After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 970:

Miss Queen called. During the time Robb was in the Eastern World, she hadn’t called him—not because she didn’t want to, but because she couldn’t. The distance was too great; the crystal ball wasn’t large enough to contain the necessary magic for such long-range communication. When Robb had gone to the New Continent with a 4-hour time difference, the crystal ball had managed to keep in touch. But this time, he went to Big Tang, doubling the time difference and exceeding the crystal ball’s range. As soon as Robb returned, the call came through.

Grinning, Robb answered the call. Miss Queen’s face appeared on the other end, as dignified as ever. “You’re back,” she said, her tone nonchalant.

“Just got back,” Robb replied.

“Ah, then my timing is impeccable,” said the Queen.

Robb raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t set a timer to call me every few minutes, did you?”

“Of course not,” she huffed. “Don’t flatter yourself into thinking I missed you that much.”

Just then, the court magicians’ chief appeared behind her. “Your Majesty, the large crystal balls you requested are ready. These two are enormous and contain a great deal of magic. They should be able to maintain communication with Godfather from any corner of the world.”

Robb looked through his crystal ball to see the chief magician directing his subordinates to bring in two enormous crystal balls, each the size of a horse.

“You expect me to carry these huge balls around the world?” Robb exclaimed.

The Queen slammed her hand on the table. “Is this really too much for you? Just use a size-altering spell to become a giant, and you can easily pocket these. From now on, keep them with you and don’t lose contact so casually.”

Robb shrugged. “So says the woman who claims not to miss me.”

Ignoring his comment, the Queen moved on. “While you were in the Eastern World, our operations against the monsters in the Jinghong Mountains have been going smoothly. The vanguard has already set up camp below Black Dragon Peak and even sent a suicide squad to attempt to draw a transmission circle.”

Robb chuckled. “I told you to build a road, and you go off drawing transmission circles. Let me guess, it failed?”

“How did you know it would fail?” the Queen asked.

Robb explained, “It’s a BOSS area! The Black Dragon has many special rules. When it resides on that mountain peak, the area becomes a ‘dungeon.’ I know you don’t understand what a ‘dungeon’ is, but it’s a special zone, similar to your ‘anti-space barriers.’ Players can’t teleport directly into the depths of the ‘dungeon’; they can only teleport to the entrance and then walk in.”

The Queen said, “That makes sense! I was wondering why you didn’t just create a transmission portal on Black Dragon Peak. It would make it easier for our troops to ascend the mountain. Now I understand that it’s impossible to create such a portal there.”

Robb asked, “Is everyone who went up to draw the transmission circle okay? Do you need me to resurrect them?”

“They’re fine,” the Queen assured him. “The creature doesn’t initiate attacks. Even when it saw my suicide squad from a distance, it didn’t attack. It’s quite strange.”

Robb chuckled, “That’s called the ‘aggro range.’ Each BOSS has a specific area where it will initiate attacks. If you stay outside that area, you can provoke it all you want without any repercussions. You could even set up a cannon in front of it, and as long as the cannonballs don’t hit it, it won’t react.”

The Queen couldn’t help but ask, “How do you know all these rules related to the Black Dragon? People on our continent have spent over a thousand years and still don’t understand it, yet you seem to know everything.”

Robb grinned, “Let’s just say I’m omniscient.”

The Queen gave him a sidelong glance, “Don’t bluff. You hate it when people use the name of God to deceive others. If you really know everything, tell me what I did last night.”

Robb responded, “You dreamt of me last night. In the dream, we were intimate, and you insisted on being on top. I tried to switch positions, but you forcefully held me down.”

The Queen’s face turned pale, “You know this too? Are you a god?”

“No, I was just guessing, but it seems I guessed right,” Robb chuckled mischievously. “Why rely on dreams? Just come through the portal, and I’ll make your dreams come true. Also, I promise not to try to switch positions.”

“Drop dead!” The Queen hung up abruptly.

Robb laughed heartily, “Ah, she’s such an interesting woman.”

Just as he finished speaking, a large crystal ball rolled out of the transmission portal. It was the new communication tool that Miss QUeen had prepared for him—high-powered and guaranteed to have a signal in any corner of the world.

Robb chuckled and shook his head, swiftly moving next to the crystal ball. He touched it and cast a “Shrinking Spell.” Both he and the crystal ball shrank, reducing the ball to the size of a regular one. Releasing his grip and dispelling his own shrinking spell, Robb returned to his normal size, but the crystal ball remained in its miniaturized state. He then picked it up and placed it in his pocket.

Maintaining communication is always beneficial. In fact, Robb had found himself missing Miss Queen as well while he was in the Eastern World. Having a high-powered communication device was more than welcome.

He began to ponder: “It seems that for the sake of global communication, I’ll need an enormous crystal ball in the future to serve as a central server. Its magical power should be able to cover the entire world.”

“Should I also set up some relay stations? Place medium-sized crystal balls at regular intervals? No, I can’t overthink this; it’s getting too complicated. I shouldn’t undertake this myself. I need to find an entrepreneur who enjoys challenges and persuade them to take on the project.”

Just as he was contemplating this, Marian Corton, whom he hadn’t seen for a while, entered from outside the chapel.

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