After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 972:

This is the ultimate leather used for crafting top-tier leather armor in “Dark Blade.” However, although it’s high-level, it’s not difficult to obtain. All you have to do is hunt some of the top-tier animals, and you can acquire it. It’s considered an excellent yet easily obtainable top-tier material in the game.

He couldn’t help but feel pleased, “Excellent, excellent! You guys really found some good stuff. With this, our archers and assassins can fully upgrade their gear.”

The adventurers cheered, realizing this brought them one step closer to defeating the Black Dragon.

At that moment, Robb called Chris over, smiling, “Come, I’ve got a good sword for you.”

He handed him a sword named Starfall Dragon Slayer. As soon as Chris gripped the sword, he felt an extraordinary magical energy coursing through it and couldn’t contain his joy, “Godfather, is this sword for me?”

“Of course, it’s for you,” Robb chuckled. “You’re the strongest adventurer on Fengmo Continent so far; you deserve this legendary weapon. However, the sword isn’t in its perfect state yet. It has some slots that need to be filled with top-tier gems, and it also needs some high-quality materials for enchantment. There’s still a lot of room for improvement, so you’ll need to find those gems and materials.”

“Haha, leave it to us,” full of energy, Chris didn’t waste any more time chatting and immediately rushed into the transmission portal, heading to a new continent to continue his search.

The others shrugged and followed him through, all except Gorda, who hesitated and asked softly, “Godfather, are there any more of those good swords?”

Robb laughed, “Go, go, go! Come back when you’re worthy of such a powerful weapon.”

“Oh! My God!” exclaimed Gorda.

Xuelu and Jike cheerfully grabbed Gorda and dragged him into the portal, saying, “So stop yelling and go hunt some monsters to improve your combat skills. Do you even know whether you’re worthy of a top-tier weapon?”

“I know I’m not that good, but what if, what if there’s an extra one?” said Gorda.

“How could there be an extra top-tier weapon?” The adventurers laughed as they disappeared through the portal, continuing on their quests.

Not far away, Shisu turned her head and sighed inwardly, “Westerners are really united. They’re already striving hard to slay the Black Dragon, while we Eastern warriors are still far behind.”

She walked over to Robb and whispered, “Western hero, I overheard you saying that you’re lacking some quality gems?”

Robb nodded, “Yes, for enchantments and inlays, we need a large number of gems.”

Shisu replied, “In my Big Tang, we produce abundant beautiful jades and stones. Perhaps there are some you can use. I’ll send a message via paper crane to the righteous sects, asking them to find you some rare gems and stones. They might be just what you need.”

Robb: “That would be a great help.”

Shisu: “It’s no trouble. We are bound by our duty to fight evil and maintain justice; it’s all in a day’s work.”

Robb: “There you go again with your eloquent words. Will you die if you don’t talk like that?”

Time flew by in the blink of an eye.

Over a year later…

In the year 1354 of the Fengmo Continent, there were two years left before the next Black Dragon’s Flight. The whole world, whether East or West, whether the old continents or the new ones, was filled with a vigorous energy. Robb was leisurely sitting in his favorite stone stool. In front of him was a piece of paper listing various chaotic materials and equipment quantities, as well as the names of top experts worthy of these equipments. He was drawing lines to connect the equipment with the names, deciding which piece would go to whom.

Though the task was tedious, for Robb it was not a headache. In his former world, he had been a guild master, accustomed to distributing equipment to members and planning team events. The only difference was that in this world, everyone followed him as a spiritual leader, venerating him to no end. If he issued an order, countless people would immediately put it into action without hesitation.

As he was drawing the lines, an elegant Eastern girl approached him. It was Shisu, who greeted him with a salute, “Our Qiantang Sect has invested money and effort, and the first church built in collaboration with the New Church of Light is now complete.”

Robb couldn’t help but feel elated, “Oh? It’s completed? That’s fantastic.”

As he spoke, a purple portal opened in the graveyard behind the chapel. Two novice nuns, who had returned to secular life, emerged from the portal, waving at Robb, “Godfather, we have returned through a portal from a church in East Hangzhou in East Gran.”

Robb smiled, “Good, I’ll set up a waypoint right away. This will make traveling between the East and West much more convenient in the future.”

Just then, a kindly old monk appeared from the portal. It was the Shaolin monk whom Robb had met before. Upon seeing Robb, he immediately brought his palms together, “Amitabha, Master Robb, it’s been a long time.”

Seeing the monk emerge from the portal, Robb was somewhat surprised, “How did you get here?”

The Shaolin monk smiled and said, “To be honest, a few days ago, another meteor shower fell from the sky, bringing with it another piece of Xuanyuan Black Iron. However, the people who were present at the time merely circled the meteorite for a while, and then lost interest in fighting over it. After some discussion, everyone unanimously decided to guard the Black Iron collectively and without conflict, and to send it directly to you.”

Robb: “Are you kidding me? Is Big Tang specializing in attracting these meteorites now?”

The Shaolin monk proudly stated, “Our Celestial Empire is vast and rich in resources. Even the heavens would bestow treasures upon us. This demonstrates the grandeur of our nation.”

Robb yawned, “You guys can keep boasting all you want. Go ahead and chase technology with all your might; let’s see if you can catch up.”

Of course, Robb wasn’t interested in halting or altering the course of history, so he chuckled, “So, what about the Xuanyuan Black Iron?”

Sorry guys, my computer just broke, translating this in a computer shop right now. Please donate if you can ☹ I’m saving up to buy a new laptop. My release dates might get quite hectic soon :((

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