After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 148 Homecoming!

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Chapter 148  Homecoming! by Harem-Fan


     Back in the room, we begin to pack our things, because our flight takes off at midnight.

     Jenifer took my cut scarf and sewed the end of it after evening it out. I had just now learned, Jen hand made those scarves, and she has some minor skill in mending clothing. She smiled and told me.

     "Due to my passion as a secretary, I had not pursued the art of flower-arrangement when young, and instead took the practical class of home-economics. Being able to mend suits and small tears is better than making flowers look good. Normal maids can already do that. Plus, I hand made these to show my affection, Master."

     I look regretful at the poor scarf I neglected and said.

     "Had I known you made this, I would have not worn it during the fight, sorry."

     Jenifer retied the scarf around my neck again and said.

    "It is only cloth, Master. I will use this special scarf to make jacket handkerchiefs and neckties for you, and hair ties for me, so it is still valuable. It will remind me of you, fufu, now let us leave for the airport, my Master."

     Mei then came out of the room after showering and changed into a new outfit for the flight, this time in bluejeans and her bomber-jacket. I told her to take a couple days off and get out of maid-mode. She hugged me from behind and said.

     "I am sleeping in your arms on the couch, so we can rest for your University. That's okay, Jen?"

     "Yes, I will sleep on the other couch, since I have classes as well. Plus I had Master last night, so he is your body-pillow for the flight, let's go."


     The Fire Birds limo pulled up to the waiting private jet, and 5 people got out. Bill and Diana came to see us off, so I said to him.

     "Thanks for the hospitality, I will probably be back next year, or Tina? Well, I will study the next year's tax code, so we can use the saved money to strengthen our forces. I am counting on Crimson as our backbone, and goodbye Miss Diana, it was a pleasure."

     Bill said seriously.

     "I will have those special-forces secretly ready by the time you turn 22 Leader. I have memorized the requirements, leave it to me."

     Yeah, when I turn 24, I will have big shit to deal with according to Lucy, so I best get some special forces training. This is easy to hide, due to the fact the 4 syndicates donate foot soldiers to the military once in a while, when they need disposable forces or cheap labor. Snipers will be my main focus here. Even Masters die to them.

     Boarding the plane holding my valuable Katana, I waved at the Fire Birds members, and then got in. The sexy attendant closed the hatch.

     And soon we are on our way, lifting off at midnight...


     I  spent most of the trip holding Mei and sleeping. Jen curled up under a blanket like a cat on the other bed, with a stupid smile on her face, dreaming of something strange.

     [We will be making our approach to Star City Small Airfield, so please buckle up.]

     Hearing that, we got ready.

     With the sun at our backs, we made our landing, and unlike the other flights, I could see the outside now, and it was a bit more exciting to see our landing out the window...


     Stepping off the plane, the two pilots and attendant bowed, thanking me for the work. I assured them, I would rely on them for my future travels.

     Not too far from the plane, my white-limo was waiting, with a taller beautiful woman in a driver's-outfit. Mercy, seeing the three of us only smiles slightly, and came to help with the bags. I insisted on helping this time though.

     As I closed the trunk Mercy said to me.

     "See, I told you it would go by fast. And now that I had a couple of days off, I will be ready to care for you again, Master. And save your hug and kiss for when we get home, you have a young-master image to maintain, fufu."

     "Sigh, You are knowing me too well, Mercy. Then I will wait for you, let's get home before University."



     Walking into the mansion, a very pregnant Nadia enthusiastically tackles me, making me drop my bag to the side to catch her.

     Mwah Mwah Mwah! Under the barrage of her kissing my face all over, I see the other ladies coming to welcome me home. I pat Nadia's back to calm her down and realize, in just a month, she, Nichole, and Mary will be giving birth. I smile in defeat and say to them all.

     "We are back, safe and sound, I missed you all."

     Nichole came over and as she was pulling her in-heat sister off me, she kissed me and said.

     "Thank goodness you are back, she has been annoying to deal with. Now she can calm down a bit. Only two days and she went nuts, sigh."

     I smile at Nichole for being the big sister of the two, then Victoria gives me a proper hug and kiss. She then said.

     "Husband, good to have you home, and by the way... It was my idea to use your voice for Valentine."

     As I gave her a look full of grievance, Mary hugged me and kissed my lips, grinning and telling me.

     "Your baby girl has been moving around a lot, telling me she wants out. In about four weeks around March 7th, you will be holding your daughter."

     Nadia wanted to remind her.

     "Daughters, Ufufu, he got all three of us on the same day after-all, Ricky will be running everywhere that time."

     As I blush a bit for that day, Hana greeted and said.

