After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 145 Hinata Kyusho!

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(A/N Kenjutsu is the technique or method of the sword, using actual swords and sparring with an opponent. It originated with the Samurai class and Ninja culture, and can be performed alone or with a partner. It differs from Kendo, which is more about training and discipline with wooden swords. Kenjutsu is an umbrella term for all schools of Japanese swordsmanship, in particular those that predate the Meiji Restoration. Some modern styles of Kendo and Iaido that were established in the 20th century. Iaido is the art of drawing and cutting with a sword in the same motion. It teaches the skills of attacking from the scabbard and striking down an opponent.)

Chapter 145  Hinata Kyusho! by Harem-Fan


     As our plane had landed and was making its way to our personal hanger, Jenifer smiled at me and pulled out a box.

     When she opened it, she pulled out two long red-scarves for cold weather. She took the larger of the two and leaned over to me and said.

     "As the Vice Leader, and next one to helm the ship, you need to show your Fire Birds pride, Master."

     She reached around my neck and shoulders to loosely wrap the scarf around my overcoat. When she was done tying it, she smiled and handed me her scarf, implying she wanted me to put it on her.

     Taking it, I gladly returned the gesture, to show her my care and affection. My lovers only want simple actions from me, and to be honest, I like doing things like this.

     Mei smirked and teased Jenifer.

     "Fellow maid Jenifer, where is my scarf?"

     Jen blushed a bit and explained.

     "Sorry Mei, but it is a Fire Birds custom, and since you are not a Fire Birds member, I had not thought of it."

     "Actually Jenifer, I am only teasing you. I am wearing a red bra and pantie set on for Master, Ufufu."

     I could tell the attendant wanted in on the fun, but alas, I can't catch them all like a certain Ash character. I only have 13 Poke-Balls. Or I might lose two of my own!


     Once the jet was parked, staff rolled up the steps for the passengers to disembark from the aircraft. The attendant, now wearing a warm-coat, opens the door for us to exit the plane.

     "Mr Tang, I will see you again here for the return-trip Sunday night at midnight, please walk slowly."

     She and the two pilots bowed to me, as Jenifer led me off with Mei behind.

     At 3 am, the cold winds with a few scattered snowflakes, shows the climate of the north is its own region compared to Azure State. No wonder the Temple of the North is called Snow Temple.

     As we head down, I see Bill Woo in a black-suit wearing a fur-cap, his white-hair and blue eyes, reminding me of his niece, Cat Woo. He has ten well dressed subordinates, who I recognized from the files of the leadership of Crimson, what? Did you think I would come in blind?

     I use my Acting Advanced, to put up a confident and mature air, that a japan Empire Yakuza Boss would be proud of.

     Most everyone is wearing leather gloves to help protect against the cold, so I extended my hand for a shake with Bill, and I told him.

     "It is great to see you doing well, State Manager Woo."

     Returning my shake he said joyfully.

     "I think we men are close enough that you can just call me Bill like before, now let me introduce you to the Crimson State leaders. This lovely woman is Diana Ming, and this lady here is..."

     And for a couple of minutes, I shook hands or received bows from the many women and a couple of men. The one that stood out to me was a man in a crimson-suit, who I can tell is only Acting, to seem friendly. Yeah, this guy is a piece of work. Well all the men and women are ruthless criminals, but this guy is not one you want to trust your life too.

     I finally said to everyone.

     "It is so late at night, or early in the morning, and this weather cannot be good for the ladies' skin, so why not go somewhere warm and comfortable?"

     Bill pointed to the three limos and said to everyone.

     "I have rented suites at the Hilton International for everyone, let us go there now. We can have an early breakfast together before resting."

     So in the middle limo was Bill, Diana, Mei, Jenifer, and I. Thankfully the heat was running so the girls could warm up.

     I have used the cold weather of winter back in Star City to help temper my body for cold conditions, using my Kung-Fu Grandmaster and Medicine Advanced knowledge for safety.


     After a short ride to the Hilton, the hotel-staff at the front, let us out and took our bags and placed them on a bellhop-cart.

     The five of us got out, the other two limos unloaded the remaining 9 leaders, along with some of their staff.

     As our group made our way into the hotel restaurant, I double checked on the pin on my left-collar. It was a gold-dragon coiled around a black-sphere. In truth, this little accessory of artistic beauty is nothing more than a body-cam, for Lucy to see what is in front of me.


     At the long table, I and State Manager Woo sit side by side with Jenifer then Mei to my left, and the remaining leaders sitting around the rest of the table. We have been served an international spread of breakfast dishes from many countries to choose from. Mei put some traditional China Empire treats on my dish and told me.

