After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 147 Honor Is A Double Edged Sword!

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Chapter 147  Honor Is A Double Edged Sword! by Harem-Fan


     As I awoke this Sunday morning, I felt a soft hand caressing my face. Opening my eyes, I am greeted with a smiling brown-haired woman, Jenifer.

     "Good-morning, my sweet Master. Time to get up."

     Like that feeling you get when you want to ignore the alarm and go back to sleep, I only pull Jenifer into me tight and smell her hair while she giggles at my actions.

     "Fufu, Master, seriously it is time to get moving, I have our schedule tight with things to do. Also, we have lunch at the Han's, then sightseeing, until your duel tonight."

     "Jen, I fell asleep with a cute angel, then woke up with a heartless taskmaster, help!"

     Knock Knock! Mei did not wait for a response and just walked into the room ready to go, and she grabbed my ankle, and said to Jen while pulling on my leg.

     "This is how you get him up when he is sleepy."

     No, she is not pulling me out of bed but extending my leg to expose my foot, and she started to tickle it! My full bladder was then tormented and I protested.

     "Hah-aha, Damn Mary for teaching you that! You are both evil, fine I am up already, geez."

      Then after a rush to the restroom my day started.


     Getting out of the limo at the Han estate, Mei smirks at the blushing Jenifer. I look in concern and ask.

     "You sure you do not want me to cancel the meeting, your walk is a bit... obvious?"

     Jenifer, straightening her clothing, takes my left-arm for support, and shook her head.

     "No, I am almost 20 and this is normal. This is my duty, fufu. Sigh, I thought a third time would be fine, I did not think about the next day."

     Servants at the door escorted us into the living room where the Han main-branch's older sister, and her younger brother, Jenifer's father are sipping coffee. When they saw us they stood.

     The woman at the important seat that stood with assessing eyes, is the true Head of the whole Han family. Margaret Han, a 45 year old woman, resembling what Jen will look like in her 40's is stern with a bit of fairness in her blue-eyes. It seems her family is not present right now.

     Jed Han a 42 year old man with short-brown-hair and blue-eyes, and wearing glasses. He is naturally Jenifer's father. Her older sister, Donna Han, who is 22, is the next Head of her side-branch, and looks like Jenifer very closely. Her older sister has also freshly graduated from Star University. Jenifer's mother is Lily Han, and is the same age as her father, but she is blonde with blue-eyes.

     Margret Han, seeing the three of us, said calmly.

     "Rick Tang, I welcome you to our family lunch gathering. Congratulations on your victory of becoming the next Leader of the Fire Birds. I apologize, but my husband and my children are overseas on a vacation and could not greet you properly."

     I can tell she is straight to the point, so I put my playful kind side away and answer her.

     "Well, with the Han family's warm reception, and with Jenifer Han at my side, I would think I would be visiting your family some time in the future, especially when Tina and I come to Crimson again."

     Jed, who has met me before, introduces his family to me again. Yes they were also there at my engagement party, but my interaction was not strong, due to me not winning the Tournament yet.

     Jenifer's mother and father soon noticed their daughters uncomfortable sitting on the couch and Jen only blushed with shamed eyes. The only person that did not read the signs was her older sister, who must still be a maiden and not know the clues.

     When Jed looked at me I only said.

     "Jenifer at my side has been essential to my work in the Fire Birds, and will be working with me for a long time. I hope we can visit more as I believe family ties are important."

     He could tell it was code for the rice is cooked, and you cannot have her back. Margret in her attempts to be relevant, said to me.

     "Well it comforts me to know that the Tang main family won that silly Tournament. If Steven Woo would have won, the shame of our house would have been immeasurable. I also heard, you will be dueling with his Japanese sister tonight? She has been such an eyesore in Phoenix City. I wish you luck tonight, and please do not lose. Jenifer cannot be with another Master anymore."

     On the surface her words are not too wrong, but really, she is annoying. That last part was disrespectful. She basically said that Jenifer would be useless as a used lover. That is also a slap to Mei behind me.

     I ignore her and do not plan to assist this woman in the future. I will add her to my Black Book. She is no better than the Sun family.

     Hell, if I know Lucy like I think I do, she might be digging into Margret as I am talking and disgusted with the Head Han.

     Jenifer's father and mother also seem to be tolerable, not agreeing with his older sister. Well I just have to eat and leave. I did my part in showing them their faces.

     Then the awkward meal took place, and finally we wrapped up the first and last visit to Margret's home. In the future, I will never return here.


     In the limo ride back, both women are on my sides. Jenifer is holding my hand smiling. She said to me.

     "Thank you Master, for not erupting back there. I did not want to come for my aunt, but to support my father and mother in front of her. I never cared for her pompous personality, and her not having her family there was very arrogant, sigh. Thanks for doing this."

     I only smiled at her and hugged them both as we made our way back to the Hilton...


     Meanwhile in Crimson State, Phoenix City... In an older section of the City from long ago, In the interior courtyard of the Kyusho mansion...

     Smack! A slap resounded in the courtyard walls, as an angry older man of Japan Empire descent, just slapped his kneeling daughter's face.

