.

Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and graduates are freshmen with a pioneering spirit.

If you are recruited in the society, the business is familiar and the source of customers is still there, but the personnel are unstable and it is easy to change jobs. “Chen Bing said,

“The key to the development of an enterprise lies in the introduction of talents. Of course, we walk on two legs. We can introduce some senior management talents through special channels. I think the quality of our employees must be excellent, and it is better to be short than excessive.

We recruit more outstanding college graduates, and we do not reject those with low academic qualifications but great talents.

I believe that as long as our management is in place, the income of employees is guaranteed, and I believe that talents can be retained. “Bai Xiaocheng added.

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