After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 146 Business Or Pleasure? No It Is Both!

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(A/N Concubinage lacks the sanctions of marriage. This custom of having a mistress has been around since men and women have been on the Earth. The origins for a male to hold a concubine were for sexual pleasure and to ensure numerous children. The word for "concubine" itself in the China Empire is qiè, which can be literally translated into "female slave". This shows the philosophy behind the concubinage: as an imperial concubine, your life is simply no longer your own and is considered the same as a slave. However this role is now a Personal Maid. This is not slavery, but voluntary servitude. Personal Maids, can and may, leave their Masters in disgrace.)

Chapter 146  Business Or Pleasure? No It Is Both! by Harem-Fan


     My eyes fluttered open as I glanced around in alert, though I remember taking a nap with the two beauties in my arms, I must first be sure we are safe.

     Jenifer is in my right-arm, and Mei is in my left-arm. Then Mei, feeling my movement, slightly opened her eyes, also scanning her surroundings. She smiled seeing Jenifer on the other-side of me quietly exhaling without a care in the world.

     "Morning Rick. I see she has no worries on this trip, fufu."

     Mei and I exchange a gentle kiss, and then I say to her.

     "Well, she has not had to deal with a dangerous past, only the time she spent with the Fire Birds. I am happy she can be so peaceful. But, I still need my partner."

     She and I both grin at each other, knowing that is our shared code-name for our affection. Soon the sleeping beauty on my right, awakened also receiving a kiss from me while she was half asleep.

     Jenifer then sat up, put her glasses on and said.

     "Master, let us shower and change. We have lots of work to do in the Fire Birds headquarters. And good morning."

     So the three of us got ready. Mei only cleaned me normally, not wanting to drain me for Jenifer's first night. But the two women did clean me together, while Jenifer was still blushing hard, being in the same shower with me and Mei.

     I had noticed, the two beauties had similar builds, and breast sizes, like they are a matching pair!

     This time, I am wearing my black-bodyguard outfit I am used to always wearing.

     Jenifer is wearing an all black-pantsuit, with her matching longcoat. She and I are wearing matching red-scarves again.

     Today, Mei is wearing her long winter maid-outfit.

     Finally, I even make it a point to bring Hinata's Katana with me as we leave.


     At the main lobby, I said my goodbyes to the 10 leaders before I left with Bill Woo and Diana, to go to his main headquarters.

     The only two leaders who are staying in Phoenix City are Diana and the Red-Suit Boss. Diana is actually in charge of Phoenix City, and Red-Suit Boss is staying for my duel tomorrow night.

     For Crimson State, Diana is like a Vice Leader to Bill. I am also sure that Diana is secretly Bill's Concubine. My Acting Advanced could catch her subtle glances and behaviors around Woo.


     The Crimson Phoenix Building...

     Like the building in Star City, this is also a 10 story building with a similar floor-plan, but unlike the 70's Austin Powers vibe of my building, this one is a clean and very modern interior and design.

     I almost feel a bit shameful now about my 70's decoration, but the elevator ride up crushed my negative thoughts, because the elevator music was lame as shit. I also did not get that fun feeling of being attacked by go-go-dancer-ninjas.

     On the 8th floor, I was brought to a VIP room where I could work in extreme comfort. It was an office with a desk for me to do my thing.

     Jenifer pulled up a chair to sit with me and work. The staff on hand then retrieved books, ledgers, and laptops with all of the financial records of last and this year, so I go to work applying for all of our tax breaks, and look for stolen money.


     I only took one break for an early dinner with Bill. I talked with him about discrepancies and ideas for him to implement this year.

     I even hacked, cough, found a few unscrupulous embezzlers in the Fire Birds Crimson Territory, so Bill had them 'dealt-with' swiftly without even a trial. He wanted to show corruption would not be tolerated under his leadership.

     We ended up working later than expected due to the sheer amount of money Crimson brought in over the other 3 states of Black, White, and even Azure. The North is the true home of the Fire Birds after-all. Star City is only the main base for Leader. Thankfully, Tina will run most of this for me, or I might go nuts.

     The last and most flattering reason it took longer...

     The more eligible and pretty Fire Birds women of Crimson, tried to make a good impression on me, finding reasons to be 'helpful'.

     Many of them wanted a Cinderella-moment, in hopes the next Leader would pick them. Jenifer and Mei, had fun watching me decline one after another, politely. I do hate seeing the face of rejection on hopeful beauties, but... Sigh!

     As I was finishing up my work and reading to go back with the ladies, I had a chill up my back. If I ended up becoming a star in the movies, how bad would it be with women trying to approach me?! Damn, growing up, women avoided me, now I am overwhelmed.

     I would bitch about it, but I feel I would be cursed to death by envious dreamers everywhere.


     Mei, Jenifer, and I  had finally come back to our room, and like normal, both Mei and I swept the room for any bugs, cameras, or traps. This is something we do whenever we stay in unfamiliar places. Jenifer put down our things and asked Mei.