     "Well, my little boy will give you a month with his sisters, fufu, welcome home honey. Now I am off to work early, bye"

     Tina swayed sexily to me, beating Linda to the hug and kiss. She spent a bit longer than necessary, enjoying my embrace. When she let me go she said.

     "I see Jenifer is walking funny, good job dear, now let me finish getting ready for University."

     Linda following the redheads departure with her grey-eyes, only hugged me tight without saying a word. Since she waited till the end, her hug lasted longer, she outsmarted the bird. I kiss her and then ask while rubbing her tummy.

     "And how is our little turtle doing?"

     Linda told me.

     "Our daughter is fine, but this pregnancy has shown me, I must also design clothing for pregnant women. I really had not thought of it till now, so becoming a mother will change my views on business and fashion, anyway, let's go to school after breakfast."

     When I picked up my bag, she stopped and told me.

      "Father told me to tell you, his company will actively start construction on the planned Lang-Lee Raceway. It will be usable this summer, so talk with him when you have time. I also sent him my proposals for my future company."

     That is good to hear, so my slow climb to the top begins here...


     As our limo pulled up into lot 9 to pick up Kate, I was flanked by Nadia and Victoria. No one could get Nadia off my right-arm and she was not letting me go.

     Kate was now used to sitting the furthest from me, but realized it did not matter, due to getting me in Drama class. Kate then greeted and asked.

     "Morning everyone, and hello Rick! Did you see the notice the teacher emailed us about what we are doing this month?"

     I shook my head and said.

     "No, I don't answer most class related emails till Monday, I am busy with other things on Friday till Monday."

     Kate's red-eyes lit up and animatedly explained, like she expected others to care.

     "Well, it was time for the Drama Club to put on a play, and Sam Sun got permission to give a script to our teacher Song, of The Vampire I fell for! So with a play version, and two of the actors from the film, Mrs Song really wants to do it. We would be the first university to make a play out of the movie!"


     Kate had thought I would be excited and she asked.

     "Rick, I thought you like the movie? Why do you seem uninterested?"

     I smile and explain.

     "The play adaptation will suck to be honest. That movie was great because of the special effects and the action. Plays are kinda lame, in my opinion, soooo."

     Kate pouted and told me.

     "Plays can be just as amazing if you give them a chance. A play is like a beautiful woman without makeup, but does it mean you will only see her with makeup on?"

     I felt a poke in my side from Victoria, for being a party pooper, and I calmed this starlet.

     "Fine, Fine, I get it, well at least there are no lewd scenes other than some vampire biting and light-kissing. But based on most plays, they may have cut it out."

     The other girls in the car seemed oddly interested in this play, and Kate said some more.

     "Rick, you should try for the main lead! This would be great practice if you get the movie role as the Bodyguard Vampire Hunter."

     "Him? He was pretty lame till the end, plus I would rather be Dracula. He was a great main villain in that."

     "B-But he is the enemy of the Princess?"

     I wag my finger at her like a movie geek and correct her.

     "Tsk Tsk Tsk! He was only a villain because the Princess abandoned him for a human, who in their eyes was like a sexy woman dating a cow. Humans are cattle, so he was offended by her actions. That is why he became the villain. He stayed out of the human world before that."

     Kate being told her character caused all the drama, looked distracted. She cannot tell I am only messing with her. Victoria looked at me and said.

     "I am a little ashamed I married a movie nerd."

     After I looked like Kate did, Vicky smiles knowing her prank got me good.

     Tina tilted her head and said.

     "Well Rick, you forced me to watch the movie before, but if you will be in the play, I will definitely come to see it. Make me happy, dear."

     I endured some more teasing on our way to school...


     Jenifer, due to still having slight aches walking, just went to Business class instead of chaperoning the two actresses. Definitely, a failure on her part.

     Both Ana and Kate in a rare show of unity, each grabbed one of my sleeves while insistently going on about the play to me. Ana said to me.

     "If you play Dracula, then I can be one of your concubines, fufu."

     "No Rick, play the main lead, or you might have to do stupid hugging scenes with her."

     I roll my eyes, because my wonderful illusion of my two favorite younger movie stars is ruined.

     "Sigh, I think I will ask to operate the spotlight, or play as a Tree?"

     Ana and Kate both said together...



     After dropping off Tweedledum and Tweedledee, I made it to class.

     At the door, Cat Woo was waiting for me. When I lifted my eyebrow, she explained.

     "My uncle Bill asked me to see if your trip went well, and he told me of your duel. Are you fine?"

     I smile and explain.

     "Tell your uncle my trip was great, and thanks again. As for the duel, it was nothing, plus I received a wonderful Katana as a prize."

     For a moment, she was unsure what to say, but said anyway.