     His short black hair with just a slight splash of grey, is glaring at his daughter with red-eyes of humiliation. He along with his wife stood there scolding her.

     -I was so ashamed, when my son, Steve, lost my family's respect with his cowardly ways. He even spit in the face of Head Tony Feng! And you my pride, decided to listen to a criminal in prison, and just assumed his words are trustworthy?! Now I have two shameful children... I have failed as a father and Head. Look at your mother! She is also disgusted with you.-

     The woman standing behind the man who is wearing a black-suit, is dressed similar to her daughter, in a kimono, and other than her eyes being brown, she looks like her daughter, not looking older than 40.

     Hinata Kyusho's mother said nothing and just pressed a recording sent to them this morning...

     ["Oh and boys turn off your body cameras just in case our conversation is recorded." "Just hit his head hard enough to put him into a coma and no one would know. We can then hit a pole and make it look like he hit his head on the wall. So my game cheat won't be known. If I don't take him out now, I think he might beat me and I will lose everything. Fuck, my wife Cat Woo, said she will divorce me for cheating her about my skill if I lost." "Fuck! If we don't kill him now, we are screwed!"]

     Her mother dropped the recorder at Hinata's feet and said coldly.

     -Now, tell me, how will Tony Feng deal with us? And tell me, how will the Fire Birds deal with us? Tell me, how will Tina Feng deal with us?-

     Hinata Kyusho only tightened her fists, because she heard it right now. Her brother turned black-into-white, and now she aimed her sword at a hidden Dragon. With her head lowered she asked her parents.

     -Shall I end my life then?-

     Her father, angry at her words, scolded her.

     -So do you want your mother to have to fight Rick Tang instead of you? If you die, your stupid honor must be upheld, and she would be forced to fight him, so no you may not commit suicide. You will fight your challenge you made in our name.-

     Her mother threw down her personal sword with a white-handle and said.

     -You foolishly gave that man your weapon, so you will use mine. If our clan will be killed for your move, then so be it, but we will die with honor in the very end. I and the rest of the family will not be put to work in a red-house, and fight to the death if they come. Maybe by some stroke of luck he may even win. The outcome for you is bad either way, humph. Perhaps, you may even have an honorable death and the family is spared.-

     Hinata Kyusho picks up the sword and the recorder, then stands to leave bowing to her parents before getting ready for the fight.

     After disappearing into her east-wing, her mother said to her father.

     -I find it hard to believe this Rick Tang will win.-

     Hinata's father shook his head and said.

     -No, he has a chance. This young man has defeated Masters and killed them, two of which were Master Laura Long, and Sea Temples Logan Chen. The other Masters do not breathe anymore. He was also very confident to fight Hinata, knowing her skill. We will go to the fight. The sender said to witness it with our own eyes. Even Steve resorted to cheating, due to not being his match, let's get ready. I want to salvage our face.-

     -Yes husband. Oh, and I heard even Snow Temple is sending disciples to the West, is it because of him?-

     -Don't speculate rumors, or you might follow your daughters path.-

     The two parents went into their north-wing...


     Later that night, 15 minutes before the duel...

     Mei made sure the Katana I was using was in the best possible shape. Fortunately, Hinata took excellent care of the blade.

     Removing all of my body weights and firearms, I ready mentally. Mei will carry guns if things get messy.

     I have to go into this assuming I can get hurt or even die. I doubt it, but I can't be cocky. I am wearing my Neo-Matrix Bodyguard outfit, and hold the now ready sword plus scabbard in my left-hand.

     Jen looked at her phone and told me.

     "Hinata Kyusho and her parents have arrived with some guards, our Fire Birds have confirmed it. Shall we go first then?"

     I exhaled and nodded, then we walked to the elevators to the roof...


     As I wait in the cold, I think about how the sword is both complex and very simple.

     The thing to remember about the sword is... It basically only has 9 possible strokes or slashes.

     From the top-down. From the bottom-upward. From the upper-left to the bottom-right. From the bottom-right to the upper-left. From the upper-right to the bottom-left. From the bottom-left to the upper-right. Horizontally from both left to right. And finally the stabbing-thrust into the center! That is it, simple with complications.

      So the complicated part for beginners is knowing where the blade is coming from, but for Masters and beyond, this is child's play. So how do you deal with the 9 moves? Parry or Dodge, simple as that. Predicting how long their blade is, is also vital to this endeavor. Now as soon as your defense is chosen, a good swordsman will counter with their own one of 9 moves. So it is both simple and complicated.

     Unlike a fist fight, a duel with swords can end in one or two moves, due to the deadliness of long sharp swords in general. The only way a sword fight will be extended is accurate and precise parries and dodging. One mistake and you are dead, simple.

     I look up into the night sky, and see a few scattered snowflakes fall and melt moments after landing. I breath out a cloud of steam listening to the spectators, here for the show.

     Bill, Diana, Red-Suit guy, and many other important noble family members of Phoenix City that enjoy this kind of show have arrived. The fact the Vice Leader of the Fire Birds is taking part in this fight is rumor worthy. So representatives from the other 3 Syndicates have come, as well as a few Tang side-branch members.

