After Hitting 200 Million

Chapter 20

Chapter 30: Red Wine Go

“Bai Dong, it’s really hard to find a job for a college student now. You see, I, the president of the student union, are also engaged in car sales. We at Beijiang University are full of talented people.

I think we should hold a college student talent recruitment fair in the school. One is to contribute to the alma mater, and we can also get excellent talents. If we want to recruit, I can contact the student department. The teacher will definitely welcome of.

Our travel agency needs people, and our group needs people too. What do you think? ” Chen Bing asked.

“There’s no problem with this, the big international travel agencies are basically recruiting undergraduates, and most of the students who have graduated from tourism schools are tour guides, and now most of the team leaders who go abroad are college students.

When it comes to talent recruitment, we focus on virtue first, and talent second. The travel agency industry team is uneven, and tourism does not need any very professional talents. The starting point is low, but the temptation of this industry is also great.

If employees do not have excellent quality, it is easy to embark on the road of self-destruction, Bingbing, you know what I mean? For example, kickbacks, the use of company resources for their own benefit, and individual managers using power and **** to trade, we must put an end to the budding state, and will never tolerate the worms that harm the company’s interests. Bai Xiaocheng said, “By the way, Mr. Chen, what do you think of the name of our travel agency, Tianhe International Travel Agency? ”

“Tianhe International Travel Agency is not good, the name is not good, it may not be successful, let’s take Tianhe Charm Holiday Travel Agency, I think the name is loud, how about it?” Chen Bing asked.

“Charming Holiday, Tianhe Charming Holiday, this is not bad, let’s just name it, we will practice our internal skills and build our reputation, we will not only do the market in the province, but also the market outside the province, Bingbing, you know that the current travel agency business is the best Is that the piece?” Bai Xiaocheng asked.

“This is of course the Chinese market, and the most traveled is the domestic market, right?” Chen Bing said confidently.

“Hehe, Mr. Chen, you are wrong. It’s not wrong to have many domestic tourists, but the starting point of domestic tourism is low and the price competition is fierce. What really does well is the outbound tourism market. The outbound tourism market is still a market monopolized by large travel agencies. At present, travel agencies are divided into three categories, and only the first category of tour groups is eligible for outbound tourism business.

What we see now is that as long as travel agencies are doing outbound tourism, this is actually a superficial phenomenon, because the customers they receive are not operated by themselves, but for group agencies.

Therefore, the advantages of the group agency are very obvious. Not only can you collect customers yourself, but you can also let the following small travel agencies help you collect customers.

Also, this group of clubs has become stronger. What kind of second-class clubs and even group clubs can receive customers for themselves. Not only that, if we are strong, we can operate outbound tourists from other provinces. The key is that we need to Practice inner strength. “Bai Xiaocheng said.

Bai Xiaocheng and Chen Bing discussed other details. The time passed slowly, and Chen Bing was not easy today.

“Mr. Chen, it’s already past 10 o’clock in the evening, so let’s talk about it here, do you want to order something to eat?” Bai Xiaocheng asked.

“Bai Dong, let’s go have a drink. Anyway, we won’t go to work tomorrow on Saturday, no, we have to go to the house, so let’s go to bed earlier.” Chen Bing said.

“Let’s sleep together? Are you sure you want this?” Bai Xiaocheng said in surprise, “I don’t care, haha.”

“I’m going to die, you Bai Xiaocheng, who sleeps with you, I’m sleeping in this big bed, you go to sleep on the sofa, boss, it’s okay, you always have to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.” Chen Bing said cutely.

“Do you know how to drink? Well, it’s rare to be accompanied by beautiful women today. We should drink in our room or go to a bar. Would it be too dangerous to go to a bar? If you are such a beautiful beauty, I will be drowned in saliva.” Xiao Cheng laughed.

“Bai Dong, let’s go to the bar, have a couple of drinks, come back, and have a good night’s sleep.” Chen Bing suggested, “Bai Dong, have you been to the bar?”

“Bar? I’ve never been there, do you go there often?” Bai Xiaocheng asked.

“Ghost, what do I often go to bars as a college student? And bar consumption is not cheap, forget it, it’s too cold to go out at night, let’s have a drink in our room, anyway, you are the boss, you order a bottle of red wine Come up, let’s drink together, and then sleep on our own.” Chen Bing said, “I’ll take a bath first, then I’ll drink a glass of red wine after a good bath, and then sleep until dawn, beautiful!”

“Okay, it’s good to drink in the room, then you can take a shower first, and let the restaurant bring you any dishes you like.” Bai Xiaocheng asked.

“Bai Dong, red wine is a sentimental drink, not a side dish, you know?” Chen Bing said.

“I don’t know, I’m hungry, and we don’t have any side dishes. We shouldn’t be so polite. The red wine in that hotel is countless times that of the shopping mall I’ll go downstairs to the supermarket, and then bring some more. When the takeout comes back, it will take a few minutes for this to save hundreds. I will go to the supermarket to buy a better bottle of red wine, wait for me.” Bai Xiaocheng said and went out.

This life should be enjoyed, and the money should be saved. The red wine of 300 yuan in the supermarket is at least a thousand in the hotel.

Bai Xiaocheng is a peasant, so he still needs to save the money of the province.

This is a commercial street, and there are many big supermarkets, but it seems that the time is a bit late, so hurry up.

Bai Xiaocheng found that the big supermarket was really closed, the small supermarket was actually open, and the small supermarket also had red wine. Bai Xiaocheng was a little worried, but a bottle of red wine that should be a little good costs 400 yuan, imported, Bai Xiaocheng also checked the verification code , the wine is real or not, so I bought it.

The food for this late-night snack was bought at the food stall. The food stall is open until after the early morning. Bai Xiaocheng packed some seafood, goose meat, water spinach and other five or six dishes, and rushed to the hotel.

A few minutes after the agreement seemed to have passed at least half an hour, haha, Bai Xiaocheng swiped his card and entered the door, only to find that Chen Bing was already lying on the bed.

“Bingbing red wine is coming, so are the dishes, come out and eat, eat and sleep well, wow, beauty, you are really sexy, are you wearing less clothes, you are not tempting me to commit a crime?” Bai Xiaocheng Looking at the beautiful mouth is not forgiving.

“What are you looking at? I’ve never seen a beautiful woman. I’m so surprised. I’m going to fall asleep after buying a hop for so long.” Chen Bing said.

“Okay, big beauty, I’ve kept you waiting for a long time. It’s not easy for me to save a few dollars. Let’s do it a little bit. It’s just the two of us here. Don’t be too polite. Let’s enjoy it.” Bai Xiaocheng and Chen Ice touched.

“Bai Dong, cheers!” Chen Bing seemed a little solemn.

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