     "Um, Mei, when Master and I are done, do you want us to come to you to sleep?"

     Mei only smiled at this silly woman, and in her Chinese accent said, while patting her shoulder.

     "Not this time. your first should be slow and enjoyable. You only get one shot at it, so enjoy it."

     Jenifer had totally forgot, that this was Mei's second Personal Maid position, and felt a bit bad for her. Mei, seeing her eyes, shook her head and comforted Jenifer.

      "Master, no, Rick and I are not sad about it, and only love each-other more for it. You, like Mercy, are lucky to only have one Master in Rick. So, just do your best knowing you could have ended up with a much worse man than our Rick, fufu."

     Jenifer felt touched at Mei's words and hugged Mei, surprising her. Jen said to her.

     "Thank you for reminding me, Mei. I had almost forgotten, I could have ended up with Alex or Steve. How lucky are we? I will make sure to keep your advice in my heart forever. Mei, let's be good friends."

     Mei had felt a bit strange at that moment when Jenifer honestly wanted to be good friends. Other than Mei and Rick Lee, she never had any real friends, so she felt a bit moved by Jenifer's bold honesty. Mei patted her back and said.

     "I would like that Jenifer, so let's get to know each-other better. How about this... Like Nadia and Nichole share Master on Mondays, you can join me and Rick on Tuesdays? This way you can always know you have time with Rick? Just like how we took our nap this morning?"

     Jenifer was surprised Mei would allow her to hog some of her time, and thought of how the twins had shared their time, and Rick seemed to enjoy those nights, so she nodded with a blush.

     "Thank you very much Mei, and I will help out with the law homework you need to do to help with my share."

     Mei was so happy to hear that, and her last bit of hesitation for sharing me vanished, and only excitement filled her perverted thoughts on how to torment me. Mei knows how tired I get after the twins drain me, and now she has a helper to kill me two days in a row.


     While Mei and Jenifer had slunk off to chat, I had gotten on Harem-Chat to update my lovers and say hello. I am in a different time-zone so it is still before bedtime there.

     Ring Ring Ring! My smartphone is alerting me of an incoming call. When I look I see, it's Lucy.

     "Hello Mrs Shen, how may I help you this evening?"

     [Oh~! You went straight into adultery, fufu. I called for a couple of reasons, the first is to tell me you love me and cant live without me.]

     I smile at this immature woman, and give her what she wants.

     "I have decided you are a must in my life. Naturally that means I will love you. So now my computer genius, what else do you have for me?"

     [Is it shameful to get excited at your words? Well, now to business. Valentine is fully live but not activated on the live servers. I had Yang do another commercial using that last actor as the star to interact with Valentine this go around. Also, I have decided on what default-voice Valentine will use with the base program!]

     "Oh? Did you go with a male, female, or gender-less voice?"

     [Ufufu! I gave it the sexiest voice in the world that I want to listen to night and day, guess!]

     My gut is turning in agony! What would make this obsessed woman squirm so eagerly?!

     "Please Lucy, for the love of God, tell me you didn't use my voice for Valentine?!"

     [My Rick is so smart, you get a gold-star! Valentine is modeled after the man I most want to be with. I even gave it all of your catch phrases and quotes. Every Harem out there will seek advice from the Emperor of Enlightenment and not even know it. The jokes are all on them. When I am not talking to you, I just ask Valentine all about you. Hah~ Hah~ Hah~!]

     Lucy is now panting over the phone like I told her to touch herself, and if I didn't know she was truly nuts for me, I would think she was acting, but sadly she is dead serious. So I cut off her delusions and looked into my body-cam and told her.

     "Calm down, I am here, geez. Now why did you want me to accept that duel so bad?"

     [Rick, I did some digging on her, and she was tricked by Steven Woo over the phone. He painted you as falsely making him be disgraceful, and as his sister, she wants to believe him. So when you fight her, just beat her and don't take her life. She can be a useful woman for us. Master Swordsmen don't grow on trees. You will also need a woman familiar with the Japan Empire in your pocket, so I have a plan to deal with her.]

     "You are planning many more steps than I have considered, and do not understand why you like this Hinata woman? Why would I need someone from Japan in my service?"

     [Her clan was like our clan, pushed into hiding. She does not have undying loyalty to the Japanese Emperor. She, like her parents, are now citizens of Eurasia. Plus if you gain her loyalty, it will be like the Mu in trust and dedication. She is so loyal, she was suckered by Steve. So just listen to me on this one, dear.]

     "If I get in trouble with my wives, I am selling you out. This is on you."

     [Hinata Kyusho is not a woman for love and romance. She is a sharp-sword meant to be drawn and used. She will be a subordinate without the need to give love maintenance. They live and die by a code of honor, and love is not on the list of priorities, so don't worry about treating her like you do Mercy or Mei.]

     "You are like the Devil from my past life. Anything else?"

      [Have Jenifer wear the body-cam, so I can see you in action, so I can enjoy your cute face, Ufufu?]