     "Master, this is one of my favorite treats for breakfast, Twisted Dough Sticks with cinnamon and sugar."

     Jenifer seeing my expression also joined in on the new food bandwagon, then plated me her choice.

     "Master, when the Han family came to Eurasia, we brought this traditional dish, that is now served heavily in the Crimson State, and in the Hilton International chain, it is called, pork belly tocino, a sweet marinated meat. Here is some garlic rice to go with it on the side. This is my favorite breakfast dish as well."

     Trying both women's recommendations, I found this trip had been worth it just for this happy moment. I will have to learn to make both for them going forward.

     Bill Woo could see the affection I had for both women, and only sighs at the fact, Cat had not tried to get closer to me sooner. In his mind, he wished the Woo were with Rick rather than the Han. He then remembers to thank me.

     "Rick, I wanted to personally thank you for allowing Cat to join, and even work under Tina. I hope she has been behaving herself under you. If not, just punish her as you or Tina see fit. I would even accept it if death was the result of her failed actions."

     "No need to thank me or worry, Bill. Cat has been doing a great job as Jenifer's substitute."

     Clop Clop Clop! Just then from the entrance of the restaurant, the sound of geta could be heard. Geta are traditional Japan Empire footwear resembling flip-flops.

     Our table all turned our heads to see a group of 7 Japan Empire people coming in a V-formation with a woman at 5 foot 5 inches without her wooden geta in the lead. She is Hinata Kyusho, the 29 year old sister of Steven Woo, with long-black-hair and red-eyes. She is wearing a beautiful traditional blue Kimono, with a pair of Samurai swords (Katana and Wakizashi) on her left hip.

     Her eyes ignored everyone and scanned the table till they landed on my curious face. Then anger filled her red-eyes as she exhaled to calm her rage. Before she spoke, Bill Woo said to her.

     "Hinata Kyusho, what exactly do you think you are doing disrupting Fire Birds business?"

     Her haughty-eyes looked at Bill with disdain, and pointed with her chin to me and said clearly.

     "I have come to challenge this child, Rick Lee, to a duel for his life. This is a matter of honor for my Kyusho family and not your concern."

     Bill held up his left-hand and from around the restaurant, and from the back rooms, a large group of Fire Birds came out pointing guns at the group of 7 intruders.

     The six people belonging to Hinata Kyusho, looked really nervous but held the scabbards on their swords with as much bravery as they could muster. Bill mockingly said.

     "Rick Tang is the Vice Leader of my Fire Birds, and you threatening him is a challenge against all of us, now I cannot let you act high and mighty here."

     Hinata Kyusho said to him with a hint of irritation.

     "You are a damn deceiver! You fully supported Steve, my brother, and even married your Cat Woo to him. You supported him to be the new Leader, and now you boot-lick this child. Your honor is fickle, Bill."

     I remember briefly reading about this woman when I met Steve before. She and he have the same father, and Steve comes from the 1st wife, while Hinata comes from a concubine from the hidden clan in the Japan Empire. Their family are all citizens, but they cling on to the Japan Empire traditions strongly, as part of their code. They are like Samurai from my old Earth, but Steve strayed from his family tenets.

     Seeing Hinata Kyusho's stance, weapons, hands, and behavior, I have guessed her martial skills and interrupt them with my thoughts.

     "Hello Miss Hinata Kyusho, why exactly are you seeking me out for a duel?"

     "You cheated my family's chance of letting my brother attain the position you have not rightfully earned. You baited and tormented my brother, provoking him into your elaborate scheme to remove his qualifications. If you would have fairly fought him, he would be sitting there, and not in jail for choices you forced on him. My family honor needs to be given back. So I challenge you, unless you are too cowardly to fight fair?!"

     I look at this delusional woman and ask.

     "Lady, who feeds you that delusional bullshit? Head Feng, and the police all had proof of him doing it on his own? Seriously, he was only at an advanced level of your family's style, so he would have lost just like Alex."

     "So, you are a coward to duel me? Is this the face the new Leader of the Fire Birds has?"

     On my last Earth this woman spouting coward, face, and honor would be laughed at in the USA, but in Pangaea, many still hold to their pride. I said long ago, fighting with martial prowess is seen as honorable as opposed to cowardly hot-weapons. Naturally my current life self wants to slap her down in a duel and 'teabag' her high and mighty face.