     "Seems my past ambitions have really bothered your life Rick, sorry."

     "Nope, you and I are square, plus you are my Fire Birds member, so you are my own now, let's go to class."

     When Cat followed me in, a slight smile was on her lips, do to my words.


     On our way to the computers, Jen held my arm, instead of walking behind. James noticed this slight change and teased her.

     "Hey Jenifer, are you starting to have a crush on this guy too? Man, I always thought you were the smart one."

     Well I don't go around bragging to James about my sexual exploits and talking about my Maids, so he thinks this is new. Jenifer normally would never do this, and James has not thought of excess-sex as the reason, so she blushed and countered.

     "Say one more thing to me, and I will go on the public forum of the University and tell everyone your nickname is Monkey."

     You know that feeling of stepping on a landmine and knowing that if you move your foot, you are dead? Well James felt he just stepped on one.


     In today's computer class, Kim came in without too much fuss. She has started to sleep well again and accepted our new secret status. Though, she still blushes during class if I stand next to her or look into her eyes a bit.

     And due to it being Monday, I will eat lunch with her, and help with her hardware during lunchtime.

     Mercy was an angel and dropped off two combos for us at lunch, before taking the other ladies out for a nice meal.


     With the computer class doors shut, we went into Kim's office and sat side by side eating our meals. I gave her a kiss and held her when we finished. She then told me.

     My mother and father said, would the end of February be good to fly to Long Island for an overnight meeting? So if you are not too busy, we can stay for an evening or two there? What do you think, Rick?

     Looking into her expectant eyes, I say.

     "Kim, I will leave it to you. Just tell me what you want, and I will work around it. As long as I can make you happy, it is fine."

     Kim hugged my chest super tight, and she grins telling me.

     "If the meeting goes well, they would want us to marry in the UK, is that fine?"

     "This summer? You had invited me to go then?"

     She nodded her head and told me.

     "Before University starts for the next school year, I wanted to marry you in my hometown of Boston, the Capital of the Kingdom. I have lots of family, and I want them to see that I finally am happy."

     "Sure, plus my home should calm down about then. Well I will wait patiently for that day to come."

     Kim's insecurities flare up and she nervously asks me.

     "Rick, will you be disappointed to wait so long for us to be married? I-I can elope early if you want?"

     I kiss her deeply this time taking her breath away,and finally tell her.

     "My words stand, I said you are worth the wait, so do not worry or think I will reject you. You will be my wife when you are ready, and I can wait for our time to be husband and wife. So in the meantime, just get to know each other better. Understand?"

     Kim smiled and cuddled till it was time for us to part...


     In Drama Club...

     Teacher Song had just announced the play and described how it differed from the movie. The homework of those that never saw the movie was to watch it. Surprisingly a dozen or so had never seen the movie.

     One of the girls raised her hand and then asked.

     "How will parts be distributed? I guess Kate Kong, and Ana Zi are going to play the same roles?"

     "Yes, due to the fact that there are two roles that are perfected, and the names that will carry the play to success. But unlike the movie, they can change it up a bit in a play and not have to be so rigid, and have fun with the part."

     Kate raised her hand and asked.

     What about the male Protagonist and Antagonist?

     "Sam Sun will play the Main Lead and Logan will play the Antagonist. He is perfect for Dracula."

     Actually now that I think of it, he does have that brooding Vlad the Impaler look going on, and well Sam has looks for a high school crush. No skin off my nose.

     Kate, dissatisfied asked.

     "Then what role will Rick have?"

     Teacher Song seeing through her said.

     "Rick will understudy for both Sam and Logan in case of unexpected events, and he will play side character roles. Rick has the ability to not be typecast and can play multiple parts in a row."

     What she is saying is I am going to do what Tom Hanks did in the animated film, Polar Express, and become more than one character during the play, which actually sounds fun.

     I smiled at Teacher Song and affirmed.

     "I would love to do that multi-role, thanks. Plus the main-lead just dies anyway, so he is a scrub by default, perfect for Sam Sun to play."

     Teacher Song was surprised and happy that I understood her meaning. The main lead is not necessarily the most important in the show or movie. Plus everyone here knows Sam bribed the Teacher indirectly, to bring the play, so she reluctantly gave him the role. Kate however looked very dissatisfied.

     Sam was so fucking happy, till he heard my insult, but what could he do other than glare at me. Damn I am just soooo terrified of mommy's boy.

     Teacher Song then said.

     "Alright everyone, here are your scripts for the play, don't lose them. We don't want others to know what we are doing."

     I got a copy for Kate while I got mine, and then held the script in my hands and read the name...

     [The Vampire I Fell For... The Play]

     Time to read this tonight, and see what I am dealing with...


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