     In my moments of reflection, I was unaware my face had gone into that expressionless mode of focus. I then see the elevator doors open with three Japan Empire natives exiting. Oh I did mention that Steve's mother, the 1st wife, was Eurasian, right?

     When the three people saw me casually standing there holding the sheathed blade in hand, with my eyes scanning their every movement, all three felt a gaze, like a Dragon or some Divine Guardian Beast was seeing through them. This is something all Master Level practitioners feel when I intensely watch them.

     Hinata Kyusho felt an invisible Iaido strike coming from an imaginary-slash at her left-shoulder where my eyes glanced at, and she knew the feeling yesterday was real.

     Her mother said in Japanese.


     I answer her back in her language.


     All three were surprised I spoke it so well, though with a tiny bit of Eurasian accent heard. Her mother flatly asked.

     -You are a Master of Kenjutsu?-

     -Sure, why not? So are you ready to fight, Miss Kyusho?-

     About ¼ of the crowd can understand Japanese, but the others look curiously at Hinata slowly coming to the center of the roof where I am.

     The place went quiet as we are now only 10 feet from one another. She and I slowly enter our Drawing Stances.

     Her brows furrow, because I am using the same style of Kenjutsu she is. Her mother, also a Master, noticed this and squinted her eyes in horror. This art came from the Japan Empire, and is not spread to outsiders.

     The backside of both of our hands, palm-up, flow down the hilt slowly, then our left-wrists slightly turn the Katana still in the scabbard, blade-up. Both of our thumbs then gently snap the guard, whose sword the one I am using has a tassel on it.

     Click! Click! Slowly, inch by inch, our feet slowly slide to the best spot for the sword-draw. This out of all the attacks, is the most pivotal.

     The cold weather allows me to see her breathing, and this is the biggest tell of what her body is planning, and when she will make her move.

     Slowly both of our turned up hands rolled over to grasp the hilts. Hinata, despite the cold, is sweating a bit on her forehead.

     Her sheath is in her Obi-sash, but I am holding mine and bringing mine horizontal with a glint in my blue-eyes. I made a slightly different draw than her at the last moment but it was too late.

     Shing! Shing!Her mother wanted to warn her to not step in but move back, but the drawing-steal was too fast for anyone to catch properly!

     Just as our blades were being drawn, I rushed forward and to her right-side. While my draw went horizontal from my left to my right in a wide-arc. Her blade was coming at me with an overhead chop from top to bottom, but my direction change had made her aim difficult.

     Slice! Whoosh! SMACK! My strike landed first, and I had cut her right-arm's Kimono-sleeve off! Then I ran past her. Hinata's downward slash cut the edge of my red-scarf, but I was nowhere near it, so it may as well have been a miss. But I was not done with my move. My body had been turning clockwise and using the scabbard in my left-hand, flipped it like a club, and I nailed her left-arm very hard in the spot she felt me look at the moment she arrived!


     She felt that, and let out some sound in surprise, realizing I planned that move from that very moment. Both of us sank into our stances again ready to pounce. I muttered in Japanese again.

     -Kata number 7, Hidden Dragon!-

     I only said that to slow her thinking a bit, because I by no means am doing that. Who tells their enemy what move they are doing in a real fight?!

     I did a rapid forward tumble, and let my Katana do a wide swinging downward slash, like a giant saw-blade.

     Because I am rolling forward so fast, she cannot back away and must block with one or both swords, but her left-arm is sore, so she will do a Roof-Block for my blade coming for her head. With her sword going where I want it, I used the 7th move now, and Dragon Tail sweeps her legs!

     Clang! Sweep! Thud! She cleanly blocked my blade but not my low sweep, that was the real attack. She landed clearly on her ass, but she managed to break her fall.

     With quick thinking, she thrust her Katana straight at me, hoping to get a stab in while she was getting up. But... I parried it, then sent a kick into her hilt, sending her white-grip-Katana bouncing away!

     As her hand was kicked to her left, she grabbed her short-sword at her side, and pulled out the Wakizashi with blinding speed, but... My left hand scabbard that is longer than her blade, bashed into her hand, again sending her secondary weapon clattering near her other weapon, in a mocking display that I did it on purpose.

     Just as Hinata was going to use her Kyusho Jitsu on me, the tip of her-own sword was pointed to her face, stopping her futile attempt to get to her swords. I speak in Japanese once again.

     -You are defeated.-

     On her knees she looked to her family, then at my indifferent eyes, then closed her own, exposing her neck in a forward gesture to be beheaded for her loss. She said.

     -I accept death...-

     I raised her sword high like I would remove her head, and swung down, not the Katana but my right-knife-hand onto her neck in the pressure point to knock her out.

     Thud! I did not catch her as she collapsed, but looked to her parents and said while holding her sword.

     -I win, this sword is mine now.-

     I looked at Jenifer and said with a smile back on my face, holding my red-scarf.

     "Sorry, I lost Scarf-chan!"

     I then left the roof with my lovers and subordinates, leaving the Kyusho family bewildered, seeing their daughter passed out on the roof, her mother collecting her own white-sword, while some of their guards collected the sack of potatoes. The father said to his men.

     -We are leaving.-


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