     Ding! My smartphone popped up with a text-message from Lucy reading... [She wants a duel, then give her one, ROFL!] Seeing this I sigh at her sense of humor.

     "Miss Kyusho, do you wish to duel me as your inferior to your brother's, Kyusho Jitsu, or your Master Level Kenjutsu and Iaido? Whatever is fine, I just will need a sword if you want to cross blades."

     Hinata received a chill up her back at my words and realized, she fucked up. But she cornered herself by already challenging Me. If she backed out now, it would be even worse for her family, not to mention, she would become a laughing stock.

     Only she knows that Steve had more talent, in hand to hand, in her clan's style. She mainly trained with the sword. But I just threw out all of her skill levels like nothing, and my confident-face told her I can beat her. For a moment, she imagined I was hiding a Dragon inside me. She shook her head and said.

     "I had intended on fighting with my brother's style, but, seeing you now, I must use my Katana to not shame your talent, right, Mr Lee?"

     I pointed to her group of six followers, the two men and four women, and said.

     "That man on your right, his Katana is perfect for my use, lend me that till our duel is over, you can get it back off my dead body, ha-ha, or let me use your Katana that is much better, your choice?"

     The man holds onto his sword like I asked for his wife to sleep with. His Katana is the second best in this group of 7 only behind her nice blade.

     Hinata, knowing a swordsman's sword is their life, just sighs and walks to me with every Fire Birds member still training their guns on her for any sudden moves. She pulled out her Katana from her Obi (waistband-sash) and handed it to me, while saying.

     "If I die, my blade is forfeit, so I will take it back off of your body. As for the challenge, where and when will we fight? Do not try and run, or my clan and I will follow you forever!"

     I look at Jenifer, and she looks at her phone. She said to me.

     "Sunday night at 7 pm on this building's roof would be the best location and time. She has dueled there before."

     I smiled and asked her.

     "Have you ever danced with the Devil under the pale moonlight?" (Joker)

     She scrunched her brows, never hearing that poetic phrase before, but she answered.

     "Then Devil, I will dance with you, goodbye, Rick lee!"

     Clop Clop Clop! Hinata then turned and left for the entrance of the restaurant, the sound of her geta could be heard all the way out the front of the hotel.

     That sub-leader with the red-suit looked at me and said happily.

     "Vice Leader Rick, you have balls! I was not sure about you before, but hot damn, I am going to watch this fight, ha-ha!"

     Still holding her valuable Katana, with her scent still on it, Bill asks.

     "Rick, shall I deal with her family for you, she could serve our brothel very well? We have the right to capture her due to Tony Feng's command?"

     Due to my past life's love of all things Asian, cultures, traditions, and stories, I have a soft spot for honorable fighters, so I shake my head and say.

     "I will never refuse honorable challenges, especially if my family and lovers are left out of it. Steven Woo was trash, but his half-sister is just a delusional woman, but I like her style. So I will take her life with honor."

     Click! I used my thumb to slightly lift the blade from the scabbard to see how well she maintains her sword, and shook my head at her throwing her skill and life away over her scum brother. I pop the blade back into the sheath, Click!

     With that we ended our breakfast and went to our rooms to take a nap, before the real work began. Jenifer and I will work hard to balance the private books in one day. Mei will do her maid duties to take care of me during that time.


     Later, the three of us enter the same designed suite like in Star City, due to them using the same plans for all of their Hotels. Each woman will have their own room and I can sleep with either one.

     Seeing me carry the Katana in my left-hand, Jenifer asked me.

     "Master, will you be able to defeat her?"

     I walked to the worried Jenifer and kissed her lips, then I held the sword up, confidently telling her.

     "This beautiful piece of art is going home with me on Monday."

     Jenifer held my waist and held me tight, she mumbled something. I had a hard time making out her words.

     "Jen, I cannot hear you?"

     Her blue-eyes looked into mine and she said.

     "Later tonight, take me. I want to go to Sunday lunch as your woman, mind, heart, and body."

     I just kissed her as her answer, then Mei came up behind me and told Jenifer.

     "In that case, let the three of us take a nap together, since I won't have you as my Master in the evening, Ufufu."

     Jenifer remembering the wise words from Valentine (cough, Lucy), decided for my happiness, to ignore Mei in the same bed, she bravely nodded and told me.

     "Master, then please give an arm to each of us, now let's rest!"

     Mei was surprised Jenifer was actually willing, just grinned and had thoughts of next Tuesday...

     I was unaware that my Mondays and Tuesdays would start to become back to back threesome nights!

     And on Monday, I added a beautiful Katana to my collection.


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