After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 144 Welcome To Crimson!

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Chapter 144  Welcome To Crimson! by Harem-Fan


     The Personal Jet started to taxi down the airstrip and wait its turn for take off. Just like with horse riding, I have no experience or skill with flying and traveling in a plane, so my nerves are a bit on edge.

     Mei, seeing me look out the window, tries to comfort my nervous nature.

     "Master, I have flown plenty, and I can assure you it is safer than being in a car."

     I try to keep some humor and ask her.

     "So how good are the airbags on this thing?"

     All three women sitting with me smiled at my joke, but then had odd faces when I asked.

     "And where are the parachutes?"

     The sexy attendant in a red dress says.

     "Sorry, we don't have those. And we are flying over land the whole way, so the life vests will be useless as well for water landings."

     Jenifer pushed up her glasses and said to me seriously.

     "Master, the flight will be about 5 and ½ hours long, so just bear with it, and I recommend you drink a bit when we can move freely."

     The attendant tells me.

     "Don't worry Mr Tang, I am a skilled bartender as well, so you can order most drinks."

     Finally it was our turn. The planes at the small and large airports takeoff westward towards the sea in case water landings are a necessity. Incoming flights land from west to east.

     Soon the jet rapidly made its way down the runway, and soon the feeling of my stomach getting moved was felt as we became airborne. All I can see is the Star City lights getting a bit smaller as we slowly climb and increase our speed.

     Thanks to my Acrobatics Master, I have no fear of heights, but the fear of crashing is still very strong in my heart, like most children and some adults feel when flying for the first time. The pressure on the eardrums is pronounced as our altitude rises and after a while we enter the cloud-cover...


     The attendant finally unbuckled her seat-belt as she said to us.

     "Unless turbulence is unreasonable, for the rest of the trip, you can move freely, and Mr Tang, you can stop looking out the window at nighttime, due to large amounts of rural area not being visible. During day flights, there is a bit to see however. What would you like to drink?"

     "Long Island Iced Tea or Jack Daniel's on the rocks, whatever is fine with me."

     "Miss Han and Xia?"

     Jenifer says.

     "It is late, so just a bottle of Smart Water."

     Mei says to her.

     "A bottle of Dr Pepper."

     Then the attendant went to make drinks for us, and serve the pilots coffee.

     I unbuckle and go to the left-side couch, and sit, then pulling out my smartphone to see my messages. Fortunately my plane has Satellite Internet Connection, and I will never be without my ability to use the internet. Even my phone service is unhindered.

     The Fire Birds is a massive behemoth no weaker than even the strongest of the Subordinate Families to the 4 major clans. Only the power of Long, Feng, Lang, and Tang are stronger than the 4 Syndicates in economic strength, but fall short of the Syndicates when it comes to Military Force.

     The only reason the Syndicates are weaker economically is due to the heavy taxation of the Central Government creating an even playing field, as a referee between the 4 Clans and Syndicates.

     The Central Government is truly running a racket here. It balances the light and dark side of the four families, while siphoning money off both sides to keep themselves powerful. But without the Central Government, the 4 Clans would devolve into Civil War like in the past, so Central still has value, as long as they don't overreach themselves.

     Jenifer and Mei sit on each side of me looking at what I am doing. Mei with boredom and curiosity asks me.

     "What is it you are working on this time?"

     I tell both of them my and Lucy's plans. Oh and on a side note, Mei figured out I knew about Lucy after the Police Station incident.

     "Lucy Shen and I have finalized a new AI search program to add to Harem-Chat and is soon going live. We had been working out the bugs and security protocol for a while now, and it is ready to go. It will go live on February 14th, on Lovers Day. I named the program... Valentine."

     My last world had a similar holiday to our Lovers Day. My world however never had a Saint Valentine, so I thought I would bring Valentine into this world on that day. I told Lucy of Valentine's Day in my old world, and she loved the idea. This is how many worlds sync-together. My mere presence changes the cultures and society views over time, well after I am gone.

     My last Earth most definitely did not benefit from my last self for him being so useless. Yeah, my past self had issues, before he got his last life's memories to become a better human. So a whole world paid for it.

     Jenifer asks a good question.

     "How will Valentine help Harem-Chat?"

     I grin and tell both of them.