     "Love you bye."

     Click... do do do... I just hung up on Lucy. I am really not sure how her brain works?! Then I hear Mei behind me.

     "Jenifer is waiting for you in the bathroom, Rick. Go and make her my sister, fufu."

     I stand up and kiss Mei tenderly, then tell her.

     "Mei, don't ever forget I love you, now sleep well."

     Mei with a grin thinking of how shocked I will be on Tuesday just pushed me into the bathroom.


     Coming into the bathroom, I hear the bathtubs water running, and the naked Jenifer is testing the temperature.

     Jenifer is a softer body build compared to Mei, her legs are like Linda's showing her average amount of exercise she maintains for her health. But with one glance, you can tell she is a woman dedicated to business and service.

     As she moves, her breasts sway with a blend of firm and soft. Her C-cups are the perfect handful and goes with her petite figure. Like all noble ladies, she keeps herself bare and it is currently on full display as she is bent over the edge of the tub shutting off the water. Then she turned to face me.

     "Mast-, Rick, let me get you out of those clothes. I made everything ready for us."

     As she pulled everything off me, I would kiss her lips, shoulder, or forehead. She only smiled and blushed at my actions. Then she took my hand and pulled me to the tub.

     I climbed in first so I could help her get in with me. Soon, Jen was laying between my legs with her back to me. Then as she grabbed the soap and rag, she asked me.

     "Rick, I wanted our first time to be here, because I will bleed. I don't want to mess up the bed."

     Yeah, I forgot, many of my lovers did not have hymens for one reason or another, and the only ones that bled were the Twins and Linda. So I had not remembered it for Jen. And so I hug her and confirm.

     "Not a problem, but not inside the water, you don't want that to get inside you, so I will sit on the ledge when it's time. Also, are you ready for a child, Jen?"

     She turned in my arms to face me, while washing my chest, and she nodded.

     "I definitely want our baby, Rick. I will only need one child. Unlike the wives, I am not forming a side branch. So, my baby is just for us to love."

     She then felt an excited dragon poke her after her words. Plus, no one drained me for almost a full day now, so I am built up. I smile and tell her.

     "Then there will be no need to warn you, my Jen."

     I take the rag from her hands to place to the side, and pull her tight into me while I kiss her for a bit.

     After a few minutes, I pulled her a bit higher, so I could now suck on her nipples, eliciting moans she is holding back in shame.

     My hands roamed her butt, hips, legs, and clit, while my mouth found its way all over her chest, shoulders, neck, and lips.

     I played with her for about ten minutes, just getting her body relaxed and turned on. A few times, she tried to lower herself on my pole, but I held her back, due to still being in soapy water. She whispered in my ear.

     "I am close, can we please~?"

     She said what I was thinking! So without further delay, I got up a bit and sat on the ledge with Jen in my lap. Her legs went around my hips as soon as she felt me sit down.

     Her blue-eyes look entranced, like she is in heat or something. With her arms around my shoulders, I reached down to place myself inside her ready slit.

     Without hesitation, the two of us joined due to the excessive foreplay.

     "Ah! Ouch, ha, that was a bit tougher than I thought, ha-ha."

     With concern, I look and ask.

     "Jen dear, are you alright?"

     Actually, there is only a tiny bit of blood, less than the others. But she tells me.

     "No, it is fine, now that I know what I am dealing with. Compared to getting shot, this is nothing, I am moving, Rick."

     So like she said she tried to move, but she realized her legs are around my waist, so she looked embarrassed. I just placed my hands on her butt-cheeks, and lifted and lowered her.

     Fortunately she is light, and I have worked out nicely, so this is no problem for me. But what is the problem? I am nearing my first eruption of baby batter, due to all the foreplay and me being really turned on right now.

     So with some more wet and lewd sound from our connection, I felt a stinging sensation in my back and my waist feeling tightened.

     "Huh?! I-I am cumming~!"

     Jenifer did not need to tell me that, due to her nails scratching my back and her legs constricting me, making it so I could not pull out of her if I wanted to, and with the pain, my explosion of baby batter began to fill her as her climax was ending.

     As she slumped in my embrace, and feeling me stop, she asked in a tired tone.

     "Rick, did we do it? Am I a mother?"

     I gently slid us back into the water to let us clean, and I shook my head and lied.

     "Sorry dear, but it will take about 7 more times of doing that to get pregnant."

     For a split-second, she had a look of disappointment in her eyes, then she realized she was smart, and pinched my waist.

     "Damn you bad Master, I will have sex anytime you want, but don't tease me like that, I was sad."

     I take the rag and wipe her off and admit.

     "One time could be enough, but mostly it is luck. It really could take many tries. Your diet, time of the month, and other factors can affect the chance, but... I really hope we did it this time. About the anytime declaration. How about one more time before we sleep?"

     She put on a gentle smile, happy with my words, and finished me off with...

     "Yes Master, but you will have to carry me to bed, I can't walk."

     Jenifer is so messing with me, but I like it!


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