After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 971:

Marian didn’t come alone; she was followed by another woman, surprisingly an Eastern woman. She was dressed in the unique ethnic clothing of Big Tang, graceful and gentle, with delicate features that were quite charming.

Robb was quite surprised: “Who is this?” The delicate-looking woman blushed and whispered, “I’m Shang Hui. Don’t you recognize me, Godfather?”

Ah, right! He had lifted the rabbit-head curse on Shang Hui, who had been living in Westwind City and had naturally reverted to her human form. Robb hadn’t paid much attention to her when she was a rabbit-head, but now that she was human again, she looked quite pretty, exuding an Eastern charm that Robb quite liked.

Marian and Shang Hui walked over and sat down across from Robb at his stone table. Both of them glanced at Shisu. Marian didn’t react much, but Shang Hui recognized Shisu’s attire as that of a ” martial artist” and couldn’t help but take a second look.

Shisu: “Is there something on my face? Why are you staring at me?”

Shang Hui blushed: “No, it’s just that I’ve always admired female martial artists.”

Shisu sighed: “What’s there to admire? Life in the martial world is not easy; how many of us come from complete families? Most of us, like me, are orphans! Sometimes I wish I could just be an ordinary girl like you. You have it pretty good.”

The conversation abruptly ended there. Marian then reported to Robb: “Godfather, while you were away in the Eastern world, we’ve built a very long railway line connecting the Kingdom of Gran, the Desert Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Norma. Now, with just a passport, one can travel freely between these three countries.”

Robb smiled: “That’s quite impressive. No wonder I saw a group of knights from the Kingdom of Norma disembarking from the train that just arrived. So the railway has already reached Norma, that’s good.”

Marian laughed: “After learning about the convenience of our Westwind City, the Hero King is quite interested. We’re planning to expand our business to the Kingdom of Norma. I’m currently preparing to establish an international corporation.”

Robb gave her a thumbs-up: “Good.” Marian pouted: “But my father strongly opposes it, saying that running an international corporation is too risky, and he just won’t support it. It’s so annoying. Godfather, can you talk to my father and get him to fund me?”

Robb chuckled: “I can’t persuade your father on this matter. Even if I did, he would agree no matter what he thinks, but that’s clearly not the right way to do business. You should find your own way to raise the funds for your international venture.”

Marian asked, “Where am I supposed to get the money?”

Robb pointed to Shang Hui beside him, “Why not you two young people start a business together, leaving the old folks behind? Not only can you expand the business to Norma, but you could also eventually reach Big Tang. Don’t say I didn’t warn you; Big Tang is vast and populous. Business there could be even more lucrative. It could become one of the world’s largest markets in the future.”

The two young businesswomen exchanged glances and reached a consensus.

Shang Hui turned to Shisu, “How do you have so much money to spend frivolously?”

Shisu was sweating, “I don’t do business; money is an external object to me. I, a person of the martial world, don’t care for it.”

Robb couldn’t help but ask, “Then how do people in the martial world make money?”

Shisu’s face turned red, and after a long pause, she whispered, “…protection money.”

Robb patted her shoulder heavily, “Relying on protection money won’t get you far. Don’t say I didn’t warn you; even gangs need to do legitimate business. In the future, that will be your main source of income. As government regulations tighten, you won’t be able to continue collecting protection money. You should start thinking about a legitimate path for your sect.”

Shisu subtly moved a couple of steps away, getting out of Robb’s patting range, and said with a flushed face, “Understood, I’ll think about it carefully.”

The women went off to discuss amongst themselves…

Robb relaxed in his long-missed stone stool, suddenly realizing that he still preferred this kind of life.

Lilian brought him a plate of steak, while Suofa took out a flying chess set that Robb had “invented” and started playing with him. Little Yi and two young nuns were welcoming a group of New Church of Light followers, softly explaining the new bible of light in the distance.

The world is infinitely beautiful and captivating! Oh, right, it seems like he had forgotten someone?

Robb took out a crystal ball and called Xuelu, “Hey Xuelu, are you still adventuring outside? I’ve sorted out the matters in Big Tang and am back in Westwind City. How are things on your end?”

Xuelu laughed on the other end, “The attack was ineffective. We used the Demon Steel weapons you made, and we could barely hurt it. After much effort from the entire team, we finally managed to take one down. We’re planning to bring its skin back to show you.”

Hearing the words “wind snake,” Robb’s eyes lit up, “Interesting, bring it back for me to see.”

Not long after, a portal lit up. Chris emerged, carrying a large roll of leather on his shoulder, followed by Xuelu, Gorda, Jike, the Fire Magician, the melee healer, the assassin, and the hunter. They all filed out of the portal one by one.

They looked exhausted and were covered in grime, but their spirits were high. Adventurers always get this excited when they discover something new; it’s as if all the hardships were worth it.

Chris unrolled the large piece of leather in front of Robb and said with a smile, “Godfather, based on my years of adventuring intuition, this leather must be something special. Take a look and see if it’s useful. If it is, we can get a lot more of it. That valley is teeming with these wind snakes.”

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