     "It is now live on our private Harem-Chat channel, open it up and use it. It is the ultimate search and resource program. We have it early because of me and Lucy, but others will wait for Valentine's Day, or I meant Lovers Day."

     The two women began to play as the attendant brought us our drinks. Then Mei asked.

     "So by filling out this user profile, it will let the AI make better searches and results based on my likes? So I can ask for things like what you want for your birthday as a gift, and based on you and me, will give me suggestions?"

     "That is right! If both you and Jenifer asked it... [What 3 gifts in the price-range of xxx$ would Rick like?] then both of you based on your profile will probably have some differences on the best gifts. It takes into account your knowledge of the gift and the thoughtfulness behind it. So the more specific you are the better. So answer your questionnaires well, because they might affect things you get as gifts."

     Both women started to answer the profile questions like their lives depended on it. It runs the gambit of things like... Fears, likes, preferences, wealth, world-views, and much more. Everything is done on a % scale from 1 to 99, and an answer of 0 or 100 is an absolute never and always.

     I only drank one Long Island, because a lot of bad things could happen high in the sky in a flying-tube with 5 women on board.

     After I felt relaxed, I laid my head in Jenifer's lap with my legs in Mei's lap. Soon sleep found me and I went to dreamland...


     Meanwhile in Crimson State, Phoenix City...

     In an older section of the City from long ago, stands a traditional Japan Empire mansion complete with sliding-doors and paper-doors in the interior of this massive estate of a noble family.

     In the inner-courtyard used for training, snow gently still falls over a meditating figure of a woman, tempering her body and spirit in the elements.

     Hinata Kyusho the 29 year old, half-sister of Steven Woo, with long-black-hair and red-eyes. A dedicated practitioner of the Katana. Also follows in her clan's use of Kyusho Jitsu.

     Snow falls from her eyelashes as her eyes open, hearing a servant come from behind, her strict voice asks in Japanese.

     -Why do you interrupt my training?-

     The servant man answers in the same language, kneeling on the ground looking at his knees and not the woman.

     -Rick Lee will arrive in Phoenix City in a few hours, my lady.-

     Her left hand tightens on her sword's scabbard and her voice deepens.

     -Why has he come to Crimson? And did Cat Woo come with him?-

     -No my lady, your brother's ex-wife is not with him, he has only come with a Han woman and a China Empire woman. He is arriving as part of his work with the Fire Birds.-

     Click! Hinata closes her eyes and uses her thumb to gently push her hilt of the Katana out a bit.

     Shing Swoosh! Clatter! From her kneeling position, she drew her blade in an overhead arc, splitting a wooden-pole cleanly in half. Her stance was amazing, and if Rick was here, he would say she was a Master Level practitioner of the Katana.

      Shing Click! And as fast as she performed the cut, her Katana was retrieved fluidly back into her scabbard with a clicking sound. She then said to the servant.

     -My brother is in prison due to this man's shameful trickery, so I will regain our family honor by eliminating this man who ruined our family reputation. I will give my life to eliminate Rick Lee. Ready the men we have, we will welcome Rick Lee to Crimson with blood.-


     Fire Birds Headquarters in Crimson State, Phoenix City...

     Bill Woo (Cat's uncle) is sitting at his desk with a group of 10 men and women in front of him, all wearing business suits of varying designs and colors, but all having some indicator of red-crimson to show they are a part of the Fire Birds.

     "Gentleman and Ladies, please sit. I am all glad you made it for this inspection meeting with the soon to be Leader. If any of you had not shown, it would have been embarrassing for us."

     One woman in a red-dress and fur-coat, smiled and asked.

     "State Manager Woo, I don't understand why you made us all come to the Capital from our districts? We all did not even show for Tina Feng's inspection last year, so why this kid? Sure I get it, he is going to be the new Leader, but I don't see what is so special. He only got the job by fighting other kids?"

     Bill Woo, knowing all of these sub-leaders understands why it feels like a hassle to all travel here, Crimson is not a small piece of land after-all, but he explains.

     "Diana, I have met young Rick Tang and feel it is in our best interest to show our loyalty early. Rick has been recognized by both Leader and Head Feng for his ability. You don't seem to understand how Tony Feng being so doting towards Rick is important here."

     Bill stood up and walked to the front of his desk and leaned back on the front, he continued.

     "Leader Daniel Feng confided in me that Rick Lee-Tang may even beat him in a fair fight. Rick is also the one who straightened Leaders books in such a way that we only paid ¾ of what Central extorted from us in taxes. So he is coming here to look over our books, to try and save us money as well. Also... Rick Lee has even killed Master level fighters, one of which was defeating Laura Long. So try not to offend him and assume him incapable based on his age, or how he got the position."

     One tough looking fellow in a red-suit with a black-shirt, frowns and asks.

     "I feel a bit funny, that our next leader is marrying a Lang woman, what is up with that? Might as well have married Brenda Sho while he was on a roll, ha-ha?!"

     Bill Woo took a drink of his Vodka and sneered at this ruffian.

     "And after hospitalizing Laura Long and tossing her ass in jail, he turned around and married her little sister, so what is your point? Our new Leader is marrying Tina Feng, and he has a high bar for women in his harem. That just means he is capable, does it not? Like I said before, I have personally met him, and I was impressed. He is sharper than others in his age range. Anyway this is your final warning... He kills people without regret, and I won't cover for you guys, so it is your choice."

     One woman in the group remembered something and asked.

     "I remember now, one of our leaders in North City in Azure State was killed by Rick Tang, right? And no one cared he did that. Danial Feng, our Leader, even praised him for it."

     Bill nodded and confirmed.

     "Yes, that sub-leader Di thought he could kill Rick, and he lost his life for interfering with the Tournament Contender. And now all of the Di family from North City are working in our sweatshops or brothels, so take that anyway you like it."

     Bill downed his drink then smiled with a question.

     "I am going to Greet Rick Tang at the airport, who is coming with me?"


     In my dream, I was making love to Jenifer for the first time, so when I realized what was going on as I was fully awake, I was confused.

     My head is in Jenifer's lap, and she is leaning forward while our tongues dance together, but I can feel that Mei is currently riding my dick. Jenifer realizing I am fully awake now, takes a breath and tells me.

     "Mei, wanted the two of you to join The Mile High Club."

     Mei who is slowly rising and lowering, while leaning into kiss me now that Jenifer is sitting up straight. There is a blanket covering Mei and my lower-body to hide it from others, but I can tell she has been at it for a bit, because I am close to filling-her.

     Mei tells me quietly.

     "I finished as you woke up, Master~! So just let it go too."

     As Jenifer leans in to kiss me again, I go with the flow and suck on her lips, while pulling Mei's hips down firmly as my excitement level was at its climax.

     Mei sitting up, feeling my warmth in her just said.

     "Yay, we are now members, Ufufu. Jenifer, that was a good idea you gave me."

     Jenifer, hearing Mei, looked embarrassed and sat back up putting her glasses back on. She looked down into my still confused face and told me.

     "When I used your valentine App, I found some interesting ideas it gave us. It realized we were in an airliner and knowing of our relationships, it recommended joining the Mile High Club to make you happy. Valentine also told us, "you enjoyed the company of two lovers at one time, cough."

     I fully understood her explanation, and was a bit unprepared for Valentine to give such accurate data, taking in the airplane into account, what an amazing AI search engine! (No, actually Jenifer was tricked! It was Lucy pranking her with her own advice, pretending to be Valentine!)

     "Thanks to both of you for this unexpected treat. Jenifer are you alright?"

     Jenifer, waiting for Mei to clean up our connection, nodded to me and told me.

     "Watching Mei and you connect, has given me confidence to do the same with you, Master. But I want to do it in bed, not like this for the first time, if that is fine."

     By this time, Mei had pulled up my pants and put hers back on as well, then I realized!

     "Where is the attendant?!"

     Mei pointed to the bathroom and smiled.

     "I told her to wait there, fufu."

     I shook my head as I got up, and knocked on the bathroom door and said.

     "Sorry, you can come out now, I need to use the restroom now."

     Then from the other-end, from the cockpit, the attendant came out looking confused as to why I was talking to the restroom with everyone out there. I realized Mei tricked me, so I just went in as my maids giggled.


     Later we heard over the speakers from the pilot...

     [We are making our approach in the Moscow International Airport, please buckle up everyone.]

     The four of us did so, and I smiled looking out the window at the city lights of Crimsons Capital, Phoenix City...

     Jenifer, seeing my face looking excited and nervous for the landing, only held my hand and said.

     "Welcome to Crimson."


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